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  1. He also told PaMa he played Anaheim in NHL18 with his character having a broken foot and he scored the winning goal.
    5 points
  2. 17to85

    Bomber Moves 2018

    I don't know, which is why I don't go about making statements about exact contract values.
    4 points
  3. Well, that would be pretty darned entertaining, would it not? Similarly, I had an idea about how to make luge events at the Olympics better: intersections.
    4 points
  4. Floyd

    Bomber Moves 2018

    If Henoc is not coming here over $20k, that’s a shame for both sides
    4 points
  5. Luge-cross. Cross between Crashed Ice and Ski-Cross.
    3 points
  6. Pretty sure that carrying /throwing a player out of bounds is not a part of this, sort of like how you can't load a running back into a cannon and fire him into the endzone.
    3 points
  7. Floyd

    CFL Combine

    http://3downnation.com/2018/03/23/five-players-gain-cfl-combine/ And Dunk's mock first round... http://3downnation.com/2018/03/22/dunk-2018-cfl-mock-draft-1-0/ I'd take Shepley at 7th overall no problem
    2 points
  8. It's a bruise. If he's willing to play through the pain, let him fly.
    2 points
  9. Ken Wiebe‏ @WiebeSunSports 4m4 minutes ago It all depends on how Laine feels later this afternoon. For what it’s worth, no noticeable limp for Laine when walking out of the locker room, though the ankle always feels better in the boot of the skate in situations like this 0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes Ken Wiebe‏ @WiebeSunSports 7m7 minutes ago #NHLJets F Patrik Laine hasn’t ruled out playing tonight. Says he is feeling much better. Made it abundantly clear the chase for the Rocket Richard Trophy has nothing to do with when he might be back in the lineup
    2 points
  10. Ken Wiebe‏ @WiebeSunSports 19m19 minutes ago #NHLJets F Patrik Laine is also on the ice this morning 1 reply 1 retweet 4 likes Ken Wiebe‏ @WiebeSunSports 22m22 minutes ago Jack Roslovic is on the ice for #NHLJets this morning after missing yesterday’s session with flu-like symptoms
    2 points
  11. hold on there's more.... https://www.secondcityhockey.com/2018/3/22/17154236/chicago-blackhawks-eddie-olczyk-update-cancer-free
    2 points
  12. wbbfan

    Upcoming Movies

    verily. Its funny i was never a thor fan growing up. I thought he was pretty lame. And I think the SJW movement of marvel has been lame. They have had a lot of back lash for it, and horrible sub numbers. BUT thor the unworthy was a fantastic story line and thats what really got me into thor in the marvel universe. If any one wants a little bit to read, check out gor the god butcher through thor the un worthy. A lot of movie story line tie ins as well. Until they prove other wise, I expect more reys parents were nobodies who sold her for beer money. I hope they turn over a new leaf and prove me wrong. The books, and animated content has been fantastic.
    2 points
  13. I thought they went over the top the last couple years but these seem a lot more minor and sensible to me.
    2 points
  14. A lot of those changes seem like change for change sake and I hate that. Why give the refs more to worry about? They already can't handle the workload they already have.
    2 points
  15. Time to move on... We can live without signing Muamba... Also nothing wrong with a guy wanting to get the most money that he can....
    2 points
  16. Mr Dee

    Bomber Moves 2018

    I wouldn’t be able to tell you how many times Kyle Walters has been asked about the the Muamba situation. And, he kind of expected it during in this press release. I think, to clarify the issue, he put the offer/ask in perspective. He told the fans he made a good Bomber offer. The request by the other side was for the highest pay for a Canadian player on the team. It wasn’t going to happen. I think the Bombers were patient enough, and realized early, that it wasn’t going to happen. Many can put the blame on whomever they want, but really, there is no blame. Offer, counter-offer, it’s all part of sports. Do the deal or don’t...live with the consequences. And move on.
    2 points
  17. iHeart

    The TV Thread

    is that an extension?
    1 point
  18. This just made my Friday.
    1 point
  19. Does the game need improving? All I want is an end to all the penalty reviews.
    1 point
  20. How can you not love him! He's a character and he has character.
    1 point
  21. Paul Friesen‏Verified account @friesensunmedia 1h1 hour ago Paul Maurice, on how #NHLJets Patrik Laine pleaded his case to play tonight: "He goes out at 9 a.m., skates for two minutes and says, 'I can play tonight.' I say, 'Fine, but you're taking our morning skate...' " 1/3 Paul Friesen‏Verified account @friesensunmedia 1h1 hour ago Maurice, cont'd, on how Laine pleaded his case for tonight (2/3): "So he goes back out there, skates faster than he has all year so everybody knows that he can play. And then he skates off the ice, walks into my office and says, 'I can play.'"... Paul Friesen‏Verified account @friesensunmedia 1h1 hour ago Maurice (3/3) on Laine today: "And I said, 'Fine. You prepare like you're gonna play. We're gonna give it the afternoon and make sure nothing changes.'" #NHLJets. Got to love this kid.
    1 point
  22. Times are changing, but not in the way that some talking heads would have you believe. The number of people who will turn on the TV at noon on Sunday and watch the NFL game are fewer than in past years. The number of people who watch that game have not necessarily decreased. Some will watch parts of it on the Red Zone channel, others will watch it later on PVR, and others will stream parts of it.
    1 point
  23. bigg jay

    Random News Items

    Lose & Hydro is a much worse position than they already are. That's not good for an already troubled crown corp or the government responsible for it. You also say proceed without delay... good luck with that. It could get blocked by the courts while the case is pending or you could end up with groups physically blocking the project from happening (or at least causing delays).
    1 point
  24. Laine could play tonight...?
    1 point
  25. And he also made clear that him shooting cortisone on the bench is purely coincidental. There is a way better joke in there somewhere but this is all I could think of.
    1 point
  26. bigg jay

    Random News Items

    The agreement that brought Manitoba into confederation was supposed to set aside 140 million acres of land (which included what's now Winnipeg) for the Metis people. That never happened hence the years of court fighting which the MMF ended up winning. That's led to years of trying to negotiate a settlement (good luck putting a dollar value on that land now!) that still hasn't been finished. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/after-140-years-and-a-review-of-2000-volumes-of-documents-metis-win-land-claim/article9505274/
    1 point
  27. I prefer the booby luge.
    1 point
  28. SpeedFlex27

    Bomber Moves 2018

    Can he physically take the pounding inside at 210 lbs for 18 regular season & up to 3 playoff & Grey Cup games?
    1 point
  29. Floyd

    Bomber Moves 2018

    Can we get a 'passive-aggressive' emoticon added to this site?
    1 point
  30. Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if he is out until the playoffs. But 4 days puts him back in the lineup on Sunday, 14 days puts him back in for game 81 at home against the Flames. In case anyone was wondering.
    1 point
  31. No challenge for illegal contact is a good one!
    1 point
  32. Exactly, once the receiver has the ball in his hands he should be fair game.
    1 point

    Bomber Moves 2018

    Jeff Hamilton‏ @jeffkhamilton Mar 21 - The #Bombers offered Henoc Muamba a contract around $170,000, plus incentives. Justin Dunk‏Verified account @JDunk12 Mar 20 - Henoc Muamba wanted to be paid more than #Bombers RB Andrew Harris, who is set to make just under $200,000 in hard money for the 2018 #CFL season That's 30K, but I also read that Harris made 190K this year, so 20-30K lower.
    1 point
  34. This is an interesting belief, and one that gained traction last fall because the President likes saying it. Not that anything has to be true in order for the public to believe it. Youth enrollment has declined in most areas of north America, but participation does not equal interest. If it did, then the most popular sport in North America would be soccer with no other sport being close. I wonder what received higher ratings last year between soccer and the MMA? Not too many parents are signing their toddlers up to climb into the octagon (not sure that daycare is that rough). The TV ratings for the NFL did drop slightly last year but attention over other electronic media did not. Also, ratings for college football continue to improve. The first two nights of the NFL draft will dominate the ratings regardless of what the NBA, MLB or NHL do. ESPN had the most traffic on the day NFL free agency opened since the super bowl. There is a huge appetite for football in the United States. There will always be investors looking to take a piece.
    1 point
  35. Clearly, for Muamba, it's all about the short term dollars. How much money can I make this year? Now, on the one hand I get it. Football careers can be short and there's no guarantee that there will be a "next year". So I completely get why he originally left us to go to the NFL. But since he's come back, he's been little more than a merc. I wonder if over the longer term, he would have made more money by committing to a team for a longer term. Sadly, he's someone that might have become one of the great Canadian players, like a Doug Brown, but now, he's probably going to be remembered simply as a guy who chased the money for as long as he could. Oh well, if he's happy, then good on him.
    1 point
  36. Booch

    Bomber Moves 2018

    I wonder how much money he has lost since coming back to the CFL in bonus money that teams were to pay him...but released him prior to him getting it...compared to if he had just signed a fair contract..for good money and produced some longevity in one place
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. If I'm Vince McMahon I invest in a new sport that anyone could play....
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. wbbfan

    Bomber Moves 2018

    I sure would love to get a walters bomber jersey with the number being the year we win a GC.... get er done boys. In the presser it seemed like they are set on starting newf on the OL as the 7th NI. Which worries me to be honest. I hope one of our young NIs else where steal a job. Especially coates. He showed the flashes weve seen with other NI wrs before (most recently JFG) in that he came in and caught every thing thrown near him. But what I really dig is in general how he plays football. Getting down field and blocking for team mates, never giving up on plays, that blood n guts NI special teams pro. Ive always loved wrs that get after it with throwing blocks. Its contagious, and leads to all kinds of great things for a team.
    1 point
  42. Yeah no doubt he has been great, I'd love to see Stastny here long term. It just seems incredibly unlikely.
    1 point
  43. The Unknown Poster

    US Politics

    Lol Yup. It impeached Clinton. Could do the same for Trump. But he probably has worse things to worry about.
    1 point
  44. Rich

    Bomber Moves 2018

    I call this PR Edit: To be clear, I didn't intend the PR comment to be negative thing. PR is public relations, and he is managing the relationship with the public here.
    1 point
  45. do or die

    US Politics

    At this point, all these posts can only mean one thing. Believe me......the Unknown Poster is obviously a Deep State operative, paid for by George Soros. His agenda is Fake News, and his postings should be shut down. He is simply working the system. After all, this board only features the best people. The mods need to be very strong, very strong on this.
    1 point
  46. mbrg

    CFL Combine

    Lots of cap savings now that Phillip Nelson has made Nichols expendable...
    1 point
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