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  1. Give me a team that wins more than it loses in the regular season every time and eventually the playoffs will take care of themselves. Seriously people don't we remember what happened the last times we fired coaches because making the playoffs just wasn't good enough?
    2 points
  2. Gofundme over 2 million.
    2 points
  3. All Jets and Blackhawks together at the beginning of the game and for the anthems
    2 points
  4. Yes, OShea and Walters are just hanging on by a thread right now. 12-6 is just not good enough. Either they win it all or else...
    2 points
  5. Are we really talking about management being under the gun? Good grief guys! O'Shea has made mistakes, but every coach does. And Walters? The guy has been terrific. If anything, our scouts are to blame a bit, but not Walters. I don't want to go back to the days of "cleaning house" every 2 years.
    2 points
  6. If our D improves we will be pretty damn good. The biggest question for me is how good will our D be.
    2 points
  7. SpeedFlex27


    So, a couple of days ago I was going thru my twitter feed & it showed two pics of Shawn Michaels. One with long hair & the mullet he had at the back along with his receeding hair line. Another with a picture of him after getting the back cut off. One person tweeted: "The boyhood dream is over". I tweeted that Brett Hart should do the same thing. I follow Asuka on twitter & she agreed. Yesterday I got a private message from Asuka asking how I was & we had about a 20 minute chat. Yes, it was her actual twitter account. Told her I think she's great in the ring & was looking forward to her match with Charlotte which she thanked me. Anyway, thought that was both interesting & cool how she reached out so I'll be cheering for her tonight.
    1 point
  8. To think at one time there were people worried the AFL would steal our star players. A few years ago the AFL didn't recognize that a Standard CFL contract was legal until they lost in court. They deserve whatever bad happens to them.
    1 point
  9. Yet, I read they just signed a new 4 year CBA with the players DOUBLING salaries & increasing benefits. Like WTH? How can a league that is equivalent to the Walking Dead sign something like that & the Players Association not think it's a scam as the AFL won't be around to negotiate another one?
    1 point
  10. Why would they fire these guys? We finally are a time where players want to play for this team and the team as a whole is trending up? I wouldn't even consider firing Walters or O'Shea.
    1 point
  11. Brandon


    What made the old PPV's great were that nearly each fight on the card had some meaning and were between well known established fighters. The undercard would also have known fighters and at least 2 - 3 fights that could be bumped to the main card. The UFC spreads everything so thin that at times Fox cards are light years more relevant then the PPV cards... it is a complete mess. They do a terrible job these days of building up stars which then results in a bunch of meh interest from the fans. Not that this is the best for the sport, but maybe they should look back at how Pride made people seem larger then life and take a few lessons on how to get people hyped up.
    1 point
  12. Must just be a coincidence
    1 point
  13. Goalie


    Ricochet is a gummy bear
    1 point
  14. Brandon

    2018 NHL Playoffs

    Blues also need a new goalie
    1 point
  15. I think Rinne wins it..... but I think over the last 20 games Helle has pulled ahead of TB's guy...
    1 point
  16. Nash vs Col Wpg vs Minn LV vs LA SJ vs ANA
    1 point
  17. The Unknown Poster


    UFC has a lot of issues. They could be boxing in five years with titles that mean nothing and fights no one cares aboi. The timing of this Connor meltdown is even worse as ufc is in the middle of tv negotiations that will effectively decide the future. They were purchased with massive debt servicing on the basis of increased tv rights fees. Networks will not be happy with the negative pr. And perhaps worse, it effectively eliminates UFC’s biggest star which hurts their value. Probably makes Brock almost a *need* for ufc to show networks they are still bringing in bankable stars. I wonder if it makes fox more likely to go with wwe over ufc.
    1 point
  18. The only backwards move this off-season IMO is swapping Bond for Neufeld. I'm hopeful about Couture and Spooner but I know Neufeld sucks. I feel it's quite likely they'll end up playing 3 imports at some point this season. I just hope it happens before Nichols gets ruined. No other move is negative. In terms of NI's the draft is still upcoming and they've basically moved two spots to offense from defense. They have accumulated a ton of NI talent, guys who are great special teamers who they've developed into role players on D. In my opinion they need to add a NI DL who can potentially take some snaps, but there's also a strong possibility they dress 5 import defensive linemen with Corney and Ekakatie. They have Jeffcoat and many of the new Americans coming in for training camp are those end types who can slide inside and play 3 technique for pass rush. Westerman was overpaid and while he brought some intangibles also brought a lot of negative plays to the field that almost negated the big plays he could make. They also need to add a blocking back to replace Normand but there are at least 2 and probably 3 in this draft who could fill the role (Mackie, Moisan, Green) plus Lafrance and Thera-Plamandon. To me there is quite of bit of room to improve over the past couple years with import scouting. Seems like they've been quite aggressive in bringing in CFL veteran free agents to fill some of those gaps, but it would be really nice to find a quality receiver, linebacker (and continued growth from JSK), a true rush end.
    1 point
  19. I'm not too worried about Little... his line will end up with a big game very soon Actually really like the Chiarot-Myers combo Have to say Tanev really is clicking with Copp and Lowry Maurice has his checking line and has everyone backchecking - gotta give him major credit for building this team...
    1 point
  20. A nice fast pace game, Buff with two big plays on D which was really really good. Everyone seems to be clicking with exception of Bryan Little. The guy is ice cold on offense... had two big chances that he whiffed on. Hopefully he turns it around.
    1 point
  21. iHeart

    Humboldt Broncos

    okay I convinced my mother we should donate to fund
    1 point
  22. JCon

    Humboldt Broncos

    The billet is the guest.
    1 point
  23. True. But this is not factoring injuries in. I don't see any indication that b.c. has improved. Sask should with Collaros at QB. Edmonton and Calgary will be in the mix. We should, at least, be as good. This is spring, where hope springs eternal (well, at least if your anybody but an Allouette fan).
    1 point
  24. JCon

    Around the NHL 2017/2018

    Yeah, just because it was a discussion on ill-informed forums, doesn't mean it was ever considered at the team level.
    1 point
  25. That’s a great idea actually. Host a party and hand out jackhammers and sledge hammers and tell them to get started.
    1 point
  26. https://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/juniors/gofundme-account-set-humboldt-broncos-victims-families/ Just donated. These families are going to need a lot of support. Just so sad.
    0 points
  27. sweep the leg

    Tyler Bieber

    Just heard he died in the Humboldt bus crash. He was TBieber on this forum and ran cfldaily.ca.
    0 points
  28. The coach, Darcy Haugan, was from Peace River, where I work and just down the highway from where I live. He coached the local junior team for 12 years before moving to coach the Broncos in 2015. I didn’t really know him but I did have the opportunity to chat with him many times when our vehicles were in for maintenance at the Kal-Tire where he worked. A really great guy. In June 2017 the ground was broken for the town’s new rec centre and there’s growing talk of honouring him in some way, which I think is a great idea.
    0 points
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