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  1. JCon

    2018 CFL Draft

    I love when people who have inside knowledge on our budget share info. Can you let us know how close we are to the cap? And which players the club is hoping to replace with cheaper players this season? Thanks in advance.
    6 points
  2. braddman19

    2018 CFL Draft

    I am curious if the trade down by the Bombers with the Lions could also be viewed as a "Geoff Gray is coming this season" move?
    5 points
  3. Mike

    2018 CFL Draft

    I honestly don't see how anyone could look at this realistically and say it's not a win for us. Essentially, unless you believe BC is making the Grey Cup next year, we delayed our first rounder by a year in order to move up in the first (2019) and second (2018) rounds of the draft. That's easily stated without even really digging too deep into the issue and looks like a win. Then we go deeper. This year's draft is dominated by offensive linemen and while you truly can never have enough, we certainly don't have a roster spot for one this year meaning one of a few things - we don't maximize the value of our first rounder, we risk losing them by putting them on the PR or we have to make a move to fit them on the team. You could argue we were going to go for another positional player like a Bennett, Petermann, Onyeka, etc but the reality is that if we're not too in love with one specific guy, the odds of one of those names being there 5 spots later are pretty good. If not, we can look towards a futures guy like a Shepley or a Hunter which (if the speculation is true) might be where we were looking at number 7 anyways in order to avoid a salary at this very moment. All of that could potentially benefit us this year without even considering the fact that it's very likely we could end up with a top 3 pick next year (in a much better draft year) thanks to this trade.
    4 points
  4. Booch

    2018 CFL Draft

    this is almost laughable...
    4 points
  5. 17to85

    2018 CFL Draft

    But again, it's about the balance. Walters signing Muamba to a reasonable deal and they put up with his prima donna act, but he won't pay top dollar, re-structure their entire teams payroll or cut others to fit him in. It's not like Walters didn't know exactly what Muamba was, he's dealt with him and his agent before, yeah he made him an offer but it was a case of "here's the offer if that doesn't work for you then we aren't interested"
    3 points
  6. 17to85

    2018 CFL Draft

    I think it's time that people stop acting like it was just a case of money with Muamba as well. If Muamba was a different personality I bet that Walters would have ponied up the money to sign him, but the combination of money + attitude is enough for me to stay away. Or has no one else followed the type of people that this team wants in the locker room?
    3 points
  7. sweep the leg

    2018 CFL Draft

    Maybe the issue is we don't have money for a 1st rounder AND Bo Lokombo?
    3 points
  8. 17to85

    2018 CFL Draft

    People bitching about this trade, never change Bomber fans, never change. I like the trade. They did add a lot of Canadians in free agency so what this really is, is Walters managing his assets. Probably figures they'll get a similar level guy at 7 or 12 but now he's got a couple first rounders to play with next season whether they use the picks on players or use one or both in a trade I really like it because a guy picked 7th overall this year is very unlikely to be the difference between winning and losing this season so why not play the long game?
    3 points
  9. Stickem

    2018 CFL Draft

    Attitude has a great deal to do with the success of an athlete and that translates itself to the team... Remember when Muamba was with the Als. previously...I can remember shots of him on the Als. bench during a telecast, where he looked like Montreal was the last place he wanted to be... Sulking with a dismal look on his face, sitting at the end of the bench...Wasn't long after that that Popp cut him loose...Is he a guy you want on your team???We tried and were willing to sign him and give him another shot here...We know how that turned out and it's time to turn the page on a player who hasn't stuck with anyone and it probably would've turned out the same with us.
    2 points
  10. Booch

    2018 CFL Draft

    yeah..we wanted him at our terms...based on all things considered..when he wanted more...we graciously said thanks but no thanks and in long run we will be a better team because of it
    2 points
  11. Brandon

    2018 CFL Draft

    In Walters we trust! I'm pretty sure with his track record that he'll make the right choice based on who is left.
    2 points
  12. Oh what to do with all this depth. Sigh.
    2 points
  13. Well that insightful comment definitely warrants necroing this old thread
    2 points
  14. Jimmy Ralph. No one used a draft pick on him... he went undrafted and came in, played 16 games and put up 26 receptions for 278 yards. Better rookie season than any Canadian receiver we've drafted in the last 30 years or so.
    2 points
  15. Mike

    2018 CFL Draft

    I love the trade for the Bombers. We're still gonna get a player at 12 because I'm sure Shepley or Hunter will fall down the board if we want them there. If not, could always look to Simonise or Bennett or somebody like that. Moving out of a weak first round to get what is likely a higher first next year. Well done Walters.
    2 points
  16. Thursday, CBC, SN at 8:30 p.m. Tagline: "Whiteout vs. Yellow Snow" Storyline: After an epic comeback, Jets try to take a stranglehold on the heavyweight series. Quote: “Our fans are huge. It’s real too. Our crowd noise is from the crowd. It’s not from speakers, or music, or live bands, or whatever. That’s people making noise and that goes right through your body.” - Blake Wheeler Quote #2: “I mean, I’m not going to comment on the officiating, but..... (starts a one minute tirade on the officiating)" - PK Subban Fun facts aplenty: The 7 goals ties an all-time Jets playoff record for one game......First ever Jets game to be played in May......First comeback from 3 goals down by any team in the playoffs this year (0-28 prior to last night), first Jets comeback from that much since the Toronto 5-4 OT win in October 2016 (Laine's first hat-trick), and first 3 goal comeback win in regulation in the playoffs since Calgary in 2015.....Hellebuyck won his 50th game of the season (regular season and playoffs combined) last night, the 31st time that has ever happened.....there are 4 other goalies (Rinne, Vasileysky, Holtby, and Rask) who could reach that mark this year, there has never been a season where more than 2 have done it in the same year, at most, 4 could all reach that mark this year when it's all said and done if the playoffs play out a certain way...he is the 6th American goalie to hit that mark, joining Barrasso, Richter (who holds the American record with 58 wins), Thomas, Quick, and Bishop.....Bernie Parent and Martin Brodeur hold the all-time record with 59 wins in one year, playoffs included.....Brodeur hit 50 wins a record 4 times, no one else did it more than twice Poster that needs to happen behind the Predators bench for the next game: Separated at birth -
    1 point
  17. Mark F

    US Politics

    "As of 2017, adultery remains a criminal offense in 21 states. Massachusetts, Idaho, Oklahoma, Michigan, and Wisconsin consider adultery a felony" checked the bible, punishment for adultery in old testament, is death. " thou shalt not commit adultery."
    1 point
  18. rebusrankin

    2018 CFL Draft

    I am hoping a receiver or DB drops to us at 12.
    1 point
  19. Mike

    2018 CFL Draft

    I could see us going David Mackie at 12. I don't know if he'd be my first choice and I don't honestly think he makes it there but ... those guys are tough to project. I wouldn't be upset if we got a Declan Cross style player.
    1 point
  20. M.O.A.B.

    2018 CFL Draft

    1 point
  21. Wanna-B-Fanboy

    US Politics

    Holy ****! Hannity? Is that you? - Because this is literally the talking point of his show tonight...
    1 point
  22. JuranBoldenRules

    2018 CFL Draft

    Bombers use one of their first couple picks on a tight end-H Back type. Book it.
    1 point
  23. HardCoreBlue

    US Politics

    Wow. Crime doesn't pay? Crime does pay? I'm confused.
    1 point
  24. 17to85

    2018 CFL Draft

    bad attitudes manifest themselves in ways other than in the locker room. When a guy demands to be among your highest paid and shows no loyalty to any one or any thing besides his pay cheque that's not the kind of person you build your team around. Those are guys you add in as supplemental pieces but you don't make them core pieces.
    1 point
  25. Jpan85

    2018 CFL Draft

    Walter and O’Shea have been on record too in the past to say they prefer guys live and breath football. So yeah they might pass if he is not that type of guy.
    1 point
  26. sweep the leg

    2018 CFL Draft

    Has there ever been a story about Muamba not getting along with teammates, or not giving full effort for the team he's with? I'm curious if other players have their feelings hurt as much as the fans do by his agent's negotiation tactics.
    1 point
  27. didn't look like it to me. And Wheeler wasn't injured so that plays into it too.
    1 point
  28. The bigger question is - will we all need liver transplants by the time these playoffs are over? And is Gimli pumping out enough rye to keep up with demand?
    1 point
  29. Sure, Hendricks has grit and is apparently a good guy in the room, but to me, he's a liability out there. This game is just too fast for him. Let him hang out in the locker room pregame and between periods, if that's the main reason he's in the lineup.
    1 point
  30. All the people I know who were casual fans prior to the playoffs are now obsessed. Many non-fans are now engaged. And the hardcore fans? They all have heart conditions. #nhljets Bartley Kives With someone who uses HardCore in their moniker to describe where I stand with the Bombers and Jets, Bartley Kives twitter statement above sums it up nicely.
    1 point
  31. Preds are scratching Fiala and putting in Hartnell. I'm a fan of this move. Hartnell's not very good anymore.
    1 point
  32. MC

    Bomber Moves 2018

    I will believe it when I see it. This hype sounds like the guys that come into the league every but when the bullets fly, someone will resurrect the old saying, "looks like Tarzan, plays like ___".
    1 point
  33. Jpan85

    2018 CFL Draft

    It’s good have that asset in your pocket in case you make a trade during the season too.
    1 point
  34. JCon

    2018 CFL Draft

    And he simply runs out of time to complain about the 10th item.
    1 point
  35. Ivanka is a fine woman they wont go after her, Jared is disposable,, another great Giuliani quote
    1 point
  36. rebusrankin

    2018 CFL Draft

    I hope a WR or DB drops to 12.
    1 point
  37. Atomic

    2018 CFL Draft

    New CBA coming this offseason and the cap is expected to rise by more than the usual annual 50k so it's not that laughable. And we could do the same thing next year as last year... bring in a "today" player and a "future" player. I don't know why you have such a problem with this.
    1 point
  38. Booch

    2018 CFL Draft

    i think it's a good move too..most likely the player we are targeting is going to be there in the 12 spot anyway, and we get 2 first rounders next year in a draft class I like better with more top end talent. Realistically the only player in the draft to come in and push for a starters spot right off the bat in Winnipeg, or contribute with a lot of game reps is Chapman and he would have been long gone. Also tying up first round money on a player who would most likely sit on the bench if even make the roster seems senseless to me. A first round O-lineman has no spot on this team as he would be behind Couture and Spooner initially if not all year and where do you put him..He could get scooped off the PR and then you have nothing. The other bonafide impact maker I believe would have been Bennett and good chance he was gone by then too..so really giving up that first round pick to gain 2 more when we may need it more makes more sense
    1 point
  39. ALuCsRED

    2018 CFL Draft

    The issue may not be liking or not liking players in this draft. The reasoning behind the trade may be that Walters feels that we do not have room this year on the roster to stash another first round pick. If we like the high talent Canadians already on the roster and have to release who we draft, it may make sense delaying the draft until next year
    1 point
  40. bustamente

    US Politics

    Guiliani really stepped into it tonight, somebody has to tell these guys to just stop talking,
    1 point
  41. I think Armia is out a bit more Perreault Little Roslo (Armia) Copp Lowry Tanev. Armia when healthy likely puts Jack in the box. Ha. I haven't minded Roslo but him and Copp are pretty handicapped by old man Hendo.
    1 point
  42. Atomic

    2018 CFL Draft

    This is actually a great trade for Montreal.
    1 point
  43. WBBFanWest

    2018 CFL Draft

    So, you're thinking that Spooner and Speller are question marks and this can be best solved by drafting an O lineman with absolutely no pro experience, development or familiarity with our system? Ok then.
    1 point
  44. Dr. Blue

    2018 CFL Draft

    After watching the press conference, I get the feeling that we don't have a lot of room under the cap to pay a first round player... To me, it sounds like we will either take a futures pick, trade out of the first round, or take someone who isn't projected as a starter and more of a ST'er. This just seemed different than every other press conference from Walters where he always talks about drafting OL in the first round.
    1 point
  45. EdTait

    2018 CFL Draft

    Conference was streamed live on Twitter.
    1 point
  46. I don't think getting Stastny to sign in Winnipeg would be a hard sell. Now, Stastny just has to sell Winnipeg to his wife and kids. Maybe a tougher job.
    1 point
  47. You know what? They didn't go into the year thinking Hurl was the MLB if you ask me. To me they were planning on using Thomas/Ekakitie but Johnson showed so much they had to get him into the lineup and none of the american linebackers really did much to grab that mlb spot so they felt the defense was better served with Johnson and Hurl rather than Thomas and american mlb. So who do we blame for Hurl starting? Poop that's who.
    1 point
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