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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2018-05-30 in all areas

  1. Mike

    Training Camp 2018

    I really appreciate your camp reports and the fact that you're sharing what you see for people who can't make it out to camp, but if anyone is "butt hurt", it's pretty clearly you for having some Garrett Billan level social interaction with people who don't want to take your thoughts as gospel.
    6 points
  2. Mr Dee

    Training Camp 2018

    Sigh. You can’t let it go eh? First of all, let me make this clear. Eric M made a rather innocent statement, and quite a mild one I might add. Inform me how “quietly solid” is an overstatement. “quietly solid” does not boast or brag or predict great things. It’s a rather ‘safe’ statement. When you said he was overstating it, yes, I did question it even though I’m not of this planet. Tell me, why would you take offence to that? I simply referred to Mr M’s phraseology. My location has nothing to do with it. And who said you were flat out wrong? Methinks you’re overreacting. Can I say that from Kelowna?
    5 points
  3. reminds me of Vincent D'onofrio
    4 points
  4. Floyd

    Training Camp 2018

    Still cheering for Walker... I thought he played great for a rookie with no safety help
    4 points
  5. that pic always makes me think of i know they don't look exactly the same, but I assume Murphy has a hole dug out in his basement all the same
    4 points
  6. wbbfan

    Bomber Moves 2018

    what i wouldnt give to have de'anthony thomas instead though... For he did not wish tribute or song. No monuments, no poems of war and valour. His wish was simple: "Remember Floyd" he said to me. That was his hope. Should any free soul come across that place, in all the countless centuries yet to be, may all our voices whisper to you from the ageless stones.
    3 points
  7. Spock

    Introduce Yourself

    Hello, I am Spock. I have been sent here on a five year mission to explore the many facets of sports fandom in the city of Winnipeg. You may recognize me from another Winnipeg sports team's fan forum (HF). Mr. Spock
    3 points
  8. Atomic

    Training Camp 2018

    Darrin Bauming‏ @DarrinBauming 21m21 minutes ago Brian Walker, back for his second season, is getting his turn today with the first team at the field side corner. As I type, the second 12-on-12 rep, Walker beat deep by Adarius Bowman off the arm of Nichols. #Bombers Darrin Bauming‏ @DarrinBauming 16m16 minutes ago Walker has also been working at the dimeback (strongside linebacker) in camp. #Bombers looking for options there beyond Leggett and Fenner as Fogg struggled there last season. Walker not shy to bang bodies.
    3 points
  9. If he's a Rider, I guess failing a drug test means no drugs were detected in his system?
    3 points
  10. Guys I am looking forward to seeing 1. Rashaun Simionise 2. Corey Washington 3. Alex Ross 4.Tyniel Cooper 5. Ruban Randle Bombers going for a third consecutive pre season tie
    3 points
  11. It looks like he is really really hoping that he's sitting in a pie...
    3 points
  12. Floyd

    Bomber Moves 2018

    3 points
  13. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    BC has lost every challenge against it, they know that they won't win any case because it's already been approved and it's federal jurisdiction. The entire play by BC was obstruct for long enough that Kinder Morgan pulled out. Rather than wielding any power to slap BC back into line though the Liberals allowed it to get to the point where suddenly we are on the hook as taxpayers for the thing. Which I would be much more OK with if the government would just build it and run it as a crown corporation, but no, that's not the plan, the plan is to build it then sell it back. So basically it's corporate welfare. Government takes all the risks and then who ever buys the pipeline gets all the profit. The very second the government started talking about getting involved financially Kinder Morgan jumped at the chance and now we tax payers are paying for their project. Liberals bungled this massively simply because they were afraid of losing votes in BC if they were to do anything to put them in their place.
    3 points
  14. This article pretty much nails it, IMO: http://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/guest-column-trudeau-made-a-colossal-mistake-with-the-pipeline The last line is pure gold: And a sticking point for me as a Manitoban: Ottawa can spend $4.5 on this project but not put a cent into getting the situation in Churchill fixed. For shame.
    3 points
  15. Mr Dee

    Training Camp 2018

    We’re not talking about only one practice though. We’re talking about building a strong showing. You know a solid foundation. Quietly would indicate without fanfare and recognition. It’s still nice to hear a positive camp report about a player who does not receive much pen work. That is my only point.
    3 points
  16. rebusrankin

    Canadian Politics

    Federal jurisdiction, pipeline has been approved, BC really doesn't have the right to say no. What BC has done is added to the burden of all Canadian taxpayers and they've sent out another sign that Canada is a poor place to invest.
    3 points
  17. 17to85

    Training Camp 2018

    the reality is that most of us on this board have no clue what we see anyway.
    3 points
  18. Couldn't fight through traffic, and had people run through his tackles, as well. Some folks may still have no idea, what a gigantic upgrade Bighill is....
    3 points
  19. Stickem

    Training Camp 2018

    These pre-season games are going to separate the wheat from the chaff and there could be a few surprises...No matter how good you look in camp...if you can't perform when the lights are on...cut time around the corner....I think we've brought in enough talent to definitely improve this year....Just how much???We're about to find out pretty quick
    2 points
  20. Yeah it's total bullshit because Thigpen carried them in the playoffs last year and then tested positive. Pretty clear he was juicing and got a huge advantage from it but they didn't figure it out until after the Riders had been bounced by the Argos. Such a dirty team of ugly cheaters over there. And they're all so stupid and fat too.
    2 points
  21. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    spent a few days in the Vancouver area this spring and sure it's a real beautiful place geographically but man so many of the people there seem to be completely disconnected from reality.
    2 points
  22. No matter what the cause, this is very sad stuff.
    2 points
  23. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    The thing that gets me is that the politicians in BC have flat out admitted that winning their court cases aren't the goal. They are totally OK just pissing away tax payer money on doomed challenges AND harming the countries reputation for investment, and now wasting more tax payer money since the federal government has picked up the tab for the project. It's just stupid and really shows how out of touch parts of BC are with the real world.
    2 points
  24. yeah that alone is troubling that they would even let him suit up...that and the issues he displayed just don't go away...as more time goes on Chris Jones and his recruiting abilities and his lack of how to build a good locker room and team environment has shown to be pretty sad... Although the clowns on Riderfans are trumpeting this as a huge awesome signing....all i can say is wow Sure glad with who we have as the architects and Management of the Bombers
    2 points
  25. Agree with keeping JSK and Wilson. However, if they can keep Wild in any way, shape, or form, they will. The guy is good on special teams, has played all LB positions, and according to Darrin Bauming is a great leader in the locker room. (It sounds like he is future coach material).
    2 points
  26. But he didn't go and I disagreed with one report? I never said my report was the gospel, far from it. But when you go to a game and have a eye witness account you're allowed to disagree and critique all you want. For some reason because it's a camp I'm not entitled to my opinion. 😂
    2 points
  27. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    The only good thing about this mess... Les Quebecois are helping to pay for it.
    2 points
  28. Mark F

    Canadian Politics

    I just read, as an example, currently the Alberta dilbit is piped to Oklahoma. Oklahoma is landlocked. So being landlocked has nothing to do with refining crude. time sensitive..... same thing applies. If time mattered, then it makes more sense to do it in Alberta. Also just read..... we send the raw material to the states, they refine it, then send it back to us, and charge us for the final products. how does that make economic sense? You're right that renewable is the future, and sadly I haven't heard a thing about investing in it, from Trudeau, or Notley, or anyone in Canada. or encouraging investment in it, in this country. It's just about oil. shortsighted. and I admit, I know little about dilbit processing, oil markets, and the rest of it. But It bugs me that it hasn't even been considered in public discussions.
    1 point
  29. wbbfan

    Training Camp 2018

    We have a plethora of good guys to fill out the final spot. Some good dbs are gonna get cut. Walker did play pretty well in a pretty poor set up. I hope we keep the best vet to start, and one or two of the best young guys to sit on the PR. Two years ago At the end of the season I thought we were set at db talent wise. If mo gets back healthy and regains his MOp form, this D is gonna make swaggerville look like staggerville.
    1 point
  30. Want to know Do we have a legit backup QB? Can the Canuck receivers make the jump from potential to production? How are we going use the hybrid O formations this year (Flanders, Demski, etc)? Have Fogg and Walker learned how to tackle? Are these touted import receivers for real? Will I make it up the ramp?
    1 point
  31. Tracker

    Introduce Yourself

    We would ask that you stay away when Ponn Farr is upon you.
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. Apparently Thigpen failed a drug test and will miss the first two games for the Riders this season.
    1 point
  34. Kline brought the Esks back in last years game looked pretty good.
    1 point
  35. Floyd

    Training Camp 2018

    Can't make the team from the tub...
    1 point
  36. Mark F

    Canadian Politics

    Elizabeth May April 18 2018. Again, why can't we have the refinery jobs in Canada? stupid thinking.
    1 point
  37. I hear your point on this. Where would you build it? And would you have Elizabeth May and David Suzuki chaining themselves to fences to block workers from building it? Just curious. It's easy to say "just build it" but you wind up dealing with the same band of lunatics no matter what you do. Me personally, if we're really interested in "green power", should be looking seriously at nuclear technology. We have so much uranium, let's use it rather than just handing it to the Chinese.
    1 point
  38. yeah it's been a nightmare out here. The NDP are falling down all over the place and making us the laughingstock of Canada. I would agree that it was time for a change in provincial government as the BC Liberals were becoming really stagnant. But this is like blowing your head off with a shot-gun to cure a tooth-ache.
    1 point
  39. My pre-season checklist... - Smart decisions by Alex Ross; don't force anything - Streveler sets and throws - no happy feet - Miles White or some Import REC truly standout - LaFrance catch and run from the backfield - Gaitor prove he's better than I think he is... - Thera-Plamondon accurate long-snapping - Big game from Simonise or Wolitarsky - Demski cements spot as returner - Leggett returns to the field - dare to dream... - Neufeld doesn't get injured in pre-season
    1 point
  40. The BC government is controlled by the LEAP faction of the NDP, and of course, they need the Greens to stay in power so really the Greens are running the show. And that's a scary place to be.
    1 point
  41. Atomic

    Training Camp 2018

    Nope. In the past we've even seen guys take first-team reps all though camp and pre-season, and then get cut.
    1 point
  42. 17to85

    Upcoming Movies

    Honestly I think it was pretty similar to the first one, it's just that it's nothing fresh and new, simply more of the same. So if by that definition it's not as good sure, but honestly I think as films they are pretty comparable in terms of quality. Hell it's great for the scenes in the credit alone.
    1 point
  43. But the guy clearly doesn't care about character, was the same when he was here. It's a flaw, and maybe why no one is giving him the reigns as a GM.
    1 point
  44. Could be... But I've had a concussion upon another concussion and you sink into a pretty rough place - you come back out of it for sure but I sure don't want another one.
    1 point
  45. lol you guys may need a solo spoiler thread.... just sayin Just saw Deadpool 2 last night, didn't feel it was as good as the first but rarely sequels are, but it was still a pretty funny movie and worth watching. I liked the rapport between deadpool and cable but felt instead of maybe "The Wolverine" or Logan they could have done this with Hugh Jackman before. The grizzled war vet - no non sense guy antagonized by the smart ass "clown dressed up like a sex toy"
    1 point
  46. They could really hurt this guy if they let him play football again... really does sound like he went through the 'dark times' of a concussion
    1 point
  47. Typical Chris Jone's signing today, now did they not know this and do enough background checking...or are they aware and took him on anyway...if so that is just laughable After Mason led police on a high-speed ATV chase,Mason's mother stated that Mason had the "mindset of a 10-year-old" due to head injuries sustained during his career. She noticed her son’s behavior was different after the 2015 season: “Clearly, we could see the change. Like, completely... As much as he’s accomplished, as hard as he’s worked, as much as he’s built his character, in record-breaking time it’s going downhill because of what’s going on." In November, Mason pleaded no contest to charges related to the ATV chase. Mason was arrested in January 2017 for the incident and charged with a third degree felony of fleeing and eluding without regard for others' safety or property. To recap: In March 2016, Mason was pulled over for driving 75 mph in a 35 mph zone and Tased when he refused to exit his vehicle. In July 2016, he was caught doing wheelies and driving recklessly in an ATV before then fleeing the cops. His mother, , subsequently told authorities her son was “22 in a 10-year-old’s mindset” due to concussions, adding, “Tre is not himself at all.” Cops were called to his home five times in four months, once for what Mom described as “irrational statements.” That police report indicated that when Mason saw the cops he threatened to call the White House and have them all fired before then saying police were responsible for teaching al-Qaida how to fly planes. In July of that year, Mason was admitted to a South Florida hospital for a mental health evaluation, according to a Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office report. Then, in August, Mason was cited for blocking a lane of traffic with his Maserati. He never showed up for Los Angeles Rams training camp
    1 point
  48. Rod Black

    Training Camp 2018

    Was that the guy that claimed to be at camp and we could meet him as he was in the “white top”?
    1 point
  49. CJOB will be broadcasting Bob Irving's voice in Technicolor. https://globalnews.ca/radio/cjob/player/?gref=cjob#/
    1 point
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