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  1. I didn't put my son's health at risk. He is an adult. He makes his own decisions. He was also on a scholarship & playing football was the only way to get his degree to which he was a year away from receiving at the time. He wouldn't have been able to afford university along with the cost of the dorms & meals if he hadn't have played. His decision, not mine. Besides, if you've ever played a sport at a high level... walking away is not easy. Ask guys here who have played like Booch how hard that is. I could have got down on my hands & knees but he still would have played. He was 24 at the time. It was his decision to make.
    10 points
  2. You should have stopped there and let it be somewhat of a mystery, rather than continue and remove all doubt.
    8 points
  3. Davis was awful last year. One drive in preseason doesn't say much.
    6 points
  4. Andrew Harris didn't cover the weaknesses of Drew Wiley, Dan LeFevour or Dom Davis. Nichols deserves more respect from the media.
    5 points
  5. Booch, when my son played at SFU his final season he developed what could have become a very serious health issue. For obvious reasons, I'm not going to get into what it was as that is personal but it was serious. All I know is because of the NCAA's stupid list of banned substances, his doctor had to go through that list & pick a treatment based on what would be safe from suspension not what was best for his health. As a result, he never felt very well from a health perspective his entire senior year. He had a much better junior year as a player than as a senior. I'm sure not feeling well had a lot to do with it although to his credit he never used that as an excuse. He'd have applied for an exemption from that banned NCAA list for health reasons but the steps it would have taken weren't worth it as the NCAA could have ended up denying his request. Then if he had some of those banned substances in his system he may have been suspended if he was randomly tested which I think would have happened. So, he & his doctor along with the team physician came up with a treatment that wasn't ideal but it was the best that could be done under the circumstances using drugs that weren't banned. I felt that the NCAA put my son's long term health at risk with their holier than thou rules. The NCAA are run by bureaucratic morons putting players health at risk. As soon as he finished playing he went on the meds he should have been on in the first place & felt a lot better.
    5 points
  6. Long off season is over and we finally get to see some Blue Bomber football tonight. Game time is 7:30PM and the weather looks to be clearing up by then, partly cloudy and 18 C. Chat room is open for those who want to enjoy the game with a group of virtual friends. Here are the depth charts:
    4 points
  7. Dr Zaius

    Argos @ Manziels

    thank god
    4 points
  8. Bi polar is treatable to a certain extent. No matter the treatment, it's still a nasty and unpredictable mental illness that just wears people down.
    4 points
  9. then later on almost getting Harris killed...He could run a short yardage but that was about it...maybe this yr with Streveler running it..then staying in with tempo we can actually complete some passes and exploit the jumbo teams
    4 points
  10. It wasn't disastrous though. After having him on the roster for two years, I still don't get the rationale behind benching him so quickly for LeFevour. At least give him some time to shake out the nerves. LeFevour wasn't even good.
    4 points
  11. I really hope we go back to a normal depth chart in the regular season, this sheet they have now is gross
    4 points
  12. Great stories @SpeedFlex27 and @Booch... always interesting to hear from people who have been there ... hope flex jr is doing well these days 😊
    4 points
  13. I hope Muamba enjoys his season... LOL.
    4 points
  14. Mack’s fingerprints all over this
    4 points
  15. Mr Flex I know exactly what you mean as I can say been there done that in terms of what I seen/saw/experienced in the PAC 12 The NCAA is a corrupt i will say organization and ran as on old boys club. It's also about money and exploiting amateur athletes for school profit at any cost of you ask me. Also like u mentioned some of the banning of medication is ridiculous as the elements in some are so insignificant in amount it gives you no edge whatsoever but since on the list they are very rigid and dont compromise. Also on the flip I seen and experienced first hand schools encouraging and assisting in the use of PED's for the betterment of the program but if you are caught left on your own to deal with it and effectively screwed...just a victim of the meat grinder that is college football and money
    4 points
  16. Zontar

    Argos @ Manziels

    Papering the house tonight with charity give aways. Want to look good for US eyeballs I guess. Might pour rain. I'll be there dont worry.
    3 points
  17. legit and elite are 2 different things...and a jittery QB who lacked pocket awareness and skill wouldn't have got the ball to the masking agents. Call the percentage what you want but at the end of the day a QB's winning percentage is still his....but football being a team game your only as good as your 3 facets for sure, but most experts will tell you a team goes as does it's QB, and with Nichols at the helm, this team has won at a .700 winning percentage. ALSO.....if we had guys masking his skills...would we not have won basically as well when Davis and Lefevour took over when he was hurt???
    3 points
  18. Curious to see how our backup QB's look, and our canadian receivers! Happy Football is back!
    3 points
  19. also note the game will NOT be televised because, TSN chose Manziel (at least that's what I think)
    3 points
  20. Holy smokes judgey Mcjudge
    3 points
  21. if we can't discuss things from other teams in an around the league thread then why even have this thread in the first place?
    3 points
  22. Yeah i guess 21-9 as a starter and a near MOP season last year just isnt enough for the unwashed masses in shitsville. The anti Nichols campaign is trumpeted by their leader, the useless sack of monkey s*** himself, Rod Pedersen. He routinely spouts off to anyone who will listen that Nichols is a bum. But ask him about Collaros, a QB thats been shell-shocked and utter garbage for 2+ years and its "Grey Cup here we come!!".
    2 points
  23. SpeedFlex27

    Argos @ Manziels

    Please make sure you come back here & give us your thoughts on Manziel & the game. Congrats on that damned lawsuit being settled. Now, perhaps you can finally have a Grey Cup at THF &/or CFL Week. Hamilton would do a great jb hosting the Grey Cup.
    2 points
  24. yeah a .700 winning percentage over 2 years is a pretty good indicator of if a guy is legit or not if you ask me
    2 points
  25. just seeing that Drew Tate signed with an NCAA club to coach..... didn't even realize that Ottawa released him. I wonder if Walters reached out after Durant "retired" to see if there was interest?? As much as I never really cared for Tate personally, I would have taken that experience on our sideline. I'd argue that if he stayed healthy, he may even have the capability to outplay Nichols!
    2 points
  26. To use a football analogy with your son & football. Run with it. Enjoy the journey & let him have every opportunity to succeed. My son was a qb in Calgary. I put him in a lot of qb camps when he was a bantam & high school player. It was nothing for us to get into the car & drive a thousand miles to a football camp in Idaho, Washington, Oregon & California. The camps were great & he learned a ton but the chance to spend time with my son in the car... goin' down the road... just talking & hanging out together was priceless. You never get that time back when your kids get older & move on with their own lives. A coach at one of those camps saw my son, liked him & recommended him to the coach of the junior college team he would eventually play, start for & win a State championship with in Northern California. So, you never know who is watching & when opportunity presents itself.
    2 points
  27. yup...40's now...I am still indestructible...lol....I think...or would like to think
    2 points
  28. I got the skepticism last offseason when he'd only done it once, but he followed 2016 up with an even better season. It's ridiculous that anybody is still questioning how good he is.
    2 points
  29. rebusrankin

    Argos @ Manziels

    Dude, this is the first game for the man who is going to be the Greatest Player in CFL history. Just ask June Jones.
    2 points
  30. Got an angry text from Noeller yesterday as he was driving through Saskatchewan listening to the local radio there and I believe the direct quote that got him worked up was "Nichols, nice guy but I wouldn't want him running my offense" So there we have it, Nichols has fooled us all, he's really just a shitty qb and we aren't going anywhere with that bum. Maybe we can pry Bridge out of Saskatchewan so we at least have a chance.
    2 points
  31. yogi

    US Politics

    Of course not, any recession is the Democrats fault as part of the deep state, what a stupid question. Also, what about Benghazi?
    2 points
  32. No problem...football has given me a lot and allowed me a lot of opportunities and if handled smartly and not falling into a lot of the negative trappings (higher level opportunities that a lot never get to achieve) then there is no real risks if you ask me if played smartly and monitored wisely like things are now. Back in the late 80's to 90's when I was balling it was all about results..competing and $$ with no regard for the negative impact that getting the aforementioned resulted in guys. My one bit of advice is if the injuries start to become too frequent, and are significant ones and start to compound then maybe sit down and revisit things..goals..priorities and realistic chances of getting to next level, or the ultimate level. My football paid for my school..and career and some brief stints trying to be famous, as well as some good lifelong contacts and opportunities, but it did come at a price. A combined 8 knee surgeries on one (2 reconstructions) 2 on the other, a broken hand twice, 4 known concussions, 2 busted noses...total shoulder dislocation, loss of two mollars (thsats a weird one eh?) and various bumps and bruises to go along with lugging anywhere from 245 to 280 pounds of bulk around and the wear and tear that takes on you for 15 years I have already seen now that I am paying back in my health and ailments now...did i enjoy it and would I if I had a chance to do a re-do do it again...I'd say that's a hell ya....was it worth it?...hmmm...I dunno because in the end it didn't make me wealthy and I didn't get famous hahahah
    2 points
  33. FrostyWinnipeg

    The TV Thread

    4K channels in the 2xxx range of MTSTV.
    2 points
  34. god that front 7.... should make life miserable for a lot of teams this year.
    2 points
  35. Flanders isn't dressing for this game (along with LaFrance, Wild, Hardrick, Leggett, Alexander, Gaitor, and notable rookies; DT Brandin Bryant, DBs Marcus Sayles, RECs Tyrone Pierre)
    2 points
  36. Yup..very hard and I pay for it now...I need a knee replacement...was told that in my mid 30's that I needed it and had the wear and condition of a guy in his 50's.. and also have hip pain from favoring it all those years...lack of range of motion in a shoulder causing sleep issues now...random headaches and general aches and pains and from constant trauma over the years...remember my dad telling me that I'm gonna pay for it later in life...but not heading the warning..lol...its tough to let it go and move on..I still would get out there now if someone would let and if had a chance to do it over again..I would..bizarre as that sounds! The NCAA doesnt truly care for its players.. trust me on that
    2 points
  37. Cato had mental health issues some say PTSD from where he grew up. Manziel doesn't have that but is bi polar which is treatable. If we said people with PTSD such as soldiers returning from a theatre of war or people who are bi polar are headcases we'd be criticized severely.
    2 points
  38. the ncaa is way over due for a mass overhaul or out right trashing. if i was a QB in montreal during the reed era Id never stop running. Not till I hit the border atleast.
    2 points
  39. Wheels would have to completely fall off HAM offense and in turn Manziel would have to appear to rescue that single handedly before they start talking trade. Seems like a fan fantasy scenario.
    2 points
  40. Its for 'around the league discussions'... not Riderville bitchfest Seriously, you guys should be ashamed of yourselves to let Ripper troll you like this for three pages - its embarassing
    2 points
  41. Davis' deep ball is horrendous. He swung that ball below his hip in his throwing motion. Good way to fumble lots.
    1 point
  42. oh wow Dom Davis is lighting it up so far
    1 point
  43. https://tunein.com/radio/TSN-Radio-690-s12472/ Good luck to Drew. Hope he can find success in Montreal.
    1 point
  44. I'm sad not to see LaFrance getting some time tomorrow. I was hoping to see Harris take the first series and then go to LaFrance for most of the balance to really see what our NI backup can do. I'm hoping to see some really good things from Demski, Simonise and Wolitarsky on Friday, as I'm convinced that having top caliber NI receivers is key to success. Also of note, I'm curious to see if they give the local Rifle players a few reps. I understand that they have stepped up in camp and have earned some respect. Andrew Ricard was in camp last year as well and got a few reps at safety in last year's pre-season game, so I'm hoping to see good things there as well. Finally, there are 2 Winnipeg based players on Edmonton: Curtis Krahn (Former Rifle) and Alex Taylor were drafted by Edmonton this year, and I always have a bias for the local guys.
    1 point
  45. itchy

    Training Camp 2018

    How the f*** does that guy get bigger!? Seeing that guy up close at fan appreciation last year- that guy is a monster!
    1 point
  46. I blame Chris Jones, John Murphy, The Saskatchewan RoughRiders, the entire province of Saskatchewan and those bums from Shelbyville.
    1 point
  47. At least he’s getting expert advice on critical issues
    1 point
  48. Absolutely. **** the Riders!
    1 point
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