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  1. Today is the beginning of the STREVELER ERA Bombers by 370 Streveler goes 5 for 6 for 13 yards and 5 TDs, rushes for 289 yards on 14 carries and the Bombers set a CFL record with 5 different players carrying the ball 10+ times, including Jake Thomas as a fullback.
    12 points
  2. Collaros is 4-15 since returning from injury... including the 0-8 from last season. This is a guy who has never played more than 14 games in a season and never thrown over 3500 yards. He has been in the league since 2012. He turns 30 this year. The OL in Sask is a total question mark. He looked awful in pre-season. Rider fans should be very nervous.
    12 points
  3. Game day at last. 👍
    8 points
  4. MY PHILOSOPHY for the first 4-6 weeks of the season: win or lose we drink the booze!!
    6 points
  5. Mr Dee

    Some light reading

    Strevelation will sweep the nation..
    6 points
  6. JCon

    Prediction time

    Go away troll.
    6 points
  7. First play they go play action bomb to Darvin and a legend is born.
    6 points
  8. A Bomber win would be intoxicating, but all valuable experience comes at a price, so lets hope for the best but not slash up if things do not go well.
    5 points
  9. 17to85

    Some light reading

    Let people keep selling this team short. They hate us cause they ain't us. No one believes in this team and hasn't for years. They will be proven wrong again.
    5 points
  10. LIke win with gin.....
    4 points
  11. wbbfan

    Some light reading

    it is the mans obligation
    4 points
  12. It's just throwing a stupid ball. How hard could it be?
    4 points
  13. Booch

    Some light reading

    also a rookie kicker...A first yr left tackle and left guard...and no o-lineman of any nationality on their practice roster...how is that team considered to be fighting for top spot?
    4 points
  14. Fatty Liver

    Mullet Man

    I thought this might be "thread-worthy" B.B. related news......probly not. https://www.tsn.ca/cfl/video/can-anyone-match-loffler-s-mullet-they-call-me-joe-dirt~1417385
    3 points
  15. 52nd Bomber season opener. GO BOMBERS GO!!!
    3 points
  16. Glenn right now is a better qb than Collaros and I think that their OL has actually gotten worse. I'll give em credit for having what appears to be a solid group of receivers, but the rest of the offense? not as good as last season. Glenn turned in a real good performance for them last year that I just don't see Collaros matching. Let's not forget the drop off at MLB going from Muamba to Hurl, we all saw here what that does for a team. Chris Jones coaching a team and only coaching a team? Yeah I'd buy that he could turn something around, Chris Jones as a GM though? not very good. Kind of similar to MIke Kelly actually. If Kelly had focused on only coaching his reputation might not be in the sewer like it is today.
    3 points
  17. ediger

    Some light reading

    The Bombers could do direct snaps every play for the first 5 weeks and still finish higher than the Riders. Their team is putrid this year.
    3 points
  18. Jimmy Pop

    Lock of the Week

    INT for a TD?!? Bold strategy cotton.
    3 points
  19. I can`t believe it`s finally game day. Go Bobmers! Protect Fort Hew!
    3 points
  20. Tracker

    Prediction time

    Those day-release programs are still in effect where you live?
    3 points
  21. What really surprises me about him is his openness to not running with the ball. He says he doesn't want to scramble anymore...or as much as he used to. I always thought his ability to move the pocket and make something happen was his biggest strength.
    3 points
  22. have you watched him play? he cant independently rush the passer or play the run vs his own blocker. Not just lack of moves and know how, he cant beat average tackles with sheer athleticism over and over and over again. Corney came in with a great lack of technique, but the ability to occasionally beat his man with sheer quickness and strength. He also came with the ability to get in on the back end of plays with sheer athletic ability even after being beaten during the early play by his OL. Boatengs few successes comes from abject poor play, or having an opening created for him. And even those are few and far between. Corney is now showing the ability to beat tackles regularly with technique as well. Both are high motor guys. the difference athletically is like that of jamie stoddard and petermann. Corneys ability to bull rush tackles alone is enough to keep him in the league. Boateng isnt effective at all in a bull rush and to harness speed rushes requires technique, or a lot of tactics in designed plays. They went to boateng because they had no option in edm. They stuck with him 1 because of his passport, 2 because of his motor and 3 hes the right kind of football player. He is the end version of early jake thomas. Look back at some high lights here. Play one, wilder literally shoves him past the blocking tackle. Play two the bc Offense is doing two different things. Either it was supposed to be a read option, the play side tackle skips to the second level leaving him un blocked. Boateng goes inside, the ball should be pulled and taken around the end. But the qb rb positioning is more of a collision. And he goes eh you take the hit. Its possible the play was not a read option and the tackle had the play wrong. The next play, the rb lumabala 46 is left to block boateng alone, but he stays soo far inside behind the tackle he barely puts a hand on boateng as he goes past. When teams strategize to slide the line away from you and chip you with a FB its a bad sign. The next play is a Ol switch where the second ol doesnt pick him up. The play after is all hustle. The ol beats him keeps him out side gets behind the play. At this point the qb needs to feel the pressure and take action, but credit to his hustle. The running plays, he is disciplined in waiting and making a read on the run. But if that hole is filled by the Lber its a 5-6 yard gain. Slow reacting once his read is made and only gets an arm on the back. Next play same thing. Slow to fill the hole, tackling with an arm from the side instead of no gain its a 5-6 yard gain. Good discipline, good read, slow reaction puts him in a bad position left with an arm tackle. 3rd running play, gets out side the tackle, beats him clean loops back in side still coming from the side. Rather then going for a good from tackle like a hawk tackle, or a profile tackle he goes high and clotheslines the rb. I believe he was penalized on that play, if not its a bad miss. But if you try n tackle one of the bigger backs in the league, or even a good power smaller back like that they will bounce off you and romp down field. The next play is the best of so far. He plays the position well. Waits, but is slow getting out of his squat stop he gets his hands up which is smart and gets the tip which is picked. Against a low mobility passer this works. If its any of the mid tier or above qbs though they pump him or jab step and walk around him. (its our ole friend drew shell shock willy who doesnt even see boateng right in front of him. poor willy) Luck is the residue of hard work. Boateng works hard. Plenty of young guys end up in positions to make plays based on poor execution by the other team and dont. Im a firm believer the difference is preparation and hard work. Hes quick. But not especially quick for his size. He isnt over powering with strength by any means. The type of guy you love to have on your team but do not want starting. And yeah, would not have been top 10 dl for us in tc. No other team in the league would have him starting. Not every thing (obviously) correlates from american football to canadian. Despite the yard off the line, pass rushing has more similarities then most. The difference between high level DL and average ones, is use of their hands. Using the hands to fight off the OL, driving forward while maintaining the gap between your body (the end) and the tackle then using a move in that gap to create an angle to make a play in the back field. When an OL constantly has his hand under the pads of a DL, using leverage maintaining his angle and pushing the DL out side the tackle is winning. If you watch him, you see boateng controlled a lot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5qn1X6tUuM
    3 points
  23. People need to look at the OL, NIs and lack of depth and realize Chris Jones is not the genius many make him out to be.
    3 points
  24. BigBlue

    Prediction time

    You must be a Regina troll living n a land of incredible make-believe here just to be a stink disturber ... I would be so happy if you would go away from our site
    3 points
  25. There are 106 miles to Chicago, we have a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.
    3 points
  26. Jeff Goldblum in at qb for Esks
    3 points
  27. Maybe someone should start an OFFICIAL thread, just so nobody gets confused.
    2 points
  28. johnzo

    Some light reading

    bad line, bad Canadians. NBD. Linked article is just trolling -- but I do like that Justin Dunk term "Strevelation"
    2 points
  29. This, you heathens, is fry bread, sometimes known as bannock: It is the closest thing to manna that there is...
    2 points
  30. I'm hoping the defense & special teams can chip in something to make it a bit easier on Streveler. Really hoping the experience we have among our vet WRs can exploit the injuries Edmonton has in the secondary. Of course Streveler still has to get them the ball, but there should be opportunities for him to do so. Game day at last! Go Bombers!
    2 points
  31. FrostyWinnipeg

    US Politics

    N.Y. Attorney General Sues Trump Foundation Over Self-Dealing. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/14/nyregion/trump-foundation-lawsuit-attorney-general.html Could fit in Random News but I stuck it here cause most of them work in the White House now
    2 points
  32. While it will still take some good fortune to beat Reilly, looking at the two rosters, the Bombers are stronger at literally every position other than QB. Granted, that’s obviously the most important position but with the Esks injury situation this is as good a match up as we could hope for given the circumstances.
    2 points
  33. "All the negativity in this town sucks" - R. Pitino. Reilly will be under fire all game. Harris clutch run for T.D. to take the lead. People haven't been reading the comments about Streveller from his various coachs. Bombers win.
    2 points
  34. Victory condition today is don't get blown out.
    2 points
  35. GCJenks

    Lock of the Week

    I'm feeling inspired by all the Wild Ass Guesses in other threads and going totally off the board with: #81 Peterman Going to be a game of the ages for the rookies!!!
    2 points
  36. Mark H.

    Prediction time

    How long is always? Did you not get your wish 11 years ago?
    2 points
  37. I think 3rd is fair, perhaps 4th. I feel the Riders are severely overrated for the reasons many of you have stated. Heck BC should feel pissed at how many people have them behind Saskatchewan. Jennings is a better QB than Collaros. Manny and Burnham are argubly the equal of Cater/Roosevelt. Better OL, Better NI talent. Better RB. Much smarter coach.
    2 points
  38. Augustine is a pretty under-rated blocker... I think he'd do well there
    2 points
  39. There's 106 miles to Winnipeg, we've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark out, and we're wearing sunglasses. Hit it.
    2 points
  40. But it's the bombers that need to worry about there season. People need to stop pretending collaros is the guy he was 3 years ago.
    2 points
  41. I suspect that we will see a good old-fashioned shootout tomorrow night between Streveler and Mike Reilly. Huck it, chuck it football from the finest QB in the game and the newest. I expect a slow start from Streveler until he figures out Darvin Adams can catch the ball as long as you put it remotely close to him. Then it's Streveler, Adams, Harris all night. Chris Streveler puts up 400 yards, 3 TDs, and 2 picks. Adams hits 200 yards, Harris runs for 120 and catches 60, with 3 TDs. Mike Reilly is forced to put it in the air after their run game proves ineffective against the improved Bomber front seven. Those 15 yard runs he loves to pull off aren't working and Gable is going nowhere. But he's able to find Derel Walker, Duke Williams, and Vidal Hazelton all night... worrying Bomber fans who are getting flashbacks to the last playoff game at IGF. Reilly throws for 350, 4 TD and 1 pick. Streveler drives the field in the last minute and scores, scrambling 25 yards on a broken play for the touchdown. 52-45 Bombers.
    2 points
  42. wbbfan

    Some light reading

    they are probably getting puffed up because rider fans click en mass. Give them some thing they like and the clicks soar. Least thats what I hope it is. I really hope the people who cover football coast to coast arent that dead between the ears.
    2 points
  43. 2 points
  44. Mark F

    Some light reading

    taking a break from that site as of now.
    2 points
  45. Apparently the Bombers are up against the super powers of Dapper Dan.
    2 points
  46. Are you saying Hoover......sucks? I'll show myself out.
    2 points
  47. Mr Dee

    Prediction time

    I don’t know where you cut and pasted that from, but there are too many wins claimed, and not enough admitted losses. Must be an American exchange rate thingy..
    2 points
  48. If a thread is interesting or relevant......it elicits responses. If not.....crickets. As long as it does not too closely resemble Nasty Nate output....all is well. I read threads, not count them.
    2 points
  49. People want to come here and read about big news. Whether that is Adam Bighill signing in Winnipeg or Johnny Manziel signing in Hamilton. We don't need to cram those into "Offseason Discussion". I don't see why that is remotely necessary. We are not in danger of running out of space, as far as I know. I think there is a place for a "Bombers weekly thread" but if something big happens, like Matt Nichols going down with injury in practice, that NEEDS its own thread. I should be able to come here and click on exactly the thread I want and read instant commentary from the community. I agree with others that there is no need for "This is my random thought" threads. But the absolute WORST thing is having someone come on here and post some news, and the first comment is "Why isn't this in mega-thread-123?" How unbelievably annoying. I'd like this site to be as accessible as possible. The new season is starting and it would be nice to attract some new thoughts and viewpoints. Having multiple clearly defined, smaller threads is the way to attract new readers who eventually become new posters. It's all about speed and ease-of-use.
    2 points
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