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  1. Some thoughts...Firstly no sense to jump to judgement of doom and gloom due to loss as well as there wouldn't have been a reverse jump to judgment if we won...you have to give it a game or two, and ones where you don't stop and go with delays 2 times. Reilly will do what he did again to other teams as he has before to us and others..thats why he is League MVP. The defense wasn't that bad...on the first long TD Randle had great coverage and actually got toe tangled when he went to make a play on ball and fell..you couldn't ask for better coverage and it was a great all around play...as well as the 2 point convert...Gaitor had great position and was a phenominal play and one 9 times out of 10 that receiver wouldn't have made...luck sometimes goes against you. The defense will be good and when settled in...not an issue..Biggie although he Hurl'd it on one play made several plays that last years MLB could never dream of..and Reilly was his slimy greasy self and several of his escapes would have been sacks against anyone else. Streveler played good all things considered...first game...new to CFL..conditions and delays and put us in a spot to win...he will get better so future there is looking good. He's smart and guaranteed he will not make same mistakes again...and really the pick Sherritt got was a horshoe up the butt play too...not so much a QB error...Wolitowski too if more sesoned would have came back for the ball a bit more to attack it as opposed to let it come to him. Also I am not one of them "what if" type of guys but if Nichols was in there we win handily...he rips apart that secondary and the defense is off the field probably at least 5 mins less...if not more, as we would have controlled the game more and kept Reilly off the field...not to mention if Medlock didn't eff up that one FG the game is most likely tied or we possibly win...lots of positives and negatives to take out of the game. Lets reserve judgement until after the next 2 games where I would be shocked we aren't sitting at 2-1
    17 points
  2. was 408 yards....not sure where u got your number...and the Willy comment?..like really...do you take glee in being more or less a tool?
    13 points
  3. Yeah when have we may have landed a good one in Strev's Agreed too..there were not any real instances of receievers just roaming free and wide open, and the bigger plays we got beat on were just good plays..and if it were to play again we make the play...I don't think this showing is anything to be panicked about..but if Montreal and Hamilton eat us up on defense..then we have issues...too much talent here to not be successful. I think too...you add Leggett to the mix...we just became even better and have another vet who knows the inside and out stuff of a CFL defensive backfired and what and when to do things. I will say tho that the coaches need to get off the Lankford love train. What he offers on returns we can get elsewhere on roster...or PR and have a player who could contribute moe than just returns...and that brutal fumble too...he hangs on we most likey get points...keep Reilly off the field from scoring and win that game warts and all One thing I'd like to mention...That Bighill stuff at the goal line onn Reilly where he went over the top...can you ever see Hurl doing that???...hahaa
    9 points
  4. This is one of those things people are going to use to harp on you about how you make too many threads. This could easily fit in any post game discussion thread. You haven’t even created anything of substance here. You have four sentences, one fact and one thought. I’ll share my thoughts though, since I don’t feel like being the guy who comes in here just to tell you what a grave mistake you’ve made ... our D looked predictable and unfortunately, it was being outcoached that did us in from what I saw ... didn’t catch the whole game, but I saw the end and it’s a classic case of being far too predictable in your schemes and trying to go to the well too many times. Might work against a Streveler ... not against a Reilly
    9 points
  5. Durant rage retiring looks to be the best thing for the Bombers. Our 23 yr old rookie looks legit.
    9 points
  6. We lost by 3 to a good team that needed a stupid PI call and a two point convert to even have a shot. Both sides of the ball really struggled at times but we will be fine.
    8 points
  7. I hope June Jones was watching the game. He’ll have seen vintage Reilly in that game, and that kind of performance is pretty well standard for him. The kind of performance I doubt we’ll see consistently from his “best we’ll ever see” QB. That game last night was a highly entertaining football game. It would have been even better without the delays. Many on here are pointing fingers, but only a few are pointing them at the reason Edmonton won that game - Mke Reilly. How he escaped that relentless pressure, more than a few times is ‘palm to the head’ d’oh worthy. And he made plays. Also, his receivers made some outstanding catches for him. It was not an easy game to watch the team lose, but really, going in, how many expected us to gunsling with one of the best. We still lost, but we gained ever so much in that game.
    7 points
  8. We almost won a game that nobody really gave us a chance to be in let alone win.
    7 points
  9. Already sick of the Thursday Night Football song.
    6 points
  10. The mere fact that fans are talking about the loss, and the way we lost, instead of how we played a rookie 23 yr. old QB and were this close to snagging a victory, should be brought up time and time again. Last year, and the backup QBs we had, we would have been out of this game early with no chance to come back. Channel the inner Streveler, and revel in the fact that we have a real back up QB. The wins will be coming soon..
    5 points
  11. That’s the best quarback in league he is going to do that to teams in this league. Unlike last year there were no busts in coverage he threw it they made plays. If they make a couple plays on the ball it’s a different. People forget how great a QB Reilly is coupled with two recievers that can just go over top of guys it’s a leathal combo. Willy does not get 250 yards next week.
    5 points
  12. Craigslist missed connections is that way —->
    5 points
  13. Tough beat last night guys. We'll try to hang an L on the Riders for you tonight. KBF: sorry I couldn't make it downtown last night (when you called, I was riding through Port Perry), but if I had made it down we'd have been hammered from drinking while waiting for the game... then your meetings would have been a s-show today and you'd have had a snoring Argo fan on your hotel room couch...
    5 points
  14. At some point perhaps assigning blame can also give a little credit.....Riley is one of if not the best QB in the CFL
    5 points
  15. I like how we were pretty aggressive with Streveler however with a minute twenty on the clock after a poor kickoff return there's no excuse for not keeping the ball on the ground and keeping the clock running. That 2 and 0 killed us there. You run on first and run a draw play on second. If you make a big play then you go more aggressive. You don't leave Edmonton the maximum amount of clock there.
    4 points
  16. Torrential rain falls A young gunslinger appears His story begins
    4 points
  17. We don't flub that field goal and Lankford doesn't fumble...we win regardless of the defense in that game...I hope that the last we see of Lankford for a while..Fogg and others can do just fine on returns
    4 points
  18. I honestly think we are going to freaking slaughter Montreal next Friday. This front 7 against Willy. Dear lord.
    4 points
  19. Game replay is up on You Tube.
    4 points
  20. Agree 100%. Reilly is gonna Reilly. Any other QB out there is taking a few more sacks. At least guys weren't running free against our secondary, the DBs just need to make some plays. Edmonton receivers were making some tough catches over our guys. Steveler showed he can keep us in games and give us a chance until Nichols is back. When was the last time we had a back up QB (not counting Nichols taking over for Willy) throw 3 TDs?
    4 points
  21. There are some things in life that just don't make any sense. There are things we can't explain or understand, no matter how hard we try. There are events that seem to have no reason and mistakes that appear to bring no lesson. There's darkness that can feel completely unbearable and light that can seem far too fleeting to trust. One day's happiness gives way to tomorrow's sadness. One day's loss is tomorrow's gain. The challenges give the victories a greater sense of meaning. The pain gives us a greater sense of appreciation for the pleasure.
    4 points
  22. Streveler definitely has shown more upside then so many of the guys they have had over the years. For comparison.... Goltz only tossed 3 td's in 4 seasons with us.....
    4 points
  23. I initially refused to vote on this forum question, but now will say "Yes". I believe Shreveler is the real deal. I think this guy will be a team' s #1 QB in 3 years...I just hope it is with us. He is smart (almost finished 2nd Masters degree), athletic, has a good arm, and has some leadership skills. The silver lining to Matt's injury is this guy will get much needed playing time which will only make us a better team.
    3 points
  24. Oh well, so much for 18-0. 17-1 here we come.
    3 points
  25. Ebb becomes flow Joy becomes grief Gin runs like water
    3 points
  26. Overall....is actually is better.....beaten by a great QB, who got some big-time catches. from talented R corps. There weren't any massive busts, in the coverage. Fogg and Alexander held up pretty good on that side....but Gaitor got roughed up quite a bit. The distressing part is not making the stops in crunch time, and losing like that.....
    3 points
  27. Quite. I prefer that coffee stays in my mouth and not on my I phone screen. I hold several parties here directly responsible.
    3 points
  28. The one thing I really noticed (and loved) last night was seeing how Bighill just flows from sideline to sideline. That speed and ability from our MLB spot has been sorely lacking these last years and seeing the ability there just made me smile.
    3 points
  29. Disaster? I thought it was a great game. Bombers are exactly what I thought they were, a really, really solid team. Your OC didn't help the rook when he needed it most; on the second to last last series. He needed a couple of high % plays there. A run would have helped. Your D will continue to give up big plays as long as Gaitor remains in your secondary.
    3 points
  30. Yup. You've got a straight out of college rookie QB with the ball in his hands in a tie game against the best QB in the league with under 2 minutes left and you don't run the f****** ball once?!?!? Another reason why Lapo will never be an elite OC, just too many dumb play calls year after year when the game is on the line. Drives me nuts. So f****** frustrating.
    3 points
  31. You can still challenge PI, but you cannot challenge Illegal Contact.
    3 points
  32. Unfortunately watching the replay on tv you could see their was legit contact. it was the right call
    3 points
  33. This in itself was the difference in the game and this is what makes Reilly the best QB in the league. The pressure was consistent last night but his strength allowed him to escape the pressure and throw a completion. His downfield vision is the best in the league but I honestly was impressed with how many times we pressured him. The one thing we need to do is not over pursue and play more of a contain game.
    3 points
  34. Randle had coverage and just made a mistake on the first long TD of the night. I don't think there is anything a coach can do for that. Randle usually makes that play and probably will in the future. Similarly, if it was a quarterback other than Reilly we could have had a few more sacks. Or at least a few holding calls. I'll re-watch the game again later but my sense was that it was just two teams that went back and forth with hot and cold spells. The defense let us down at the end but there was a good chunk of that game where Edmonton couldn't get anything going at all.
    3 points
  35. Or edit it to make it look like we won.
    3 points
  36. If you look to blame scheme.. Hall but to me? Looked like a couple of our DBs were just abused by Walker and Williams so... Both?
    3 points
  37. The good news is Hall is one game closer to being fired.
    3 points
  38. Fogg had a big game like this in his rookie year, a big return and a couple of picks.
    3 points
  39. 500 yards of offense to 300. We dominated field position for long stretch in first half and struggled to get first downs. Came out of that rut and then couldn’t get more than a first down in the 4th quarter to close. You can’t sit on a lead against a dynamic offense like Edmonton. Maybe against Montreal or BC.
    2 points
  40. HH to Nevis, he looked like he was reborn, even ran down Gable!
    2 points
  41. 1. The Fans who stayed 2. Streveler - looked good. Some questionable play calling tho. 3. JSK - was a beast. HH- Again. The Fans who stayed. Why no Fogg eventho he had a pick and a TD return? Cuz he got abused by The Duke.
    2 points
  42. That offensive performance was not very good. D didn’t make a play for a very long stretch, but on the whole did a good job getting off the field when the offense was inconsistent as we knew it would be given the QB situation. Blitzing Bighill and Loffler/JSK on almost every 2nd and medium/long was way too obvious, especially when they line up on the line most of the time too. Leave way too much of the middle open for Reilly. Pass rush was good in general, lots of holds, run game a non factor. Streveler was alright but they need to get a little more creative and make the run more of a factor. Teams are going to be scheming against what they saw. Some good misdirection tonight but lacking that consistent run game. Hated the play calling on the last drive, over a minute, just need a FG attempt, no need to rest the game on Streveler’s arm and reads. Plenty of time under 3 to run and gain first downs, set up that kick or at least bleed the clock.
    2 points
  43. Wanna-B-Fanboy

    Canadian Politics

    WTF? what's with the whataboutism, selective quoting and Ad hominem attacks? Jeebus... try harder and form a ******* argument.
    2 points
  44. Anything good that Lankford did disappears with the fumble
    2 points
  45. There's 4 DI's for a few years now.
    2 points
  46. SpeedFlex27

    safety razors

    When a man grows a full beard, grizzly bears seek them out for comfort & knowledge.
    2 points
  47. Hope there's no bullshit lightning delay.
    2 points
  48. Fort Hew! It's an early start to the season and it STILL feels like forever getting here.
    2 points
  49. Defend Fort Hew! Go Bombers!
    2 points
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