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  1. wbbfan

    Tiger-Cats @ Stampeders

    Its not just this year 😛
    3 points
  2. A) you can't trade an injured player. B ) That's a dumb idea.
    3 points
  3. Floyd

    Tiger-Cats @ Stampeders

    The board is already nuts this year
    3 points
  4. SpeedFlex27

    Alouettes @ Lions

    Mike Sherman turns to his players on the bench & yells, "Brett, get ready!!!" Then he realizes his mistake & sheephisly says, "Sorry, Drew". "That's okay, " says Willy.
    3 points
  5. bigg jay

    Alouettes @ Lions

    Or Westerpeople if you asked Trudeau.
    3 points
  6. You actually think our defense is full of rotten apples? Wow, nice fan you are. Not very knowledgeable either. Rotten apples, whatever.
    3 points
  7. JCon

    Tiger-Cats @ Stampeders

    Troll needs to go away. And take TheSource with you, Troll.
    2 points
  8. Lapo vs a bend don't break defense is pretty much a straight up win. Lapo wants to methodically work the ball down the field at the best of times.
    2 points
  9. Hostile meaning they are not the home crowd, i.e. they are cheering and making noise when our offence is on the field. Looked pretty aggressive last night.
    2 points
  10. Pick 29. I believe. Good year to trade it.
    2 points
  11. The Unknown Poster

    Jets Prospects

    It was the price to get Stastny.
    2 points
  12. Wild would replace Kyrie Wilson as a DI if he is back. I'm just hoping for a win.
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. if this year we are full of rotten apples then last year with Hurl we were the zombie fruit apocalypse.
    2 points
  15. Atomic

    Alouettes @ Lions

    This final drive is classic Drew Willy. Get a meaningless TD to make the game look close but ultimately a loss is a loss. Never mind they couldn't even pull off the garbage time TD.
    2 points
  16. If Lapo had listened to me, shouting from the stands........
    2 points
  17. If losing to the team everyone says is the best team going on a last minute field goal when you have a 23 year old qb in his first start is the worst thing to happen then it should be a good year.
    2 points
  18. And Chris Streveler is going to throw 54 touchdown passes. Mike Reilly is going to throw for 7200 yards but only 18 TD's, 36 TD's rushing. Kevin Fogg is going to have 2000 missed FG return yards. Charleston Hughes is going to have 54 sacks. James Wilder is going to have 80 carries and Adarius Bowman is going to have 0 catches!
    2 points
  19. You know what I put that first INT on the receiver not Streveler. The receiver had his hands on it and let the linebacker take it away from him. Gotta be stronger than that and either catch it or at least don't let the linebacker take it away. To me Streveler was better than the numbers might indicate when taking everything into consideration.
    1 point
  20. Well, obviously Montreal needs all the help they can get.
    1 point
  21. now the guy will sue and get a big paycheck. I still remember the game in Quebec City when a drunk fan jumped into the Buffalo Sabres bench and Rob Ray beat the living crap out of him. Just speed-bagged the guy. I don't know why fans do this, but given the amount of sympathy and virtue-signaling going on on Twitter for this kid you can bet he's going to claim some kind of injury and want damages.
    1 point
  22. 2018-06-15 Edmonton at Winnipeg Thunder with lightning, Investor's Group field should have Had a frigging roof
    1 point
  23. Any time a college qb starts game one and throws 3 touchdowns you have to give the offensive coordinator a lot of the credit. I just didn’t like the play calling on that final drive. Streveler needed to act like a real quarback and throw the ball downfield or else Edmonton would have kept loading the box like they did early in the game.
    1 point
  24. Ross still hurt - and this falls under 'if it ain't broke...' category Medlock and Dressler have good chemistry
    1 point
  25. Mr Dee

    Alouettes @ Lions

    Well, he’s starting a losing streak..
    1 point
  26. NorthernSkunk

    Alouettes @ Lions

    He ain't exactly "streaking"
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. That and Montreal doesn’t have an aggressive D anymore
    1 point
  29. Why do you think Montreal has a hostile crowd ?.......I wouldn't be surprised if the stands are 50% or better empty....Montrealers hate losing teams and would rather go for a smoked meat sandwich than watch their teams lose
    1 point
  30. HardCoreBlue

    Alouettes @ Lions

    Kids don't do drugs or this to could be you.
    1 point
  31. B-F-F-C

    Alouettes @ Lions

    holy crap! That was a high hit. But he had it coming to him.
    1 point
  32. How Han and Lando met? How Han and Jabba met? How the Falcon set a speed record. Not seen the movie but guessing all 3 were in that.
    1 point
  33. I think they are in a separate tier of quality. BLM has always had tons and tons and tons of great supporting cast, coaches etc. reilly is used to playing with shakey at best Ols, meh rbs, WR cores that lack depth and defenses that dont win games. He has performed similarly with a whole lot less to work with. If you put mike reilly on any team in the league they make the play offs. Blm doesnt carry bc or mtl to the play offs. Maybe a couple other teams too. Reilly is the elite of the elite he has slowly been pulling past blm for a bit now. He also isnt a bag of dicks like BLM is.
    1 point
  34. Khari Jones is a terrible OC.
    1 point
  35. Atomic

    Around the NHL 2017/2018

    The problem is other top pick RFAs like Eichel and likely Matthews getting 10+. On one hand they are centres, on the other hand teams tend to pay more for goals than points and Laine was second in goals... one of only eight 40+ goal scorers last year. Trouba will get less than 8 but I'll be surprised if Laine comes in any lower than 9.
    1 point
  36. Zontar

    Tiger-Cats @ Stampeders

    Early days. But a lot of things are falling Manziels way.
    1 point
  37. Threw off his back foot across his body. The pass wasn't even close to being complete to the receiver as it was underthrown.
    1 point
  38. Can’t see Laine getting ten. He’s an RFA and his play doesn’t warrant it. He will sign a team friendly deal and surprise people
    1 point
  39. You guys are far to literal......my reference to the rotten apples was aimed at those who choose to over simplify and lay sole blame on Hall. Clearly there is a greater level of complexity to the defensive situation. It is amazing how much an impact Hughes had in Sask to improving their defensive situation. I do believe the addition of Bighill might make a similar impact on improving Hall’s defence.
    1 point
  40. Everyone wants to be paid top dollar and the asks will be high, want they end up settling on is anyone's guess, but for me Trouba does not warrant 8 mil and I wouldn't be giving Laine 10 mil either
    1 point
  41. LaPo did not call a great game. It was like he forgot that Nichols was out & Streveler was in...
    1 point
  42. Is James Franklin even the next James Franklin? Dude is not successful or proven or anything, he could be the next Trevor Harris, he could be the next Don McPherson, no one knows yet.
    1 point
  43. For sure... I thought the conversation was about making him into a permanent RB/SB type rather than having a fullback - I totally agree that there should be a few gadget plays for Demski First, Lapo has to get Harris and Streveler on the same page for passing/screens - I think it will happen According to The Source, Andrew Harris will finish the season with only 108 receiving yards... super depressing... he was so good last year
    1 point
  44. Yeah projecting a guy's stats based on a backup Quarterback's first pro game... ever That makes sense.
    1 point
  45. I just wanted to pop on here quickly and let you know there IS help for that. You really don't have to live this way. I've spent the last couple months in a deep dive into mental illness, depression and anxiety. There's meds and there's therapy....and it WORKS....trust me. You don't have to live that way.... Carry on...
    1 point
  46. Why not 6' and 220 lbs Nic Demski?
    1 point
  47. Demski is a tailback. Moving to receiver is the conversion, he's fine to run the ball.
    1 point
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