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  1. First Pro start ever and he throws 3 TD's and didn't look terrified .... an absolute positive sign in my books.
    5 points
  2. Nope, wasn't drunk at all. I watched the game on my phone in airports the day after it was played. I was/am pretty positive about the Bombers performance. They did better than I expected. Saying that Streveler was good but not great caused two pages of whining that I was saying he sucked and a few folks pretending that I was expecting him to be as good as Reilly, because I quoted Reilly's stats too. Just par for the course around here. I post. Folks make **** up that I didn't say then complain about it.
    4 points
  3. He must have been totally hammered
    4 points
  4. I saw no one declare Streveler to be anything but a rookie who had a good outing FOR A ROOKIE IN HIS FIRST CFL GAME AS STARTER. If you want to compare stats, then don't check out what the other QB's did this past week. Instead go back and see how they did when they were starter in the opening game of their rookie year. Oh wait, NO ONE else since Calvillo has done that, so I guess you really don't have a lot to compare his debut with. The closest thing you might be able to come up with is how they did in their first game as a starter in the CFL. Get back to us on that would you? Thanks. Oh, and by the way, only one poster has suggested that we could shop Nichols around and I think you can see how people responded to that "genius idea". Trying to drum up an argument where none existed. Who would have guessed...
    4 points
  5. P.R. bound. WPG DEL NAT Johnny AUGUSTINE (RB) Guelph WPG DEL INT Ryan LANKFORD (WR) Illinois https://www.cfl.ca/transactions/ Also Ti-Cats released Demond Washington to make room for Breaux.
    3 points
  6. The best part was Suitor called it a planned throw behind.
    3 points
  7. You know what really stood out to me, on the touchdown to Wolitarsky he gave the db a little fake like he was getting the ball out quick and made the guy bite leaving a wide open Wolitarsky in the endzone. That's good stuff right there and makes me think this Streveler kid knows how to play the position.
    3 points
  8. So you honestly think that a guy who has played exactly 0 games should be held to the same standards as the MOP and another guy who has played in this league for several years? Ok, colour me shocked that you're trying to take the contrarian view. Good luck with that.
    3 points
  9. JCon

    Tiger-Cats @ Stampeders

    Troll needs to go away. And take TheSource with you, Troll.
    3 points
  10. Craigslist missed connections is that way —->
    3 points
  11. Saying Streveler got most of his yards on 1 play is like saying Reilly did the same with the 101 yd TD pass. Weird comment to make.
    2 points
  12. Oh if you had only said that he was good by not great... See it's not just what you say, it's how you say it. Your threw in the stuff about the esks missing a bunch of dbs, getting a chunk of yards on one play, saying you expect him to have more trouble next week. You were completely downplaying what he accomplished all because the rest of us were simplying saying he did good for a rookie and it was encouraging. So you were either being contrarian just for the sake of arguing (which I totally understand) or you are salty that people took issue with your downplaying of a rookie playing well in difficult circumstances. To be completely honest it's not even the stats that leave me impressed with what the guy did. You know what makes me the most positive about his performance? He shook off an early INT, he handled the delays like a champ, he settled in more and more as the game went on even in the face of Edmonton sending a bunch of pressure. He basically did the things that other young qbs we have used here have failed to do. He showed that mental ability to not get overwhelmed by the situation. The counting stats will improve with experience but a guy with the right mind set, that's worth it's weight in gold.
    2 points
  13. Well, my point is that Bombers should have been more desperate for a CFL experienced backup once Durant retired instead of only trying to do something after Nichols got injured. I never inferred that Gale was better than Durant. Edit: Actually Bombers didn't do anything re: a CFL experienced backup until 3rd string QB Ross got injured so it took 2 injured QBs to actually do anything...weird.
    2 points
  14. God what a season for Alex Ross eh? Guy has an opportunity to be a week one starter but loses out then gets hurt on the one play he actually gets to run which was a clusterfuck of a play to start with. Some guys must be just cursed.
    2 points
  15. First start...first look at live "real" game speed....didn't panic...didn't do the usual dumb rookie mistakes...less than optimal conditions..first time with first team starters...he did pretty good...and next game will be better as things slow down, and he finds his way. What I liked is he didn't just lock onto his primary read/look and set himself up for being picked easily, or allow defense to limit gains..You can see him going through progressions and 2nd and 3rd looks...some QB's in this league who have been here a while still aren't doing that...so the future looks good with him...and you can't discount his wheels and running ability...he's also built different than most QB's as well...so he can take some hits...on his one run he rocked the one DB and he was partly stunned from the hit..
    2 points
  16. God, your shtick is getting old and were only one game in. Going to be a long season...
    2 points
  17. That's not what I was doing and you know it. I don't expect Streveler to have Reilly's stats or game. I do expect he will get better with reps and experience. I don't think that 1 game in a monsoon against a team without half it's DB's is a realistic yardstick for any QB. Good game or not.
    2 points
  18. Based on how the refs called it when it was the Edmonton offensive line no, holding is totally legal.
    2 points
  19. How many games has Reilly played compared to Streveler? Your bar of success for Streveler is way too high & unfair. Do you really think Reilly would have thrown for 408 yards as a rookie in his very first game? Not trying to be too negative towards your comments. Just pointing out it was grizzled veteran vs raw rookie.
    2 points
  20. What an idiotic comment.
    2 points
  21. Usually, we need to get three or four games into the season (at least) before someone comes up with as dumb an idea as that. Well done.
    2 points
  22. I must have missed it, but who was claiming that he was a world beater? Most of the posts I saw said he did pretty well considering that he's a 23 year old rookie. So with that being the case, I'm not sure why you're comparing his stats to Reilly's. I'd hope that at this point, Reilly's numbers would be better.
    2 points
  23. You know what I put that first INT on the receiver not Streveler. The receiver had his hands on it and let the linebacker take it away from him. Gotta be stronger than that and either catch it or at least don't let the linebacker take it away. To me Streveler was better than the numbers might indicate when taking everything into consideration.
    2 points
  24. If Lapo had listened to me, shouting from the stands........
    2 points
  25. ah, yeah, I can see Collins breaking stride and reaching back in slo-mo.
    1 point
  26. jeepers mini kevin glenn in a faction of the time. His wrs made a TON of plays for him in those clips. See dbs gambling on risky passes etc. Didnt have a chance on the first sack (ole!) but the next he should have felt the pressure. All in all it is what it is. He is our 3rd string qb. Some one who was out of football. I bet vernon adams salary is why we arent after him. Ill take gale, and ill take him over douchrant, fever, and the rest of the cast off FA qbs pretty much. (i do like cato but he's probably ruined from montreal)
    1 point
  27. One guy?? The Esks. have the following: Hazelton 6'-3" Stafford 6'-3" Walker 6'-2" Williams 6'-3" Mitchell 6'-2" Criner 6'-3" I think height has a huge part to play in the outcome of jump balls.
    1 point
  28. Right now, what was once a 50/50 ball is more like a 20/80 ball. The wrs get away with flagrant push offs, pulls on dbs jerseys etc. And dbs dont get away with jack. They dont even have the right to occupy the space their body takes up in the air. Its like every WR is lebron james and every DB is some D league scrub. Combine that with the fact that most dbs are 5'10 ish and every team has that one guy whose 6'4 ish And even that 20/80 ball that used to be 50/50 is now 95/5 at best.
    1 point
  29. Great hilites showing his ability
    1 point
  30. No problem...thats the best footage tho to view everything..schemes..busts..etc...In camp and practices teams will film it that way too so they can properly review everything. I know when I played we had a dedicated guy in each stadium filming it
    1 point
  31. https://www.bluebombers.com/2018/06/18/mitchell-gale-june-18/ Mitchell Gale Interview Gale played five seasons in the CFL, throwing for 1,050 yards and four touchdowns on 158 passing attempts. Gale spent his four-year college career with the Abilene Christian Wildcats, throwing for 97 touchdowns and over 12,000 passing yards. Gale has spent time with the Toronto Argonauts, Hamilton Tiger-Cats, Saskatchewan Roughriders, Calgary Stampeders and BC Lions.
    1 point
  32. Maybe God is trying to tell Ross to go do something other than football- croquet, for example.
    1 point
  33. If Willy passes for 400.....at this point, that would constitute a firing offense.
    1 point
  34. Been wondering why....in the last couple of years....why our DB's get beat so often on 50/50 balls.......
    1 point
  35. 17to85

    US Politics

    So much innovation has come from space exploration, I dunno why it's seen as a waste by so many in government.
    1 point
  36. 17to85

    US Politics

    I would think it's less about exploration and more about weaponizing satellites and such.
    1 point
  37. Atomic

    Silver Linings

    3-0 unless Winnipeg moved back to the East
    1 point
  38. HA!! Yup more or less
    1 point
  39. You don't think it's good to compare our QB to any of the other QB's in the league? 😂 I guess that's cuz his stats aren't that good when you do make the comparison. Compare stats from this year to Calvillo way back in 1994? What use would that be? It was a different game back then and he was on an expansion team. Streveler is on a GC contender with a good to great OC and a lot of weapons at his disposal. Find me another rookie QB starting his first game on a GC contending team against another GC contending team, who is missing half their DB's, on a monsoon day, with 2 long stoppages of play, no half time, in the longest single game in CFL history to compare with and I'll happily find the stats. I'm pretty certain we would have won if Nichols started, so a better QB would have made a difference. All I said, was he was good, not great. That shouldn't start an argument, but of course, around here it does. 😬
    1 point
  40. I think it's silly to expect a rookie to play as well as the reigning MOP. Streveler played a decent game and threw more TDs than any other QB in week one. He certainly played a lot better than Drew Willy... I don't care what the stats say. The stats said Drew Willy was an all star in early 2016 but he lost his job because we all know that wasn't true.
    1 point
  41. I truly don't know what you're saying. You compare a CFL rook with no experience to a 6 year multiple CFL all star, Grey Cup champ & MOP & say we should be comparing Streveler's stats to Reilly's 408 yard passing performance & admit he came up short. So, therefore he didn't play well at all. That's how I read what you said & I can't make any sense of it. I was pleased by Streveler's performance. He threw 3 TD passes & I'm happy with that. I think he did better than just okay & I expected Reilly would outplay him. anyway As far as saying Willy had better stats but we all dump on him? Well again DW is a veteran qb but he plays timidly. He tries to play safe but invariably screws up as he did last night with that pick. He won't take chances then throws the game away with dumb decisions. He plays not to lose which he usually does & not to win which he rarely does. Willy's had his run & it hasn't been very good. That's how I look at Drew Willy as a CFL qb, I see POTENTIALLY a much better upside to Streveler than there ever was with Willy. More athletic, the ability to run with the ball & a strong arm. Will he ever reach his full potential? Damned if I know but we'll see how he is developed after Nichols gets back.
    1 point
  42. I have no idea what your point is here? I really don't.
    1 point
  43. But you can't hold a rookie with no experience to a player who is a GC winner, GC MVP, CFL All Star & League MOP. You just can't. You compare Streveler's performance to the performances of other inexperienced qbs in a similar situation. That is the only fair way to do it that makes any sense.
    1 point
  44. Not sure I would hold the second pick against him all that much either. It was on a two point convert. And interception is no worse than an incompletion or sack in that situation. That’s the time you through one up and hope for the best if you’re under pressure or not seeing anybody open.
    1 point
  45. That’s the best quarback in league he is going to do that to teams in this league. Unlike last year there were no busts in coverage he threw it they made plays. If they make a couple plays on the ball it’s a different. People forget how great a QB Reilly is coupled with two recievers that can just go over top of guys it’s a leathal combo. Willy does not get 250 yards next week.
    1 point
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