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  1. On September 2, 1974, just hours after quarterback Don Jonas had guided the Blue Bombers to a last play win on Labour Day over the Saskatchewan Roughriders at Taylor Field, he was traded to the Hamilton Tiger Cats for qb Chuck Ealey. He was informed of the trade after the plane carrying the Bombers back to Winnipeg had landed just before midnight. ( I was on that Air Canada flight in case you're interested). As Ealey wasn't ready to play their next game vs the Edmonton Eskimos, the Bombers started their rookie backup qb Dieter Brock, fresh out of college from Jacksonville State with zero pro playing experience. Six days later on September 8, 1974 at Clarke Stadium, Dieter Brock was at the helm of the Blue Bombers for the very first time & for the only time that season as the Bombers starting qb . He got hammered as the Eskimos blitzed the crap out of their defense. Brock was either on his back or running for his life the entire game. His stats reflected how he was manhandled by the Esks defense. He attempted 27 passes, completed 12 for 176 yards, two interceptions, zero tds, a 44% completion average with a qb rating of 35.4. It would be almost an entire year before Brock would have another start against the Montreal Alouettes in September of 1975 at the Autostade after Ealey was traded to the Toronto Argonauts. Brock would then be the full time Bomber starter for the next 9 seasons. I watched that game back in 1974. Brock was hurried, hit & harassed on nearly every passing play the entire game. He looked totally lost playing against that Eskimo defense that day. Little or nothing worked for Brock that game as the Bombers lost 24-2. I actually felt sorry for Brock as he just couldn't handle what the Eskimos defense did to him. It was a tough, tough day for Brock. Obviously Brock learned from everything he went through that day as he became a CFL HOF qb with 34,830 yards passing, 210 touchdown passes & a 57% completion average during his career. He was the CFL's leading passer in 1978, 80, 81 & 84. On October 3, 1981 Brock attempted 48 passes, completed 41, 16 of those consecutively with an 87% completion average. He surgically dissected the Ottawa Rough Riders defense that day in one of the finest performances by a qb that I have ever seen. He was the CFL's West Division's All Star qb from 1980-82 & an All Canadian in 1980 & 81. He won the Jeff Nicklin Trophy as the West Division's MVP & was a back to back Schenley Award winner as the CFL's Most Outstanding Player in 1980 & 81. Brock was elected to the Canadian Football Hall Of Fame in 1995. Tburg, had you watched that game when Brock got his ass handed to him in 1974 you'd never have thought he'd have any kind of CFL career. Compared to Brock's first start, Streveler looked 10 times better. He didn't panic & showed a lot of poise. He threw 3 TD passes compared to zero for Brock. So, comparing Streveler to Brock in their first game as starting qbs out of college is more accurate than comparing Brock to Tom Wilkinson back in 1974 or Streveler to Mike Reilly last Thursday night. I also seem to remember that the game in Edmonton 44 years ago was a cold, rainy day as well.
    9 points
  2. Travis Bond was great here, he was going to be great in Saskatchewan and he'll be great in Edmonton. Riderfans, for the most part, is full of idiots and I feel as if I've become a happier person since I stopped going over there to read their insanity.
    7 points
  3. I want to pre-thank any other well wishers and I’ll keep plugging on, but let’s keep this thread going. It’s going to be a good one.
    7 points
  4. Streveler leads the league in passing TDs
    6 points
  5. I can’t answer for D or D, but my feature, In Case You Missed It will be on hiatus for a bit while I go on the 6 game IR. It’s a bit of a process to put together that bit and I’m fighting some health issues at this time. I’ll be checking in daily with some minor stuff..and I hope that works out.
    6 points
  6. where do you even come up with this stuff? the first play, the pass to Dressler, is a great call with 1:10 to go in a tie game with the ball on your 30. If that play works, Dressler get hit in stride with no Eskimo within 5 yards. Easy jog for 10-15 and likely out of bounds too, putting us on the 40 with more than a minute left and needing just a rouge to win. But Streveler missed the throw, maybe because he had to throw around #94. and look at the second play. his eyes are on the short side of the field until the pocket collapses, and everyone on that side was going long enough to exit the TV screen. His first read looks pretty much like a midrange or downfield shot there. But he gets flushed and chased to the wide side (again by #94) and then his only choice is to take the sack or that desperation toss to Demski. For me, the real story of our second-to-last drive is not "wah we have a timid OC who's holding back our gunslinger QB" (and seriously I have no idea how you get that idea from these two plays) but instead why couldn't our line keep #94 out of the kitchen long enough for Streveller to make a play?
    5 points
  7. **** any CFL team that puts a 44 year old on their neg list. **** them.
    4 points
  8. You guys do realize that you are arguing with people from Saskatchewan; a province where they think that ancestry .ca and match.com are the same site, right?
    4 points
  9. Get well, man. Just remember the season is a marathon not a race.
    4 points
  10. Hey man, take whatever time you need in the tub, you always got a spot on the club.
    4 points
  11. Wish you a speedy recovery friend. Sorry to hear that
    4 points
  12. You know what really stood out to me, on the touchdown to Wolitarsky he gave the db a little fake like he was getting the ball out quick and made the guy bite leaving a wide open Wolitarsky in the endzone. That's good stuff right there and makes me think this Streveler kid knows how to play the position.
    4 points
  13. The nice thing about the internet is that there's more than one website, and there might even one where you can ridicule everything and anyone that talks about your team in an echo chamber.
    3 points
  14. You're confusing insecurity with enjoyment. I understand. You folks confuse words all the time, like wife & cousin.
    3 points
  15. Sounds like Bond will be playing tackle for the Eskimos which makes him a little less terrifying.
    3 points
  16. I think it's also ridiculous to downplay it. Any edge you get is still an edge and perhaps the Argos didn't do a good job of making it hard for a former coach to know what they're doing. All in all that game really game down to the Argos playing like complete ass. Soft coverage on D, receivers failing to get open even a little bit and Ricky Ray looking like he was nursing a hangover from a 3 week bender.
    3 points
  17. I hope the Bombers dress another DB for this game.
    3 points
  18. I actually do not mind Rider Fans posting here as long as what the have to say makes a little sense and is in good taste etc. I post over on RiderFans.com and as long as I keep it clean and reasonable never had any issues. I would expect the same treatment here for Rider Fans. Heck I would even welcome Nasty Nate back ----- Just kidding on that one!
    2 points
  19. Some guy literally made an account just to come on here and object. When the Bombers thoroughly trounce the Riders later this season you will know what to expect here. If you show up that is.
    2 points
  20. I see big things for you here.
    2 points
  21. I can sum it up even better with one word - "Expert" Oh no, TheBandit is "questioning my knowledge on here." What ever will I do? I don't give a **** what you think! RIDERS SUCK!
    2 points
  22. You are right, but having said that, it doesn't change one thing: Riders suck.
    2 points
  23. Hopefully you're like Nichols and is back sooner rather than later.
    2 points
  24. Yeah Bond to Edmonton is terrifying. OL was the weak part of their offense.
    2 points
  25. According to CBC, the Bombers brought in Gale because Nichols was hurt. This is the worst story ever. It doesn't even mention the injury to Ross. Why does the CBC even try? https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/blue-bombers-cfl-football-quarterback-mitchell-gale-1.4710775
    2 points
  26. Too be fair- they go to the land where holding is no longer penalized, thus giving them the top notch status.
    2 points
  27. Travis Bond signs with Edmonton: Edmonton's O-Line in the last few years has converted so many of other teams' O-line discards into top notch starters .... But I don't know how Bond can be any more of an all star than he already is ... this might be the move that gets Edmonton past Calgary this year ... imagine that, an all star that nobody wanted - - except Edmonton
    2 points
  28. I'm happy to see Augustine still hanging around and getting coached up, but Lankford, meh. If our scouts cannot do better than Lankford, they ought to voluntarily take a pay cut.
    2 points
  29. Fogg was one of the best punt returners in 2016 he had the highest average no TDS but had 3 or 4 called back.
    2 points
  30. wbbfan

    Silver Linings

    after the performance by streveler I think not.
    2 points
  31. Condescending Negatron
    2 points
  32. Nothing I said was inaccurate or negative. Edmonton with backup DB's isn't as good as Edmonton with starting DB's. That's just a pertinent fact as is the weather. The chunk in 1 play was because I knew folks would bring up Reilly's 101 yard shot, which I also included. I included Reilly's stats in the first place in an attempt to stop the whole 'look at the weather' argument, which in hindsight was a bad idea as it morphed into a 'you can't compare Reilly to Streveler' argument. You'll be a lot less angry if you stop worrying about how I say stuff and just deal with what I actually say. Streveler's stats weren't impressive and stats aren't the only way to decide if a QB played well or not anyway, but they are a starting point for conversation. I liked a lot of what I saw from Streveler too, which is why I said he had a good game in the first place. I know that's not positive enough for some around here and I'm fine with that. He played better after the first break, likely because he got a chance to regroup and be coached up during the break. That's not likely to happen again this season. Getting the missed FG return for the TD then getting the ball kicked right back to us also set him up in a way that likely won't ever happen again. IMO that should have been the turning point in the game, but Hall's D let us down again. I hope that Steveler continues to impress and becomes what the 'positive' folks think he can be. It's way to early IMO to start that talk yet.
    2 points
  33. Jesse

    Silver Linings

    And the West can't be 4-0 if we lost.
    2 points
  34. So Booch, you're saying that there are things other than hard stats that one might need to consider when making an accurate assessment? That there's more to evaluating performance than looking at five or six hard stats. Are you suggesting that there is actual skill involved in making judgments on players and that having a 6 column spreadsheet might not be enough? Mind blown...
    2 points
  35. Mods, come on, enough is enough of this sort of trolling. Please do something about it soon.
    2 points
  36. So Lafrance in for Augustine but who for Lankford, a db? I'm assuming Wild for Wilson, so Mo for Lankford?
    1 point
  37. I am holding out hope that the powers that be are just trying to shake things up and give some fresh meat a chance returning kicks.
    1 point
  38. That would be great, though I worry about rust. Didnt lafrance miss basically all of camp? Cant make the club from the tub (unless you are a QB or a NI) Idk Thompkins isnt just another replacement WR. He isnt, l'damian washington. This guy can make plays as a wr at the highest level. Maybe he pans out maybe he doesnt. But bowman was targeted twice and didnt get any catches. If Flanders isnt back and lankford is out who we work into the offense, and lafrance isnt a known commodity yet maybe it is thompkins. Mo coming back would be the best case scenario imo. Itd be nice to carry the extra DB (though jones did play pretty well when he rotated in) But if mo isnt ready, it could be one of the rookie dbs too. priester, cooper, or sayles. Those are teams guys too. My money would be on thompkins or more likely another db like cooper. Some one to rotate in more often to give fogg rest who does double return duties. I think Wild when ready will come in for wilson. he looked great in camp and good in pre season, but JSK with bighill was the best one two wil mac combo weve had in aaaaggeeessss. Jsk was flying around and made soo many plays. I dont see wilson rotating a lot, and wild is a big time leader and teams guy.
    1 point
  39. Pretty sure LaFrance is coming back. As for Lankford's replacement on the roster, no idea, no great need for Thompkins right now Simonise and Petermann can backup any of the receivers in game. Maybe they're making room for Leggett or Wild, more moves to come.
    1 point
  40. P.R. bound. WPG DEL NAT Johnny AUGUSTINE (RB) Guelph WPG DEL INT Ryan LANKFORD (WR) Illinois https://www.cfl.ca/transactions/ Also Ti-Cats released Demond Washington to make room for Breaux.
    1 point
  41. jeepers mini kevin glenn in a faction of the time. His wrs made a TON of plays for him in those clips. See dbs gambling on risky passes etc. Didnt have a chance on the first sack (ole!) but the next he should have felt the pressure. All in all it is what it is. He is our 3rd string qb. Some one who was out of football. I bet vernon adams salary is why we arent after him. Ill take gale, and ill take him over douchrant, fever, and the rest of the cast off FA qbs pretty much. (i do like cato but he's probably ruined from montreal)
    1 point
  42. One guy?? The Esks. have the following: Hazelton 6'-3" Stafford 6'-3" Walker 6'-2" Williams 6'-3" Mitchell 6'-2" Criner 6'-3" I think height has a huge part to play in the outcome of jump balls.
    1 point
  43. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-directs-creation-space-force-sixth-branch-military/story?id=55978674&cid=clicksource_77_4_article roll_articleroll_hed Long live the Terran Empire
    1 point
  44. We are actually not tied for the crossover (since we are alone in 5th), but I appreciate the sentiment.
    1 point
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