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  1. 3DownNation‏ @3DownNation 45m45 minutes ago #Riders radio man @rodpedersen kicked out of #Redblacks walkthrough #CFL
    10 points
  2. That made my day.
    8 points
  3. Guess we'll find out if he can play tackle. Too bad we couldn't have kept him. I'll always think of the guy as one of the reasons we went from a bad team to a very good team. So, he'll always have a soft spot with me as a Bomber fan.
    7 points
  4. thats not a new venture tho
    5 points
  5. 5 points
  6. comparing stats..players..games from different era's let alone different years is a waste of time. Analyze the now..and what was done in the moment and base a judgement. A Streveler playing the game in which Brock did in that era would most likely have run roughshod and won..but again...why even compare For as raw a rookie as a QB can be in any league I expected less...wanted more...and got a good indicator on what he is after a decent game. He didn't do anything dumb and try to force stuff that wasn't there...he actually was reading the defense and went to spots that his reads favored...He had the presence on the field that you want to see in a QB and shows that has ability to extend drives with his legs...and will get better with that aspect...and bet you see significant improvement in Mtl. Is he going to be a world beater this year in any games...most likely not...but then again, if his progression continues as it has since TC then he could possibly do that. is he going to make rookie errors..you bet....but he is going to do some things that will make people stand up and notice...most definitely...he already has Bottom line, with more experience he is going to give us a chance to win games when he is in, more than being just a placeholder where we are hanging on for dear life with no real legit reason to think otherwise. As well, once Nichols is back the team will have a very good "capable" QB who the team is confident and comfortable with. What more could you want...and I'd go as far to say that next year we will have the top QB tandem in the league
    5 points
  7. as sad as it is to say it...I would not be surprised in the least if Jones "asks" Penison to report back on formations etc on a walk through...or if he offered it up and Jones accepted. A walk through isn't intensive stuff where you see plays ran at speed...BUY you will see pre snap formations..personnel and basically the primary target for these formations, so when game time comes...you recognize it and adjust to it. Based on that other article where it was mentioned that Sask seemed to be in the T.O playbook and knew where the ball was going well things make sense and where smoke...there usually fire and being it was a Sask home game that slime ball could have been anywhere in that stadium having a ganders.. That organization under Jones has already been caught as cheaters and dancing the boundaries of professionalism, so to think they have stopped is foolish at best
    4 points
  8. Yeah he has a different way of throwing...he is truly an arm thrower and throws it like a dart...but with heat on it...Actually in a way is a good thing as it makes for a quick release and less chance of shoulder/throwing issues...also works well in close quarters and scrambling plays...his strength tho in my opinion is his mind..he's smart and actually can read, and adapt to what he see's...most rookies can't...especially ones who have been exposed to the 3 down game for basically just a month...and with only 2-3 weeks now with the starters
    4 points
  9. What's idiotic is Jones's continued obsession with putting Carter at DB for whatever reason...if they don't have anyone in house thats as good or better then that's pretty pathetic...He's not that good...got a gimme interception that had nothing to do with his play or skill and most other times was beat but QB didn't get the ball there....being in chase position then stumbling to the ground with the receiever when the pass falls out of reach isn't stellar play. Also, his tackling is wretched and the apparent "n hits" he had in the last game he played were result of ball carrier running through him...nothing more..nothing less...Why you would weaken your offence by removing him when your questionable QB needs all help he can get to put in an offensive guy who is a marginal DB ...is ..well questionable. He will get exposed soon enough and most likely gets hurt as well....and that would be good riddance if we didn't have to see him for a while if you ask me. The funny part of the hype train of this stupidity is there are so many guys in the league who could go both ways, and probably do it a lot better, but they are on teams with coaching staffs who aren't idiots and bring in proper talent to do the job.
    4 points
  10. Nothing that I said wasn't true. You and others made up crap I didn't say or mean, then whined about it, which is your shtick. Then you say I'm playing the victim card because I point out that you're making stuff up and whining about it. Repeat ad nauseam.
    4 points
  11. Jones secret weapon EXPOSED!!!
    3 points
  12. I'm not sure he is the best receiver on the Riders. Roosevelt is pretty dam good.. Carter is a top 10 receiver in the league I would say IMHO
    3 points
  13. It's the same with every board. I've gone there and read over and over about how poorly the rider fans get treated at IGF, even some posters bringing up stories that were actually made up (little girl getting beer poured on her head). Acting like no rider fans could possibly be that rude. I've had death threats walking from mosaic. I've been called everything under sun there as well. Some times I deserved it, others I did nothing and it was just some ******. Moral of the story, don't go to other teams websites etc and expect to be treated nicely by every single person. Also don't take shitty treatment by some and turn it into an "ALL" those fans are ****.
    3 points
  14. I am not crazy about Carter playing there either. He is a legit weapon at WR with good hands. He is someone you have to account for on every play or you will get burned. I get it that this is a injury replacement situation. Truth is we should not be in this situation to begin with. Too many Dline guys on roster. In any event, I want to win games and if this is what we have to do this week, so be it. Would like it addressed moving forward however. Riders will win tomorrow
    3 points
  15. You could, but to call a Rider fan an idiot would sort of be redundant, no?
    3 points
  16. Roosevelt is a far better receiver for the riders.
    3 points
  17. I’m seriously surprised this wasn’t the Riders..
    3 points
  18. You're literally crying all over this thread because people aren't over the top praising the Riders.
    3 points
  19. I see big things for you here.
    3 points
  20. You guys do realize that you are arguing with people from Saskatchewan; a province where they think that ancestry .ca and match.com are the same site, right?
    3 points
  21. Streveler leads the league in passing TDs
    3 points
  22. Wish you a speedy recovery friend. Sorry to hear that
    3 points
  23. I can’t answer for D or D, but my feature, In Case You Missed It will be on hiatus for a bit while I go on the 6 game IR. It’s a bit of a process to put together that bit and I’m fighting some health issues at this time. I’ll be checking in daily with some minor stuff..and I hope that works out.
    3 points
  24. He should be allowed to stay in his lane....
    2 points
  25. Doesn't matter who you cheer for, buy a ticket and come out and support your team. The league needs the support. I hope the day never comes that the league isn't here
    2 points
  26. Yikes the games this week need to come fast.... so much complaining about a week one game which has little to no impact on the standings for each respective team.
    2 points
  27. My daughter is 11 and has become a big fan. I take her to almost every game and it has sure made me a better fan in the process.
    2 points
  28. Sorry wrong thread......staring at glass...
    2 points
  29. If you ever get yourself in trouble over there, quickly shout "Chris Szarka!" and all will be forgiven.
    2 points
  30. Insulting to the idiots out there at very least.
    2 points
  31. Well.....I drank it all, while reading this particular thread.
    2 points
  32. 17to85

    US Politics

    Trump is well on his way to torpedoing the economy anyway.
    2 points
  33. Yea, but let's be honest here. If you had simply said, "our rookie QB who threw for 180 yards and 53% completions had a good not great game" there would have been little, if anything, said. But that's not what happened. You made other comments too. You made sure that "he had a good not great game" would be seen as a backhanded complement, because you wanted a reaction. It's what you do. Then, when you got the reaction you were looking for, you moved into the "i didn't say that" stage followed eventually by the "I'm the victim here" finale. It gets played out over and over because it's what you do. It's your shtick.
    2 points
  34. It's always ok to call rider fans dumb
    2 points
  35. Re Carter at CB So whats the over under on games before Dimebag going ape on an official for botching a PI call and drawing another flag and thus putting the opposition into scoring range then Rider fans defending him "well, you know, he kinda had a point". "Just Duron being Duron" etc ?
    2 points
  36. Argos played poorly. The Riders sucked.
    2 points
  37. Bombers offensive coordinator Paul LaPolice spoke to the media on Tuesday for the first time since last week’s opener. And he offered a straightforward take on the work of rookie quarterback Chris Streveler. “He made some good decisions, saw the field well,” began LaPolice. “One of his interceptions (by J.C. Sherritt) might be one of the better interceptions this season. I thought he managed to move the ball when we needed to. Again, this is a guy who hasn’t played a lot of football. We had a couple of things that were open and in the right spots and he just didn’t have his eyes right because it was maybe the second or third time he’s had the reps at full speed. “A lot of room to grow, but I thought he commanded the huddle. When we talked about things in the locker room and said, ‘We think this is going to be there’ he recognized it and threw it for a touchdown. He did a good job. “There are a lot of things he could do better, but you’ve just got to hold yourself and go, ‘Listen, one – this is his first real speed game. Two – I don’t even know the guy from a play-calling standpoint. I called about 20 plays for him, so I’ve got to get to know what he knows best and what he’s comfortable with. Room to grow, but we’ll just keep coaching.” https://www.bluebombers.com/2018/06/19/bomber-report-june-19/
    2 points
  38. Whoa! There is no need for that language on these forums... you just can't go full Migs or lyle steaming pile... Just step back from the precipice man...
    2 points
  39. I've read that it hasn't mattered whether the asylum seekers are crossing at a proper point entry or not, thanks to Sessions' zero tolerance proclamation separation has become standard procedure for everyone. No matter how the Trump Administration tries to justify it, the visuals of cages and screaming children being dragged from their parents possibly never to be seen again (are they even keeping records of these people?) is just an awful look in general for the U.S. "it's so ingrained in those folks that you aren't going to change their minds, you just have to wait for them to die." I think you're right about that. Some people just can't move forward or even bring themselves to try. A while back me and my family were on a weeklong bus tour of western Europe. It was a mix of Canadians, Americans and some Europeans. There was one older American couple, gated community types from Ohio, on the trip. On our stop in Paris we had a guided tour in the morning of the Eiffel Tower and then had the rest of the day to explore on our own or go see a show or something else arranged by the tour. My family and I chose to do our own thing since we're comfortable traveling and figured it would be fun to figure out the Metro and inflict my terrible high school french on the locals. For some reason this older couple joined us so we went for lunch at some local restaurant. We had a fun time trying to decipher the menu (once again our french sucked) but the waitress was helpful and patient. The French have a bit of a reputation for rudeness to tourists but we found if you at least tried the locals were great to us. But this couple just clammed up, complained about the lack of english on the menu and from our server (who didn't really speak english) and just wouldn't engage. We literally had to order for them something we figured wouldn't be too offensive to their delicate palates. So we got through lunch and the couple stuck with us for a bit before pleading exhaustion and returning to the hotel. We didn't really deal much with them for the rest of the tour. I think they avoided us lol. I think about that couple every once in a while. At the time I scoffed at them thinking them to be typical arrogant Yankees wanting everything to be 'Murican wherever they go. Now I figure they had recently retired and wanted to travel a bit (or had been gifted a trip from the kids) and see the usual sites and take a pic or two of famous sites that they could frame and hang on the wall. Maybe buy a trinket or two for the grandkids back home. Nothing wrong with that. They had no interest in the actual Europeans though, or the food or the culture. Just the sites that they could point to when they were safely back in Ohio. Look the Eiffel Tower! The Louvre has nice paintings! Amsterdam has windmills! They serve Budweiser! Again nothing inherently wrong with this but odds are if you're grumbling and shaking your head at a menu in Paris you're probably the same way when you get dragged out to your local Mexican joint in Columbus Ohio. It's people like this that are a problem. Scared of change or new things. Isolated and happy to be isolated. Pine for the "good old days". And they vote every time there's an election. As you say you gotta wait out people like this.
    2 points
  40. johnzo

    US Politics

    you really think that becoming a minority in the USA is "losing everything?"
    2 points
  41. This isn't Markus Howell who is a fringe receiver playing DB... I would think you would never remove an all star (and apparently top 5 player in the cfl) from their position...
    2 points
  42. Has to be a publicity stunt, dude is done.
    2 points
  43. Whatever- they have Charles Chulada
    2 points
  44. I actually do not mind Rider Fans posting here as long as what the have to say makes a little sense and is in good taste etc. I post over on RiderFans.com and as long as I keep it clean and reasonable never had any issues. I would expect the same treatment here for Rider Fans. Heck I would even welcome Nasty Nate back ----- Just kidding on that one!
    2 points
  45. You're confusing insecurity with enjoyment. I understand. You folks confuse words all the time, like wife & cousin.
    2 points
  46. Hey man, take whatever time you need in the tub, you always got a spot on the club.
    2 points
  47. On September 2, 1974, just hours after quarterback Don Jonas had guided the Blue Bombers to a last play win on Labour Day over the Saskatchewan Roughriders at Taylor Field, he was traded to the Hamilton Tiger Cats for qb Chuck Ealey. He was informed of the trade after the plane carrying the Bombers back to Winnipeg had landed just before midnight. ( I was on that Air Canada flight in case you're interested). As Ealey wasn't ready to play their next game vs the Edmonton Eskimos, the Bombers started their rookie backup qb Dieter Brock, fresh out of college from Jacksonville State with zero pro playing experience. Six days later on September 8, 1974 at Clarke Stadium, Dieter Brock was at the helm of the Blue Bombers for the very first time & for the only time that season as the Bombers starting qb . He got hammered as the Eskimos blitzed the crap out of their defense. Brock was either on his back or running for his life the entire game. His stats reflected how he was manhandled by the Esks defense. He attempted 27 passes, completed 12 for 176 yards, two interceptions, zero tds, a 44% completion average with a qb rating of 35.4. It would be almost an entire year before Brock would have another start against the Montreal Alouettes in September of 1975 at the Autostade after Ealey was traded to the Toronto Argonauts. Brock would then be the full time Bomber starter for the next 9 seasons. I watched that game back in 1974. Brock was hurried, hit & harassed on nearly every passing play the entire game. He looked totally lost playing against that Eskimo defense that day. Little or nothing worked for Brock that game as the Bombers lost 24-2. I actually felt sorry for Brock as he just couldn't handle what the Eskimos defense did to him. It was a tough, tough day for Brock. Obviously Brock learned from everything he went through that day as he became a CFL HOF qb with 34,830 yards passing, 210 touchdown passes & a 57% completion average during his career. He was the CFL's leading passer in 1978, 80, 81 & 84. On October 3, 1981 Brock attempted 48 passes, completed 41, 16 of those consecutively with an 87% completion average. He surgically dissected the Ottawa Rough Riders defense that day in one of the finest performances by a qb that I have ever seen. He was the CFL's West Division's All Star qb from 1980-82 & an All Canadian in 1980 & 81. He won the Jeff Nicklin Trophy as the West Division's MVP & was a back to back Schenley Award winner as the CFL's Most Outstanding Player in 1980 & 81. Brock was elected to the Canadian Football Hall Of Fame in 1995. Tburg, had you watched that game when Brock got his ass handed to him in 1974 you'd never have thought he'd have any kind of CFL career. Compared to Brock's first start, Streveler looked 10 times better. He didn't panic & showed a lot of poise. He threw 3 TD passes compared to zero for Brock. So, comparing Streveler to Brock in their first game as starting qbs out of college is more accurate than comparing Brock to Tom Wilkinson back in 1974 or Streveler to Mike Reilly last Thursday night. I also seem to remember that the game in Edmonton 44 years ago was a cold, rainy day as well.
    2 points
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