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  1. So on RF....someone is claiming it's hard for a vet dline to go against rookie OL...you read that right.
    13 points
  2. Ottawa put this up on the scoreboard
    12 points
  3. I am not happy with the game. I'm here to face the music. I thought we would win. I actually thought we would run the ball a bit and bring some pressure
    8 points
  4. I just tuned in and watched Carter take two penalties.... this is great
    6 points
  5. Mitchell Gale to the Riders for 3 first round picks and 3 second round picks?
    6 points
  6. 5 points
  7. Charleston changed his last name from Hughes to Who?
    5 points
  8. Fans tearing into Carter LMAO Love it
    5 points
  9. Brandon Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down Brandon Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down 😂
    5 points
  10. Montreal thinking they have a chance to win tonight
    4 points
  11. define early....
    4 points
  12. Did you just start the GIF day thread with a ******* jpeg?!
    4 points
  13. SPuDS

    Riders- Blacks Thursday

    No.. no he doesnt. Let him keep on keepin' on.. makes for great viewing pleasure!
    4 points
  14. Note to Rider fans give Hurl some pom poms and tell him to stay on the sidelines, he'll be more useful there...............your welcome.
    4 points
  15. Jpan85

    Riders- Blacks Thursday

    Guess knowing the Argos playbook did help a lot last week.
    4 points
  16. They still have Jordan Reaves on the roster... 🤣
    4 points
  17. Ever thought someone else would like the privilege of starting a Bomber GDT? To see their name up in lights?
    3 points
  18. Thanks tips, but the forecast in Montreal is looking pretty damned good so who cares if storms in Winnipeg?
    3 points
  19. Can’t drink all day if you don’t start in the morning
    3 points
  20. Booch

    Riders- Blacks Thursday

    another observation from the game....seeing as the Rider's didn't have any "inside" information of the Ottawa offense as mentioned in an article previously that it was said they did with T.O is there any correlation in the 2 extremes in the deference's performance? Basically it seemed T.O couldn't get going and the Sask defense always had defenders in the right place and swarmed to the ball smothering them...but in Ottawa..Harris pretty much had a clean game...db's and linebackers were constantly in chase mode and Ottawa moved up and down the field easily and hung a 40 spot on them...maybe more truth to this than just speculation...and Penison's ejection from an area he wasn't supposed to be on walk thru day for further "intel" probably put a wrench in the Ottawa game planning....things that make you go..hmmmmmm
    3 points
  21. I just want a win. It can be a one point win where Medlock kicks a punt single on the final play for all I care.
    3 points
  22. Mike

    Riders- Blacks Thursday

    Watching the game right now ... Carter is pitiful on the corner. Absolutely pitiful. You have to question any roster decision where you essentially bench a top 10 receiver in the league in order to get a below replacement level DB on the field. That being said, I wouldn't want that idiot anywhere near our team. Very Muamba-esque in the sense that there's probably a big reason he only plays for losers. Rider D notably better when it's Eguovean (whatever) in the middle with Judge at WIL, as opposed to Hurl in the middle and that alphabet guy at WIL. Another questionable decision - cutting Travis Bond so you can essentially hold an audition at his spot two games into the year? LOL are they seriously rotating Bladek and this American pylon? Wow. Collaros hurt is a shame ... for Collaros. Don't care about Rider Nation after what they had to say about Nichols getting hurt.
    3 points
  23. False. If you don't win the right way it doesn't really count.
    3 points
  24. Booch

    Riders- Blacks Thursday

    If anything Carter is going to get hurt "trying" to play DB and making tackles/hits...I bet tho Jones will keep him there tho to try and keep his pride intact and not look like he made a stupid decision.. Seriously he beaked off on twitter?...what a real pro...and his concern about fantasy points and his proclamation of the best in the league is the type of guy you don't want on a team...he's a real peice of work that one
    3 points
  25. Booch

    Riders- Blacks Thursday

    Taken out to the woodshed...and what about the vaunted defensive front and receiving Corp????... Few thoughts...actually Moncreif and Eggouven or however it's spelled are ballers and kept this game closer than it should have been..they are good. Not sure why they keep this Carter pandering..its pathetic. The try to dissect the INT ten diff ways how good he was but in actuality he grabbed a poorly thrown ball that hit him in numbers when Harris effed up and flubbed it inside instead of the out Spencer was running and he fell trying to contort back to the ball. Why not focus on his getting beat deep.. or his pathetic tackle attempts throughout the game when he basically dives at a ball carrier.. maybe review the Powel run where you know who came in off edge and totally Hurl'd it and missed. I was thinking does he ever shut up?? I guess he does when he gets schooled and his team gets stomped..takes the wind right out of their collective pandering for the cameras and showboating after even the most generic of plays.. is it just me or is that whole team just full of that crap after any play..where most other teams guys just go about business and act like they've done it before.. I guess that's the culture there of the me first mentality. That Oline is horrendous and those QB's are going to be Willy'd by game 5..no help in site either on PR or anywhere else they stash their guys...defensive line too..by 2nd quarter their guys were gassed and 2 of the 3 cdn tackles they rely on would be hard pressed to make a roster elsewhere...and again..no help anywhere on the PR. It's fun to go back and read Riderfans threads boasting of their QB depth..embarrassment of riches for receivers..dominant defensive line...yeah..right. We seen what Hurl offers...again and Judge is still outclassed there as a sub too..they are lucky T.O shat the bed last week or they would be 0-2 and all freaking right out...tho I sure they are already anyway. Fact of the matter that looks like a weak team..with no depth and now some serious QB question marks. Collaros will be so gunshy now in pocket to get pasted again and trying to avoid being concussed he's gonna look just like or worse than last year...and they are so screwed SMS wise right now..with lots of bonuses already paid out have no means to go out and fix anything
    3 points
  26. Rod Black

    Alouettes @ Lions

    JBR, I’m enjoying the respectful debate. However, you have not addressed the gravity of unclean hands that is on running man. Running man’s only expectation at that game was to be provided reasonable safety as a spectator at an event. He failed to observe the expectation that he would continue as a spectator as displayed on his ducat. Marcel Young does not have to be law enforcement to diffuse a situation. He put a a stop to an unruly situation created by reckless person and some people see that as totally justified, (confirmed by many of the posters in this small sample). He did not ruminate that day “I’m going to hurt a fan today”. In fact, it could be argued that Young took reasonable action in the circumstance. Self defence doesn’t need to be a defence for Young. He could be with no stretch whatsoever be considered a hero! Running man was being chased by CFL on field officials. Are you suggesting they had no right to diffuse the situation? Running man invoked mayhem. BC place et al operate the facility and are responsible for controlling the venue. The mayhem had to stop. The spectators had a right to expect a football game and not be subject riotous activities. In the streets, a Samaritan tackling a purse thief, is honoured, even if the culprit has injuries with his head hitting the ground. Young, as an employee of the B.C. Lions, had a significant and very legitimate interest in stopping the nonsense created by Running man. Young is more than a Good Samaritan. Perhaps it is also his obligation! In terms of damages, what are they? He claims a head injury. Still unproven. A headache is an injury but worth no more than what he could reasonably expected from his actions in a disregard for an event that he had no part. His contract with B.C. Place et al is as a spectator only. He gains no further rights by breach of his contract. The defending parties broke no law. He did broke the law, trespassing, when he failed to respect his role in the event. His actions are a text book example of unclean hands. These facts are the essence of tort law in Canada. Tort law is not a sword he can use, when his entitlement as a spectator provides him nothing more than a shield against unreasonable injury while appropriately in his place, at BC Place. As his advocate, your free to close if you desire.
    3 points
  27. Remember how the Rider twitter account was laughing at us after Durant retired & Nichols got hurt? What kind of team does that ****? Evidently the no class Saskatchewan Roughriders. That entire organization is garbage.
    3 points
  28. Carter is such a piece of work. The loss looks good on him.
    3 points
  29. Brandon

    Riders- Blacks Thursday

    That has to be a joke? Usually a rookie o-line is eaten alive by a bunch of vets.
    3 points
  30. Nolby

    Riders- Blacks Thursday

    I was very in favor and praying we got Thorpe.
    3 points
  31. Jamie Nye of 650/980 radio predicted that the score would be 40-15... I texted him that he will be very close (he just got a little mixed up with the team's, that's all)... oh, I love it when the Riders lose!!
    3 points
  32. No amount of smuggled pot cookies from Duron Carters' luggage will mask the stink of this game.
    3 points
  33. Good ol Rodney was on 1290 complaining about the betting odds for this game and being "kicked out" of the Redblacks walk through. What ever will he complain about now?
    3 points
  34. Watching Carter get burnt for that TD.. made my heart happy.
    3 points
  35. wbbfan

    Riders- Blacks Thursday

    Given the riders shakey qb situation, what would you want from them for bryan bennett? oh wait thats their line... Maybe every NI player on their roster? nah theyd just get cut.
    3 points
  36. M.O.A.B.

    Riders- Blacks Thursday

    ..and then retire. 😂
    3 points
  37. And they released Bond?
    3 points
  38. Sack Collaros down and Bridge taking a pounding now..... Who is their 3rd stringer? Carter?
    3 points
  39. Mark F

    Riders- Blacks Thursday

    oh, sorry to hear that..... but he's taking a pounding. There's a bridge out north east of selkirk, commonly called the bridge to nowhere
    3 points
  40. Son of a *****.
    3 points
  41. have to play games on a weds too
    3 points
  42. Pretty bad when you can't make an offensive line with 3 imports.
    2 points
  43. Somebody should market a "MBB Posters Told You The Riders Line Sucked" T-Shirts. I'd buy one for Zac and Brandon.
    2 points
  44. Rider OL lookin bad with no depth to call on....
    2 points
  45. Vegas Golden Knights... Now the ******* cryders?
    2 points
  46. Collaros has taken a hit on virtually every passing play
    2 points
  47. Dude- put the spliff down- ****'s not legal yet.
    2 points
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