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  1. Nichols is the guy.....period.
    6 points
  2. If he throws that deep it's out the chopped off corner of the endzone, he put the ball where the receiver had a chance to make a play on it and Demski did. It's what good quarterbacks do, they give their receivers a chance to make good plays.
    5 points
  3. I’d like to change my answer. Streveler won’t be our James Franklin, he’ll be far superior.
    4 points

    Head Shots

    IMO Muamba's hit to Streveler was intended to send a message and was by definition a cheap shot, but the hit on Ray wasn't. Refs gave Muamba a penalty, which is all they can do. I hope the league also fines him. All that being said, I don't want the refs to given the responsibility of trying to figure out intent in real time. They aren't good enough at their jobs to be given that kind of responsibility. Even with several angles, after the fact, it's hard to impossible to prove intent.
    4 points
  5. Absolutely, don't give anyone any chalk board material. Don't say their receivers suck and are easy to cover or anything like that
    3 points
  6. Gaitor out is honestly addition by subtraction if you ask me
    3 points
  7. We've come a long ways from the days of Brock Ralph, Aaron Hargreaves and Dudley Guice.
    3 points
  8. JuranBoldenRules

    Head Shots

    The hit on Ray was awkward. I didn’t see anything wrong with it. The two Stamps collided with the most force really. They want to avoid judging intent but that’s BS. Anyone who watches that Muamba hit knows what he’s doing, Plus as you say by the letter of the law they can have a repeat offender scale for headshots. Maybe first infraction is max fine, second and third is 1 game suspension, fourth is 3 games, fifth is 9 games and sixth is banishment from the league. But for the love of god protect the QBs and skill players at the very least. You have a guy like Streveler starring in his second start who could be a flash or he could be a star for the next 15 years and some loser like Muamba can attempt to take his head off, threatening his career and only get 15 yards.
    3 points
  9. Open letter to Chris Streveler: Dear Chris I feel like I can call you Chris because you and me are so alike. I'd like to meet you one day, it would be great to have a catch. I know I can't throw as fast as you but I think you'd be impressed with my speed. I love your hair, you run fast. Did you have a good relationship with your father? Me neither. These are all things we can talk about and more. I know you have not been getting my letters because I know you would write back if you did. I hope you write back this time, and we can become good friends. I am sure our relationship would be a real touchdown!
    3 points
  10. In a perfect world the Als sign Adams now, start him vs the Riders and he blows them out of the water. Oh Mylanta the tears that would flood the net would be at a biblical level, and taste delicious.
    2 points
  11. I'm assuming you meant to say "not like" or just "unlike"...as Adams is a mobile QB. If Adams goes to Montreal I wish him the best...until we play them again.
    2 points
  12. Oh- I don't think that Mtl O-line is the "right situation" for anyone. I think Vernon Adams is a capable QB, but man, that Offensive line is essentially setting up any QB to fail.
    2 points
  13. Why? The mini camps seemed to be an excellent venue for initiating rookies to the CFL game.
    2 points
  14. Plus, at half time Matt Dunigan said the exact same things about what a smart play it was by the qb to put it behind the receiver, so regardless of whether or not Suitor is an idiot, I'll take Matt Dunigans word on a qbs choice of throw any day.
    2 points
  15. Jacquie

    US Politics

    There truly is a tweet for everything.
    2 points
  16. 17to85

    Power Rankings - Week 2

    Who are we kidding, the Bombers will never get respect.
    2 points
  17. Nah. Its pretty obvious he placed it there on purpose. DB had good coverage.. If ball is further its likely incomplete.. I think Streveler realized that and threw it behind so Demski could make a play.
    2 points
  18. Its on Youtube
    2 points
  19. Agree. He put it where ONLY Demski can make a play and I believe Suitor agrees too.
    2 points
  20. They are in danger of not winning a game if Ray is out. Good thing for them a one win season probably gets them second place in the East.
    2 points
  21. Yeah Medlock will never lead in gross punting but his net will always be in the top of the league.
    2 points
  22. Copp and Armia are not going to be making big bucks. I definitely see them staying.
    2 points
  23. A few days late after finally getting around to watch the game on the PVR, but here are a few thoughts in no particular order: - On one hand I want to temper the excitement of what I saw because it was Montreal. On the other hand we did exactly what a contending team should do against a doormat, and that's embarrass the opponent...and that does count for something in my opinion. - It was great to see so much offensive production from our Canadian (and local) content. In fact I don't remember a time when we've had so much significant contributions in a single game from our Canadian content. - I've read some comments about people being concerned about a lack of production from Dressler and Bowman, and to a lesser extent Adams. Honestly, as long as we're moving the ball and scoring points, who cares? Streveler has his way of moving the ball. Nichols obviously has his. The numbers of those receivers will go up soon enough. - Speaking of Adams...throws a better pass than Justin Goltz and Jason Boltus. - It's cliché but the game showed why it's true. The game is won and lost at the line of scrimmage. Our front seven dominated their line. Their front seven did nothing whatsoever. - Jamaal Westerman. Some things never change...good for one roughing the passer call a game. - Henoc Muamba. Looks good on ya...and rest assured karma is coming too for those cheap hits. - Say what you will about the Alouettes...bottom line is they have a veteran defensive coordinator, and two all star corners, and Streveler destroyed that defence all night. For a guy fresh out of college, that's extremely impressive. - The back shoulder throw to Demski was fantastic. Same with the ball location on the wheel route to LaFrance. DB never saw the ball. - Great to see Mo back of course. Even in a limited role he flashed as always with a textbook special teams tackle. - Nothing against Medlock, everyone knows he's a field goal kicker first and a punter second, and that's great - that said it sucks to see the opponent continuously gaining 10-15 yards in field position when the opposing offenses go back to back on two and outs. - Bighill was solid - even if he did misread the play on Sutton's big run. Can't always bat 1.000. - I realize it may be bad for the league, but it warms my heart to see the Als as bad as they are given the reign they had with Calvillo. - Greatly looking forward to the coaching matchup between O'Shea and Jones on Friday, and what Glanville has in store for Streveler given his experience and time in the NFL.
    2 points
  24. Even in that dismal team you can see evidence of this. Blown out by calgary, bounce back against montreal. Blown out on LD, bounce back to win in BJB. In this era of athletes, the difference between elite teams and bottom dwellers is seldom over all talent level. Its preparation, motivation, work ethic etc. Top teams tend to have better distributions of talent, but you still have a ton of big time play makers on the worst teams in the league right now. The 3 teams that dont make the play offs will still get wins. And there is always a good chance that win will come off a big loss. Because nothing motivates, fuels you to get your self into a better situation and work to prepare then getting punched in the mouth. For my money bc, montreal, and ssk are the three teams poised to be the bottom tier of the league. But its still early and they can fight out of that position.
    2 points
  25. SpeedFlex27

    US Politics

    No thanks. My son has moved to the US. His wedding is in 2 weeks. His fiancee's family are wonderful people. No way I'm boycotting so as not to see my son or his bride from here on out.
    2 points
  26. Booch

    Head Shots

    He's not a bum...c'mon man...he's a piece of **** and his carry over attitude and theatrics after a play from being on the riders and their me first mentality had no place here anyway. Wonder if him and Jamal sit there and muse to each other how much they effed up their decisions this winter
    2 points
  27. Not to spoil the fun, but the Bombers moving on from Davis, (which I complained about) then Durant quitting, then the injury to Nichols, shows now much chance plays in the career of a football player, specially I think a quarterback. And Buck's star as a coach has to be rising as well. Hope we can keep him here.
    2 points
  28. I thought it was interesting that Andrew Harris liked this tweet.
    2 points
  29. Mark F

    Head Shots

    Streveller is a guy who can get fans to pay attention to the team, and to the league. A very exciting player to watch, A player who gets angry after a dirty hit, and responds not by complaining to the ref, but by throwing a touchdown pass. The very last thing the league needs is to have a fast rising star's career shortened, or worse, finished after two games, by a player "sending a message" The league should send its own message : Suspend Muamba.
    2 points
  30. I think the nature of our offense and the talent we have means, one week it will be Dressler with the huge game, the next Bowman, the next Adams etc and I personally love it. Good topic though.
    2 points
  31. Man, I’m loving Goosen’s nastiness tonight.
    2 points
  32. Include THING for obvious reasons.
    2 points
  33. Yeah, he definitely doesn't seem to be feeling any pressure as of right now even with Johnny Football right behind him. At least he's now kept TSN quiet on that front.
    1 point
  34. Well, came back and watched the tape....it was even better than the gin.
    1 point
  35. Except, of course, that awards are based on regular season play but you know...
    1 point
  36. I thought Nichols should’ve been the MOP last year before he got hurt. But, if Streveler keeps playing the way he is, I’m not sure you can take this guy off the field.
    1 point
  37. Be more athletic, Willy. It's true though, he is not great once he feels uncomfortable in the pocket.
    1 point
  38. Me thinks MTL has already turned on coach
    1 point
  39. Family does come first. Hope things work out ok. OnS is missed. As far as you missing a large portion of the game, you missed a lot of fun. The blue bashed and crashed, nailing everything in sight. They were absolutely dominating, heel on the throat taking no prisoners kind of game. Defence would grin, challenging any pass, smothering in each tackle. Defence relished sticking the runners in rushing plays. It was like they knew what play was going to be called by Willy before he did. Viewers became part of the D. In our living rooms, any pillow, any couch, any love seat, each wife, was nailed with passion for being in the same room as a bomber fan. Offence played with horns on their helmets. Blocking, double blocking, providing holes that Harris would run through as if he was piloting a run locomotive a la Casey Jones. Every inch gained turned into a yard. Every yard turned into a first down. Nothing like it has been seen since the days of Indian Jack. The iron curtain could not have held back the earthquake created by Andrew Harris, future Premier of Manitoba. Streveler, X-ray vision looking through Montreal’s secondary. Never even got beyond 2nd read. Proficient, efficient, beyond sufficient and down right blood thirsty for victory. He was a leader. A Champion on this day. Some day those that watched the game will be saying, I was there when .... Five Hundred and Eighty Eight yards of offence. too bad you missed some of it. Hope you never miss another opportunity for Odds and Sods.
    1 point
  40. And man if the riders lose wont that be fun...reading their fan site would be soooooo entertaining. U never know..that Mtl defense may come in really ticked off with something to prove..they have a lot of talent there and aren't nearly as bad as they showed against us...and Saskatchewan offense isn't close to being as good as ours. If they put heat on whoever the sask qb is ..and they will cause their oline is putrid it could be a long day there. Also think they will lean more on sutton..and he will have a heyday against the weak interior of the sask defence
    1 point
  41. He loves all his kids..watch to see who was first guy on field to congratulate Simoneses on his long gain...
    1 point
  42. Really shows finally he is not a guy we want around our team. If the score had been reversed you know bighill would be pissed and trying to motivate his guys. the hype for wolitarsky was real. He came in abit out of shape and behind the curve missing tc etc. But man he is living up to it now.
    1 point
  43. BBlink

    A Long Term Team

    We have depth at every position now, with the big surprise being at QB. QB: When Nichols comes back he will be leading a team with Streveler and Bennett behind him. Streveler has shown he could be the next big name in the CFL and Bennett was not too bad as well in garbage time. RB: Harris, Flanders, LaFrance, Augustine.. If Harris goes down we still have Flanders who has proven to be a pretty decent back. WR: We went from having Darvin Adams and Weston Dressler as solid contributers to having 5 guys that can contribute and 2 backup Canadians in Simonise and Peterman that can contribute if someone goes down. This was an enormous change this offseason. L'Damian Washington and Chris Givens who??? O-Line: Without Travis bond we are still rolling and we have guys like Couture and Spooner waiting in the wings. Huge improvement at receiver. Surprising huge improvement at QB. As for the defense... D-Line: 2 games where we've been consistently getting at the QB. If Mike Reilly wasn't made of magic, they would have been feasting. Craig Roh is our inactive player in this group. That is saying something. LB: Big improvement with Bighill and Fenner. Santos Knox is making a name for himself and Ian Wild is there as a big contributer as well. DB: Maybe the weakest part of the team. I'm still not fully convinced we have completely solved our issues here. Didn't get challenged in Montreal, got beat on 50/50 balls against Edmonton. That said...they may not have to be world beaters if we are controlling the line of scrimmage and the middle of field. Huge improvement at LB, including depth. Overall talent on the D-Line has gone way up. We're rotating in some really good players. DBs just need to keep things in front of them and this unit will be solid. I'm pretty excited about this team. It's not just hope. The depth is obvious. And it will serve us well late in the season.
    1 point
  44. Yes, it's never a good thing to consider what possibilities might lie ahead. This is a football forum, so no speculation allowed!
    1 point
  45. I think everyone needs to pump the breaks a tad. One game against an awful team and so forth...
    1 point
  46. Nichols will be our starter this year 100% ... next year 75% ... but if the year after comes and Streveler is still doing what he’s doing ... then you have to move on from Nichols. Have to. Can’t expect Streveler to re-up and bypass NFL deals if you’re not going to give him starter dollars. Keep in mind ... this is a guy that turned down legitimate NFL offers to come here. We will have to open the wallet up for that to happen a second time.
    1 point
  47. And Wolitarsky is going to have to change his name to Joe Pop. That TD he scored after catching the pass over the middle was vintage Joe Pop. I had to look at my phone and make sure I hadn't time warped back to 1984.
    1 point
  48. I bet nastynate could do a very good grandmama adams...
    1 point
  49. Sure, he could join Darvin Adams, then we would just have to get Morticia, Gomez and Lurch and the set would be complete..😜
    1 point
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