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  1. Bombers get off an opening drive...... ...but big gain on Harris draw play wiped out by Chung penalty... ....followed by a sack. Masoli throws a sideline pass, up for grabs..... Sayles comes down with the INT... Hamilton penalty on 2nd down play, takes ball to the 10 Harris punches it in on 2 carries.....7-0 Blue Bombers running some blitzes, but not getting in there.... Loffler bites on fake hitch....opened up for big gain Timmins beats indifferent Bomber tackling, down to the 1 TD next play, capping 88 yd drive....ugly series on D... Streveler standing well in the pocket....then a scramble.. Drive stalls - but fake punt hand off to Briggs gets FD... Neufeld struggling with some run blocking.... Medlock makes it 10-7 Masoli getting to just pitch and catch..... ...to wide open receivers..... 3 offside penalties not helping on D Ham FG makes it 10-10 Bombers still trying predictable blitz package ....but Masoli still getting plenty of time.... Hamilton's punter can just go for a sandwich... .....while Hamilton O, eats up our D... Loffler not involved in defending plays at all..... 10 play drive - Bighill finally stuffs short 2nd play FG for the cats....13-10. Streveler taking some serious pops....Hamilton punter kicks first one - at the 1:30 mark This half just can't end fast enough... TSN live mike...lots of swearing,,, Our Mike may need lots, back in the room Score close....play not. 2nd half. Make some adjustments please..... Or not. Another Ham. drive Dropped snap forces Tigercats to settle for 3 Bomber O not spreading the field....no medium or long passes Hamilton D back 7 running right downhill on us.... Bighill ISO'd on Banks....that won't work 5th completion of drive, sets up Hamilton short run TD 22-10...score starting to look like actual play. Wide field throws easy as pie, for Masoli... ...with Bomber DB's still giving the ole 10 yard cushion.. Masoli then pump fakes Sayles out of positon.... ...and goes 30 yds for easy TD to Tolliver..... 28-10. Wonder what the new record for completions, will be... Meanwhile on O. 5 straight 2 and outs..... Now 31-10 on another FG. Warm up the bus.... ...as it appears some guys have begun to pack.... Bombers ran THREE plays from scrimmage in 3rd Q. Santos Knox makes a nice tackle....huge moral victory Defending balls thrown in air...not a Bomber specialty... Streveler breaks off a big scramble.....and then another ...for a 25 yd TD run. 31-17. Bombers get some lipstick Could use a stop on D. Bighill provides one. Bombers finally move the ball a bit... ...but a penalty and 2 incomplete passes set up a... ...wait for it - 59 yd FG attempt, for some reason or another ... Streveler still giving it the ole college try...O marches downfield.. ...right to the 5. Offside and two incomplete, put paid to that.. Inept end to inept performance. 31-17 Somehow feels like 310-17. Streveler played hard, but like Nichols.... ...is currently expected to outscore the Richie Hall D. Just not enough from a number of Bomber vet players... Just not enough gin to cover for it.
    11 points
  2. We lost because for the third year in a row our defense is hot goat balls.
    7 points
  3. Mike

    Why We Lost

    That defensive showing was absolutely atrocious. You can’t blame the talent, that scheme was the exact wrong way to go about planning to defend Masoli and then to double down on it by sticking with it all game and refusing to adjust? GTFO Hall
    5 points
  4. JuranBoldenRules

    Why We Lost

    No the Chungh hold is a hold. You can't stop moving your feet and hip toss the DL.
    5 points
  5. JuranBoldenRules

    Why We Lost

    Rushing 6 and 7 into a max protect of 7 down after down is just beyond pointless. DB's can't cover the whole field, you're either giving away deep throws or short throws. That's why LB's are part of coverage too. Hopefully the open spots on the field are the furthest from the QB so he has to be accurate and have time to get the ball there. If it's a short throw, hopefully the window is small so the QB has to be accurate. So pointless to blitz if you can't get there, and you make it predictable so they are literally scheming for it. Just useless. Masoli was literally throwing into 30 yards of field and the receiver would just run under it, catch the ball and then turn up for the next 5-6 yards for the first. There's no deception in this defense and that makes it incredibly easy to beat.
    5 points
  6. Well, knowing the way we're run now and the lack of current options able to step in and fix it, I'm afraid it won't be till the end. But there is absolutely no more excuses for Hall. None whatsoever. I can forgive Lapolice when we have a rookie QB who was also victimized by OLmen committing drive killing penalties and WRs dropping balls. But when you got a DC whose been given 4 years with several different player switches and nothing gets fixed on defense, that's a fireable offense if I ever saw one.
    5 points
  7. They're cutting down on the explosion plays by allowing 15 yard mini explosions down the entire field
    4 points
  8. When you have Front Four that can't pressure & a secondary that lets receivers catch everything in front of them because the DC is scared the Hamilton receivers will get behind them this is what you get. We all knew Hall's defense would suck but MOS refused to make a change. We are as bad vs the pass as we were last season. We can't stop anyone thru the air. Versus the run for every good stop we had last night we'd let the Ti Cats rip off a 10 or 20 yard gain. Mercer fricking Timmis??? Are you kidding me??? Then that other Ti Cat back with a last name of a first & last name??? He was ripping off chunks of yardage against us... Nothing has changed defensively from last season. Nothing will change until Ritchie Hall is shown the door. I don't blame Streveler for this loss at all. The kid will struggle as that's part of his steep learning curve. Every start gives him real time experience that will help him down the road to be a damned fine CFL qb. He has heart & is becoming a leader. He needs experience to improve & he's getting it under fire. Once Nichols get back watch how Darvin Adams & Adarius Bowman get used. We'll be a lot better vertical team. Nichols will use everyone & spread the ball around. But that defense... We'll never win with that defense... Hall has got to go.
    4 points
  9. Same thing happened to Stubler.... the bend but don't break defense just doesn't work at all these days....
    4 points
  10. BigBlue

    Why We Lost

    Ths Bombers got called on twi holds I thought were highly interpretative by the zebras .... just because your block goes down doesn't mean he was held .... cost a 33 yarder by Harris and caused a drive to stall ... two big difference makers when we were driving to score
    4 points
  11. Bowman sure wrapped himself in glory on that last series. He quit on the play where Streveler threw it to him.
    4 points
  12. If O'Shea has to be ordered to can an obviously incompetent assistant coach, then that says that O'Shea does not have what it takes to be a head coach. so, this will be a measure of the man.
    3 points
  13. Yeah Streveler is too much of a fighter to roll over when things get tough. May not be perfect all the time but his attitude is the right one. Just tough to be a rookie qb when the D is not doing a single thing to help you and your offensive coordinator can't figure out what kind of plays to call against the D you are facing.
    3 points
  14. Chevy had to do this, you can't have a 4 million back up when you up against the cap and would like to make some moves, Armia was a favorite of mind but he can be replaced easily, does Stastny sign ? should an interesting weekend.
    3 points
  15. Stickem

    Why We Lost

    Hall is done....as long as we hold on to incompetent coaching we will suffer the consequences...The talent on D is there...Subpar performance Ritchie...time to hang em up...And please nobody try to say it isn't the coach who is out there making the plays...Tired of that one....The proof was all out there for everyone to see tonight and Hall can't hide anymore
    3 points
  16. Way more concerned about our furry mitten D.
    3 points
  17. I don't think I've been as anti-Hall as some other posters, but this game I was all over him. How embarrassing was it to watch Masoli just play pitch and catch over and over again? Receivers running literally wide open constantly. We kept blitzing constantly too with no success, so we couldn't get to the QB or stop the QB. We have changed the players and I truly believe in most of the defensive unit. There are good and great players on that defense, and we are not using them correctly. Move Loffler to WIL, move Leggett to safety and swap Fogg and Alexander back to CB and HB. Overall, just a poor game from pretty much everyone. LaPolice couldn't get the offensive gameplan in sync, Hall's failures obviously noted above. But O'Shea too had some big mistakes. I thought on the late fourth quarter Streveler first down run he should have challenged for a hit to the head - the ref had thrown a flag for holding and that was a huge momentum killer. Went from 1st down near the red zone to 2nd and 20. Streveler took a couple late shots in my opinion. CFL refs suck and the sky is blue. Even TSN had an atrocious night. Live mic stuff remains mostly useless. I do love how they constantly apologized for all the F-bombs, as if they didn't expect that that would happen. The camera guy was lost on a bunch of plays in the first quarter too. Black and Forde basically didn't comment on the game at all, opting just to point out how cool live mics really are.
    3 points
  18. They've changed a lot of players, and a lot of coaches on defence over the last four years. Doesn't seem to matter what they do, the defence is not very good. Brought in Adam Bighill. Defence is still not very good. I doubt that changing Loffler would make much difference. Something else would screw up. Watching Hamilton throw the same plays over and over and over again, and nothing done to stop it, is bad. Pretty easy win for Hamilton.
    3 points
  19. bustamente

    Why We Lost

    We lost because rushing 4 gets no pressure, when we blitz we still can't get there, our secondary is playing a soft zone most of the time and get beat, then in man to man they get beat, our safety is never in good position to do anything,our offence has a fiery qb with little experience but is learning, Bowman and Adams are not up to speed ,but mostly we lost because the Ti-Cats scored more points.
    3 points
  20. If the d can't make stops you wont win the game doesn't matter who the qb is.
    3 points
  21. BigBlue

    Why We Lost

    We lost the battle of the trenches. We could not put pressure on Masoli and if I am seeing straight, we did not come close to regularly threatening him with a sack ( I think we managed one). When Hammy ran the ball we looked rather porous. Our vaunted front 7 looked rather "below average" as defences go. On the other side of the ball, we were not giving Streveler that extra second to find a receiver finally shaking coverage. He was under constant pressure that led to 10 straight 2 and outs. Neufeld was not making the same holes that Travis Bond was famous for. We could mount no sustained running attack, even with Andrew Harris busting a gut. Ritchie's defensive back placement sucked. There is no other word for it. His umbrella, as usual, was too deep and Masoli feasted on multiple open receivers underneath. By way of contrast Hamilton played our receivers quite tight. Streveler did not have time for his receivers to work their way open. Ritchie's bend- don't-break defence was a feast for the Tiger Cats. Maurice Leggett has no business returning kickoffs, unless we want to be regularly scrimmaging at the 20 yard line instead of the 35 or 40. That experiment has failed and it made a significant difference to field position. Streveler was "tempered" instead of being allowed to lead. He does not need training wheels. He is an improviser that can make things happen. Instead he was left inside of Lapo's tightly controlled offence. Let the "stars" shine... PLEASE See how he did in the last couple drives (albeit against a prevent defence). I believe he could have done same thing in the 2nd and 3rd quarters. We can influence Lapo and replace Ritchie. But why we lost the battle of the trenches: I am not sure. Was it scheme? Was it attitude or overconfidence? Was it personnel? Coaching? I don't have the slightest idea except that I keep hearing how talented we are. That talent didn't show up tonight. Maybe we came in overconfident and resting on our laurels, not waking up until it was too late. We are certainly outclassed by Hamilton. I tip my hat to them, but tonight only.
    2 points
  22. Anyone who thinks that juggling a couple players like safety or wil is going to make a difference is overly optimistic. This is just a poorly coached and run defense. Hall thinks he's some sort of blitzing guru but all his blitzing is doing is pulling players out of position costing them big chunks of yards. And we all saw his lame attempts to pressure Masoli. Masoli was getting rid of the ball on the third step of his drop and had max protection, the blitz isn't going to get there, especially when your db's aren't press covering the receivers and throwing off the timing. Dropping our db's out of coverage was just the icing on the shitcake Hall served up.
    2 points
  23. Most of us know it's not all the D but how many 2 and out did our D force? The O did sputter but hard to get in a groove when there are long stretches of time in between when we have the ball.
    2 points
  24. Play calling on D? How about the entire game plan was **** from snap one? The damage was done in the week leading up not so much on game day. Bombers went in with the 100% wrong idea and it blew up in their faces.
    2 points
  25. I'd be optimistic about our defense if I knew MOS would do something. If he wouldn't fire Hall in the off season, I'd doubt he'd do that now even as the losses & yards pile up against that unit.
    2 points
  26. No it isn't. They didn't do their job and Hall sucks. What a dumb analysis.
    2 points
  27. Offensive lack of production : 1st quarter 76 yds 2nd quarter 55 yds 3rd quarter 10 yds 4th quarter 200 yds when the score was 31-10 Does the lack of offensive time of possession and production impact the defence? Placing sole blame on the defence is an over simplification.
    2 points
  28. Zontar

    Why We Lost

    Hall is fair game, more than fair. But when does Oshea start taking some responsibility?
    2 points
  29. O'Shea's already stated that he's taking a bigger role in the defense and I haven't seen any difference. Have you?
    2 points
  30. do or die

    Why We Lost

    Game planning was simply not good enough, in general. Lack of adjustments, compounded the problem....
    2 points
  31. Oshea is patient but he's not stupid. He won't let this continue for ever. That mic on him last night did show some frustration from him.
    2 points
  32. 17to85

    Why We Lost

    Hall got his lunch money stolen and the he got stuffed in a locker. Just totally outcoached. Am I mistaken or was the first Hamilton punt not until 8 minutes left in the 4th quarter? It's ******* embarrassing. Not like they even made it hard on Hamilton. They didn't have to make any great plays, it was just a qb knew exactly where to go and got it here to a receiver with no one within 5-10 yards of him. As bad as he Jim Daley 2005 defense. First time I have ever truly been that down o Hall but God damn that was a sorry excuse for a game plan.
    2 points
  33. Nolby

    Why We Lost

    Hamiltons max protection on almost every offensive play was the main factor in why we lost. Our d line and blitzes were ineffective and masoli had way too much time to rip apart out cushy defence.
    2 points
  34. Floyd

    Why We Lost

    Classic Richie Hall game. Lapo overthinking... Neufeld is what he is...
    2 points
  35. O2L

    Why We Lost

    Richie Hall.
    2 points
  36. Can't see how we can be so concerned about our rookie Qb more than our inability to make any plays on defense lol
    2 points
  37. We never did anything to force the Cats to change up at all on O. No disguise on blitz packages at all, huge cushions for the Hamilton receives all nite, especially on the wide side throws. Easy peasy for Hamilton coaches tonight...after all, why would we want to change up anything...,.
    2 points
  38. NorthernSkunk

    Why We Lost

    They may have won the trench thing......but I gotta ask do they even call holding anymore in the CFL.....
    2 points
  39. You're telling me Nichols would have had the same brutal ultra conservative game plan and his 7 years in the league compared to 6 weeks would not have made a difference? Dont be dim.
    2 points
  40. Hall must have found Jim Daly's old playbook, what am embarrassing game Hall called tonight and Lapo wasn't much better. Just a very disappointing job of play calling from those two.
    2 points
  41. I think Streveler is better than that. His numbers may have been low but he kept fighting and even when down 21 was trying to will the team back to win. Really can't blame him when Chungh and whoever else that was committed those back breaking penalties and Dressler had 2 uncharacteristic drops. He had it a bit too easy last week against the sad sack Montreal team and was going to have an off week sooner or later. I'm not too worried about his confidence going forward though.
    2 points
  42. It was pretty brutal PI. Unamba literally just wrapped him up. Unless you mean the one early in the drive that was a touch behind him that he didn't even make an attempt on. Feel like the refs wanted to get back into AC on that last Bomber drive, two brutal PI's uncalled 1st and 2nd down plus the whole clock issue on Bowman's "offside" when the ref didn't whistle play in and 7 seconds ran off. We were going to lose anyway but this is a professional game.
    2 points
  43. Yeah this soft zone garbage is bullshit. You payed these guys big money and revamped the D. No more excuses. Guys as hot as Masoli are gonna rip apart soft zones.
    2 points
  44. Hate to say it but we're not winning a cup until Richie Hall is run out of here. Hall = Dodo
    2 points
  45. Play like youve got some balls for ****'s sakes!
    2 points
  46. 2 points
  47. Chalk up another 500 yard s**t show from the defense. Seems we have competent players, or atleast thats what they tell us. When is the scheme and Richie Hall the problem?? For a couple years now id say.
    1 point
  48. this live mic this could not be any more annoying.
    1 point
  49. 11 million AAV. Insanity
    1 point
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