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  1. If the Board starts meddling in football operations, we'll have taken a giant step back.
    8 points
  2. The Board of Directors should have zero say in who the coaches are. They put the CEO in place and that is all.
    7 points
  3. I want the Jonses Circus to continue for as long as possible.
    5 points
  4. "These are my thoughts, please list all reasons why you agree with me".
    4 points
  5. Darren Cameron‏Verified account @Darren_Cameron 3m3 minutes ago #Bombers quarterback Matt Nichols has been removed from the club’s six-game injured list.
    3 points
  6. Character/legal issues?.........check No meaningful playing time in quite a while?.....check Just waiting for the ole position switch, before committing my guess to Jones.... 😉
    3 points
  7. Willy just needs to be behind a beast of an oline and get a few games in succession under his belt where he is relatively clean, and has time to think with out the fear in the back of his mind of being plastered affecting everything he does...a 3-4 game stretch where he isn't mangled and has some success would do wonders for him
    3 points
  8. There were at least 2 drops by Dressler in that stretch that would have converted on 2nd down. The first one was a tougher catch, but the second one he had it in his hands, down on his knees and it just popped out. He squeezes even one of those 2 catches and it's a different ball game. I know that any given play can go any number of ways to affect the outcome of the game, and there are no guarantees, but those 2 plays struck me as somewhat critical at the time.
    3 points
  9. this is exactly the reason why I voted "no" to this thread... If Hall is going to be fired... it's Mike's decision, not the BOD...
    3 points
  10. Mark H.

    Why We Lost

    Ok, let’s talk about the last two playoff games. Excellent QB play with a very poor showing by the D. I know it’s only been 3 games so far, but it feels like we’re watching the same movie again.
    3 points
  11. Yeah once the reigns were off and Strev played with a sense of urgency and quicker tempo..things changed and we were successful. You can say it was against a soft garbage time defense...but it wasn't.. why we game planned the way we did is odd..u hate the "play to not make mistakes," mantra..you lose 90 percent of time. Strevler plays much better all fired up with mixing in his legs
    3 points
  12. Good to hear. I do recall several saying that if we could limp into a 2-2 start with our back up QB it would have been great. Strev got us to 1-2 and if he starts this week and gets another W then he did what was pretty much expected of him. But seeing how the losses to Edm and Ham went I'm not sure we would have even won with Nichols in. Edm maybe but I do t think we would have won the Ham game. I feel the D let us down in that one. I do think Nichols could have gotten us 75 against Mtl though 😂
    2 points
  13. At the point now where it doesn't matter to me if it's Nichols or Streveler out there, only concern is what are they going to do on defense to stop the bleeding.
    2 points
  14. My mistake on the Elam getting looks as a WR thing ... I was reading a text from a buddy and I didn't realize the tweet he shared was a parody account ... who can tell the difference anymore in Riderville
    2 points
  15. 😲😃 This would make me very happy.
    2 points
  16. Against some guys you don't want to give them a bunch of time to sit and pick you apart, but against someone like Masoli I think you are far better off just letting him have time and making him think. All he did on Friday night was drop back and throw the ball to where his pre-snap read took him. Blitzing didn't do ****, especially when you give guys a 5 yard cushion because the ball was out to a wide open man before anyone can get there. Shoulda cluttered up those intermediate routes and made him make some actual decisions with the ball.
    2 points
  17. Jones gets fired reunites with Hervey in BC
    2 points
  18. Because he is a troll... stop feeding him. I put him on ignore a few months back and the MBB experience is much better.
    2 points
  19. Yeah but the defense didn't get themselves off the field in the first half either when the offense was moving the ball. If they were tired it's their own fault for not getting themselves off the field. How many punts did Hamilton have? I think they had their first punt late in the 2nd quarter and then I don't remember another one until about 8 minutes left in the 4th quarter... Sometimes the D has to step up and get the ball back for a rookie qb when things get bogged down. Let the offense get things going cause as it was they were standing around on the sidelines with their thumbs up their asses because of the defense most of the night.
    2 points
  20. Can we draft a Defensive Coordinator ? 🤣
    2 points
  21. Does Schrodinger's Cat know defense? Does he want a DC job with the Bombers??
    2 points
  22. Doesn't matter if it's only week 3. Hall has been given 3 going on 4 years to fix this sh-t and has done nothing except **** it up even more. No more rope should be given except enough for him to hang himself with.
    2 points
  23. Hold your horses people. It’s only Game 3 of the year. We had one LB returning from a long term injury, a new MLB, a CB and HB playing new positions, and a new HB and CB playing (rookie and injury replacement). We were playing st Hamilton’s home opener. Their fans would have been loud as the team is playing well. They were loud at 0-9 when I visited last year. On top of this, the offence had at least 6 two-and-outs in a row. The defence needs rest. We had a chance at the goal line to keep hope and missed it in the 4th quarter. What else can you ask for week in and week out?
    2 points
  24. Old Bomber Fan

    Why We Lost

    I believe it has been said for over 3 years now that Hall's defense is outdated in the CFL. MOS said after last year that he was going to be more involved in the defense....is he and if he is what has changed? In my opinion nothing much. In two games against worthy opponents, we have been torched for over 480 yards in each. The other game, against Montreal, well I can't really count that one but will give credit that we stopped them to a respectable number. Point being made is we have been told we have a better group of DBs who have been brought in and those who remain have a year of experience under their belts. The results are the same; open receivers, too soft coverages, broken coverages, poor tackling, little pressure and the list goes on. Is it the talent or the system the talent is playing in? Seems to me if we have better talent and are still getting burned, it must be the system. So if it is the system why hasn't MOS changed it as he said he would? If it is the system why hasn't Hall recognized that after 3 years and corrected it. On another note, while the game was not great in the first half, we were nonetheless in the game. Hamilton made adjustments and I can only suggest we didn't because they clobbered us in the third quarter! This again is a very similar scenario from last year, no adjustments at half time and other teams making them that resulted then and now to disaster in the third quarter. Is it player ability, is it player mentality or is it coaching? I'll leave that answer up to you for judgement. On the offense, LaPo does not, will not or cannot stretch the field. His mentality is to throw short or at best medium routes and hope for YAC yards. This has not changed since he was here first as an OC many moons ago. He, as many have stated, overthinks things and that results to a stifling offense which is easily defended....see third and fourth quarter results. Most great coaches utilize the strengths of their individual players and minimize their weaknesses. I look at Adams and Bowman, two receivers who do not like going over the middle or crossing routes but are more adept at deep patterns. What are they being asked to do....run crossing patterns. They are not going to catch or for that matter make any great effort to catch a somewhat catchable ball....they do not want to get clocked! So utilizing the strengths of your players rates a failing grade for LaPo yet again. Then there is our rookie QB. While I like him and like him a lot, and after only 3 games, I think he has a fundamental flaw unless of course it is LaPo doing his thing again. I don't think he can throw a long ball. I don't think his mechanics will permit him to throw a 30 or 40 yard ball. Interestingly every time he has thrown long with success it has been the receiver either coming back to the ball or the defender falling down. What ever happened to throwing to a spot? Ever notice that our receivers are seldom in full stride catching a ball but rather are stationary? Just my observation. So I guess we now know where we stand with our rookie QB and new players. We frankly are no further ahead that where we were last year, not that the final standing from last year were anything to sneeze about. Expectations and the rhetoric was we were going to be so much better with the new talent etc and here we stand, 1-2 with a defense that continues to allow tons of yards and points and an offense that when needed fails to execute for whatever reason. Now I know there will be those who say it is only game 3 and you are right......but beware in the two games where we played quality teams we were beaten badly. And as someone else has said we won't win anything with a Hall defense. Hope I am wrong but it sure looks similar to last year.
    2 points
  25. Just means he going to NYC.
    2 points
  26. Yup but every bad loss we incur reminds us it's been twenty plus years without a cup. We usually cool down though by Thursday and get optimistic again.
    2 points
  27. Just out of curiosity, why do you make these threads if all you do is stifle any discussion in them? Hell I agree with you ... your approach is just weird
    2 points
  28. Offensive lack of production : 1st quarter 76 yds 2nd quarter 55 yds 3rd quarter 10 yds 4th quarter 200 yds when the score was 31-10 Does the lack of offensive time of possession and production impact the defence? Placing sole blame on the defence is an over simplification.
    2 points
  29. You have an inept offence that had no time of possession, had one sustained drive in the first quarter. How many 2 and outs? The end offensive stats are again grossly misleading against a defence that was content to give up yards and chew up the clock. People complaining about what they call the ineffective use of Bighill....10 tackles. They have a safety that has demonstrated he has no real understanding of how the position is played. As someone here suggested the D might be better served playing him at Will and Leggett at safety. MOS retained a Hall, said he as going to be more actively involved in the D and is hailed as a defensive guru ? Clearly there is more to the equation and perhaps Hall is not the entire problem. A team game coached by a team of coaches and the solution is perhaps not as simple as it seems.
    2 points
  30. ¿¿¿ Whuk ??? You just typed in a thread title and posted and Ed Tait article... and then you chastise some for making a comment- what is anyone supposed to do with this?
    1 point
  31. I'm not against starting Nichols when the doctors/training staff say he's ready to play.
    1 point
  32. It's great if he's back. But I really hope they aren't rushing it. Streveler has shown he can handle the spot light. I wouldn't be against sitting Nichols at least another week before he comes back.
    1 point
  33. To be fair, all they said was that the guy had the same tools as Burris in that he's got a strong arm and some mobility. But tons of qbs have those same tools.
    1 point
  34. What will be awesome is Jones gets canned and Hervey takes over in Riderville.... that would be ridiculously awesome.
    1 point
  35. Yes, he will. Not sure why you wouldn't think so.
    1 point
  36. The new Nik Petan.
    1 point
  37. iHeart

    The Music Thread

    man CJNU is really playing Sir Paul like crazy (probably because he's coming in September)
    1 point
  38. The REDBLACKS have added Quentin Gause to their practice roster: https://www.ottawaredblacks.com/2018/07/03/transactions-july-3-2018/
    1 point
  39. c'mon now... Pederson may be a mindless Rider shill.... but taking a shot at a recovering alcoholic is a low blow...
    1 point
  40. I was told based on the broadcast that Watford is the next Henry Burris....
    1 point
  41. Didn't see this when I posted earlier. What the actual hell? Put Carter at receiver (his normal position) and Elam at DB (also his normal position). Not rocket science, Jones, you stubborn idiot! This Carter experiment has already failed.
    1 point
  42. Who was at fault in that game? EVERYONE.......the defence needs to get the ball back and the offence needs to keep the defence off the field. Neither of those things happened.
    1 point
  43. I'm curious- are there still any Hall defenders willing to step forward at this point. or are we unanimous?
    1 point
  44. Blaming the offense for running outdated defensive schemes and playing a stupid bend but don't break philosophy is a cop out. No argument needed.
    1 point
  45. Of course they should look to the D to give them the ball back. Every offence wants that! Our D was terrible! The whole point is that the O cannot get into any kind of a rythm when they are sitting on the sidelines for 5 or 10 minutes!
    1 point
  46. Dr. Blue

    Why We Lost

    Don't forget we are starting 1 non-import on D. I expect a much better D with that ratio. Two offseasons we have changed personnel on D and the result has been the same. It boils down to scheme.
    1 point
  47. On the one hand, 1-2 with a backup QB and us within range of BC/SASK and the crossover is comforting but the same old, same old with the D is maddening.
    1 point
  48. Gotta give Hamilton some credit, I think they are one of the top teams in the league this year. We all know Hall's D is just awful, nothing else to add there... Lapo called a terrible game. As he does so often, he out coached himself. Probably could have used more Harris early on in the game. Streveler has some tools, and has looked like our best backup in a long time, but he still has a long way to go. I hate the live mic crap, but the one thing that caught my attention was the difference between Streveler and Masoli. Streveler was just calling the plays, but Masoli was talking to the guys about what was going on and if a play was setup. That comes with experience. Oh and one more thing... Hall's D is terrible...
    1 point
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