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  1. I think we can safely say that every Bomber player & coach contributed to that loss. That truly was (for a change), a total team loss.
    5 points
  2. There has to be some concern about some key players and their performance thus far, 5 games in. Adams has dropped a ton and put our defense back on the field as a result, cost us many points. Bowman is a non-factor. Loffler is averaging less than 2 tackles per game. That’s absurd for a safety and especially one that plays his style, he’s not a cover safety. More than that he hasn’t made an impact play, a positive one, yet this season. He has missed a slew of tackles that kept our D on the field. Nichols has been unproductive and at times brutal in both 2nd halves he’s played. Worried about hits? Can’t get 100% on his throws due to the knee? Whatever it is they better figure it out.
    4 points
  3. You do realize that the other team is comprised of professionals that are paid to make plays, right. Even the best defense in the world (and that is certainly not a Richie Hall defense) gets scored on. BC managed 20 points in 60 minutes. This one was on the O. Not completely of course, but certainly the lion's share.
    4 points
  4. TrueBlue4ever

    US Politics

    Hey, give the man credit. Trump was working on a jigsaw puzzle and said "Wow, great puzzle, and I did so well. Took me only 7 days to put it together, and the box said '2 to 4 years' !"
    3 points
  5. bustamente

    US Politics

    Trump " Russian agents did not meddle in my fantastic and justified win, right Vlad baby"
    3 points
  6. do or die

    US Politics

    As I fully expected.... At the joint post meeting press conference.....Trump babbled and rambled on about his election win and Hillary's emails, and called the Muller investigation "ridiculous" a "disaster for the country, how there was "no collusion" and that it was a "source of tension" between the two countries. He added that he sees no reason why Russia would interfere in the election...well.... simply because Vladimir Putin still denies it. At some points he sounded almost deranged. A disgraceful performance, that has topped his previous multiple disgraceful performances. Just to frame this in context - just before the meeting Trump tweeted that “years of U.S. foolishness and stupidity and now, the Rigged Witch Hunt” are to blame for the souring of U.S.-Russia relations"! Not Ukraine, Crimea or election hacking. Would how much embarrassment the Republican super patriots (self proclaimed), in the House and Senate are going to be able to swallow, at this rate? .
    3 points
  7. Well, after a cooling off period (to prevent O+S from being gin fueled rant), I can now look at it today.......and just get real angry all over again.
    3 points
  8. In the interest of fairness......I simply blame everybody. Lets look a bit closer at crunch time, down the stretch: First downs on O............0 Defensive stops on D......0 Pretty good formula for losing the close ones....as we have done twice this season, already.
    3 points
  9. The horse collar was a horse collar. You don't need to grab the shoulder pads anymore to get called. Simply grabbing the jersey around the numbers is enough these days. It's been called that way for a couple of years now. The RTP's were all easy calls and the right call except the Wild one which was pretty iffy if you ask me. Players can hold up if they are in control. If they leave their feet, then they get a penalty in the 'player safety first' CFL. It's being called that way league wide these days. We didn't lose because of the reffing. We lost on some bad coaching decisions, a horrible game by Nichols, turnovers and a defense that couldn't make a stop at the end of the game when we needed them to.
    3 points
  10. Chant several psalms noted for their lamentation themes, wallow in general suckiness and drink a case of bud prohibition to beat the heat.
    3 points
  11. Well, pretty hard to argue against such a well thought out and detailed position as that. I concede.
    3 points
  12. Did you watch that second half? The offense was a disaster, from the playcalling (LaPolice) to the execution (the players). Yes, the defense didn't play as well or as disciplined in the second half but there's no "manufactured outrage" here. The offense completely crapped the bed.
    2 points
  13. The Unknown Poster

    US Politics

    It boggles my mind that Trump manages to get the GOP on his side. I can imagine they feel that even if they speak out, that the "base" will ostracize them and the rest of America wont embrace their new found sense, but will simply toss them out with the bath water. they missed their opportunity. It has to be all or none. They have to all, the party included, announce that they can no longer support the President and bring impeachment hearings. If a few speak out, voters will not reward them. It will simply affirm in the minds of many voters that the GOP is corrupt and they must vote for progressive Dems. So they say nothing and hope they can win their seat. And if they do, will they then speak out? Likely not. If the GOP keep Congress, there is no reason to speak out against the status quo. If the Dems take control, the GOP will be focused on 2020. For 2020, they should be focused on replacing Trump. Only if they get hammered by Dems in November, will the calls for Trump's head grow. Dem voters know what they have to do. Moderate center voters know what they have to. Right wing patriots must hold their nose and vote for the Democrat. In fact, vote progressively and hope Congress takes seriously the message from voters and returns America to a time of promise before JFK was killed. I know Trump supporters read this thread and shrug it off as an echo chamber. It IS to a degree because its so clear, so obvious, so brain-dead simple that Trump is corrupt, is an agent of Russia and must go. And Right Wing'ers missed the opportunity to be righteous in that regard. Now they must all go.
    2 points
  14. O’Shea is a flawed head coach. He is not a bad head coach.
    2 points
  15. Opening drive.....Harris running sweep...gets the edge.. ….and cruises down the sideline for 50 yd TD Nobody touched him, either... BC moving....until Lulay shot puts pass, into the end zone Fogg has easy INT and pretty good return...,. Nichols play action, then 50 yarder to wide open to Woltarsky Medlock hits 41 yd FG attempt...uh, off the post.. Bomber 2nd down D, still needs work But O has 130 yds in the quarter... Nichols hits Adams for 30, down the sideline..... ...but then telegraphs sideline out, for easy INT Bombers not spreading pass game around, yet... With Johnson out, Rainey stuffed on 3rd and 1.... Harris runs for 10, Demski for 20.... Demski looks pretty good in North/South mode BC called on IC.....then Harris pounds it in 14-0. Medlock hits perfect short kickoff..nice recover by Briggs.. ...and hits on 50 yds FG....off the bar....17-0 Bombers Harris breaks 3 more tackles on screen....beast mode... Adams kills that drive with dropped slant pass..... Fogg good PR....called back on "holding" Rainey has better luck on his good PR... Lulay is getting some time to throw the ball Wild called for "roughing" Lulay.... Time running out in half....BC skips FG.... ...to throw last play pass to Burnham...who drops it. 17-0 at half, but Bombers left some points on the field, there... Another good kick return from Rainey...guy scares me.... 3rd and I....Farjardo strings it down the line, Bighill with the stop Adams with nice catch....Harris bulls his way down to the 10... Streveler runs to the 2. Bombers go for it on 3rd down.... Streveler takes ball deep in backfield, but cannot crash it in... Moral booster for Lions....more points left on field for Blue.... Bomber D still cannot cover the wide flat passes..... Jeffcoat called for "horse collar" tackle...… Rainey catch and run for 35, another pass to Collins... Tonight's crew having some difficulty with "officiating" Lulay dives into the end zone….17-7 Bombers... What looked like a laugher....is now not looking very funny...… Harris bulls through a bunch of Lions for good gain..... Nichols double pumps.....then terrible overthrow INT Now C. Johnson tagged for roughing on Lulay..... Penalties off the ball... are really stinging the Blue..... Opo plants Lulay in the backfield...Long makes its 17-10. O now features bad passing, instead of Harris Lulay puts up jump ball....Manny A....jumps over Cooper... After 9 month layoff....Lulay hits 300 passing yards.... Long makes it 17-10. DOD makes it, another gin... Bombers another 2 and out on O....which has been terrible, this half. Bighill smacks Rainey for loss....D gives up ANOTHER 2nd down pass. 2nd and long again....Lulay gets out of pocket and hits Burnham... Johnson takes sideline pass...no tackling....TD BC. Tie game. Bomber D now imploding....Bomber O has already imploded.. 1:50 left...time to pull this one out. Nichols sacked... Nichols rolls out, throw across his body for ANOTHER BAD INT. The idea was to pull this game out.....not toss it away.. Naturally, Lulay goes after Cooper, 40 yds to Burnham.... BC runs clock down. Long hits 15 yd FG...on last play of game. 20-17. Abject and utter collapse on both sides of the ball. Worst game by Nichols in a Bomber uniform..... 0 points in 2nd half, against a Mark Washington D Defense can't make a stop in crunch time….again Well, after some more gin...I am sure that this game..... …...will simply look...just as bad.
    2 points
  16. I’d rather see Simonise and Petermann. Use the import spot on D right now, go all import D.
    2 points
  17. The Unknown Poster

    US Politics

    His remarks were surely written before even meeting Putin. In fact, Putin's people probably wrote them. When you listen to Trump speak off-script, you really get the sense there is something wrong with him. It could just be he's not very intelligent and is used to everyone telling him how great he is, but he speaks nonsense.
    2 points
  18. One more question: Why is Demski suddenly a go-to guy on O?
    2 points
  19. To be honest, I'd rather see Peterman or another of our NI receivers in that spot. I was as well .. and I *LIKE* the instinct here .. to go for it .. that's playing to win and I can appreciate that decision. It was poor execution. When you're down on the one .. with the defense one yard off the ball .. don't get fancy .. get a hat on a hat and move straight ahead.
    2 points
  20. I'm still upset by this loss as well. My opinion is that it is more on the players than the coaches. It's easy in hindsight to look back at the 3rd down gambles and criticize the call, but in all honesty, I was thinking "go for it" both times. By doing so, the coaches showed confidence in their players, but the players failed to deliver. While I wasn't happy with the defence not getting the stop when we needed it, I would suggest that this one falls on the offence. It's not very often you can win in this league with 17 points, and to get shut out in the 2nd half was the difference. (Especially with all of the turnovers) I still have great confidence in this team and the management, but the players need to learn how to finish their opponents off when they have the chance.
    2 points
  21. I hear this. I usually don't get too worked up over losses but I'm still mad. BC is not a good team and we went from doing what we should be doing (rolling up and down the field, dominating a lesser opponent) to completely shitting the bed. Say what you want about the defense not getting off the field but offensively we did nothing for two and a half quarters. 0 points. Some of it was play calling .. some of it was execution .. some of it was just terrible play at the most crucial position. We are too talented a team to lose like that and that's what pisses me off.
    2 points
  22. Getting beyond the atrocious play of the O, in the 2nd half.....,.bottom line is that this D has never been able to close out games. Didn't stop the Esks down the stretch..... and couldn't do it again, covering and tackling last nite. 2 losses, where just a stop or two, would of been 2 wins. Same ole tired movie
    2 points
  23. The insane part of the story is that The Brick came to Winnipeg and sued Brick's Fine Furniture for using the same name even though the Winnipeg company was around earlier then The Brick. Thankfully The Brick lost and the local guys won.
    2 points
  24. Didn't Leggett pick that ball off? That was a good throw. Demski needs to catch that ball.
    1 point
  25. GoP=Party before country Weirdly enough, I think that if The Pee-Pee Tape gets (ahem) leaked- I don't think it will affect KGB-don's core base supporters... I am looking forward to their justification of said water sport video: "That there is KGB-don practicing trickle-down economics..." "KGB-don's used to having everything made of gold- even his showers..."
    1 point
  26. 1. Ehhh, I'm really not much of a believer in that because if he was, you'd figure this defense would get fixed already and he'd do what Chamblin did in 2013 taking over the play calling completely. He played defense but he doesn't seem to have the gift of drawing up plays or schemes for them. 2. I know he's survived before in 2014 and 2015, but I gotta think this year if he did miss the playoffs he'd either get fired or be on borrowed time next year. I mean, we seriously have too much talent at this point not to make the playoffs, plus behind Calgary 2nd and third place are wide open in the West and there's no reason our guys shouldn't take one of those esp with both SSK and EDM in the tank. MOS is safe to a certain point, but he certainly doesn't have a coaching job for life. I'll certainly say that I believe he's good as a player's coach, but his in-game decisions, strategy and management have a lot to be desired.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. And Burnham wouldn’t have even been in a position to make that catch if not for an objectively terrible RTP call that would have held them to a field goal attempt. Too many what if situations in football to use arguments like that.
    1 point
  29. He was rushed. He'd be a good coordinator for the D. But big picture stuff and strategy and adjustments seem to still allude him. We can only hope he learns from his mistakes (that he keeps making btw) because he's definitely here for the whole season. Even if we miss the playoffs I doubt he gets canned.
    1 point
  30. Games for this week ... I'm going to say TiCats get the revenge on SSK 23-10. Bridge is under fire at THF. Could be a good shootout brewing in Ottawa Friday night. Redbacks take it 37-27. Then after we have our fun filled action in BMI ... The dumpster fire takes full force in MTL at CGY. Kavis Reed goes trotting out Matthews again. I could see this becoming a repeat of that 59-1 beatdown that got put on Hamilton last year. It's too bad the Als fans have already stopped caring or they could get Reed fired and Willy and Matthews tossed off the team. Sorry, but I really believe it is the front office and Andrew Wettenhall calling the shots on this team with Mike Sherman being nothing more than a figurehead.
    1 point
  31. Sorry, but I never had Richie Hall kick my dog, so I just can't generate the same level of outrage that others here can. I'd lose no sleep if they replaced him, but I can also recognize then there are other issues in this last loss that might be more relevant that Hall's D. Not to worry though, there're lots of other games coming up so I'm sure that the "We hate Richie Hall and everyone who has ever known him" crowd will have plenty to rage about.
    1 point
  32. Mark F

    US Politics

    Frank Gorshin could have done a good Putin.
    1 point
  33. No, the point was I was showing how ridiculous it is to use the offense as a foil to give Richie his Hall pass.
    1 point
  34. Argos have a better defense than we do and we have a better offense (At least in the first half of games). Strength against strength. Argos have a fair offense and we have a fair defense. Weakness against weakness. I expect a split on these back to back games.
    1 point
  35. The Unknown Poster

    US Politics

    Putin is playing chess while Trump tries to figure out how checkers works.
    1 point
  36. Mark F

    US Politics

    This is Putin: Good luck to Trump dealing with him in any but a losing way. Fluent German, Trump can't even speak one language..
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. Mark F

    US Politics

    They've promoted and encouraged the lunatic, ignorant, racist element of their party for quite a while. Now that's all they've got. So they're stuck with them.
    1 point
  39. MOS is a bad head coach. Trestman is a good head coach. I just wanted to say that. Carry on.
    1 point
  40. The Unknown Poster

    US Politics

    American voters need to fully comprehend what has happened. A foreign state enemy used hacking to influence a federal election in favour of "their" guy who they control through compromising material. Trump is either compromised and unwitting or he's compromised and maliciously an agent of Russia. A Russian agent, in the pocket of Putin, is the President of the United States. For all the right wing goofballs who tries to claim Obama was a Muslim and in the pockets of Islamic leaders, well, their crazy conspiracy has come true, just not the guy they expected. I wonder how much evidence it will take for Congress to Impeach or, more interestingly, for Pence and the GOP to accept Trump is a criminal and remove him themselves.
    1 point
  41. This is it, he's the Bombers version of Duron Carter without the nasty twirks, Reilly knew they had to go to him early and often or he loses focus and becomes a non-factor, get him involved and he becomes almost unstoppable. LaPo and Nichols can take it either way, but right now he's on the straight path to following Clarence out the door.
    1 point
  42. On the tying touchdown play, the defenders looked confused, they left a receiver uncovered seven yards from their own goal line, then 3 players couldn't tackle him. He's not Andrew Harris. This is the part that is discouraging. Same stuff on defence. game after game. La Police, Nichols and the offence will bounce back. But this defence, has been, is, and looks like it always will be, not good enough.
    1 point
  43. With two of the best interior OL in Goossen and Chungh, very slim chance Harris doesn’t get a first down behind them.
    1 point
  44. Yah, that was less than good, from what I could tell it involved JSK, Randle and Sayles.
    1 point
  45. BC tying score is at 5:05. is classic Bomber D. ball at the 14, receiver makes the catch at the 7 , then three defenders whiff on tackles as he scores. Bomber defence is not good at holding on to a lead at the end of games.
    1 point
  46. i was losing it one of the worst ref jobs ive seen in the cfl in a long time. that said we had tons and tons of chances to win the game and failed to do so.
    1 point
  47. I don't think Demski had a reasonable chance of hanging onto that ball, the BC defender arrives at the same moment as the ball with force.5:35 of the following video, you can slow it down to .25 speed it's still inconclusive. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfmUfLcE6NQ
    1 point
  48. O'Shea's record speaks for itself, but the telling stat is how many playoffs the team has won under his leadership- ZERO. Leadership is about making the hard decisions and I thought it was telling when O'Shea drove over to Willy's residence to tell him about the trade that moved Willy out of here much too late. I maintain that you cannot be a buddy to players and lead them at the same time.
    1 point
  49. Of course, if the O had scored one more touchdown, the the D did do enough. If you want to play the "what if" game, you have to allow for "what ifs" on both sides
    1 point
  50. Yes. Apparently Google isn't your friend.
    1 point
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