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  1. When they took the ball away right after the O turned it over on Saturday?
    4 points
  2. That logic is faulty. get up- go do 40 wind-sprints, come back and tell me you're not tired and gassed and I will wag my finger at you and tell you "There is NO way you should be gassed- you should be well ******* rested after sitting on your duff all morning."
    4 points
  3. Not sure how to imbed the tweet from the side bar but 3Down Nation reporting that Jones lost it on the crew at practice today. http://3downnation.com/2018/07/17/davis-no-reinforcements-chris-jones-turns-riot-act-motivate-riders/ I don't know who this Darrell Davis guy that has been covering the Riders for 20 years is but there is no way he grew up in Sask. In four games Saskatchewan’s offence has scored four touchdowns. Thigpen’s major rewarded an excellent performance by Saskatchewan’s defence and special teams, but hasn’t assuaged concern for an offence missing its starting quarterback (Zach Collaros, who has a concussion) and inexplicably alternates journeyman Brandon Bridge and rookie David Watford in his stead. That use is language and grammar is just unheard of in the gap.
    3 points
  4. I have heard the old ones speak of such things in hushed tones late at night around the fire.
    3 points
  5. We could make a great team between our two rosters
    3 points
  6. DR. CFL

    Derek Jones

    National depth is a huge problem for this league....for all teams...sadly it only gets worse as the season progresses and injuries mount up. I would like to see more PR spots occupied by Nationals....help to develop your depth in your systems...Internationals are a dime a dozen and a phone call away.
    3 points
  7. Especially when your offense turns the ball over 4 times in a half. How many times did the D get the ball back in that game? How many times did they set the offense up with great field position off a takeaway? The offense reasonably should have produced several more TDs and this game should not have been close. The defense did their job.
    3 points
  8. Yes, I say the Riders lose BIG in kitty cat land on Thursday... ...and with a Rider loss I will finally start to feel a little better after that debacle we witnessed on Saturday night.
    3 points
  9. BC had done no schooling on us on Saturday. It was mostly self-inflicted. Proof? 3rd & 4th quarters 1st possession - Bomber 51 - stopped at the BC 2 yd line..turn over on downs 2nd possession - 2 and out 3rd possession - interception 4th possession - turn over on downs at the BC 7 yard line 5th possession - 2 and out...punt 29 yards, penalty 5 yards for no yards 6th possession - interception Throw in 3 RTP penalties ??? In those 2 quarters, and you have your BC offence. I didn’t see anything brilliant in BC’s adjustments, nor do I fault the defence, but I definitely see how we gave that game away..
    3 points
  10. Best hit of the night? Brian Bennett on special teams.. The Bombers are a 4-1 team in a 2-3 record. The only game we should have lost was against Hamilton, who completely out-coached, and out-played us.. Edmonton, (Reilly) beat our defence, and it wasn’t the first time. BC defeated the Bombers but they needed a LOT of help. Timely drops, lack of execution, questionable play calling, turnovers, some ragged penalty calling, and poor punts at the wrong time. BC only made a couple of plays on us, but that’s all they needed, we helped them the rest of the way. Catch of the night - Darvin Adams sideline grab. Drop of the night - Darvin Adams..with 1 man to beat. Goal line stand by BC...shouldn’t have happened. By the way, that horse collar tackle on Jeffcoat does not meet the intent of the rule in my opinion. I was at the game, it happened right on our sight line. Jeffcoat had Rainey stopped..dead. He tackled Rainey across his own body. Rainey was not going anywhere.. he grabbed Rainey more on the side of his uni, up high, but there was no neck or head snap. A very questionable call. I wouldn’t chastise Jeffcoat at all on that play as Rainey, of course, tried to avoid the tackle and turned away from him. (5:13 mark - 3rd quarter)
    3 points
  11. Wow, Elimimian on the six game... Herdman taking MLB reps... Buono probably wondering why he didn't retire.
    2 points
  12. bustamente

    US Politics

    Signs are all there, before the vote he said if he was to lose that the vote would of been rigged, and then becomes President and wants to know if he can pardon himself, if he either gets impeached or loses the next election all hell will break loose. On another note Trump has mastered the art of talking out of both sides of his mouth, one day it's one side spouting lies and falsehoods and the next day the other side walking back his comments and contradicting himself.
    2 points
  13. Oh hell no - it’s more like a neck cuddle
    2 points
  14. do or die

    US Politics

    All is not lost. Approval pouring in, for Trump's performance from all sides....... Breitbart, the Federalist, Daily Caller, Lou Dobbs, Sean Hannity, Rosanne, David Duke, Russian state media Alternative facts presented, by legit sources. I believe them......not that swampy, snowflake, Zionist, globalist deep state media
    2 points
  15. Wally made some dumb coaching decisions too. Challenging a 10 yard play. Not calling time out on the 1 with 17 seconds in the half cost BC another play at the end of the half.
    2 points
  16. bigg jay

    Derek Jones

    2 points
  17. BC had a long break at the half to recover after top was against them. Disregarding whether or or not it was actually a factor, it'weird to me that you can't figure out what his point is.
    1 point
  18. wbbfan

    Derek Jones

    Before he could succeed at wil he would have to focus on wraping up and tackling properly. he has been able to out muscle much smaller wrs with hits, but the bigger guys hed face in the box would demand better form.
    1 point
  19. SpeedFlex27

    Derek Jones

    Well, learn a new thing everyday. Thought Laval was in QC. Thanks.
    1 point
  20. SpeedFlex27

    Derek Jones

    I always thought Laval was a suburb of Quebec City? Non? Oui?? Time for some poutine??
    1 point
  21. I'd actually move Bowman to Field WR and maybe alternate him and Adams between the two spots... If not, I'm fine with Adams-Dressler-Demski-Wolitarsk-Peterman
    1 point
  22. wbbfan

    Derek Jones

    he is selling out for hits and coming up dry a lot more then normal no doubt. But he isnt in and around the action nearly as much as previous. 2 tackle a game pace this year, which is less then half of last year. In previous years he was crushing wrs over the middle. This year not. He needs to adjust his game to match how teams and the system have adjusted.
    1 point

    Derek Jones

    Loffler likes to go for the big hit instead of the much safer wrapping his arms around the receiver to make sure. Big hits look great when they work, but players know it's coming now and are avoiding or absorbing the hits.
    1 point
  24. Since game 2 I've being saying that the next game is going to be Bowman's break out game. Then I thought, now that Nichols is back, the two of them will rekindle the chemistry they use to have in edmonton. I've got noting else to pin my hopes on. So now I'm at the point where I'm wondering if we should move Bowman in to the middle and see if that makes a difference. Other than that it might be time to sit him and let someone else get an opportunity.
    1 point
  25. do or die

    Derek Jones

    If Loffler keeps up his present play, at some point, Jones may become unstuck......
    1 point
  26. Riddle me this - when was the last time the D bailed out the O?
    1 point
  27. Interesting to see if Herdman can step up - cheering for him
    1 point
  28. Manny looks old and slow. There's the Money for Bighill right there. Grabbing Bighill was a hell of a good move for you guys. He is a great player and a warrior
    1 point
  29. More like he's wondering why they didn't find a way to pay Bighill what he's worth.
    1 point
  30. Clueless comparison especially when you make it a second time. I guess your saying that BC's defense was so fatigued after losing TOP in the first half that they just couldn't play at all in the second half. No? So it's the fatigue factor only matters when it's the Bombers defense or only in the second half? 😎 If BC had say 5 or 10 additional minutes of TOP, then you could rightly use the fatigue argument, but they didn't. In short, I'm saying that a pro football player can take the stress of having to play 30-31 minutes of football no matter if 18-20 minutes of it are in the first half or in the second half.
    1 point
  31. Considering this game was the fault of Lapo's overthinking and Hall's lack of adjustments... I think I'm okay with not trading the whole team.
    1 point
  32. The Pee-Pee tapes will be leaked right before the 2018 midterms.
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. Darrin Bauming‏ @DarrinBauming Bowman, 32, inks a one-year deal worth a reported $140k — friendly numbers all around for #Bombers GM Kyle Walters.
    1 point
  35. Nah- I still prefer our O over yours. No, no, no... Hurl is yours- Karma dictates it.
    1 point
  36. it was a comedic analogy... In no way am I saying that a old outta shape dude is on par with a professional athlete- I find it distressing that you fail to pick up on that. So- you are telling me that it doesn't matter how that ToP is spread out? You equate the physical fatigue of 2 min on, 2 mins off, 2 minutes on, 2 minutes off, 2 minutes on, 2 minutes off, 2 minutes on, 2 minutes off, 2 minutes on, 2 minutes off, 2 minutes on, 2 minutes off, 2 minutes on, 2 minutes off, 2 minutes on. to 14 minutes off, 16 minutes on. ??? Tell you what, go and run a Kilometer in two manners - do 100m sprinting, 100m walking, 100m sprinting, 100m walking, 100m spinting, 100m walking, 100m sprinting, 100m walking, 100m sprinting, 100m walking. then go and do 500m walking then sprint the last 500m. let me know which you think has the greater amount of physical exhaustion.
    1 point
  37. Except Duron Carter (SK D)
    1 point
  38. bryan35

    Derek Jones

    Maybe give Walters the phone number so he won't have to go the expensive free agent route for wr's and mlb.
    1 point
  39. Wait, ONLY 20 points? Projected over a full game 20 points works out to... *runs some complicated algorithms* 40 points. I don't think anyone is cracking open a beer celebrating 20 points surrendered per half. Team loss. Period.
    1 point
  40. It's uncanny how much Michael looks like his dad... It's like Kirk Douglas had sex with himself and pooped out Michael...
    1 point
  41. With the way your defense is playing, I'd be more worried about your game with Toronto.
    1 point
  42. In the end, O'Shea's 2 time refusal to settle for easy FGs and to gamble on 3rd down is what gifted the game to the Lions. O'Shea out coached Wally and then out smarted himself by being an overconfident gambler.
    1 point
  43. bustamente

    US Politics

    It's been an interesting day for the people of the US
    1 point
  44. I cannot disagree with much of what you say, but the Bombers were schooled on Saturday night. Most of us had written Wally and the Lions off after the first half but that came back to bite us big time. The Lions made half-time adjustments and the Bomber coaches once again could or did not. "You are what your record says you are."
    1 point
  45. Can I pay and have this thread locked? It isn’t happening so get over it....a few more stinkers and they should all worry about their jobs. Fire the janitor too if you want remember the food chain ultimately works it’s way back up to who hired who....who kept who around......
    1 point
  46. Games for this week ... I'm going to say TiCats get the revenge on SSK 23-10. Bridge is under fire at THF. Could be a good shootout brewing in Ottawa Friday night. Redbacks take it 37-27. Then after we have our fun filled action in BMI ... The dumpster fire takes full force in MTL at CGY. Kavis Reed goes trotting out Matthews again. I could see this becoming a repeat of that 59-1 beatdown that got put on Hamilton last year. It's too bad the Als fans have already stopped caring or they could get Reed fired and Willy and Matthews tossed off the team. Sorry, but I really believe it is the front office and Andrew Wettenhall calling the shots on this team with Mike Sherman being nothing more than a figurehead.
    1 point
  47. Well, after a good nights sleep? Still furious.
    1 point
  48. ... crickets ...
    1 point
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