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  1. They have some decent looking receivers on the practice roster. This talk that they NEVER bring in good receivers is ridiculous.
    5 points
  2. My company did another successful uncrewed New Shepard test. (New Shepard is our suborbital space tourism / science vehicle. Features a reusable vertical landing propulsion module and giant windows so passengers get an amazing view)
    4 points
  3. Why? Demski is doing everything that Flanders did last year. We don't need another RB on the roster. If Bowman needs to be replaced, replace him with an actual receiver from the PR. Washington or Thompkins. I'm not convinced that Bowman needs to go, it's not like he's been dropping balls. We really don't know if he's not getting open without studying the film. Lapo just needs to run some plays for him and Nichols needs to actually hit him instead of running 100 swing passes behind the line of scrimmage for Demski.
    4 points
  4. Not sure where to put this, but I had to mention that the other Bomber forum currently has a thread about O'Shea possibly being a drug addict b/c he uses smelling salts. It's worth reading... edit: Link http://forums.bluebombers.com/index.php?topic=50528.0
    3 points
  5. do or die

    US Politics

    Of course you can. Sincerely, Sean Hannity
    3 points
  6. If lapo would quit trying to out fox the other team he'd be a lot better. He needs to get out of his own way at times and rather than trying to adjust before the other team stops you adjust after they actually stop it. A lot of times he does the opposing dcoordinator a favour.
    2 points
  7. Just read about the passing of former Calgary Stampeder Larry Robinson. He was a mainstay on their defense from1961 to 75. The native of Calgary was an outstanding DB as well as the Stamps punter & PK. He was the CFL Western Conference Rookie Of The Year in 1961. He was runner up for the Schenley Award as the CFL's Top Canadian in 1964. He was a CFL Western Conference All Star in 1965, 1971 & 1972. As a kicker, he scored 1,033 points. His biggest FG was in the 1970 Western Final in Regina vs the Roughriders in the teeth of a raging blizzard. He played in 3 Grey Cups in 1968, 1970 & was a Grey Cup champion in 1971. he was elected to the Canadian Football Hall Of Fame in 1998. Robinson was a great football player & I remember him very well. That kick in the 1970 Western Final was a thing of legend. May he RIP.
    2 points
  8. What surprises me most is that he seemingly hasn't learned that when you say things like this there's going to be backlash. It's just a lack of intelligence at the end of the day. Both because of his thoughts on the subject but also because of how he went about expressing his opinion. Unless he wanted to get fired then I suppose he played it right. I'm not even in the public eye and I watch what I say on social media sometimes cause some tool will take it out of context or it won't come across as polite as it would had i spoke. My company has a social media clause in the contracts now, and anything I say/share on there that can be seen as offensive can potentially get me fired. So guess what? I don't post about it, whether it's for proper rights/representation of certain groups or politics or just trolling some bigot. I just don't do it. It's not worth my career and will likely create nothing but negativity at the end of the day. His platform, his replies to DMs and his history of making stupid comments show me that he just isn't a very smart man. Smart boy, sure. Man....not quite. There's a lot of 30+ year old boys running around out there calling themselves men.
    2 points
  9. Spot on. He really crapped the bed on Monday and could've easily avoided all of this by just not saying what he did.
    2 points
  10. Stamps D is going to tear Willy an new one....
    2 points
  11. Rich

    Around The NHL 2018/2019

    Of course they are far apart. Both sides will need to give in a negotiation and they will meet somewhere in the middle. If you start at the low end of what you will accept, you lose.
    2 points
  12. There are two sides to this argument. The people that understand why CITI took this action and people who should think before they post on social media. Im surprised by how many I am acquainted with who simply dont get it (either from a business perspective or a humanity one). Its a good reminder that freedom of expression is not freedom from consequence.
    2 points
  13. do or die

    US Politics

    I usually comment on this stuff on my own......but yesterday, former CIA Director Michael Hayden completely nailed it: Pretty sure that most ex and current intelligence guys, are thinking the same thing.....
    2 points
  14. I don't know how it became fact that the Riders have a great receiving corp this year. Roosevelt is good. Then what? Holley is in his 3rd season hasn't shown to be anything more than a journeyman. Carter is a cb now. Evans looks like he has promise, but JWL hasn't done anything. And a token Canadian...
    2 points
  15. If we don’t support all franchises, the league will fail. I’ve attended games in All locations except BC and Ottawa, having season tickets in Edmonton and off course, Winnipeg. Games are fun everywhere. It’s better when you team is playing, but all are good. Toronto is finicky with all sports. 6 milllion people and only the Raptors and Leafs are near sell outs. Jays, Argos and even the weekday TFC game I was at last summer wasn’t sold out. Trains to and from the games, CN Exhibition was on, and a good to great atmosphere. I don’t get it.
    2 points
  16. When they took the ball away right after the O turned it over on Saturday?
    2 points
  17. I have heard the old ones speak of such things in hushed tones late at night around the fire.
    2 points
  18. How about we Thanos the entire team? Randomly cut/fire half the players and staff. We'll get better. More playing time and work for everyone. We'll be a football paradise....
    1 point
  19. Why do they have to wait for a trial? You can cut a guy for any reason. This is a reason.
    1 point
  20. I would like to see less trick plays and more smash mouth football ... as in the running game set up the passing game ... we seen to be too far away from the basics ... we have the best running back since Charles Roberts + a good oline + receivers who can block ... is this lapo or mos that is taking us away from the fundamentals?
    1 point
  21. What other way can our receiving corps improve?? Bring in guys to push the people we already have. That's the only way we will get better.
    1 point
  22. I'd love Cunningham, liked his play thus far in his cfl career with Montreal.
    1 point
  23. The arbitration system in the NHL is designed to be combative on purpose as motivation to have teams and players settle outside of it. And for the most part it is successful in achieving that, as very few players actually get to arbitration despite filing for it. Each side gets 90 minutes to make their case in front of the arbitrator. The Jets will have to rip apart Trouba's game and highlight all of his deficiencies and list all the reasons on why they think he is only worth $4M and not the $7M. Trouba gets to sit there and listen to all that. Teams want to avoid this as it certainly can sour the relationship with a player.
    1 point
  24. One thing to keep in mind with those numbers, those are arbitration numbers, not a long term deal. So Trouba is asking for $7M per year for 1 or 2 RFA years. That is vastly different then wanting $7M over a 6 - 8 year deal.
    1 point
  25. Floyd

    Around The NHL 2018/2019

    Seems to be a rudimentary misunderstanding of how negotiations work on this board... If Trouba is asking $7 mill a year as his starting point, a 5.5 or 6 million contract really does not seem out of reach at all. I think a seven year deal gets done before arbitration.
    1 point
  26. Terrell Owens is available. Maybe we could convert Pacman Jones to receiver...?
    1 point
  27. I agree. I watched him too as I had some sad feelings when he left the Bombers. He did not look like the same player he was here.
    1 point
  28. The Unknown Poster

    US Politics

    He’s abdicated his responsibility. We know why. Time for him to go.
    1 point
  29. On that Alouettes team...? Yeah, I highly doubt it.
    1 point
  30. Unreal stuff. I am absolutely mystified someone could attempt to find a parallel between smelling salts and meth.
    1 point
  31. Ah, yes. My father often regales me with long ago tales of his hero, the legendary Backer of the Line, Sir Tyrone of House Jones.
    1 point
  32. If Friedman is correct that its normal, then so be it. I think Rich's remark is on point. We see the Trouba ask and we say, thats crazy. But the Jets' offer is under-value as well. Neither side expects to get their number. If I am correct, in the NHL, the arbitrator picks one of the two sides, right? So surely, they'd pick the Jets over Trouba's. If the Jets opt for a two year contract, is Trouba going to leave that much money on the table, just to go through it all again? Reportedly he was not happy with the "hold out" strategy last time and went back because he was sick of not playing and not being paid. I think they get a deal done.
    1 point
  33. I thought so too but I guess according to a follow up tweet, its par for the course. trouba has t know $7 million is ridiculous. Its just not reasonable. Probably come in at $5.5.
    1 point
  34. Willy is a better QB than Matthews. I'm not sure why Montreal won't just give Vernon Adams a shot though.
    1 point
  35. Fatty Liver

    Derek Jones

    I think Loffler is much more effective when he plays deep and keeps everything in front of him, when he has to turn and run with a receiver he is lost. He just seems to work most effectively in straight lines.
    1 point
  36. Why do the Bombers never sign receivers & bring them in? Other teams do it & we don't. We roll with the ones we signed in the off season & that's it. I don't get it & never have.
    1 point
  37. do or die

    US Politics

    Trump says he accepts US intel on Russia — then adds it ‘could be other people also" http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/397481-trump-says-he-accepts-us-intel-on-russia-then-adds-it-could-be-other A absurd effort at "clarification" Pretty clear that no one on his staff had anything to do with it - strictly a Trump production. Parses and wiggles over a single word - as if this changed the entire context - when for 8 months he has talked publicly about "somebody else" Then compounds this farce, by stepping all over the "clarification" with both feet, by bringing up the "others" narrative yet again. Watched several news outlets covering this - the anchors and guests were talking about Trump. as if he was a demented child, on one station you could hear a bunch of people giggling in the background , as the tape was being played. Nobody is going to buy this lame walk back, period. Every time Trump tries this tactic (see Charlottesville) it just gets worse......
    1 point
  38. Meant swap Adams and Bowman as Boundary and Field WR... Middle would be Dressler, Wolitarsky and Demski Bowman is not just not catching balls - he's not blocking either...
    1 point
  39. well if a guy isnt going to play for more then a week you may as well 6 game him. Have a chance to save that money from the cap. Plus we always see every kind of silliness with the IR and info about players injuries. Hes week to week we will re evaluate him next week should be back soon x6 then done for the season etc.
    1 point
  40. The bombers had the penalties in the second half that kept drives alive for bc though, far more then normal and far more then bc. But which team had them at the end of the game? On the play by play recap bc had no penalties in the second half. In the second half we had 2 drives longer then 4 plays. Bc had 6 drives longer then 4 plays and one less. 26 offensive plays to 43. Of the last 26 plays, we had 5 plays. 1 punt, 1 pick 1 sack, 2 in completions. How about the td play to tie the game? Jsk and sayles both go in with arms and have the wr push through their arms and score the td. 5.15 of the high lights, play it in slow mo then watch ogopogo hunched over and big hill with his hands on his hips. A lot of things factored into our loss. I have no doubt fatigue was part of it. When your defense is on the field for that much of the second half you dont win many games.
    1 point
  41. You gave examples that indicated more a lack of understanding than just disagreement.
    1 point
  42. Should be : Flanders IN , Bowman OUT
    1 point
  43. I'm sure that the homework hotline in Regina was very busy today. And a few dictionaries were sold.
    1 point
  44. JuranBoldenRules

    Derek Jones

    Loffler has plenty of opportunity to make plays. He’s whiffing.
    1 point
  45. the last two years when it recorded more take aways then ever before? Our points of turn over was a huge factor in our success the last couple years. especially when we were living off the leg of medlock. Defense forces a turn over, offense sputters medlock kicks the fg. that happened a LOT and won us a lot of our games. The problem is that isnt a reliable repeatable formula.
    1 point
  46. Interesting to see if Herdman can step up - cheering for him
    1 point
  47. Our receivers are a big upgrade over yours in case you didn't see Bowman and Dressler not getting open and Adams and Demski dropping passes last week. I'll also take Bighill from defense, he is a slight upgrade from Hurl
    1 point
  48. No way, going for it was the right thing to do- the execution however... well we saw what happened.
    1 point
  49. Did they take away Harris? Or did LaPo overthink things after halftime? I feel like Harris only had a few carries in the 2nd half... I haven't looked up the stats, but it seemed like a guy averaging over 10 yards a carry, should have been given the ball more often.
    1 point
  50. Best hit of the night? Brian Bennett on special teams.. The Bombers are a 4-1 team in a 2-3 record. The only game we should have lost was against Hamilton, who completely out-coached, and out-played us.. Edmonton, (Reilly) beat our defence, and it wasn’t the first time. BC defeated the Bombers but they needed a LOT of help. Timely drops, lack of execution, questionable play calling, turnovers, some ragged penalty calling, and poor punts at the wrong time. BC only made a couple of plays on us, but that’s all they needed, we helped them the rest of the way. Catch of the night - Darvin Adams sideline grab. Drop of the night - Darvin Adams..with 1 man to beat. Goal line stand by BC...shouldn’t have happened. By the way, that horse collar tackle on Jeffcoat does not meet the intent of the rule in my opinion. I was at the game, it happened right on our sight line. Jeffcoat had Rainey stopped..dead. He tackled Rainey across his own body. Rainey was not going anywhere.. he grabbed Rainey more on the side of his uni, up high, but there was no neck or head snap. A very questionable call. I wouldn’t chastise Jeffcoat at all on that play as Rainey, of course, tried to avoid the tackle and turned away from him. (5:13 mark - 3rd quarter)
    1 point
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