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  1. And yet, we have won something like 25 games with him as OC in 16 & 17 & Matt Nichols has had two very, very good seasons as his qb. We were the highest scoring offense last season. He had a bad game on Saturday but I think it's way too early to think he needs replacing. Personally, I think talk like that is crazy.
    9 points
  2. Some people just don't like him. Game after game, season after season of league leading, high scoring offence, one bad half, and he gets questioned.
    6 points
  3. I have all kinds of patience for LaPo. I have run out of patience on Hall who has not shown he is capable of building a championship defense. He should have been fired right after the West Semi Final last November.
    4 points
  4. Mr Dee

    Sask v Hamilton

    CFL GAME NOTES  Drive Start Points: Hamilton has had 54 offensive possessions so far but ... have not started ANY in their Opponents' end of the field. They have 9 TD drives this year and these have averaged 79.1 yards, the highest average since the CFL began tracking this data. Across the CFL, the average scoring drive has been 68.7 yards or having start at their own 41-yard line.  Jeremiah Masoli 300+: Comes into this week with 9 consecutive 300-yard passing games and can pass initial record holders Sam Etcheverry (1956) and Kent Austin (1991) who each made it to 9 games in a row of 300+ passing yards. Masoli has thrown just 5 interceptions in his 334 pass attempts during his 9-game run with 13 TD passes. Hamilton schedule: The Ti-Cats start 2018 with 5 straight games against the West for the FIRST time in their entire 69-year history. - 2nd Dn Conversions - SSK games: Games involving the Riders haven't been high scoring to say the least with only 10 OFFENSIVE Touchdowns in 122 combined possessions (8% TD rate compared to 18% in the other 15 CFL games this year - less than half). The reason is the lack of 2nd down conversions - 38.8% in the 4 Saskatchewan games, 48.5% in ALL other games this year). - 4 SSK Offensive TDs: The Riders have scored just four offensive touchdowns this season. The last time they had less than 4 in their first 4 games was in 1995 (3) and that has happened just 4 times (1995: 3, 1963: 3, 1962: 4, 1960: 3). Idea thanks to! Rob Vanstone. - Saskatchewan 'D': The Riders lead the CFL with 31 forced 2-&-Outs by their Opponents in just 4 games, exactly 50%. - Riders 4 in a row: Saskatchewan brings a 4-game winning streak against Hamilton into this meeting, a complete reversal from the four games before that all won by the Ti-Cats. From 2004 to 2009, the Riders won 11 in a row vs Hamilton and lead 47-42 all-time. - Unusual SSK QB pattern: Since the CFL started tracking drives in-depth in 2009, no team has done what the Riders did in their last game alternating Brandon Bridge and David Watford. For reasons other than injury, they switched QBs from drive to drive 6 times in the win over the Ti-Cats, twice in the 1st half and 4 times in the 2nd Half. - Banks 3 straight 100's: Brandon Banks has gone over 100 yards in his last 3 games, one less than Duke Williams' current run of 4 in a row at 100+ receiving. Banks can tie Williams who is off on a bye week, but needs two more to match his own run of five 100s in a row in 2017. 4-game comparison: 2017: 4 catches for 38 yards, 2018: 28 catches for 360 yards, CFL-best 4 of 30+. - Hamilton Field Position: The Ti-Cats have started their drives on average from their own 27-yard line, the worst by any team. - Hard to explain: Hamilton has allowed only 3 points in the 3rd Quarter this season in 4 games, but 42 points in the 4th Quarter. 30% of the Tackles: Larry Dean and Simoni Lawrence have combined for 42 of Hamilton's 140 Def. Tackles - that is 30% of the team's total. That is not far off the 33% of BC's total that Adam Bighill and Solomon Elimimian made in 2016. - Schedule Quirk: This game between Hamilton and Saskatchewan brings up a very unusual quirk in that is the second of a pure back-to-back set but ... with a bye for BOTH teams in this case and so they are not playing in consecutive weeks. A look at schedules over the last 25 years showed no other such sets. - Brandon Bridge: Has two wins as a starter in the CFL and BOTH of these victories have come against Hamilton including two weeks ago in Regina when he led his first-ever 4th Quarter game-winning drive. Saskatchewan trailed 13-12 with 2:23 to play but Bridge drove them 77 yards on 5 plays with 3-of-3 passing for 43 yds for the deciding TD. - Marcus Thigpen: Had 48 yards rushing on just 5 carries in the win over Hamilton last game, 34 on his final carry for the winning TD. He was held to just 14 yards on his first 4 rushes in the first 35:00 and then did not run the ball until the Riders' clinching drive. - Charleston Hughes: Leads the CFL with 5 Sacks and has recorded at least one in 3 of the Riders' 4 games. - Reilly and Masoli: The CFL has never had two QBs go over 6000 yards in the same year, both are on or near 6K pace in 2018. - 4 on pace for 1K: The Ti-Cats have four receivers on pace for 1,000 yards as well as 100+ Targets. - Nikita Whitlock: Has been the Ti-Cats starting running back in all four games to date - and he has exactly 6 rushing attempts. - Challenges: The Ti-Cats are the only team to have made a Challenge in each of their games - and they are 0-for-4 so far. - Kick return big plays: There has been just 12 so far of the 30+/40+ yd type in 2018 (PR/KO) compared to 20 at Wk #5 last year. - Turnover Effect: As usual teams with more T/Os seldom win. Only one team (Edmonton) has won a game when making more. - Rushing yards: With several QBs well up among rushing leaders, CFL games have averaged 220 yards per game vs 185 last year. - After Q3: Only four teams have overcome a deficit with 15:00 to play and gone on to win, and no team has done it twice. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
    4 points
  5. And as we all know, the best way to make a name for yourself and insure more playing time is to deviate from the plan and show the coaches that you really don't need their opinion. Coaches love that!
    4 points
  6. If lapo would quit trying to out fox the other team he'd be a lot better. He needs to get out of his own way at times and rather than trying to adjust before the other team stops you adjust after they actually stop it. A lot of times he does the opposing dcoordinator a favour.
    4 points
  7. I love the neurotic contrast between win weeks and loss weeks ha
    3 points
  8. Rich

    Portage & Main

    Why is everything you disagree with often labelled as silly. Present your argument and let people decide what is silly and not Are you suggesting a corporation who wants to build a 40 story tower is going to support what is in the best interest of Winnipeg traffic or the best interest of their investment? As for the solution, I gave you one I’d support that wouldn’t affect traffic and still have the ability to open it up. Also, from over 25 years of driving experience in this city, I have no confidence the city planners can “fix” traffic as simply as you imply it to be. It is great to say fixing traffic isn’t like curing cancer or going to Mars, but you still didn’t offer a solution. Also, the last time it was opened up was in the 70s. How much has population density increased in 40 years and how many more cars per home do we have now as compared to then?
    3 points
  9. You make this sound like some form of collusion, or something.....
    3 points
    3 points
  11. Just look at the source of this thread. That's all you need to know.
    3 points
  12. The CFL is an organization that markets itself as "family & women friendly". You have someone here charged with sexual assault. If they allow him to play, what does that say about them? What if, god forbid, something else was to happen with that player? While it might not be "fair" in some people's eyes, if you get charged with something like sexual assault, the organization is going to protect itself and it's reputation first and worry about an individual player last. Might not seem fair, but in this day and age, the last thing the league would want is to be seen to be "covering up" or uncaring. Sucks to be him, but if he clears his name, he might be welcome back. For reference I point you to that guy that Hamilton was going to hire last year. League rep comes first.
    3 points
  13. The Unknown Poster

    US Politics

    I think the implication is the campaign strategist infiltrated Bernie's campaign without his knowledge and this allowed the staffer, Russia and Manafort to conspire on that front in regards to election meddling. Pretty crazy though...
    2 points
  14. I just feel like with Kane.. Where theres smoke theres fire.
    2 points
  15. Because he’s not listening to this forum
    2 points
  16. Rich

    Portage & Main

    My issue with opening up Portage & Main is that it really can't be compared to other intersections in most major downtown cities. Most intersections are true 4 way intersections where the majority of traffic flows straight in all directions and you have some cars turning left and right that can be handled with turning lanes on busy streets to minimize the impact on the majority of the car flow as those turning cars wait for pedestrians to cross. When Portage hits Main Street the majority of the traffic flow is turning either left or right onto Main with a smaller percent of traffic going straight on Portage Avenue East. It is the opposite. So having the majority of your car flow having to wait for pedestrians to cross will absolutely have a huge impact up Portage and probably Main if they make the green light longer to compensate for pedestrians. Does anyone really think opening up Portage & Main will revitalize the downtown? I worked downtown for years and even if they made patios and whatever to try to make it compelling, I'm there to work most of the time during the day, so I'm not going to get a lot of use out of it. Seems to me, the motivation to open up Portage & Main is to revitalize it as a "meeting place" downtown for significant and special events. It is Winnipeg's most iconic intersection and people want it to be open to gather for special events. Take down the permanent barricades, replace them with something that can be easily removed. Keep the barricades up for rush hour and most days. Take them down when you want to use the intersection as a "meeting place" for whatever event you want people to gather for. I don't work downtown anymore, nor do I need to go through it for my daily commute, so this doesn't really affect me one way or the other. But I don't think the benefits of this outweigh what is already a horrible rush hour bottle neck.
    2 points
  17. BBRT

    Sask v Hamilton

    Hamilton big in this one. Doubt it will be very close.
    2 points
  18. Jesus H. Christ, I hope not.
    2 points
  19. If anything, he's his own worst enemy. He needs to be better at adjusting and making changes to his plan as the game changes.
    2 points
  20. My point on that was it could have been happening when he was with your team, we don't know what people are doing when they are not at work. Once its out in the open its a different situation. I get it that players have had issues in their personal life. No one is perfect and I am far from it myself. Judge not, yeast thee be judged. Sexual assault and domestic violence are two things I just can't get past however. Ottawa is doing the right thing here. I am all for second chances in life, sometimes we all need one. When you have a very public job like playing professional football however, you have to be held to a higher standard I think. Its probably not fair but when children at idolizing these players, I think they have some responsibility to not be rapists and wife beaters. I am not defending some of the players that have been signed to my team. Every situation is different and they need to be looked at on a individual basis.
    2 points
  21. Yeah, that's the thing. If he hadn't ever been in trouble before, this probably wouldn't have been enough to fire him.
    2 points
  22. PRE allegations tho...seems the Riders tend to sign these guys when it is well known they have quite significant off-field transgressions and issues...there's a difference
    2 points
  23. my only issue is I wish he just sticks to what's working until it doesn't anymore and then deviate from the gameplan/script. He tends to have a gamelan in mind and too many times he starts to use his other "ideas" he had going in even tho the original stuff is working..and we stall and 9 times out of ten fall behind. By that time he does go back to whats working, but usually by then it's too late, or we are attempting another improbable comeback. Don't try to look like the evil genius..until you need to. That's his major fault, along with his reluctance to stretch a field and make a defense work/think. The safe ball control works to a point, but when it's all you do with little to no threat of having DB's or linebackers play off, or soften their zones...well we've seen the results. As a defensive player...we always were licking our chops knowing that if basically if we keep everything in front of us we will have a hayday flying downhill and basically wearing an offence down...and yes...you can wear one down...no receiver likes to be pounded play after play when everything is kept within the hashes and only 15 yards past the LOS...especially when we employ a cast of smurfs, and lean lanky guys. That's why I think having a game sitting a Dressler (for perseverance) and rostering Washington and a Tompkins if we could to create a physical corp who can and will stretch a field and make life more difficult for defenses and wear them down. A game of trying to deal with a tackling bigger bodied guys like along with Harris as opposed to dealing with Dressler's would do wonders out there
    2 points
  24. All games are winnable when you step onto the field. The BC game was winnable up until the final play. I'm not interested in winnable games. I'm interested in wins, because wins are what counts, not just giving it a good try. As for PLAP, cuz that's what this thread is about, he's inconsistent. Great sometimes. Too conservative others. Tries too hard to be the smartest guy in the stadium and goes away from what is working. We are better with him than without him. I expect he gets a couple of HC calls in the offseason,
    2 points
  25. Just remember some of the guys we had before him...
    2 points
  26. eh he has been in trouble with them a few times and in part I feel like citi got him to dig them out of a whole with out the desire to have him or the nature of his shtick. Not personally a fan of his. This. Every week i hear about an athlete who has had some idiotic teen age era social media stuff dug up and is being buried. The opinions he has on the subject isnt some thing that can be discussed openly in media of any sort today. Not saying it should or that i agree with him, but if you hold such a polarizing opinion on such a volatile topic be it a stupid opinion or not you need to be smart enough not to talk about it. As an aside, I hope this one way or another leads to an end of the stale mate that exists in the 90s frequency of radio in manitoba. Its all soo bland and similar its just awful.
    2 points
  27. I was thinking edil too. Thanks for having the guts to say it.
    2 points
  28. His problem is the opposite. Lapo is a gameplanner. If his plan succeeds he looks like a genius, but he really struggles to move off the plan he's made and the plays he's installed that week. The best offense he coached was in Saskatchewan when Grandpa Miller could give him a kick in the ass and oversee his playcalling. Without that he's been extremely inconsistent right back to the minute he walked into Canada in 2002. Lapo is a C+ coordinator who can be an A+ and an F in the same game.
    2 points
  29. it was clearly the call from the line shift and instantly pulling, especially since we had been running it soo much. His play and actions havent been greedy at all thus far so thats a pretty far leap imo.
    2 points
  30. How about we Thanos the entire team? Randomly cut/fire half the players and staff. We'll get better. More playing time and work for everyone. We'll be a football paradise....
    2 points
  31. Mark F

    Sask v Hamilton

    CFL.ca Both teams are coming off of a bye week in which they played one another the week prior. These two teams have arguably two of the toughest stadiums to play in when it comes to their fans and TigerTown will surely be ready. Jeremiah Masoli is one game away from taking sole possession of the record for most consecutive games with 300-yards passing. As for Saskatchewan, Chris Jones looks to be sticking to his quarterback rotation. Has a week off given him enough time to perfect it and sort out his offensive woes? PICK Writers: 100% Hamilton Fans: 79% Hamilton Regina leader post... Taman: Sticking with the back-to-back theory. Tiger-Cats by three. Vanstone: Riders won’t have enough offence. Tiger-Cats by nine. I just hope it's a good game.
    1 point
  32. Mark F

    US Politics

    what kind of President of a country singles an private individual like that? Never heard of anything like that. It's astounding. and shithead trump and his republican family friends do not understand what it means. Wonder if the republicans would change their tune if one of them died from Polonium poisoning. Probably not. They are all too far down the rabbit hole. no way back.
    1 point
  33. As you say. Wheeler needs to realize that maybe he needs to take responsibility for his actions & do it himself. Again, it's up to him to change. Ultimately it's his on him.
    1 point
  34. Dems Winning the House is a speed bump for trump. Winning the senate is a brick wall. If they do, all the talk immediately will be impeachment.
    1 point
  35. If there is value in keeping the employee then the workplace may have a moral duty to provide sensitivity training. Or at least it would be very kind of them. It as Wheeler has worn out his welcome they didn’t consider him valuable enough. But I do hope they considered bringing in Rainbow Resource to speak with the rest of the employees. I’m sure there are some very close to wheeler that may have conflicted feelings and getting some insight could help them (and the company)
    1 point
  36. bustamente

    US Politics

    So Trump wants to invite Putin to DC for a second summit, because Putin needs to do some redecorating when he moves into the WH, seriously though do the Dems winning the House really spell trouble for Trump or they need to take the Senate to.
    1 point
  37. LRT would of been the right choice but this city is stuck doing things that were done years ago by other cities.
    1 point
  38. Lowry deal seems like decent value Just don't understand the hang up on Trouba's $7 million ask... no one goes to an arbitrator and is like this is a 'fair price' for what I'm worth - everyone goes in and asks for premium value because the actual $$ will likely be somewhere in the middle...
    1 point
  39. sweep the leg

    Sask v Hamilton

    Should have fired him before the season if he's willing to do it now. He has no qb, below average ol, and one reliable weapon at receiver. None of those things are his fault.
    1 point
  40. Goalie

    Portage & Main

    Portage could be like Broadway also btw. Rather easily. As a matter of fact in theory you could run an LRT line plus bike protected lane plus likely 2 possibly 3 lanes for Traffic on each side if they wanted.. Tons of room. Opening it up is step 1 to a more vibrant safer Portage Avenue. Like Sherbrook street by Stellas and The Tallest poppy and that area. .. Pretty sweet layout there. That works downtown.. LRT cuts down on congestion btw so you dont need as many lanes. 2 go both ways on portage plus lrt line and bike line = ideal and very doable
    1 point
  41. Chris Randle is good to go for Saturday - as per Bob Irving on Twitter
    1 point
  42. Mark H.

    Sask v Hamilton

    ^^ Those are some insanely interesting stats posted above.
    1 point
  43. Mostly far fewer posts after a win - sometimes literally crickets.
    1 point
  44. Well if they have a referendum and the polls are to be believed then this discussion is moot, Portage and Main will remain closed for the foreseeable future, that is if the politicians listen to the public.
    1 point
  45. a bit off topic, but I thought in Nichols first game the O looked a bit lethargic initially, till Streveler went in, and really ignited things. Then when Nichols went back in the O was performing well. I'd like to see them do that. If things aren't happening , put in Streveler for a few series. Streveler fires up the team.
    1 point
  46. Agreed Streveler's career progression has stalled out and he's desperate to reignite it.
    1 point
  47. There are two sides to this argument. The people that understand why CITI took this action and people who should think before they post on social media. Im surprised by how many I am acquainted with who simply dont get it (either from a business perspective or a humanity one). Its a good reminder that freedom of expression is not freedom from consequence.
    1 point
  48. I pay particular attention to OL play, both during live games and also while rewatching televised games. I do not recall seeing Travis Bond do the kind of holding he did in that game while he was here. Literally grabbing guys around the shoulders with both hands. It’s odd, because a guard of his caliber should not be overmatched.
    1 point
  49. Oh hell no - it’s more like a neck cuddle
    1 point
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