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  1. Bomber first possession.....Nichols hits Bowman! ....who drops it. Harris running well, again..... Nichols finds Adams wide open 22 yds in end zone, for TD Blue 2nd possession...Adams takes short dump 25 yds... Harris keeps pounding.....NIchols hits Adams down to the 5 Harris waltzes into the endzone untouched from the 1....TD Franklin completes 3 passes, setting up 25 yd FG attempt,, ....that is missed. All omens looking good for Bombers, so far... Still looking for Loffler..... But on O, Bombers have 9 FD and 120 yds for the quarter... Wilder getting stuffed by Blue D...DT's playing well.... Harris screen pass...then Dressler makes nice catch on sideline..... Nichols finds Adams down to the 5, Harris untouched (again)... ....on swing pass for the TD....22-1.....with 11,000 unhappy fans.... Bomber O making last weeks 2nd half....just an unhappy memory... Argos finally mount a "drive" featuring 3 interference penalties on Blue.. After 16 plays.....at least the Argos can chip away with 32 yd FG.... Argo kicker misses that one as well....Fogg runs it out, TO gets nothing... After another Argo 2 and out....Fogg tries running catch on punt return.. ....he misses....Noel gets the Argo bounce....and runs it all the way. TD Bombers running out the clock, last minute....until Harris fumbles.... Argo kicker finally pops a field goal. 25-12 at the half Bombers literally give away 11 points in the final minute.... Another laugher no longer that funny....more gin incoming..... Blue D line doing a nice job of keeping Franklin in the pocket... Bomber patchwork secondary, not looking that patchwork..... Harris turns the corner for big gain, Nichols rolls out..hits Dressler... Harris rumbles to the 5, then the 1. Nichols sneaks in....TD Good response from the Bomber O....Nichols back into groove. Better pursuit and tacking from Bomber D, in this one Fogg rolls back in with 55 yd punt return. Demski takes pass to 15 Medlock puts Bombers up 35-12....gin consumption down..... Wilder stripped by Jeffcoat....Nevis recovers.... Demski catches ball out wide, but fumbles it..... ...some Argo picks it up....cruses 85 yds for another Argo D TD. 18 points now given up on turnovers.... Nasty habit of no killer instinct at times... But at least, we do have the Argo O...Franklin dreadful INT to Sayles Lot of talk about the "Franklin era" this week....pump the brakes... Nichols to Dressler down to the 20, Medlock makes it 38-20.. ...as MOS decides that a 3 score game is better, that getting cute... Wilder running wide... is not his thing....complete non-factor, today.. Bowman catches one! Well, on the bounce.....too bad... ...as that one would of been worth about 45 K...... Argos down to their 3rd down....ball stripped by Thomas.... ...Nevis recovers, to cap off his strong game..... Harris rips off 20...still pounding away....must be over 150 now.... Is this guy, the best player in the league?....one could argue.... Argos take time out with 46 seconds left....what for? To find the airhorn? To dress Pinball? Clock runs out....38 to 20, and a much needed win... Score makes it look competitive....actual game was not.... No reason not to sweep these guys....or keep drinking....
    9 points
  2. They try to do much during the game. So tired of interviews starting between plays then continuing on during a play. I tune in for the football game, not the other stuff. Show me the damn game. Also the stupid camera angles or sideline shots are too long between plays as well. I want to see how the teams are lining up prior to the snap. Keep it simple and do the simple stuff well and people will be happy. Try to do too much and do a bad job at it, and they will piss people off.
    7 points
  3. Granted there are other parts to the deal, but 2 first round picks and a Canadian starter for a QB that hasn't played a down yet is beyond lunacy.
    5 points
  4. The ref cam is awful. Adds nothing.
    5 points
  5. O’Shea spoke to the challenge in the post game interview (you can watch it on the Bombers website or in the app). He was trying to challenge illegal contact on the guy covering Dressler (which is why Dressler was so active in the conversation), he forgot that it had been removed. He said he would’ve rather taken the delay of game penalty but he was basically stuck having to challenge, so he challenged PI (Adams was the target, so presumably he was just hoping that they’d watch the review and see the IC on Dressler and call it anyway). He said he just made a mistake, plain and simple. I’m sure he knows IC is no longer challengable, but in the heat of the moment had a brain fart. He’s human.
    5 points
  6. O’Shea knows the rule book as well as any Coach I’ve observed. If there is a question about a certain call during games, O’Shea sends in the tape about those calls and asks for clarification. That is exactly why O’Shea nearly lost it when Jeffcoat was tagged with the highly questionable horse collar penalty in the BC game. He had asked for the correct interpretation, received it, and yet the wrong call was made on that Jeffcoat tackle. That was a costly penalty for the Bombers made worse by the fact that it was a mistake.
    4 points
  7. They've had 3 good games in a row. This one was a great game.
    4 points
  8. Really liked Brandon Alexander on D. Big play early on a screen pass which really set the tone for the D I thought. Solid all day. Medlock's punting and kicking in general was great in a tough wind. Great directional punting, picked up a single after a TD which is always demoralizing for the team being scored on. Nevis and Johnson were monsters too.
    4 points
  9. I really needed a smiley there?
    4 points
  10. A lot of the targets Bowman has received this year have been uncatchable balls...and he was open. He has had one bad drop..so saying he has lost it is a bit premature..the reason the other guys are getting lots of balls is because Bowman is drawing coverage away from them..mainly demski being a prime beneficiary of it..teams know if u leave Bowman unattended he will burn you.. badly.. Demski doesnt have that pedigree yet..hence he is able to be targeted more cleanly
    3 points
  11. Anytime TSN has a sideline interview....I gear myself up for a imminent big play
    3 points
  12. Hardly hate. Bowman is being criticized not for his personality or behaviours but for his on-field performance or lack thereof. Fair game.
    3 points
  13. Mark F

    3 stars +hh argblows

    hh. Marty Costello enters his second year as the Club’s Offensive Line Coach. In 2017, Costello’s Offensive Line helped propel Andrew Harris to a league-leading 1,035 yards rushing, and allowed the fewest quarterback pressures in the CFL at 71. Prior to joining Winnipeg, Costello spent two seasons at UW-Stevens Point as the Run Game Coordinator and Offensive Line Coach. In his first season, the team put up 114.8 rushing yards per game and was third in the conference with 14 rushing touchdowns.
    3 points
  14. The same Argo defence that kept the Eskimos offence in check two games in a row. This debate is silly. LaPolice is one of the top two offensive coordinators in the league, no idea how anyone could argue that judging by the whole scoring the most points, great red zone to TD ratio, highest second down conversion in the league things...
    3 points
  15. Targeted twice by my count. First one he dropped an easy catch for a first down. Second one we ran play action, Nichols threw to him but TO linebacker made a great play and knocked the ball down at the last second. Bowman was wide open on both, for the record. So he’s definitely able to get open...
    3 points
  16. He must be real good in the room.....
    3 points
  17. Lapo saves his job for yet another week.....
    3 points
  18. Put me in....I may not do much, but can provide explanations.....
    2 points
  19. They still haven’t got this right. Lose a challenge? Yes, then you lose your time-out. But why get punished (no more challlenges) for getting a challenge right? Makes no sense..
    2 points
  20. Catching 40% of the passes thrown his way. Targeted more than Wolitarsky and far less productive, targeted not much less than Dressler for the season. If he was catching 70% of his targets you’d be on the right path. You can’t get more targets when you prove yourself to be unreliable, and that’s why he’s seeing fewer and fewer targets in meaningful parts of the game.
    2 points
  21. The challenges need some common sense, or get rid of them entirely. Illegal contact should be reviewable on the intended receiver. We can challenge roughing the kicker now but not illegal contact? Just because Maas is a ****** who tried to take advantage of it? Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face. At this point they might as well just let the booth initiate all challenges. Having one challenge a game is stupid. If the refs are making incorrect calls and the coaches win the challenge they should be unlimited.
    2 points
  22. Pretty interesting interpretation given the lack of audio or replay.
    2 points
  23. Like I said, most of Lapo's detractors are Richie Hall defenders who use Lapo's bad games as smoke screens to make excuses for our bad DC.
    2 points
  24. No, it shouldn't & is not. He had the Argos defense all discombobulated all game. They didn't know what was coming next.
    2 points
  25. People seem to forget that hes also going head to head against DCs every game too.. some games a DC will game plan very well against his offense.. others not so much... I'd say that he beats his opposition far more often then the DCs shutting him down. is he the best OC ever?? No. but he is a far cry from the garbage we've seen come thru the stadium doors in the past..
    2 points
  26. To be fair- Streveler is not your normal rookie back up QB. But yeah, Franklin looks Less this: more this:
    2 points
  27. in fairness, their "empty seat night" promotion seems to have been their best marketing gimmick yet.
    2 points
  28. Have to hand to the D today. No Randle and they held the Argos to nothing offensively.
    2 points
  29. Wait, if you go to an Argos game, Bluto buys you a beer?
    2 points
  30. So poorly coached.
    2 points
  31. Couple of very unlucky plays there , the only Argo around and we fumble it right to him. Not going to blame Fogg he is usually very reliable just a bad break. TO does absolutely nothing comes out with 12 points...sad.
    2 points
  32. Really? A sure handed RB fumbles the ball and you blame the coach? That is on the players, not the coach.
    2 points
  33. And then once the Bombers put the game out of reach, it was all run plays so it would have made no difference who the qb was.
    1 point
  34. Streveler was warming up halfway through the 4th quarter... and then Demski gifted the Argos with a fumble return TD to put them back to two possessions behind.
    1 point
  35. do or die

    US Politics

    Quite the body count there....and as far as "worshipers of tyranny" he doesn't to look farther than his beloved President.
    1 point
  36. Wilder is a long ways a way from getting a shot in the NFL, to slow to hit the hole and not nimble enough to elude anyone, he won't be running anyone over in that league, he should concentrate on trying to keep a career in the CFL.
    1 point
  37. That shouldn't be hard at BMO with record-low levels of attendance... . I miss when the Argo's franchise was the class of the league, not because I'm an Argo's fan, just because I think it is good for the league as a whole.
    1 point
  38. I'm going to next one then..
    1 point
  39. you get a beer at the game, but you have to buy him dinner afterwards...
    1 point
  40. Well yeah... If I can find you.
    1 point
  41. Mark F

    BC @ Ottawa

    I took a look at BC fan forum they were very happy with Herdman..... 12 tackles.
    1 point
  42. Yup...let's go back to 2002 so you can criticize him today. Guess you are exactly the same as you were in 2002!
    1 point
  43. This sums up this thread.
    1 point
  44. He is one of, if not the best, offensive coordinator in the league. His offense has consistently been one of the best in the league in points and yards the last couple years. His offense is creative, both in the pass and run game. Look at how he has crafted his game plans for Matt Nichols and Chris Streveler. Dude had a bad game. It happens.
    1 point
  45. Just look at the source of this thread. That's all you need to know.
    1 point
  46. So much this. The fact this thread is even here is a testament to how impatient our own fan base is. We're 2-3 people - one game under .500 - not only that - two of those losses came with our rookie Streveler at the helm, and the home opener against Edmonton was a very winnable game, against Reilly no less.
    1 point
  47. Some people just don't like him. Game after game, season after season of league leading, high scoring offence, one bad half, and he gets questioned.
    1 point
  48. Since game 2 I've being saying that the next game is going to be Bowman's break out game. Then I thought, now that Nichols is back, the two of them will rekindle the chemistry they use to have in edmonton. I've got noting else to pin my hopes on. So now I'm at the point where I'm wondering if we should move Bowman in to the middle and see if that makes a difference. Other than that it might be time to sit him and let someone else get an opportunity.
    1 point
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