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  1. Granted there are other parts to the deal, but 2 first round picks and a Canadian starter for a QB that hasn't played a down yet is beyond lunacy.
    11 points
  2. Hopefully, the cap space gets used by Geoff Gray in a few weeks.
    6 points
  3. Was Brendan Taman hired as a consultant to the Al's this year? I've never seen a team so happy to trade away picks since the Taman-led Bombers. Was this trade submitted on Subway napkins? That would be a dead giveaway.
    6 points
  4. 5 points
  5. My game day experience was great. After taking the UP express from the airport to Union Station, it was a mess of construction, google maps, walking in circles, and repeat before I found the TTC link down waterfront to get to the game. It was much easier taking the GO train from the west last year. The way home to the airport was easy. Along the way in I did meet a pair of Rider fans from Victoria BC trying to complete their goal of attending games in each CFL stadium. Walking to the stadium early, I skipped the Argos tailgate and walked over to the private unofficial tailgated on the siuth side of the stadium. Wearing full Bomber gear, I was apprehensive about walking into someone’s tailgate. I immediately was welcomed by a great bunch of people. 3 minutes later I was part of their crew, being offered food, beer and even their prized “Jungle Juice”. These guys and girls did it right... 55 gallon hitch mounted BBQ drum (painted in double blue) cooking burgers, dogs, sandwiches, ribs, and pizzas. One of the tailgaters was Paul Palma, a short stay Blue Bomber from the 1984 Grey Cup Championship team. The game itself was great. The Bomber fans congregated on the west side behind the bench. Plenty of Blue jerseys in the crowd. The game was a near perfect road game to attend (minus the two fumbles). Lots of fist bumps, high fives, and cheers to go around the whole time. Side note: the Jays did have great suppport all weekend. I was there Friday and Sunday. Two big late inning wins. Hopefully the bats can keep the momentum for the rest of the year.
    5 points
  6. the fact they got anything for an old, under performing high priced american is a positive. 8th rounder isn't great but it's better than nothing. They now have an addtional draft pick to use in a trade if need be. After that horrible route/give up by Bowman at Home and the drop in TO to start the game, I was really hoping they'd bench him in favour of Washington or Thompkins. But thought it would be unlikely because of his $$$. So I'm very happy with this move. The fact they got something is just a bonus to me.
    4 points
  7. An 8th round pick is tantamount to having been released.
    4 points
  8. I would have figured we'd at least come away with Montreal's 2024 first rounder. But, good for Bowman to get a fresh start and Im sure there's a financial reason for the Bombers too.
    4 points
  9. I'd assume Washington gets first crack at it...He looked good in the slot and coming across the middle and up through the flats. I bet in Bowmans first game he gets between 6-8 catches for 100+ yards too If they insert Lankford...I will puke and if I was one of Tompkins and Washington I would actually ask for my release cause of that...we know what Lankford is as a receiver and it's bottom teir
    4 points
  10. Better than outright releasing him. This is a win without a doubt. We don’t have to pay him and we don’t have to play him.
    4 points
  11. Am high on this kid, think he is a baller
    3 points
  12. It would be crazy to have Harris, Flanders and Demski all on the field at the same time. All can run, catch and block. You could run some crazy misdirection there, toss in Streveler in a package too. Real hard to defend.
    3 points
  13. Play Petermann in the spot and see how he does. Dude plays angry!
    3 points
  14. Until they determine that Thomkins, Washington, Lankford, Petermann or Simonese can't fill the gap I'd prefer they hold off on bringing in more bodies.
    3 points
  15. I think it probably had more to do with showing Bowman respect. Instead of releasing him they sniffed around to see if anybody would give up a ceremonial draft pick for him. There's nobody you're gonna draft in the 8th round that you could just sign as an undrafted free-agent.
    3 points
  16. If Bowman suddenly remembers how to catch again I really hope we don't fall for the Adarius experiment a third time. For some reason he can't catch in a Bomber uniform. I call it "Kamau Disease". Or "Poblah Syndrome".
    3 points
  17. time to see Thompkins or Corey Washington get some reps, could be exciting
    3 points
  18. Sorry. Too busy following the Manziel train
    3 points
  19. I think it at least adds more than the live mic games. With everybody talking at once you don't get many great moments anyways. TSN's coverage has been awful this year. They don't spend much time talking about the game or the actual plays. Long interviews in the middle of the game. No replays on some plays, then wait so long so that they can use their TSN Tempo screen. They can't even get the basics this year - LOS and first down lines, proper camera angles.
    3 points
  20. I gave up on Bowman when he was open in the end zone but was 2 steps behind the ball because he gave up on his route. I think it was Nichols first game back.
    3 points
  21. Bomber first possession.....Nichols hits Bowman! ....who drops it. Harris running well, again..... Nichols finds Adams wide open 22 yds in end zone, for TD Blue 2nd possession...Adams takes short dump 25 yds... Harris keeps pounding.....NIchols hits Adams down to the 5 Harris waltzes into the endzone untouched from the 1....TD Franklin completes 3 passes, setting up 25 yd FG attempt,, ....that is missed. All omens looking good for Bombers, so far... Still looking for Loffler..... But on O, Bombers have 9 FD and 120 yds for the quarter... Wilder getting stuffed by Blue D...DT's playing well.... Harris screen pass...then Dressler makes nice catch on sideline..... Nichols finds Adams down to the 5, Harris untouched (again)... ....on swing pass for the TD....22-1.....with 11,000 unhappy fans.... Bomber O making last weeks 2nd half....just an unhappy memory... Argos finally mount a "drive" featuring 3 interference penalties on Blue.. After 16 plays.....at least the Argos can chip away with 32 yd FG.... Argo kicker misses that one as well....Fogg runs it out, TO gets nothing... After another Argo 2 and out....Fogg tries running catch on punt return.. ....he misses....Noel gets the Argo bounce....and runs it all the way. TD Bombers running out the clock, last minute....until Harris fumbles.... Argo kicker finally pops a field goal. 25-12 at the half Bombers literally give away 11 points in the final minute.... Another laugher no longer that funny....more gin incoming..... Blue D line doing a nice job of keeping Franklin in the pocket... Bomber patchwork secondary, not looking that patchwork..... Harris turns the corner for big gain, Nichols rolls out..hits Dressler... Harris rumbles to the 5, then the 1. Nichols sneaks in....TD Good response from the Bomber O....Nichols back into groove. Better pursuit and tacking from Bomber D, in this one Fogg rolls back in with 55 yd punt return. Demski takes pass to 15 Medlock puts Bombers up 35-12....gin consumption down..... Wilder stripped by Jeffcoat....Nevis recovers.... Demski catches ball out wide, but fumbles it..... ...some Argo picks it up....cruses 85 yds for another Argo D TD. 18 points now given up on turnovers.... Nasty habit of no killer instinct at times... But at least, we do have the Argo O...Franklin dreadful INT to Sayles Lot of talk about the "Franklin era" this week....pump the brakes... Nichols to Dressler down to the 20, Medlock makes it 38-20.. ...as MOS decides that a 3 score game is better, that getting cute... Wilder running wide... is not his thing....complete non-factor, today.. Bowman catches one! Well, on the bounce.....too bad... ...as that one would of been worth about 45 K...... Argos down to their 3rd down....ball stripped by Thomas.... ...Nevis recovers, to cap off his strong game..... Harris rips off 20...still pounding away....must be over 150 now.... Is this guy, the best player in the league?....one could argue.... Argos take time out with 46 seconds left....what for? To find the airhorn? To dress Pinball? Clock runs out....38 to 20, and a much needed win... Score makes it look competitive....actual game was not.... No reason not to sweep these guys....or keep drinking....
    3 points
  22. Wanted to do this comparison when the time/reps got close to even. this is not about a QB controversy, rather its about gaps in our offense. Particularly with play calling and player usage. streveler 57/91 62.6% 615 yards 6td 2 ints 6.8 avg 33 rushes 230 yards 4 tds nichols 52/84 61.9% 621 yards 3 tds 3 ints 7.4 avg 1 rush 1 yard 1 td. Because nichols missed time and came back and had to fight off rust against teams a few weeks into the season Im gonna throw in the first 3 of his games from last year. 70/112 62.5% 826 5 tds 3 ints 7.35 17 rushing yards. Of course also worth noting is that harris is tearing it up. 610 rushing yards 5 tds 6.43 average + 100 yards receiving and 2 more td This time last year harris had 283 rushing yards and 4 rushing tds 317 receiving and 0 tds through the air. he hadnt had 100 yards rushing at this point last year in one game. hes flirted with it twice at half time this year alone. Last year we saw great success with mixing in flanders. Even though his direct touches were rather limited. He was used mainly as a gimmicky distraction due to weak imp wr talent. This year we have great talent at wr. The hole, as I see it is the loss of the flanders sets. We made up for it early with strevelers running ability. Which in it self is really hard to game plan for. We have made up for it a bit with demski, but with nichols back the final piece to our offense is that extra dimension. Our possession passing offense stretches the field more side line to side line then down field. Though we do well when we stretch the field because the defense is spread thin. What we really seem to need on offense to keep the performance consistent, rather then feast or famine is that extra dimension. Expanding on the bowman thread, I think the next step for our offense is to bench bowman and make far greater use of two backs. Flanders if healthy, lafrance if not. If the D can key on harris, our offense sputters mightily. The only game this year where harris had a great game (100 yards +) and we lost was the second bc game, a game we were routing but frequent un characteristic and freak mistakes and miss calls tossed away.
    2 points
  23. MTL does not have any picks HIGHER then an 8th after the Johnny Football trade.
    2 points
  24. So .. I guess the experiment ends today?
    2 points
  25. Our O has played it's best with Flanders in the lineup... The guy has done nothing but produce when he's been on the field. You make room for a guy like that.
    2 points
  26. Jaxon

    Around The NHL 2018/2019

    I was hoping that the Tanev deal would be longer than 1 year. I like his energy. Hopefully they will re-up him for a longer term. Looks like both sides went short term to avoid arbitration and maintain some good will. Trouba is likely going to be traded as soon as a decent deal can be arranged. I think that he has used up all of his chances here. Good player, but after the hold out and now arbitration, I don't think he is in the teams good graces, and this team is built on character and chemistry, so I don't see a spot for him.
    2 points
  27. Willy's hand injury required stitches, so it's a little more than a bobo. I'll bet he's hoping to go on the 6 game so he gets paid for the rest of the year. If not, he'll be cleaning out his locker real soon.
    2 points
  28. Why would anyone be complaining about Nichols at this point in time!
    2 points
  29. nate007

    Portage & Main

    Nope, I'm not that crazy. All I'm saying is that we shouldn't base our infrastructure decisions on the lowest common denominator. Hardly anyone drives during a blizzard, but does that mean we shouldn't have roads? There are plenty of other windy intersections that people cross at just fine.
    2 points
  30. As a passionate HTC fan I should probably be more enthusiastic. But Masoli and June Jones sap my optimism. But fact of the matter is HAM made out like bandits in this. Maybe an epic fleecing for the ages.
    2 points
  31. We gave up Jade Etienne to get Willy so basically got him for nothing. We got a first rounder in 2017 (Faith Ekakitie) TJ Heath and a third rounder in 2018 (Peterman) from Toronto. So right now we have Peterman for Willy. Still a good trade.
    2 points
  32. 1990 was the last time we won. You mean 1991
    2 points
  33. Oh man that play where hardrick got his hands on the db.... poor guy was effortlessly pushed backward 20 yards maybe more and if the play hadn't ended hardrick probably pushes him right out of the building. Love they way that guy gets down field to block.
    2 points
  34. Remember when Nichols was our backup and Willy was our starter? Crazy to think about, and crazy how little we got Nichols for.
    2 points
  35. He injured his throwing hand last night but to me it looked like he just quit. Like he didn't want to play anymore.
    2 points
  36. How can it? If it does work he’ll be back in the NFL by 2020.
    2 points
  37. 2 points
  38. Kavis is worse then Taman. At least Taman traded picks for proven vets. Tony Washington is a good pick up but those first round picks should of not been included in this trade. Terribly one sided. Montreal should of had at least one more proven starter included. Hamilton is rolling with Masoli but for that offer I definitely risk giving up the backup QB. I'm sure they can get Bridge for a CB from Riderville.
    2 points
  39. “I think [Manziel] would be the best player to ever play up here,” Jones told the CFL’s in-house podcast The Waggle. “He can throw it and he can run it like nobody has ever been able to do.” Spend 5 years chasing the guy - then you trade him before he plays a regular season down. Pretty good return though. Als are taking a boom or bust on this one
    2 points
  40. So are we all saying this is the end of the age of Adarius?
    2 points
  41. Good luck selling that to a new GM once Kavis is fired at the end of the season.
    2 points
  42. Nevis and Johnson dominated the ol. Also thought Alexander had a really good game. Love watching Hardrick play. Can't remember when in the game it was, but he got his hands on a db and the poor guy couldn't get away. Just kept pushing him down the field.
    2 points
  43. Rich

    Portage & Main

    Why is everything you disagree with often labelled as silly. Present your argument and let people decide what is silly and not Are you suggesting a corporation who wants to build a 40 story tower is going to support what is in the best interest of Winnipeg traffic or the best interest of their investment? As for the solution, I gave you one I’d support that wouldn’t affect traffic and still have the ability to open it up. Also, from over 25 years of driving experience in this city, I have no confidence the city planners can “fix” traffic as simply as you imply it to be. It is great to say fixing traffic isn’t like curing cancer or going to Mars, but you still didn’t offer a solution. Also, the last time it was opened up was in the 70s. How much has population density increased in 40 years and how many more cars per home do we have now as compared to then?
    2 points
  44. Rich

    Portage & Main

    My issue with opening up Portage & Main is that it really can't be compared to other intersections in most major downtown cities. Most intersections are true 4 way intersections where the majority of traffic flows straight in all directions and you have some cars turning left and right that can be handled with turning lanes on busy streets to minimize the impact on the majority of the car flow as those turning cars wait for pedestrians to cross. When Portage hits Main Street the majority of the traffic flow is turning either left or right onto Main with a smaller percent of traffic going straight on Portage Avenue East. It is the opposite. So having the majority of your car flow having to wait for pedestrians to cross will absolutely have a huge impact up Portage and probably Main if they make the green light longer to compensate for pedestrians. Does anyone really think opening up Portage & Main will revitalize the downtown? I worked downtown for years and even if they made patios and whatever to try to make it compelling, I'm there to work most of the time during the day, so I'm not going to get a lot of use out of it. Seems to me, the motivation to open up Portage & Main is to revitalize it as a "meeting place" downtown for significant and special events. It is Winnipeg's most iconic intersection and people want it to be open to gather for special events. Take down the permanent barricades, replace them with something that can be easily removed. Keep the barricades up for rush hour and most days. Take them down when you want to use the intersection as a "meeting place" for whatever event you want people to gather for. I don't work downtown anymore, nor do I need to go through it for my daily commute, so this doesn't really affect me one way or the other. But I don't think the benefits of this outweigh what is already a horrible rush hour bottle neck.
    2 points
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