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  1. Um what if you get permission to tape it? Asking for a friend.
    7 points
  2. i wanna say 2 more years but i dont recall. sask is a great destination for high value FAs to get a huge signing bonus before joining a good team.
    6 points
  3. I was poking around the stats and found some thing interesting. We all know harris is a huge part of our passing attack and offense in general. What really surprised me was the production totals of our NI pass catchers vs the imps. Now its a bit skewed with bowman up to last week but even then, we have hardly used petermann and simonise who have both shown some exceptional flashes. Petermann with some tough as nails blocking and tremendous speed on the reverse and simonise burning the pants off one of the best dbs in the league a few weeks back. For simplicity im ignoring the one catch by each of the none pass catching positions. Adams, dressler, bowman, thompkins 60 catches on 115 passing attempts 52.1% 820 yards 7.13 YPA 4 tds demski, harris, wolitarsky, petermann, lafrance, and simonise. (the last three each have 2 catches) 71 catches on 93 passing attempts 76.3% 764 yards 8.21 YPA 8 tds. When you factor in rushing yards, the canadians are the biggest producers on offense for us. When is the last time that happened? There has been a bit of talk in other threads about our WR core vs other teams. The depth and quality of our canadian play makers is heavily under rated league wide. We have some serious skill and talent in the NI dept on offense. For all of last year our totals were; 165 catches , 212 passing attempts 77.8% 1490 yards 7.02 YPA 4 tds. Our NIs this year would be on track for 2292 yards and 24 tds.
    5 points
  4. Remember this? http://www.rodpedersen.com/2018/05/10-things-about-rider-training-camp.html Messam, Bond, Ojo... Oh, they gone.
    5 points
  5. And that’s with Petermann, Simonise and Lafrance basically not playing offense. I think Petermann and Simonise can and will play a big role in the offense down the stretch.
    5 points
  6. Benching Fenner or using him as a DI would be lunacy. He is one of the best defenders in the league period.
    5 points
  7. 4 points
  8. So, in regards to film room study, did Messam and the rest of the team, each have their own rooms?
    4 points
  9. I think our best secondary is Randle at the boundary, Fogg to the field, Alexander at field half, Leggett and Fenner swapping between playing boundary half and SAM, lots of two deep safety too. Sayles as DI. Hall has lots to work with, nobody should be gassed at the end of games.
    4 points
  10. Could have had arms like this:
    4 points
  11. It's not about criminal offences, it's about violence against women. The league has taken a big stand on that, so they take any situation related to that very seriously.
    3 points
  12. Having Fenner and Leggett is such a luxury...
    3 points
  13. Trade them Augustine for 2 or 3 1st round picks.
    3 points
  14. Meanwhile, in Regina, the dumpster fire intensifies...
    3 points
  15. Heath is pretty high event, makes big plays for both teams. Our secondary had been better without him and he’s certainly not worth the cap space when you can get guys like Fogg, Alexander, Fenner for less.
    3 points
  16. Floyd

    Richie Hall Defence

    https://bomberbuzz.ca/2018/07/30/bombers-101-understanding-richie-halls-base-pass-coverages/ Great work... always very good analysis on this site
    2 points
  17. Brain hurts.
    2 points
  18. So 3 OL (Labatte, Clark, Bladzek) 1 DT (Evans) 1 LB (Hurl or Judge) 1 S (Edem) 1 WR (Stanford) as the 7 NI Starters for the RIders with precious little behind them.
    2 points
  19. Or put him in charge of scouting
    2 points
  20. Riders bring in a DB that may be worse than Duron Carter
    2 points
  21. Learn to temper your hate for gain, it would be far better for the Bombers if the Riders somehow knocked off the Esks.
    2 points
  22. They spent the cash in free agency and draft picks to get more Canadians in the offensive game, it's paid off cause they targeted guys like Demski who fit what Lapo wants to do perfectly.
    2 points
  23. Other than cost overruns the average fan isn't bothered by this now. The stadium is supposed to be fixed so onwards & upwards.
    2 points
  24. bearpants

    Calgary @ Sask

    Edmonton already runs that offense...
    2 points
  25. These refs are actually atrocious but here's a legit question - if they can reverse a call AFTER it's been called with one team not having a challenge in their pocket, what on earth is the point of the challenges in the first place? Why is the booth not just reviewing every call and making decisions like that?
    2 points
  26. BBlink

    From Bye to Bye

    We will surely see what we're made of after the next 6 games
    1 point
  27. Jpan85

    The MLB/Goldeyes Thread

    for Ken Giles David Paulino and Hector Perez actually
    1 point
  28. We hammered away with picks for a while and finally drafted really well at wr. Mhm. Very limited action. But when they give those guys chances, they show some thing. A far cry from the past. What really pops for me is the completion percentage jump for the NIs, especially wolitarsky. We gotta get more touches for that guy.
    1 point
  29. Young is not very good.....and somebody has to get the ball to Carter
    1 point
  30. About time. Makes sense with the Young signing. Not gonna lie: I was really hoping to see Jonesy plug Carter into the LB corps.
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. I would use the term "stars" very loosely when it comes to those guys. Typical Rod "fanboy" Pedersen having a pre-season homergasm.
    1 point
  33. Riders sounding like they got Duranted... Juicy contract for a QB who probably won't play another season - doubling up a concussion is about the dumbest thing you can do.
    1 point
  34. Not a very good secret if you watched their pre-season game.
    1 point
  35. Isn't drug possession also a Criminal Code offence...? Guess it just depends on the crime whether you get released or not
    1 point
  36. Wow there's actually nothing that TBurgess can do that doesn't somehow offend you. Surprised you didn't go off on some tangent that his re-post of a tweet was too negative... ha
    1 point
  37. Meh the Messam thing is dumb but not nearly as bad as what some of the other guys on the team have been accused of. I don't see it as a big loss because he's done nothing at all for them.
    1 point
  38. Nice article on Santos-Knox's road to becoming a bomber. https://www.middletownpress.com/sports/article/Xavier-grad-Jovan-Santos-Knox-thriving-as-CFL-13111648.php
    1 point
  39. The Unknown Poster

    US Politics

    I think its two-fold. There is no law about collusion. The legal issue is conspiring to commit a crime, not colluding to commit a crime. The word "collusion" is thrown around because it describes the general acts of Trump and his campaign, not a specific crime. If Trump or his people were aware that Russia was offering to hack the election or the DNC to help Trump, its conspiracy to commit a crime. And then there is obstruction to cover that up. I think the "collusion is not a crime" stuff is 1) to create a narrative that working with Russia (or anyone) for dirt on your opponent is simply politics and not criminal. Rudy knows "conspiracy" is absolutely illegal but collusion is not a law so he's sort of saying the correct thing but he knows its just a word game. What he really means is "getting dirt on your opponent isnt a crime". They want the general narrative to be that they might have had meetings, might have accepted dirt, might have suggested to Russia to get that dirt and even timed its release but that's just politics as usual. I think to what end, Rudy's intent is to create a public sense that sure they did that, but so what? If he came out today and said "Trump conspired with Russia to hack the election to beat Hilary", he's screwed. So they play these games to slowly release that as a general sense of reality. They are, in essence, admitting it while at the same time, marketing their narrative that its no big deal. And I think the second part might be to draw a line between collusion and conspiracy. They know Mueller can't charge for collusion. So when the report is released, if it has charges, indictments or allegations against Trump, none of them will be "collusion" and Trump can claim victory..."see, there is no collusion", "See, final reports shows NO COLLUSION". And then their defense becomes "sure, we colluded, but we didnt conspire" while at the same time trading on their months of word games to say "this conspiracy charge is nonsense...as we said, collusion isnt a crime and its just politics" and it gives the base and the GOP something to rally around..."look, this is just politics as usual". They will have made "collusion" so meaningless that by the time it becomes conspiracy, they're controlling the messaging. It tells me that they absolutely expect to be charged or otherwise accused of conspiracy and obstruction. They are mounting their defense already. They will then say, if there is no collusion, there can be no conspiracy and if there is no conspiracy there can be no obstruction. Im not legal eagle, but thats my take. And its desperate.
    1 point
  40. do or die

    US Politics

    Why all this "collusion is not a crime" stuff peddled first by Hannity, months ago...and now by Giuliani. ....if, as we are told on an hourly basis.....that there was "no collusion"? Could it be, that what I am seeing and reading is not what’s happening
    1 point
  41. Voyeurism??? Somebody ought to have told Jerome about the wonders of the Internet.
    1 point
  42. Looks like the league forced the hand on this one as they said the league will not register any further contracts on Messam.
    1 point
  43. TrueBlue4ever

    US Politics

    Desperate, yes. Guilty conscience, I'd say not so much. He has high levels of arrogance combined with ignorance, but he lives in an alternate reality of wealth where he does what he wants (remember the whole Billy Bush "grab em by the [you know what], I forced myself on her like a b*tch, you get to kiss them, do whatever - when you're a big star you get away with whatever" and his "I could shoot somebody in Times Square and my approval would go up 5 points" mentality). He is now feeling heat he can't buy his way out of like his past lawsuits, and it upsets his sense of superiority. He has now flat out denied knowing about the Trump Tower meeting in advance. If Cohen taped the one meeting, got to think he taped many others, so if there is a tape of that session proving Trump DID know, then we finally have a direct contradiction that Mueller can act on and that COULD lead to impeachment for lying (still, it won't happen as long as Republicans hold the balance of power). Trump has always said "no collusion" as his go to, which isn't a 100% denial of his knowledge of meetings, just his spin that nothing of what happened ever benefitted him and his rise to the Presidency, so this flat out denial could sting worse. And we saw his backtracking on his intelligence community flip-flop after the Helsinki disaster. He reads from a prepared script saying "I 100% percent believe the intelligence that the Russians meddled" then looks up and adds "among many others, who can say, quite possible, and none of it affected the race". His ego is so large and so fragile he cannot bring himself to even allow the possibility that his election win is tainted buy outside influence, and he is sinking himself because of it. He has no conscience in my mind. He is a full blown egomaniac if not a borderline sociopath.
    1 point
  44. Adrenaline_x

    Calgary @ Sask

    Fair. But their Oline has been porous all year, so i think you are expecting too much from Him. Collaras et all had the same issues. We complained about how horrible our o-line was for years and was the main cause of horrible QBing, along with horrible QBs. But IF Bridge et all had alot more time behind an o-line like ours, he wouldn't have to panic after the first read or two were covered. I have no interest in him coming here, but, i wouldn't say hes a write off based solely on the horrible team he is playing behind. Yet they are .500
    1 point
  45. Peterman has been impressive since the preseason games.
    1 point
  46. Could we dream about - an all import defence...
    1 point
  47. Brandon

    Calgary @ Sask

    I will say the o-line also sucks so he does have at least one "excuse". He also did play much better last year when he had some protection and Carter at receiver. That being said I would think running 3 different RB's the switching back and forth with the backups, weak receiving core... weak o-line all factor in why the team sucks. I honestly think they'd be better off chucking it deep every play and hope to get a PI or reception...
    1 point
  48. You’re missing 4 from Drew Wolitarsky... sure he’s a Ben Cahoon-style “Canadian”.... but they still count!
    1 point
  49. The censors will need to be ready when Rod Black has an on-air orgasm after Manziel completes his first pass over 10 yards (probably this week).
    1 point
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