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  1. I watch nearly every game across the CFL each week and while I get just as frustrated with our defence as the rest of you, I would say the only defences that are better in the league are Calgary and Saskatchewan, and probably Ottawa although their latest showing is disconcerting. So that puts us above league average. Frankly, most of the defences in the league are being exploited like crazy and I think that has a lot to do with the modern PI and illegal contact rules. For several weeks our secondary has had some first year guys due to injury and we’ve still shown well, including sitting near the top in takeaways. I believe that we’ve been making mental errors where someone is out of position on a play. When guys are in position, they tend to win their battles (with the exception of the Edmonton season opener). The only thing that drives me nuts are how successful other teams are with five to ten yard outs on the wide side, but when you consider that that is rarely, if ever, a first read, it means we’re taking away what the QB actually wants. Hall over the last few weeks has let his front four do their jobs more often and been smarter about when to blitz and who is blitzing. Maybe just maybe we’ll see some progress. For those of you that don’t watch every game and complain when Reilly or Masoli puts up 300+ yards on us, try to remember that they do that against virtually everyone they play. It becomes very easy to complain about what we’ve got when we’re not comparing it to the rest of the league, the same way we sometimes see our guys as all stars and forget that other teams have good players too. Our defence is also very disciplined in terms of penalties, rarely being the team that hands over free first downs (with a few exceptions). That’s worth something. I still have the bitter taste of last season’s western final (and season as a whole) in my mouth, as I’m sure we all do, so that definitely creates a bias, but so far this season, this defence has been pretty decent. Let’s see if that remains true on Friday or not.
    5 points
  2. Leggett comes back superhumanly early from an Achilles tendon and we're calling him brittle now... umm...
    5 points
  3. Vernon Adams six gamed - foot injury... Must have bit it while it was in his mouth I guess....
    3 points
  4. Looking at the most recent stats the Bombers are in the top three in most categories.
    3 points
  5. Could wait until he actually misses a game first though...
    3 points
  6. I’ll gladly pay extra for the better comfort
    3 points
  7. The funny thing is IGF is 100x more comfortable to attend events at than MTS Place. The place does not get its credit in the city.
    3 points
  8. MC

    Blue Bomber Attendance

    Once upon a time there was a wonderful place called Canad Inns Stadium. We must be careful not to speak about this time too loudly, but the memories of such a place warm us in this cold and horrible place and time we find ourselves in now. There was parking for 33,000 vehicles within 20 steps of any entrance into the stadium. Hundreds of invisible doves flew constantly around the stadium and would sweep down and take anyone who could not walk these 20 steps easily and they would carry them right up to their seat. Every fan was treated with an incredible 7 course meal for the sum of $1, or pocket lint if they did not have a loonie. It was such an incredible experience and everyone in the land was happy. Then a dark cloud covered the land. An evil presence was felt by all in the great land of Winnipeg. A booming voice was heard by all and the ground trembled. It was the evil Asper! The evil Asper tore down this beloved treasure, the Canad Inns Stadium. There was much weeping. The evil Asper banished the invisible doves to the island of Hecla where they were forced to play golf on a deserted course day and night. There was much weeping - though they were also confused about the island of Hecla. The evil Asper constructed a dungeon on a desolate and dark precipice of land that could only be reached by Sherpas riding mountain goats. The evil Asper then taxed the good people of the land of Winnipeg until they were all paupers in order to pay for his new dungeon that he named IGF. 10 times per year, the evil Asper and his evil henchmen would round up thousands of the now homeless people of Winnipeg and force them using pointed sticks and hobnail boots to walk the entire 100 mile stretch without the aid of mountain goats to reach his dungeon. While in this dungeon, the evil Asper forced the poor wretches to eat cold hotdogs and held them there until their families could find a way to scrape together the tonne of gold bricks that was needed to this sustenance. When the weather would get cold, he would even tell them that he had no hot chocolate! When the wailing was at its peak, they could hear the violin playing from the distant tower where the evil Asper would cackle and contemplate new indignities for his minions to endure while being held in his dungeon called the IGF. And there was much weeping throughout the land. Could there be a hero somewhere who could free the people of Winnipeg of their misery?
    3 points
  9. Agreed, The city is definitely growing south, the stadium might look pretty central in a few years.
    2 points
  10. Booch

    Blue Bomber Attendance

    I think the old spot..downtown..St B....would have been poor places...where it is I think is the best spot, and it's the only area of the city where the city can expand with proper infrastructure to sustain/service it...Working in the Civil Engineering/Land Development industry that is exactly where I and many I know would have built it based on forecasting..economic growth and population density, especially with majority of the population that will be new..younger families as well as to connect with the university aged crowd etc..etc... Revisit the issue in 5 to 8 years and see the only complaints will just be coming from the same people who feel they have been slighted from having their convenience now become a bit less convenient
    2 points
  11. I think too you may see more teams go the route of the Atlanta Falcons and a couple of other places and introduce the fan friendly pricing for concessions at their stadiums...an investment in the fan experience like that will pay big dividends and put more money in a teams pocket than is currently happening across N. America
    2 points
  12. do or die

    US Politics

    The "fringe" is now the tail that wags the dog, in the GOP.
    2 points
  13. do or die

    US Politics

    The idea that patrons of Daily Caller or Infowars..... would be able to question outlandish conspiracy theories, or could try to "talk sense" into the perpetrators .....is really pretty epic.
    2 points
  14. Wanna-B-Fanboy

    US Politics

    My favourite part of the article:
    2 points
  15. Maybe, but fortunately we don't need validation from other people to make us real fans. You do you! Go Blue!
    2 points
  16. How good an indicator are the first 7 games when 5 of them are against the bottom 3 teams (BC,Toronto,Montreal)?. I'll restate... Do we look good because we are playing bad teams or do they look like bad teams because they are playing us.
    2 points
  17. kudos to anyone that remembers what show that gif is from.
    2 points
  18. Thing with football on any day a piss poor offense can own a good defense...and a poor defense can own a great offense...but it has to be looked at as a over all picture if you ask me. Some teams schemes match up better against other teams and vice versa and while still maybe give up more yards and points than another teams defense still win. 7 games in is a good marker of where you are at as a unit..and generally defenses from my experience trend upward whereas a lot of times offences may peak and trend down as teams learn their pro's and cons Currently as it stands We rank 2nd in points given up/per game..2nd in takeaways..3rd in TD's given up..1ST in sacks(tied)..3rd in net offence allowed..2nd in Yds against/per play..first in penalty yards against (one of most important if you ask me) and 2nd in points off of turnovers which I include in a defensive teams stats... So pretty good indicator of where this defense sits against other teams in the league and for the most part the couple teams hovering around us in the stats categories have played generally the same teams or weaker eastern teams for the most part so to say our results should be tempered because of opponent, then the Cgy's And Sask's of the league should have their defensive stats tempered as well because for the most part, both have played a schedule to date with the same weak offenses,
    2 points
  19. You can only play who you are scheduled. Look who Calgary has played.
    2 points
  20. MOS saying Leggett is fine
    2 points
  21. I haven't a coaching debut this bad in the CFL since Count Chocula with the Argos a few years back.
    2 points
  22. O’Shea said he expects Leggett to practice tomorrow.
    2 points
  23. MOBomberFan

    Blue Bomber Attendance

    Anyone who thinks they get to decide who a real fan is and isn't... based solely on how many home games they attend... all other factors be damned... ought to give their swollen head a shake. One day I was gifted 10 free tickets by Wade Miller himself simply because I look like a walking Bombers billboard every game day. I spend hours upon hours reading CFL news and lurking on fan forums. I nearly cried when Dinwiddie threw that pick and I probably will cry when we finally hoist the cup. I'm a fan and I'd challenge anyone to say to my face that I'm not - just because I buy flex packs instead of ST's. Also if fans can only show support by spending money then I hope all these sanctimonious out of towners are buying the equivalent $ amount in merchandise, or recognize themselves as massive hypocrites.
    2 points
  24. boy is he smooth, fast, and elusive.
    1 point
  25. Exactly the kind of thing you want to hear about our new receiver...
    1 point
  26. Well he'd be hard pressed to come up with a shi**ier one then his last masterpiece against them in June.
    1 point
  27. Nickthesizz

    Blue Bomber Attendance

    I've had seasons tickets for the last 15 years (i'm 25) have been paying for my own since I turned 18, I understand it's a bit of a commitment to get to every game and I don't expect that from the casuals. I just don't understand how people find all this time and money magically in the winter to go watch a hockey team that plays 41 home games a year plus playoffs, then pays $20 for parking. Bombers season tickets are CHEAP compared to even buying half a season for the Jets and they provide WAY more options to commute. The weather is beautiful, the product has been good lately, and the atmosphere is way more fun than sitting in that cold arena. my 2 cents.
    1 point
  28. Spock

    Blue Bomber Attendance

    Given that the location was more central, perhaps those outlets were built with the vision of having high traffic year round. Time will tell if the current location will lead to similar economic growth in the area.
    1 point
  29. Tracker

    Blue Bomber Attendance

    You are totally logical, you green-blooded bastard.
    1 point
  30. Some of this the Bombers brought on themselves with a long stretch of terrible management, coaching and on-field talent that resulted in embarrassing losses at home. The butt-kickings we endured in other teams' backyards was bad enough, but lop-sided losses at home are really demoralizing for fans.
    1 point
  31. White Out

    Blue Bomber Attendance

    Honestly who didn't see this coming? The stadium was built in a terrible location for professional sports. If there's been any lesson to be learned over the last 20 years of stadium and Arena building is location is actually really important. I really like the new stadium and every time I've gone has been a pretty fun experience. But I'm a die-hard and I don't mind taking a bus and making the extra effort especially because I only go to a few games being an out-of-towner now. But I really don't get why some people have to pile on people making the obvious point that location is bad. Yes to us Die Hard location isn't a big deal. But the game and the league cant survive on die-hards only
    1 point
  32. How many of those outlets were there when the Stadium was built? Also, unless they could build IGF at the site of the old stadium, its really a moot point. While there are likely some people who lived close to CIS that are too stubborn to brave the mean streets of Winnipeg for 20 minutes to get to IGF, there are others who live much closer to IGF that benefit. Unless we're building 10 stadiums so its always close, there's a trade off. I think you have to look at the era of IGF vs CIS and see the difference in how people consume their content, the dropping of attendance for many sports leagues etc. Its not just, of they built it too far away. The choice was build there or not have it at all. What would attendance be at CIS today? Not every good, because it would have collapsed and killed everyone.
    1 point
  33. Wanna-B-Fanboy

    US Politics

    And here I thought the tea bag party was the worst that the Republican establishment could drudge up. 2012 Wanna-b-fanboy is gravely mistaken.
    1 point
  34. Mark F

    US Politics

    Thirty five years of Fox"news", Rush, A. Jones, M. Savage, Turner diaries, Dave Duke and the boys, some identitarianism, , throw in a bit of G Noory for the hell of it, and this is what you get. Republican party 2018.
    1 point
  35. I'm hoping Hall spent his bye week developing a killer plan to shut down Hamilton.
    1 point
  36. A lot of pro leagues are dealing with attendance drops, not just the CFL. I do like many of the things the CFL has done such as bands at half time, the Rum Hut in the Peg or the variations in other locales. Not sure how you get fans to see it as a "real" league though.
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. Attendance could also be dropping as there are some pretty horrible teams in the league and there has been for a couple of years.
    1 point
  39. Might be more about people enjoy the CFL but rather watch it at home since nothing is blacked out anymore. I sure like watching it at home then being at the game as i miss so much between plays and the "experts" analyzing things for me and keying in on things i can't see where i'm sitting in the stands or i missed. I like hockey, but i don't really watch it that much. There are so many games to watch and so little time with younger families. I enjoy watching hockey live in the arena though as you are close, and can see everything and the game flows. Still prefer the CFL, but i don't know how you get other people to buy in. Maybe lower prices and offer free tickets that are empty anyhow. I don't know if that would be enough to get people to go.
    1 point
  40. bearpants

    Tiger Cats @ Larks

    I think it goes to show you how much the talent surrounding him can affect he play of the raw QB...
    1 point
  41. Khari did himself no favours by signing onto a sinking ship, and his career may be permanently derailed as a result. I don't know if Wally Buono has enough fire in his belly for an overhaul of this nature, Kent Austin and Danny Barrett have burned a lot of bridges, but would Maccocia want to leave a comfy, secure job for the chaos in Montreal?
    1 point
  42. At this point does anyone understand what the hell Jones is doing? Even if a 44 year old Terrell Owens could play a little bit he can’t play well enough to be worth the distraction he will cause. Why even waste time on this?
    1 point
  43. I hope Hall has learned from that abysmal performance last time they played the Ti-shats. Good analysis here on what happened. https://bomberbuzz.ca/2018/07/04/bombers-defensive-coaching-hits-rock-bottom-in-steel-town/
    1 point
  44. Should have announced it as...Steven Seagal IS the special envoy.
    1 point
  45. Resorting to fat jokes? You know how I know I hit a nerve? It's ok to be a casual fan, not everyone has what it takes to be a die hard. If you have that much trouble being a fan in Winnipeg you better not ever move because it's a hell of a lot harder to be an out of province fan. Takes much more dedication.
    1 point
  46. Oh no! Where can we donate? I hear they take Rubles.
    1 point
  47. How is this still a topic? The Stadium is where it is. Like where it is or not, it isn't going to move for 30+ years.
    1 point
  48. It is affecting me going to a game.
    1 point
  49. Jpan85

    Blue Bomber Attendance

    It could not be easier get to and from game.
    1 point
  50. I can't imagine location still being such a sore point (though this is Winnipeg and people *are* set in their ways). Like you, I always found Polo Park to be a bit of a nightmare. Traffic / Parking at the U of M is pretty damned efficient now.
    1 point
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