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  1. johnzo

    US Politics

    Hey friends-- If you are interested in this week's newsworthy book, I'm told you can get a PDF of it here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zj5asvqywpa6uqo/trwih-bolton.pdf?dl=1
    4 points
  2. do or die

    US Politics

    Trump is heading to another virus hot spot, Phoenix, where he will attend a 'Students for Trump' event at the Dream City Church in north Phoenix, whose pastor has touted an air filtration system that kills '99.9 per cent' of the Coronavirus. According to Senior Pastor Luke Barnett: "So when you come into our auditorium, 99 per cent of COVID is gone, killed, if it was there in the first place, so you can know when you can come here you'll be safe and protected. Thank God for great technology and thank God for being proactive" Alleluia! ...and people wonder why I always have the gin on hand....and in hand
    4 points
  3. JCon

    US Politics

    I would honestly hate to give any money to that POS to learn what we already know about the other POS.
    3 points
  4. 17to85

    US Politics

    "I don't take responsibility at all" "I don't stand by anything" "When I look at myself now and in the first grade I don't see much difference at all, the temperament is basically the same" So yeah occasionally there is some truth from him.
    3 points
  5. Mr Dee

    US Politics

    She’ll have to be replaced soon. She’s spinning so much she’s turning blue, and we all know who doesn’t like blue.
    3 points
  6. Mr Dee

    2019-20 CFL Offseason

    Pushed to the limits this year
    3 points
  7. 3 points
  8. bigg jay


    They better fine these dumb f**ks. They traveled to the US and Alberta where they were in contact with a person confirmed to have Covid. They should have been self isolating regardless of whether or not they were symptomatic (which they clearly were). Even if they weren't in that position, if you are sick or showing signs of sickness, stay the f**k home! Two strikes is enough for a fine in my books.
    3 points
  9. Wanna-B-Fanboy

    US Politics

    Great article...
    3 points
  10. I'm sure there are some good players in the XFL. But they were picking from a pool of players that were already 1. Not in the NFL and 2. Not in the CFL . So I really wouldn't be making such bold claims.
    2 points
  11. Wideleft


    Reaganomics halted a progressively narrowing wage gap and lead us to where we are now. He fired 11,000 striking union members which made it ok to declare war on unions. The middle class has never recovered. He ignored the AIDS epidemic and when he wasn't ignoring it, advanced the notion that it was a sinners' disease. He revoked the Fairness Doctrine which lead to the establishment of Fox News, Rush Limbaugh etc. He campaigned on the idea that government is bad and doesn't serve the people's interest. He repealed the Mental Systems Act which lead to the homelessness or incarceration of thousands of the mentally ill. His administration was statistically the most corrupt ever. 138 members of his team were investigated, indicted or convicted for their roles in various scandals. He deregulated the Savings & Loan industry which would lead to the subsequest Savings & Loan crisis. Was basically the initial funder of Al Qaeda when he funded Afghans opposed to Russia because he hated communism that much. Reagan was an FBI snitch during the McCarthy years. He created the Office of Public Diplomacy which manipulated media with White Propoganda. Please do your own research on this - terrifying. His administration used EPA Superfunds to influence elections. As mentioned, Iran-Contra. He vetoed sanctions against Apartheid South Africa. He also said this: "Last night, I tell you, to watch that thing on television as I did," Reagan, then the governor of California, can be heard saying to Nixon during a phone call following China's recognition by the U.N, “To see those — those monkeys from those African countries — damn them, they’re still uncomfortable wearing shoes.” https://www.salon.com/2019/08/01/that-racist-reagan-recording-just-confirmed-what-my-community-already-knew/ etc. Almost everything wrong in America now can be traced back to the Reagan years.
    2 points
  12. GCn20

    2019-20 CFL Offseason

    Houston might be able to beat last year's Ottawa team and that's about it. This Galko guy is dreaming if he thinks they were the best team outside the NFL.
    2 points
  13. Tracker

    Random News Items

    We still need a WTF emoji here.
    2 points
  14. Mr Dee

    Random News Items

    The guy can lie even with a closed mouth. (Actually, a closed mouth would be a welcome change)
    2 points
  15. Mr Dee

    Random News Items

    Now truly, which is the bigger stain? He’s going to go bananas when he sees this. Or orange.
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. HardCoreBlue

    US Politics

    I can see Barr pulling a Comey and doing some major announcement of a bogus investigation/charge a week or two before the election.
    2 points
  18. Tracker


    In Indonesia (I think) a "healer" who was offering to cure people (for a fee, of course) was arrested and ordered to atone by working in a ward for COVID victims as an orderly for three months without PPE. He didn't last long, contracting the virus and dying in about a month. Sounds like a damned good punishment for these loathsome parasites.
    2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. 2 points
  21. Sard

    W Hub

    As a season ticket holder, I got the email yesterday announcing The W Hub which is a new portal for exclusive Bomber content. One of the features is a new podcast called Handled Internally hosted by Darren Cameron and Ed Tait. The first episode was on there with Buck Pierce and it was fantastic. Great insight into how he got started as a player and a coach along with some fun stories that you otherwise would never hear about. If you have access to it, I highly recommend listening.
    1 point
  22. Mr Dee

    US Politics

    Here’s one response: Good answer Betty
    1 point
  23. Tracker

    US Politics

    ‘Born-again Karen’: Top Trump campaign attorney mocked for suggesting ‘they’ are trying to ‘cancel Christianity’ Jenna Ellis, Senior Legal Adviser to the Trump 2020 campaign and personal attorney to President Donald Trump, is being mocked on social media after posting a tweet suggesting Christianity is under attack and might be canceled. Few seem to know that her tweet follows her diatribe posted at the far right Breitbart website falsely claiming “The Left Will Cancel the Constitution.” Ellis is an anti-LGBTQ religious extremist who supports criminalizing homosexuality. GLAAD has an entire page documenting her attacks on the LGBTQ community. https://www.alternet.org/2020/06/born-again-karen-top-trump-campaign-attorney-mocked-for-suggesting-they-are-trying-to-cancel-christianity/
    1 point
  24. do or die

    US Politics

    Arizona sees record number of coronavirus cases, hospitalizations as Trump visits: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/504144-arizona-sees-record-numbers-of-new-coronavirus-cases-hospitalizations-as Get the magic bleach and sacred air filtration system ready......
    1 point
  25. Mr Dee

    US Politics

    Something about throwing Stones in White Houses
    1 point
  26. Mr Dee


    We already have a confused one that personifies a lot about the state of affairs in the affairs of the States, so I like your idea better. The only problem is it would burn out quickly..
    1 point
  27. Tracker

    US Politics

    Roger Stone Prosecutor Says DOJ Leaders Applied ‘Heavy Pressure' To Cut Him A Break Aaron Zelinsky will tell Congress that Stone “was being treated differently from any other defendant because of his relationship to the President." Top Justice Department leadership put “heavy pressure” on a top federal prosecutor to cut former Donald Trump aide Roger Stone a break in his sentencing, a former prosecutor on the case plans to tell the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday. Aaron S.J. Zelinsky will tell Congress that he repeatedly heard that Stone “was being treated differently from any other defendant because of his relationship to the President,” according to prepared testimony. https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/roger-stone-prosecutor-doj-pressure-sentencing-break_n_5ef25065c5b663ecc8548188?ri18n=true
    1 point
  28. Tracker


    Fauci Denies White House Ordered Test Slowdown Denials from a slew of top officials suggested the president was in, fact, making a strange joke about sabotaging testing in Tulsa—despite his insisting that he doesn’t “kid.” In a testament to the absurdity of the disastrous American response to the coronavirus pandemic, some of the top public health experts in the country on Tuesday denied having been ordered to decrease testing efforts that might help fight the deadly outbreak. “None of us have ever been told to slow down on testing, that just is a fact. In fact, we will be doing more testing,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, testified before the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Dr. Birx Contradicts Trump, Privately Tells Govs To Increase COVID Testing Her encouragement comes as governors concede to the feds that people are not abiding by their phased down public health guidelines. Dr. Deborah Birx, the coordinator of President Donald Trump’s coronavirus task force, told the nation’s governors in a call Monday that it was vital that they ramp up testing to find asymptomatic individuals to prevent further community spread. Her remarks stood in stark contrast to those by the president at his rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma over the weekend—and the days since—in which he said he had asked his team to slow-walk testing initiatives so as not to inflate the country’s official case count. (Where's the WTF emoji when you need it?)
    1 point
  29. Mr Dee

    US Politics

    Or does he mean male fraud?
    1 point
  30. do or die


    EU May Ban Travel from US as it Reopens Borders, Citing Coronavirus Failures https://dnyuz.com/2020/06/23/eu-may-ban-travel-from-us-as-it-reopens-borders-citing-coronavirus-failures/ Scared of the Uncle Sam Virus.....
    1 point
  31. Mr Dee


    Today’s headline.. Tomorrow’s Headline: Dr Fauci is sent to the principal’s office...again.
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. 17to85

    US Politics

    Show trial to appease the masses. If only there were something, as president, he could have done to improve the countries response. Oh well. Poor Trumpy, always the victim. Why does the universe keep screwing him over like this?
    1 point
  34. Dr Zaius

    2019-20 CFL Offseason

    Edit: deleting my dickish comment
    1 point
  35. Jpan85

    W Hub

    If your not a season ticket holder or bomber for life members. You can subscribe for $12 a month.
    1 point
  36. Tracker

    Random News Items

    CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta: 'We Are Right Back To Square One' On Flattening The Curve "We should be having a new discussion, which is ‘bring this down to near zero,'" CNN's chief medical correspondent said of the coronavirus outbreak in the U.S. By Lee Moran, HuffPost US CNN’s chief medical correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, on Monday warned that “we are right back to square one” when it comes to flattening the curve of coronavirus infections in some parts of the United States.
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. Tracker


    More Young People Are Testing Positive For COVID-19, Particularly In The South. Health officials suspect younger populations have given up on social distancing, which could put older people at risk. Health officials are reporting a significant rise in younger people testing positive for the new coronavirus, particularly in Southern states, raising fresh concerns about social distancing failures and fatigue as states continue to reopen businesses amid the pandemic. Over the last week, officials in Florida, Texas, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina have reported an uptick in COVID-19 cases among people in their 20s and 30s. In Florida, where the total case count surpassed 100,000 on Monday, the median age for coronavirus victims went from 65 at the beginning of March to 36 last week, according to the Florida Department of Health. https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/younger-people-testing-positive-covid-19_n_5ef0bf99c5b639909d576089?ri18n=true
    1 point
  39. Tracker

    US Politics

    Trump adviser says his China trade deal has collapsed — and spins a wildly dangerous conspiracy theory Peter Navarro, one of the top White House officials overseeing trade policy, said on Monday that the elusive deal with China that has so transfixed President Donald Trump has finally collapsed. He also pushed a warped and inflammatory version of the history of the coronavirus, attributing a malevolent intent behind the pandemic that is in no way supported by the evidence. To further his anti-China message, Navarro twisted the history of the virus, suggesting that the Chinese government knew of the disease in mid-November — though little credible evidence suggests such a timeline. He also falsely claimed that we only started to hear about the virus after Jan. 15, when in reality American officials discussed it with Chinese officials on Jan. 2. And while China did appear to downplay the threat and go after dissenters early on, Trump downplayed the dangers for much longer and after it was much clearer how devastating the virus could be. Navarro also claimed that China “sent hundreds of thousands of people to this country to spread that virus.” This is an outrageously dangerous lie to spread. It’s not only without evidence; it’s completely nonsensical. https://www.alternet.org/2020/06/trump-adviser-says-his-china-trade-deal-has-collapsed-and-spins-a-wildly-dangerous-conspiracy-theory/ (And the batshit crazy racism goes on and on)
    1 point
  40. do or die

    US Politics

    Meanwhile....Joe Biden simply puts on his slippers and another cup of coffee and settles into his easy chair......
    1 point
  41. Tracker

    US Politics

    Trump Baselessly Accuses Obama Of ‘Treason’ “Let’s see what happens to them now," the president said, once again attempting to shift blame for campaign interference to his predecessor. By Nick Visser, HuffPost US President Donald Trump accused former President Barack Obama of “treason” without evidence on Monday, again attempting to recast an investigation into the 2016 Trump campaign’s ties to Russia as an effort by Obama to spy on him. In an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network, Trump levied specific charges against his predecessor for the first time. There is no evidence that the Obama White House was involved in an FBI investigation into Trump aides’ ties to Russia during the 2016 campaign, which later grew into special counsel Robert Mueller’s inquiry. “Treason. It’s treason,” Trump told CBN’s David Brody. “Look, when I came out a long time ago, I said they’ve been spying on my campaign, I said they’ve been taping...” “Turns out I was right,” the president continued. “Let’s see what happens to them now.” https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/trump-obama-treason-christian-broadcasting-network-interview_n_5ef14a77c5b655f740ebdf94?ri18n=true The desperate craziness builds.
    1 point
  42. bustamente

    US Politics

    Judiciary Chairman Nadler is going to subpoena AG Barr, WH seen laughing hysterically
    1 point
  43. 17to85


    Yeah and I'm not attacking you, I'm just saying that saying what they were 60 years ago is pretty irrelevant. It's as pathetic as the Republicans who like to go on and on about the party of Lincoln. When you have drifted so far from that path there is not point it clinging to it.
    1 point
  44. Tracker

    US Politics

    Trump Baselessly Claims 2020 Election Is 'RIGGED' Months Before Any Votes Are Cast The president said foreign countries are printing phony ballots, but election officials say it would be virtually impossible for such ballots to go undetected. President Donald Trump on Monday baselessly claimed that the general election in November will be “RIGGED” because of mail-in ballots, a method for voting that the president himself has used multiple times. “This will be the Election disaster of our time,” Trump tweeted, citing an article from right-wing website Breitbart that featured comments Attorney General William Barr made Sunday during an interview with Fox News. Barr told Fox News that voting by mail “opens the floodgates to fraud.” He warned a foreign country could “print up tens of thousands of counterfeit ballots” and that it would be difficult to figure out which ballots were valid. Barr has not publicly provided any evidence to support his claim. And election administrators in multiple states have disputed this theory, stating it would be virtually impossible for a foreign country to peddle phony ballots undetected. Nonetheless, Trump declared the process compromised, months before any votes have been cast in the general election. https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/donald-trump-mail-in-ballots-election_n_5ef096b3c5b6c76a77844c79?ri18n=true (Trump has begun openly laying the groundwork to declare the next election as "invalid". The only way this can be prevented is by impeaching and removing Barr)
    1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. Tracker

    US Politics

    How can that much stoopid fit into one head?
    1 point
  47. 1 point
  48. Khari Jones Dad was my facebook friend years ago. On more than one occasion we had some long late-night chats about football. Great guy.
    1 point
  49. BBlink

    Training Camp Memories

    I went to a lot of training camps in the late 2000s and early 2010s...A lot of those were very lean years, and our scouting was not very good. You would expect there to be quite a bit of TCF. So when a new player stood out in practice, it was very noticeable. Whether they were good or bad. I used to love writing up my useless scouting reports for the message boards and reading everyone else's. It was a great time sitting in the sun and hanging out with friends/family. We'd usually get an ice cap and soak it all in. Now it's a bit more difficult to pay that kind of attention and be at all the practices. But I still try to get to one a year.
    1 point
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