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  1. 7 points
  2. Mark F

    week four games

    ottawa is running the " Prevent" offence.
    6 points
  3. It's just parody now. We all know the Bombers are terrible and are lucky to be in the league. Thank goodness there's no relegation. Maybe, we'll get lucky and the Stamps will just be terrible on their own. Poor Bombers.
    5 points
  4. I just want a Bomber win. Bonus if we get Dickenson to lose it
    5 points
  5. rebusrankin


    That study that touted it was pulled for ethical concerns. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2021/jul/16/huge-study-supporting-ivermectin-as-covid-treatment-withdrawn-over-ethical-concerns
    4 points
  6. 17to85

    week four games

    Shame that the schedule makers didn't give us that free space on the bingo card Early season with an even longer layoff. Offenses were bound to come out of the gate slower.
    4 points
  7. That is a bad football team.
    4 points
  8. Forde says this is as good as Ottawa has looked this season. 9 points in 40 minutes.
    4 points
  9. Can we tighten up the damn coverage? Nothing helps a new QB like soft zone. Let’s not help him get in a rhythm.
    3 points
  10. 87 McKnight with the beauty block I did too but that was 1 game.. the game prior he showed up.. showed up early today... not sure what more should be expected. Not all of Lawler Adam's Bailey Demski when healthy can be stars
    3 points
  11. I guess we don't have to cut Bailey.
    3 points
  12. Tsn needs to get golf off 1 and 3 and get the game on atleast one.
    3 points
  13. Winnipeg Blue Bombers 56, Stamps 2.
    3 points
  14. It was a back to back. Did you expect it to be different than any other back to back scenarios over the years? Why is losing the 2nd game on a back to back when you win the first so doom and Gloom. Played like ****.. in the end lost by a TD really.
    3 points
  15. https://3downnation.com/2021/08/29/cody-fajardo-to-donate-100-trees-for-every-touchdown-he-scores-in-2021/ Credit where it's due, I like this a lot
    3 points
  16. Also hope for missed field goals and poor and dropped passes. Or are we pretending that it was all on the argos for that showing by the Bombers last week?
    3 points
  17. 3 points
  18. It will be nice to watch a game on a Sunday for a change, getting Harris back is huge for your team and your city and province. Hope you beat the Stumps , your team will be on a mission Yup I think the rookie will be running for his life , with that D line you guys have
    3 points
  19. johnzo

    week four games

    yeah, don't overlook how bad Ottawa's talent on O is ... look at their O roster compared to the 2019 Bombers ... compare them position to position, there's not many positions where Ottawa has the superior talent. I count zero but I might be missing someone. They had two years to recruit and came up with Flanders as their starting tailback and Dom Davis (!) as their QB2, not to mention busted-up old guys like Nichols and Coombs. Their only real dangerous receiver is a holdover from 2019. Just really brutal player personnel work there. Lapo ain't helping them any but I don't think Don Matthews himself could win with that bunch.
    3 points
  20. 2 points
  21. It almost looked like he missed the ball
    2 points
  22. First game back first rushing td for us. Look out league
    2 points
  23. lol bailey looked ok on that play. harris is the heart of the team. no doubt
    2 points
  24. They can have all the three's we'll take six's
    2 points
  25. Our blitzes are ineffective, don't bother rushing more than 4 on second and long.
    2 points
  26. 2 points
  27. It's game day thread train on the tracks or kick rocks. I think we are due for a major offensive blow out. Time for the Bombers to let the jackals know who they are. Don't beat em kick their ass.
    2 points

    week four games

    Dumbest move of his HC career IMO.
    2 points
  29. JuranBoldenRules

    week four games

    Lapolice hasn't presided over a great O since 2002. Beyond all the greatness he needs out of his players to even put an average ball control O on the field he's needed exceptional special teams and defense in terms of field position and scoring. He's been lucky to have an absolute superstar in terms of performance and durability in Harris in his last stint here. If we went through all the ST and D scores direct and influenced by short fields in last 4 seasons a lot of shine would come off his resume. The fact that he ran away from Arbuckle and installed Nichols should end his tenure in Ottawa rapidly.
    2 points
  30. Hey, if not......we will all be able to complain in perfect harmony...........
    2 points
  31. TrueBlue4ever


    COVID 19 is proving to be the grand champion of the Darwin Awards.
    2 points
  32. Cue the "No. More. Trees!" chant at the Banjo Bowl.
    2 points
  33. The Stamps have a few injuries so if the Bombers win it doesn't really count. The Bombers arent planning the Stamps at their best.
    2 points
  34. We are missing Grant big time....I don't know how long it'll be, till he returns for the returns, but already it's been too long..I know I'm going to be po'd when Nelson secures the ball, takes a look upfield, sees the posse coming and flops on the 25...We need better field position damn it
    2 points
  35. SpeedFlex27

    week four games

    Nothing for Ottawa.
    2 points
  36. I may be worried if I'm Calgary. I'm expecting the defense to come out very scary,I expect Calgary's rookie qb to be under siege all day,the team will be even more fired up with the return of Harris. 31-9 Bombers.
    2 points
  37. Brandon

    week four games

    The thing was that he did have protection, BC didn't bring much heat on Nichols at all. Nichols seemed to have thrown better then his previous starts, but yikes they have absolutely zero deep ball threat what so ever.
    2 points
  38. wbbfan

    week four games

    371 yards 0 tds 2 picks in 3 starts. Brutal. They gotta do some thing. Trade for mbt or Masoli sign Jennings or at this point air lift some one in. Actually Brian Bennett might be a decent pick up.
    2 points
  39. M.O.A.B.

    week four games

    Lapo probably thinking "Oh no. Not again." - being a headcoach for the second time around with a crap GM and a crap team.
    2 points
  40. Mark F

    week four games

    22 12 so ottawa needs 3 field goals and a rouge. to tie.
    2 points
  41. Mark F

    week four games

    sadly hes correct. one touchdown this season.
    2 points
  42. BBlink

    week four games

    Too content with our Grey Cup winning team to try to keep Lucky Whitehead around. That decision or lack there of is looking like a disaster
    2 points
  43. A big deficit for this team so far is kicking. Medlock was a weapon, now we're just hoping our kicking doesn't kill us. To me all the import receivers other than Lawler are fighting for their jobs. Let's see who steps up. Stewart and Williams are going to get their shot soon and Demski will be back. I'd like to see all our backs have a role to keep them all fresh and have Harris taking less work.
    2 points
  44. JCon

    Restaurant/food thread

    Spicy nuggets? Is this true? Simplot makes the McDs fries out of the very best potatoes you can buy, grown right here in Manitoba! Great fries.
    2 points
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