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  1. If we are going defence from the NFL then let's bring back Winston Rose, who according to the Cinncy media will be toast at some point today.
    9 points
  2. I don't think Ruby is an improvement talent wise and who wants a guy who violates the Covid protocols after his team has an outbreak?
    6 points
  3. Hi NFL-cuts, can I order a kick-returner, please.
    5 points
  4. Brandon

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    If this is true then he should be suspended for the year minimum....
    4 points
  5. Lied and fake docs? What an *******.
    4 points
  6. Yeah, pretty selfish & stupid.
    4 points
  7. would love Begelton
    4 points
  8. I agree. Timing is right for Roosevelt to take a discount or risk being behind all the NFL cuts. Timing is right for Walters to get a vet here to push the current lot of receivers. But, just like Zach, I doubt Roosevelt will make an impact here. And, just like with Zach, I hope I'm wrong.
    4 points
  9. https://3downnation.com/2021/08/30/former-calgary-stampeders-lb-nate-holley-released-by-miami-dolphins/ I would like to see Holley in Blue and Gold. Those who in favor 🖐️ .
    4 points
  10. Doug Brown on OB this morning with two gems: 1. He does not think the Riders are as good as their record. 2. The only reason to ever drive to Regina is the LDC.
    4 points
  11. Apparently he lied about being Vaxxed and even gave the team fake documents...would be surprised to see him on the field again this year.
    3 points
  12. Noeller

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    Ruby is ******* terrible and turns out he's an ******* on top of it. **** him.
    3 points
  13. JCon


    JCCF... JFC. A plague on our nation.
    3 points
  14. wbbfan

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    Depends when and if roc and kyrie are due to be healthy
    3 points
  15. Dinner at IG Field One Cheeseburger please. What boiled monstrosity is this!? Whelp, lesson learned.
    3 points
  16. The timing of this move, though.
    3 points
  17. Booch

    2021 Blue Bombers Season

    one is going to the PR...Rumours are it's Strev...Thats what I heard...not saying it true, but they didnt use, or show much confidence in him, thats all I am saying well...Rose has been waived....wonder if he tries to catch on somewhere...or say eff it and head on back
    2 points
  18. WildPath


    I think a lot of Hanover families expect Hanover SD to be quite different from provincial norms. I grew up in Hanover (pity me) and we had daily bible reading and prayer. Lots of other stuff that, as a teacher, I would never see in any of the schools I've been in now. Times have changed some (I'm in my 30s), but I imagine Hanover is still Hanover somewhat as parent pressure is huge. They are already able to opt out of "sensitive content" in schools already. I don't have a source on this, but I assume they were many of the schools that got special customized tours of the human rights museum so they could ignore gender issues and anything else that didn't fit with their view of the world.
    2 points
  19. Noeller

    Lock of the Week 5

    Andrew Harris.... Also, **** @Mikeand the horse he rode in on.......
    2 points
  20. Tell us how you really think!!! Lol.
    2 points
  21. Goalie

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    I'll go there... they should all be vaxxed by now.. every one of them.. the fact they let them come back without being vaccinated pisses me right off
    2 points
  22. M.O.A.B.

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    The Edmonton Elks have released national offensive lineman Jacob Ruby, due to a breach of COVID protocols. https://3downnation.com/2021/08/31/edmonton-elks-release-canadian-ol-jacob-ruby-due-to-breach-of-covid-protocols/
    2 points
  23. JCon

    US Politics

    How insane is the US system? A holdover Trump appointment is blocking a Senator's (legal) request for information and has done so for over 8 months. What a ****ing miserable country.
    2 points
  24. Reggie Begelton released by Packers today. I imagine he'll end up back in Calgary but maybe Walters reaches out to him?
    2 points
  25. GCn20

    2021 Blue Bombers Season

    My guess is we got him on the cheap and that Walters will have his eyes glued to the NFL cuts today. Roosevelt is a smart possession type receiver. He's not going to blow us away by any stretch of the imagination but at least he won't be dropping first downs. I would think that we still have Mitchell's money set aside for an NFL cut and that Walters and our offence would love to add a playmaker receiver to the mix.
    2 points
  26. Agree. I would have prefer the Duke or Mitchell if we're bringing in free-agent vet receiver, though, I think they would command significant $. But if Adam seems not 100% and Collaros need another reliable vet receiver getting passes from him then so be it. I just hope he is not a Rider thru and thru and run away with a signing cheque.
    2 points
  27. Booch

    2021 Blue Bombers Season

    not the ideal guy I would have liked us pick up, and much rather work Stewart or Agudusi into the lineup....but Roosevalt knows where the holes in a defense are, and has seen everyone imaginable, so if anything will be a good outlet possession guy for us if he gets in the lineup, Zack knows his tendencies and won't hurt...
    2 points
  28. bustamente


    Anti Vaccination proponents " don't want your experimental drug", same Anti Vac idiots when they get Covid " pray for me and give me everything and anything you got"
    2 points
  29. Lol I did, dude had a massive fumble in the CAL game lol
    2 points
  30. Global player, someone hailing from outside the US or Canada, who does not have US citizenship, and doesn’t qualify as a National through other means (for example, if their parent is a Canadian citizen). The kicker has American citizenship
    2 points
  31. Tracker

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    The provincial PCs are probably praying that the pandemic will go away all by itself by then and then they can crow about their masterful inactivity.
    2 points
  32. TrueBlue4ever

    US Politics

    Making abortion illegal won’t eliminate abortions. Will just make it harder for the poor to access one safely. There are too many sleazy politicians with mistresses and live children around to risk banning abortions altogether, they’ll just make sure to keep it hush hush and available to them on the down low.
    2 points
  33. Wife and kids went to Regina (spit) last weekend to pick up a kitten from a breeder (yeah, yeah, I know). Anyhow, they asked me if I wanted to go and I said: Are the Bombers playing in Regina that weekend? Wife: No. Me: Then what sane person would want to go to Regina (spit) if they didn't have to and there was no Bomber game? I didn't go.
    2 points
  34. 2 points
  35. Tracker

    US Politics

    Following this line of reasoning, we should park all cars because some of them crash.
    2 points
  36. the watcher

    US Politics

    My opinion on abortion : I'm an old man. I will never be some young girl who is alone, pregnant, scared , in a bad situation, and unable to raise a child. It's not my choice what she should do.
    2 points
  37. He’s on steroids lol no shame but it’s true. Trust me I’ve been around body building for a long time. Still have to put in the work but he is most certainly on the juice.
    2 points
  38. Supplements can do amazing things to a body.
    2 points
  39. Tracker


    How long before our new kicker will pick up the nickname "Hakuna"?
    1 point
  40. Tracker


    (Just when you thought it couldn't get any crazier in the US): Ivermectin must be administered despite CDC and FDA warnings, Ohio judge orders A COVID patient's wife got a prescription from an Ivermectin promoter but the hospital refused to administer it. An Ohio judge ordered a Cincinnati-area hospital to treat a patient with Ivermectin, a drug commonly used to deworm livestock, despite warnings from federal health agencies. Butler County Judge Gregory Howard last week ordered West Chester Hospital, which is part of the University of Cincinnati network, to "immediately administer Ivermectin" to 51-year-old Jeffrey Smith daily for the next three weeks. The ruling came after Smith's wife, Julie Smith, asked the court for an emergency order to use the drug to treat her husband, who is on a ventilator and has been in an ICU for weeks, according to the Ohio Capital Journal. The lawsuit did not say whether Smith was vaccinated but state data shows that fewer than 500 of the more than 20,000 hospitalized Covid patients in the state have been fully vaccinated. Julie Smith "found Ivermectin on her own" and connected with Dr. Fred Wagshul, an Ohio physician that her lawsuit described as "one of the foremost experts on using Ivermectin in treating COVID-19," who prescribed the drug but the hospital refused to administer it, according to the Capital Journal. Wagshul is a co-founder of the Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance, a nonprofit that promotes the use of Ivermectin despite warnings from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration that it has no effect and could be dangerous. Dr. Leanne Chrisman-Khawam, a physician and Ohio University professor, called the group "snake oil salesmen," noting that there are "serious" issues with their research and that the studies they cite often "don't show positive results" and have "design flaws." "Based on evidence-based medicine and my read on this large number of small studies, I would find this very suspect, even the positive outcomes," she told the Capital Journal. Ivermectin must be administered despite CDC and FDA warnings, Ohio judge orders | Salon.com
    1 point
  41. wbbfan

    2021 Blue Bombers Season

    Nope he's slower than woli. This is a great point. Wasn't Zach his qb when he was at his best too.
    1 point
  42. Its a far cry from the hurry up offense we'd run under plop when we got an offensive miss match. Our offensive tempo is stuck in NFL pre season mode. Iirc they can only review plays during stoppages. They arent stopping games in the flow any more. So injuries, scores, turn overs etc are automatically reviewed. I never heard that they went back to using slow mo n such, But I believe this year they clearly are. Other wise especially a play like adams touched touch down wouldnt be possibly to even consider over turning. I dont think the CC is executing their job well this year.
    1 point
  43. A few happened. Harris was shredding their standard defense early, Cal adjusted with run blitzes and gap cancellation in running downs. We ran a few heavy set formations and their adjustments didnt beat it. But our passing offense is pretty limited with 3 wrs on the field. The 2nd quarter was the hole in our run game. We ran harris 4 times for 8 yards with a long of 5 in the 2nd. Vs 5 for 37 and a td in the first quarter. The drops killed a couple drives in the 2nd quarter, and we fell into a rhythm of running 2nd and long plays on first down and 1st down short passes on 2nd. (the plop approach). We got back into the run first scheme late in the 3rd 3 rushes for 23 yards. And 6 for 21 in the 4th. We needed better use of play action, and screen passes to force the calgary defense out of the box. And to run some off tackle stuff when they stack the box. Instead we ran right into the teeth of defensive adjustments in the 2nd quarter. Out side of that quarter harris went 14 for 73 which is over 5 yards per carry. And that included multiple runs back to back and late in the game into goal line defense. If we dont get into a funk with the drops and play calling harris probably has a monster game. He certainly didnt look tired or slow late in the game if any thing he ran angry after the stamps DL used him as a pull out mattress and had a nice long nap on him. We should add a shovel pass to the offense. Collaros looks great running and throwing on the run. Adding a power toss would be a great way to get harris out side of a stacked box in a hurry and on some DBs. The return of screen passes and release valve game would add alot, though they need to be faster screens. No one is falling for these long slow developing screen plays of ours. Finally some better use of the play action and draw would open things up a lot. Teams will cheat for the run hard against us. We can use that to our advantage in a big way.
    1 point
  44. 1. Liegghio 2. Harris 3. Bailey HH-Mike Jones for the forced fumble.
    1 point
  45. HH to Rose for the Stamps for his 2 boneheaded Roughing The Passer plays 😂😂😂 Seriously though? O'Shea for trusting his kicker and putting Leggio out immediately after his PAT miss to restore some confidence in him at the next opportunity. Went a long way in building his confidence for the other kicks I felt.
    1 point
  46. Bighill has no moves either when he ends up rushing off the line, he always just tries to dip the OL and just gets shoved off his line into the pocket and out of the play. If they want to run blitzes they need to run stunts to open up space for the blitzers to have a path into the pocket. But really, just rush 4 and stay on Jefferson's ass to actually rush and not try to be Ray Lewis.
    1 point
  47. Cant teach an old dog new tricks. I think he will always tend to revert to that given the chance. They didnt miss a pass for soo long we adjusted and started getting stops. Then suddenly in the 4th quarter he went right back to it again. Its mind blowing.
    1 point
  48. Hey all, new here. Well, sort of. I’m a long, long time reader/lurker. Dyed in the wool Bomber Fan. I started watching as a little kid in the early 90’s, but I consider myself in the upper echelon of CFL/WBB history nerds. I really can’t say why I never bothered posting before. I’ve been reading since the OB days. It’s kind of creepy (in a good way) but I kind of feel like I know some of the dudes on here, I’ve been getting most of my Bomber info from this group since 2006. Anyhow sorry for the long intro. Looking forward to talking football with everyone! (By the way, as a new poster, I feel it’s best not to start any new threads for the first long while. Etiquette matters.)
    1 point
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