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  1. I feel like we should have a thread to talk about certain memories, players and moments in Bombers history. Inspired by my Charles Roberts thread it opened the floodgates thinking of moment during my life time. Anyways I’ll go first.. does anyone remember this game? Bombers down 32-14 with 9 minutes left in the fourth. Alex Brinks gets the start and does nothing all game long. Jyles comes in and looks like a bonfide super star; we come back to force over time, Deon Beasley intercepts Casey printers for a pick six in over time and does a front flip into the end zone! Possibly the greatest game I ever attended. I remember my buddies wanted to leave when BC scored to make it 32-14. I convinced them to stay and the rest is history!
    9 points
  2. TIL everyone on this forum is exactly the same age.
    7 points
  3. Roberts & Tom Clements are 2 players long overdue to be in the Bombers ROH.
    6 points
  4. 6 points
  5. Tony Fresco

    The RIP 2021 Thread

    This is one of my favorites from Norm.
    5 points
  6. HardCoreBlue


    Just want to test this here to see if I'm asking relevant questions to hardcore freedom of choice lurkers here. To any anti-vaccine lurkers whose main argument it's their individual right not to take it and no one can regulate them taking it, where's your line when you acknowledge regulating something is more important than your individual rights? Drunk driving, seat belt wearing what? How do you determine that line of yours or is your line determined based on your hopes and beliefs even when facts contradict them? What's your definition of critical thinking? Don't be a sheep, do your research, wake up? Did I do that right? How do you determine what a fact is? If you're so committed to not taking this FDA approved vaccine to help curb this pandemic are you willing to tell healthcare teams what healthcare you need when you need it? Step up.
    5 points
  7. I wish Forde would do the Bomber games.
    5 points
  8. 5 points
  9. I'm happy for Lucky. He's getting a chance to shine and he's doing it
    5 points
  10. Was already happy with the trade. Then I saw this tweet and would have been happy getting a box of tape for this guy.
    5 points
  11. Noeller

    Canadian Politics

    I voted today as well.... Had time and figured why not. The CPC guy is gonna lose some votes to whack job alt rights in this riding but will still win handily. I knew my vote wouldn't matter so I voted for the party rather than the potential MP. I'll sleep soundly with that tonight...
    5 points
  12. Todd Marinovich... Big name QB from USC. Blew out his ACL the first day of camp. Before that, he was being interviewed about his trip to Grand Beach, he said the Manitoba girls gave him whiplash hahaha.
    4 points
  13. How about Punter Duncan O’Mahony who signed with the Bombers in 2006. Made his flight to Calgary but then disappeared and never attended camp. Was released. Signed with Calgary in 2007 but was traded to Edmonton and released. Signed by Winnipeg again but broke his toe in the middle of the night in his hotel room forcing the Bombers to start Serna. I dont think he ever kicked a ball for the Bombers but has a GC ring with Calgary as a rookie lol
    4 points
  14. The UFL!....*checks message from agent*.....C-FL, CFL!!!
    4 points
  15. When the Stove comes in.....running against the Blue D will become more difficult.......Richardson is a very strong/disruptive force against the run, and also a powerful bull rusher inside.
    4 points
  16. wpgallday1960


    I share your frustration. I know of a person who has had necessary heart surgery delayed due lack of ICU beds caused, in part, by COVID patients, many of whom are anti-vaxxers. Those who say their vaccination status affects only themselves have their heads buried so far up their ass they'll never see daylight.
    4 points
  17. wonder if Suitor will send in the clip of Johnson throwing a punch to the side of Harris head....while pinned under the pile, while he had his helmet ripped off as well?...if anything that is a post game suspension worthy incident
    4 points
  18. Yay. Maybe we can make some converts this week.
    4 points
  19. Westy kicking a 55 yard fg at the buzzer to beat the Riders way back in 2003.
    4 points
  20. I think people might be mis-interpreting what's being done. Suitor, as someone who has to talk about this stuff on the air, just wants clarification from the league as to why the decision was made (or not made) so he can talk about it on TV. This isn't about "I'm trying to get Harris suspended"....it's just an info grab so he can talk about it on the air. I don't have a problem with that.
    4 points
  21. lol i remember when rider fans used to say szarka was as good as sellers. dr zaius doesn't forget
    4 points
  22. Another fun memory from 2010: The hit on Szarka was phenomenal and it's a shame that play didn't stand due to the horsecollar tackle. EDIT: Not sure if this qualifies as obscure, but it was a fun game and also the last Banjo Bowl victory at CanadInns Stadium.
    4 points
  23. If he starts flexing after three yard gains we know we're handling him.
    4 points
  24. blue_gold_84


    I'm ripping on his shitass leadership and ongoing politicization of a global health crisis, to be clear. If you think I'm sharing a news article to poke fun at Albertans suffering because of his clown antics, you're sorely mistaken.
    4 points
  25. In actually think LaPo reminds me of Jacques Chapdeline. They were both receivers so they saw the field differently or make different calls than a qb would. Whereas guys like Huff, Dickenson, Jones & Buck played qb at the CFL level & understand what qbs see. A slotback like Chapdelaine & LaPo don't understand that. I think Qbs make better OC's.
    4 points
  26. Like we've never seen? I'd say they are playing like we haven't seen since 1990. Tyrone Jones would be so proud of these guys....
    4 points
  27. 17to85

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    Oh he definitely went for concussion protocol. Fajardo is overrated as all hell but he is a tough bugger. Have to be to stand behind that shitastic oline
    4 points
  28. He got his bell rung pretty good when the back of his head smacked the turf on the Jefferson/Thomas sack, I don't think it was even up to him if he wanted to come back or not, pulled for concussion protocol at minimum.
    4 points
  29. I think its fair to say that if this discussion goes on any longer, I will have my wife stick an ice pick in my ear.
    4 points
  30. So we got a quality starter and quality person for a guy who was going on our PR and whose an Anti Vaxxer? Canadian Mafia for the win, again.
    4 points
  31. This won't go over well, but I don't think Craig Dickenson is half as dickish as his whiny baby brother.
    4 points
  32. I was actually thinking that there are WAY too many ******* kids on this site...... "remember 2010??!!" gtfo.......I'm feeling more and more like Iso and KBF every day. ******* kids.... fun fact - that was the first time since their return that the Jets had a game on the same day as the Bombers. A couple of us made a roadie from Alberta back home for that weekend. Got tix to the Bombers game where we beat Montreal to take over 1st place in the East, and then we headed over to that "4-Play" sports bar across from MTSC and watched Chris Mason shut out the Canes that night for a big Jets win. A marching band from the UofM was going through the bar playing songs....it was just unreal. What a ******* weekend we had.....hoooooooweeeeeeeeeeeeee. They're still scraping 17to85's puke off of Broadway..........
    3 points
  33. Wideleft

    US Politics

    It's way back in this thread, but I firmly believe that the most recent slide began with Reagan telling Americans that they can't trust government and then winning the Presidency.
    3 points
  34. Maybe the most under rated bomber of the last 20 years, gavin walls. He didnt have the 10 year career to get to the hof sack level but for 5 years he was some thing special. For games, Id submit a 3 game series. The year is 2000, the enemy is the montreal alouettes. Montreal was a contender, a 12 win team that year. We had been stuck in the dark ages for far too long. But coach Ritchie and his guys showed what was to come. 3 regular season games against the als. We lose by 2. We win by 3, we lose by 6 then we lost by 11 in the east final. We also played them in the pre season and lost 38-22. 4 games and us being a hungry team on the come up made for bad blood. A LOT of bad blood. We fought and clawed, constantly on the verge of play off elimination that year. Starting out 1-3-1. We finished 7-10-1 OT, and toronto finished 7-10-1. But we lost an over time game to break the tie in the standings and go back to the play offs . I firmly believe that these games with the Als are what steeled our core and prepared us for the 2001 run. In the week 11 (I think not sure) match up I remember it being back and forth, close down to the wire. Montreal was deep in our zone and went for it on 3rd and goal. Lamar mcgriggs hurried AC who threw incomplete. And was flagged for RTP. The call was horrible and the fans erupted. We ended up getting flagged for throwing junk onto the field as well. But we went on to win and the crowd reaction was as if we had won a play off game. Dont have any links to the other games, but here is the east final. In the early 2ks I hated the als much more than the riders. That rivalry was pretty tough for a while.
    3 points
  35. Wideleft

    US Politics

    The Golden Rule predates the bible - any of them. It's the only thing people really need to understand.
    3 points
  36. I've watched these highlights a million times,one of the best comeback games I've ever been to.
    3 points
  37. One of my favourite games ever and it was Bernard. He was a pretty decent runningback it was just too bad Reid was at his absolute best back then.
    3 points
  38. One of my all time favourite memories is Tom Canada taking the flag out of the ref's pocket.
    3 points
  39. TBF, there are players today who quit if they get the ball too much!
    3 points
  40. blue_gold_84

    US Politics

    He's batshit. And has been for years. He occasionally gets his shitty columns put into the Winnipeg Sun, which is just right fuckered, IMO. Here's the full video of his batshittiness: https://www.c-span.org/video/?100515-1/libertarianism-race
    3 points
  41. We broke Wilder Jr. few years back when he was still with the Argos. We can do it again. It may be a trap game but I have confidence that O'Shea and the locker room leaders will not be treating this game (or any game) lightly.
    3 points
  42. Mark H.

    Canadian Politics

    Yes - they are far more in depth on issues - than any other media platform. And only some of CJOB's hosts are anywhere close to CBC quality.
    3 points
  43. Meanwhile in Regina, AC Leonard and the Priders think that after he sits this next game out, that he's free and clear. Truth is, he still needs to supply a sample. You can run but you can't hide.
    3 points
  44. 17to85


    3 points
  45. When my now wife and I went to Hamilton to watch the Casey Printers returning to the CFL game... a couple of drunk Ti-Cat fans were taking the plastic horns and pointing the spout right in the ear of a couple of really young Bomber fans (probably 18-19ish) and blowing at the top of their lungs. I was going to do something myself but before I could my angered wife ripped the horn out of the guys hand and tossed it down a few rows and told him to stop being *insert profanities* and suggested that he had a small *wee wee*. Nothing deflates a cocky drunk fan faster then a lady suggesting that he has a tiny one.
    3 points
  46. Why does almost every Chris Jones hiring/leaving situation in the CFL have to be questionable at best? Barf. He gets off on this ****. I'll stick with the Canadian mafia anyday.
    3 points
  47. Fall for anything? Like facebook memes and grifters? lol what a fool
    3 points
  48. Part of the issues with Dickenson's team...and this falls on Oday's lap is the guy's they have brought in and the culture they have created there...the wrong kind of culture I recall here in years 1 through 3...part of 4 the impatience heard around these parts for what Walters and Oshea were creating...and that the results were not instant enough. Sure there were some (at the time) high end free agents we passed on and the fans here said they were nuts, and didn't know what they were doing...wanted them fired...et..etc...but now that the foundation and culture was established, the right kind of players brought in to police it internally....it's become the defacto place to be, and sustainable now for the long term...and we are now the organization that teams are trying to replicate...thats facts.... I was a bit leery at first with Willie....phenomenal talent but hoped he wasn't bringing that piss poor Sask me first/selfish brand of football stench here....and he hasn't.....was totally painted with wrong brush as a Rider and is one of the vets here that allows us to self police and continue what we got going on here...true pro and team first player...plus he's awesome on top of it. I've been on teams were certain groups hated each other...some where guys even though were teammates...didn't even really know one another or cared to for that matter..and were just there for the cheque....polar oppositer thing here and it reflects on the field Looking back...it all started with one signing...years back that was the first brick...and that brick was rewarded with his second ring....Mr Bryant...probably the most respected guy in the room, and rightfully so. Even tho he had a ring from before, him being here basically from the restart, and staying loyal was this teams foundation, and you know that ring from 2019 was so much more cherished by him
    3 points
  49. wbbfan

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    https://3downnation.com/2021/09/13/chris-jones-resigns-as-south-pittsburg-high-school-head-coach-to-join-toronto-argos-coaching-staff/ Omg whaaaaaaaat? Man I hate that guy being back in the league. Such a toxic ****. I feel like thats gotta be pressure on dinwiddie at HC. Which is dumb, he's been exceptional for them. Id take him as an OC here in a heart beat. So far dinwiddie looks like he deserves to be a HC in the cfl.
    3 points
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