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  1. We are going to talk about the players on these teams the same way we do the teams in the late 80s. They're just legends of the franchise now.
    19 points
  2. I said I wasn’t going to cry this year. I cried in 2019 because it was the first Grey cup in my life time. My grandpa coached provincial football and was a hero to me and he died of cancer in 2016. My dad stopped following football after that. They won several championships in midget, high school football, and coaching team Manitoba but I was with my girl friend tonight and balled my eyes out. I wish my grandpa was here to see this. So much disappointment in my life time. I love Canadian football.
    18 points
  3. Had to crawl out to the Eagles Club in Victoria to get the game on with sound. Bars are all showing NFL. Was biting my nails the whole time. It was a Ticat crowd in here for whatever reason. There was an 80-something year old wearing a Bomber shirt cheering at the table next to me and we had a hug after the last whistle, damn does it feel good to be the champs. Cheers from Vancouver Island!
    15 points
  4. … enjoy them while we can!
    13 points
  5. What clutch pick ups at the end of the season... both Winston Rose and Castillo made a huge difference today.
    13 points
  6. Duthie just went off on how it would have been a storybook ending if Hamilton had won at home with Massoli coming in after not getting the start and how The Bombers "ruined the ending" in Hamilton. From where I stand the storybook ending was Winnipeg, after not winning for 29 years, put together a beast of a team...won a Cup...kept the team together after a cancelled season...came into a hostile barn and overcame 3 quarters of adversity to win their second Cup in a row in a thrilling overtime. Seriously...every one of these tools can suck a dufflebag full of weiners.
    13 points
  7. I dont think Mourtada comes back.
    12 points
  8. After nearly 30 years of **** I have been enjoying every moment of the last few years I can.
    12 points
  9. BACK TO BACK COULDN’T FEEL ANY BETTER (that being said a small handful of you sound like a whiny group of woe is me everyone is out to get us type Rider fans … gross) (also to the people who didn’t think the Arkells was a well done halftime show that can bring eyes to the league, nobody cares what you and the dinosaurs at your bridge club think about these things) GO BOMBERS
    12 points
  10. How could you change this league? Screw the commish and all who want to tear it apart.
    12 points
  11. Stole this from Riderfans first game ever (exhibition) -first regular season game (our home opener) -first playoff game (West semi) -first West final -first Grey Cup game? Say it aint so. I hope O'Day has a plan for '22, if the Bombers win the Grey Cup at Mosaic we may have to bulldoze it and start again. If they keep that team together they will certainly be the favourites.
    11 points
  12. true statement of team and why we win, and was how we were built....Cats focused om the Jeff's.....our guys in middle stepped up...even tho the Jeff's were still impactfull Take away run, and Demski....no problem....Bailey and Adams with key grabs, and Woli clutch as always when utilized Wilson, as like last playoffs...just makes solid big assed plays....lets Biggie do his thing.....Darby...solid....best acquisition last year....I thought he could have had some MOP consideration in Grey Cup...guy is flat out good, and is exactly the lockeroom/culture guy this team seeks.... Our rookie DB's....game changers, reason why we won today...Alfrod is a stud and took a lot of limelight away from Nichols, but he has been flat out best in league at his spot all yr...without him..we don't win the cup....Rose....thank you Kyle for having the $$ for his possible return...his play to get ball to Wilson was epic...one of all-time great Grey Cup plays Collaros...what can you say...kept his wits about him when he messed up and odds seemed stacked against us...didnt show any weakness went about business and got job done when it was crunch time....dude just wins....many others would have wilted and imploded...hello CFaj Adams was clutch...just like in 2019 playoffs...thats why he here, and Zack alluded to that too...just made the big plays...kept boys calm....irritated the Cats...love me some Adams any big game....And Bailey....who wouldn't want a a guy like that on the squad....really evolved this year....and dude is clutch..good...and all about team...Cats focused on our stud Lawler...Bailey and others picked up the slack Harris....what can u say....last part of 4th...in O.T....he was huge....key to the comeback success Man...just love this squad....wanna see em all back to be honest...sadly tho...some wont be
    11 points
  13. Another absolutely critical play that I think is going to go largely unnoticed is Lawler’s OPI that prevented an interception. Just massive.
    11 points
  14. Happy for every Bomber fan here tonight. After so many years of futility, we win back to back Grey Cups. Fans now have 12 championships to cherish & we deserve it. The Bombers accomplished everything they set out to do in 2021. As they say, these are the Good Old Days.
    11 points
  15. On that kick off Reinbold has one job. Make sure the returner knows what to do. Either a bad call to take the knee or bad coaching not making sure he knows it had to come out. Reinbold won us a cup finally, lol.
    11 points
  16. Also, to the dirt bag(s) who swiped my Bomber flag off my seat when we left at halftime: no worry, I will buy 10 more. What you can't buy is a Grey Cup. Eat it raw
    10 points
  17. He 100% did and it's one of the best plays I've ever seen in my life.
    10 points
  18. 10 points
  19. This just in from 3downnation: the TiCats could go undefeated next season!
    10 points
  20. So... after back to Back Grey Cup victories over the Ticats- the latest one in a soul crushing defeat in front of 25,000 passionate fans bringing forth a river of ticat faithful tears.... I guess we are now even for this affront:
    9 points
  21. 9 points
  22. Good morning fellow fans of the back to back Champs. Look forward to rewatching this game. Any one think it's going to be an all time great Grey Cup? Drama great story line big come back ot clutch insane play and shutting down the same team in back to back years at home no less. The fans around the league will really hate us now and tsn was all in on the cats. The vitriol only makes it all the sweeter though.
    9 points
  23. we're talking minimum eight-peat.
    9 points
  24. It's pretty fun to win but to crush an entire city stadium and network is truly just icing on the cake. The Eastern tears are flowing tonight. Drink it in Boys cuz the champs are here again After the OT 2 point convert the cameras showed the cats and Banks just had this look like he knew it was done
    9 points
  25. I can honestly say that my reaction to this win is sheer happiness. Happiness that we came through & won a championship like we expected to do from Day 1. I'm just grinning & feel very satisfied. Very, very happy. in 2019, I was weepy & emotional when we won as we finally got that 29 year old ******* monkey off our back. I was so relieved when the long, long drought finally ended. The first one was indeed special. However, this one is special in its own kind of way. No tears of joy. Just a fist pumping Hell Ya for our win tonight!! Being retired, I don't have to get up & go to work tomorrow. I think I may warm my soul with a few more rum & cokes tonight. Gawd, DO WE DESERVE THIS OR WHAT??????
    9 points
  26. 15 yards for early celebration and no Grey Cup for you
    9 points
  27. After so many bad eras (Reinbold, Daley, Burke) and wondering if I'd ever see the boys win another cup, this is just sweet.
    9 points
  28. Zach looks way happier this time around. Always looked like he was just a passenger last time but this time he was the guy that drove the bus.
    9 points
  29. I hope Orlando stays. He's the second best coach in this league, imo.
    9 points
  30. He's the pro-covid, pro-fascist loser I was talking about. He didn't come after the past gc and, since they've outlawed the Proud Boys,he hasn't come around. Coincidence? Probably not. F*** him.
    9 points
  31. Not to gloat...but the looks on the faces in the stands was classic...and the deflated tsn announcers glorious
    9 points
  32. Bo said it best. The CFL is back. That was a fantastic game, just what this league needed.
    9 points
  33. The two rook DB's....Alford and Nichols were terrific...
    9 points
  34. My bank account going to take another hit lol! All the merch!!
    9 points
  35. I did not know this fact. This fourth quarter comeback was the second largest fourth quarter come from behind victory in Grey Cup history! https://www.thespec.com/sports/ticats/opinion/2021/12/12/cfl-grey-cup-game-hamilton-tiger-cats-winnipeg-blue-bombers.html
    8 points
  36. Nichols basically made 2 plays to save the game....all our unsung guys came up big...Wilson...Darby....Bailey...Stove and Fatboi...Kongbo was strong all night...our cover teams....was a true team win...through and through...I also think we missed Eli in the run game as well....and It showed That one catch by Bailey....keeping it off the turf....wonder why not mentioned more...that was a amazing grab in a critical time....
    8 points
  37. That play by rose to on purpose deflect the ball to Kyrie is not getting enough attention Watched it on replay 20 times... it's 100 percent intentional and one of the greatest plays in Grey Cup history
    8 points
  38. 100% all time CFL highlight we’ll see for decades to come
    8 points
  39. I think it's hard (and thankfully so) for our younger fans to fathom the heartache and emotional toll 30 years does to a fan. The 01 loss. The Riders loss in TO. Swaggerville losing to BC. ****. "Unfinished business volumes 1, 2,3". It makes these back to backs even sweeter. I swear to god this must be what heroine feels like
    8 points
  40. That was a strange decision but i mean who knows the outcome even if that kneel down didnt happen. Maybe our defense, knowing a field goal wins it for Hamilton, ramps up their intensity and locks it down on that last drive. If ifs and buts were candies and nuts......
    8 points
  41. Every Ticat fan out there, except the pro-Covid, pro-fascist one that used.to come around here , I feel bad for you. I really do.
    8 points
  42. Ali Mourtada, Grey Cup Champion. Suck it haters!
    8 points
  43. 8 points
  44. I get that we are all Bomber fans and so not completely neutral observers, but there will be no convincing me that pretty much all the TSN media folks were cheering really hard for Hamilton.
    8 points
  45. Hearts breaking live on TSN Postgame....
    8 points
  46. I feel great for all of us I also feel great for Bob Irving thank you for all the years and I know you enjoyed this game enjoy your retirement
    8 points
  47. No no Sanchez Ticats should not have won this game. You obviously don’t know our team. As Stegall just said, great teams find a way to win.
    8 points
  48. Scianitti, Smith, Suitor, Duthie...they all sound like they lost their best friend. They can all suck it.
    8 points
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