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  1. A Performance that I rarely ever hear about our grey cup wins is Bobby Cameron's in the '88 grey cup in Ottawa. His punting was instrumental in our win that year. (It was very windy)
    5 points
  2. Wow, one of the greatest most athletic CLUTCH plays that won us a Grey Cup in OT & it isn't Number 1??? I don't know what game you were watching or what rules you use to define great plays. I'm not going to research the Top 10 All Time Bomber Greatest Grey Cup plays as that would take too long. I'll give you My Top 3... 1. THE PICK in Overtime: 2021 2, The Deflection & Interception on the Goal Line (All Mike Gray): 1988 3. Ken Ploen's Winning Run For A Touchdown in OT: 1961
    5 points
  3. new season of Letterkenny out.......awesome as always. Wanted to mention (spoiler free!) a line from Ep 2, with two characters ripping each other for whose second-cousins were more redneck: "Your second cousins keep a bottle of Windex in the liquor cabinet for making what they call 'A Regina Martini'..." And I laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed..... #4Stripes #DirtyRegina
    4 points
  4. It would not surprise me if the majority of the “insider” quotes are just lifted from fan sites like this one and repackaged by the 3Down staff. I have seen this sentiment about Harris being replaced by Oliveira and Augustine here and elsewhere , and most of the “hot takes” are just random opinions rather than actual news.
    3 points
  5. Harris injuries tho were just **** happens in football injuries..nothing from age and body breakdown...if he wants to play he will and most likely plays a full year injury free save for the usual knocks and bumps..he has been injury free basically his whole career..he was due for some.. Jeffcoat...NFL talk on boards is just that..slim and none..he had his NFL window already..and he actually older than Willie...he is cfl lifer now..and he isn't coming off rookie deal...it's his 3rd contract so his increase isn't exponential..plus he wants to stay here..and will stay here with a fair offer Resigning our guys we want won't be an issue...as we..as well as other teams made this dance already..but I can bet u that this yr u will see many 2 yr..possible 3 yr deals signed..already have. I also can see all 3 NI running backs here as well...
    3 points
  6. Super Duper Negatron


    Super weak sauce restrictions announced today. LMAO. Why bother? I don’t blame anyone anymore for ignoring this trash.
    2 points
  7. If it comes down to Bighill or Harris, I'm taking Bighill.
    2 points
  8. How much more do Bryant, Hardrick, Neufeld, Couture make on the OL as they are all past rookie deals and likely needing only minimal raises? Stove seems like the guy on the DL due a raise but Jeffcoat and Jefferson both likely only need raises but not huge raises. On the flipside, how much would a team have to overpay to lure one of our key guys? I assume a lot.
    2 points
  9. wbbfan


    I cant wait for the day his time at TSN is over.
    2 points
  10. I Love this guys videos, so I was pretty pumped to see him do the immaculate interception.
    2 points
  11. I think he's going to come back and play perhaps one more season. He's close to 10k yards rushing which would be a real nice milestone. He has a chance to compete for another Grey Cup. And I think one more year of learning and getting a few carries here and there would help Oliveria. And i think Harris would factor all of this in. They already get Harris at a hometown discount. I don't think cost will be a factor. They can trim the fat elsewhere if need be.
    2 points
  12. People always want to retire guys with their own feelings. He has said he feels great and wants to keep playing. He wants to win another Grey Cup I am sure.
    2 points
  13. With other leagues kicking around this is a must.
    2 points
  14. Which ring is my favourite ring? The next one! Complete faith in the guys in charge to put us in a position to go for a three peat.
    2 points
  15. With all that's going on in the world, Bomber fans have had 2 years with the feeling of being Grey Cup champs. And that's pretty swell. Merry Christmas and happy new year. Bring on the 3peat
    2 points
  16. Alpaca


    How about suitor letting his riders bias slip..saying momentum shifting to green..Ugh black and gold lol what a joke!
    1 point
  17. rebusrankin


    Stefanson actually said she can't be everywhere and that she was spending time on year end interviews (its at about 46 minutes into the presser on the government site). What a useless individual. Why not drop retail capacity to 50%? Make it so you have to wear a mask at all times in gyms? Just off the top of my head.
    1 point
  18. bigg jay


    So Stefanson can say she was present and did something. That's the only reason for that nothingburger of a press conference.
    1 point
  19. I'm pretty sure Bighill will be more then happy to continue to receive his hometown discount. I would assume he's making some decent cash in his off season job in town.
    1 point
  20. That is outstanding 😂
    1 point
  21. Good question. Obviously we need to start with signing the guys that have been key to our success. Collaros, our offensive line, our defensive line. Walters will be really busy trying to work out contracts to keep us from overspending. Some may have to take discounts. I'd imagine we will lose an offensive lineman and a defensive lineman. As much as it pains me to say it, we may have to lose one of the big 3 on our defensive line as it is much more difficult to substitute Canadians. Bighill will be an interesting signing as he took a massive paycut and then became DPOTY. So we will need to find some money for him. Would Willie do the same this year? Jeffcoat probably doesn't make as much as he should be making. Someone else that may need to take a paycut is Andrew Harris. Great player. Has been everything to this team to get us back to our Grey Cup winning ways. But he was hurt most of the year and we have Oliveira and Augustine that have shown they can carry the mail. It will be really interesting and will require some surgical precision to get most of the team back. You have to imagine that this team has three-peat in the back of their mind which will help a lot. Good luck Walters.
    1 point
  22. Powell should tbh. Harris will want to come back. It's gonna be that real hard talk for him his family and the Dr. Considering If his body will hold up another year and if he's willing to risk another year like this was or worse physically. I hope he's back and able to play. I think its a good chance he will atleast try to play the year. But If he retired I wouldn't blame him in the least.
    1 point
  23. Cost is always a factor. Harris is the highest paid RB in the CFL. He's always been worth the money, until this year. We've got his replacements under contract for way less money and we may lose them if we don't play them. I could see us making a lower offer than Harris wants and him retiring instead of taking it.
    1 point
  24. Are you surprised? Outside of televising games TSN spends little time promoting the CFL. But I'm sure 10-15% of those top plays were made by the Leafs. Oh look, another UNBELIEVABLY BEAUTIFUL tip in goal by Matthews. As far as what you believe, you're free to think whatever you want. I never even looked at the list.
    1 point
  25. Older players like Harris always consider retirement at this time of year. I think it's a normal reaction as the committment to play is huge. If he's talking like this in February then he's serious.
    1 point
  26. Step away from the ledge everyone. I believe Hodge's CFL insider on this quote is Rod Pederson, who has shared this opinion multiple times on his podcast. If it is a Rod says it is 100% just his own speculation.
    1 point
  27. https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/sports/football/bombers/harris-at-peace-with-fate-575893102.html This tells me he’s considering it. Maybe he’s made some comments post GC but I didn’t see anything saying he wants to keep playing and is feeling great (unless I missed it).
    1 point
  28. I think it is 50/50 or even 60/40 that Harris retires. Nothing really to prove and injuries taking longer to come back from.
    1 point
  29. I mean, to say we are not going to pay Harris top RB dollar is not really a bold statement. I still think he will be 6 figures.
    1 point
  30. I think we lose Augustine but agree with @Mark H. that Harris takes a cut.
    1 point
  31. Nichols saved that game with as clean as a stop that you could want...Perfect position and one helluva play...It was so clean that the ref didn't even hesitate to point .....'return to your huddle cats and take your three cuz the Bombers want this one more than ye' ..Of course it wasn't said but I think every Cat fan in the stadium...including their coach went ..'UH OH'.......We just got to have that little db back for the 3 peat in 22'....We don't get that shot in OT if Nichols doesn't make that stop.....
    1 point
  32. And was in serious decline when he last played as well...him back would actually be a downgrade from what was there this yr..If u can imagine that
    1 point
  33. I don't see the cats escaping the east in 2022
    1 point
  34. Hopefully against the Nice Trycats
    1 point
  35. Nichols made 2 huge plays in back to back drives. What a find.
    1 point
  36. I remember sitting there in the 4th quarter when we were down by 12 & being unbelievably calm. I remember thinking we can come back but it's going to be hard. I remember thinking if we lose the game I'm still extremely proud of the Boys in Blue & Gold. They didn't disappoint as they found a way to win. It was like this was Destiny's Team. That it was supposed to happen that way. That win was so satisfying. That last play for the interception was one for the ages & may have been the greatest play in Bomber history. It may have been? Let me correct myself. It was the greatest play in Bomber history!!
    1 point
  37. no71

    2021 Blue Bombers Season

    2021 wasn’t better than 2019 … but 2021 made 2019 better. First cup in 29 years was a huge relief … but it was also just one cup in 29 years … now we have two in a row. Our players were amazing in 2019 .. but there are Grey Cup winners every year … now they’re a once in a decade team. “Finally” was turned into memorable greatness.
    1 point
  38. My dad was born.....in Saskatchewan....UHHGGG!!!
    1 point
  39. The first model of the Ford Edsel - the Saskatchewan Roughrider of cars - was introduced in 1958.
    1 point
  40. Instant noodles were invented - which are just about as bland as Saskatchewan.
    1 point
  41. iHeart

    The RIP 2021 Thread

    Well considering that he was in the shower when he died probably
    1 point
  42. FrostyWinnipeg


    Manitoba announced ~2,154 new cases of #COVID19 and 8 more deaths over the three days ending Monday, Dec. 27, 2021. Active cases: 5,724 Total caseload: 75,717 Recovered: 68,615 Deaths: 1,378 Weekend daily counts: Saturday: 785 (new record) Sunday: 694 Monday: 675 The seven-day average daily #Covid19 case count in Manitoba is now 593. That is a new average running high. These case counts are likely under-representations, given the delay in test processing and the limited capacity to test everyone who has been exposed or is symptomatic. Five-day Manitoba #COVID19 test-positivity rate: 19 per cent (new record) Winnipeg rate: 21.2% (new record) Tests completed Sunday: 2,542 1,463 Winnipeg 240 Southern 229 Prairie Mountain 176 Interlake-Eastern 46 Northern Manitoba #COVID19 patients in hospital: 158 (up 23) In ICU: 40 The latest Manitobans to succumb to #COVID19: - A Southern man in his 20s - A Southern man in his 30s - A Winnipeg man in his 30s - A Southern man in his 40s - A Southern man in his 50s - A Southern woman in her 60s - A Southern man in his 60s - A Prairie Mtn woman in her 90s
    0 points
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