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  1. in the NFL since 1994: the team that lost the coin flip in OT hasn't even had a chance to touch the ball 25% of the time. Sudden death OT in football is garbage.
    10 points
  2. I agree. Ferguson should've explained what constitutes a "big time throw," though. There is no clarity or context whatsoever, leaving those who read his tweet to guess or wonder.
    7 points
  3. Only stat that matters to me Back to back Champs By definition we have been the best 2 years in a row *not counting canceled season Personally I look it as back to back to back.
    5 points
  4. Why anyone cares what a 'big time throw' is and pouts cuz we didn't get enough of them is beyond stupid. None of us on this forum did anything other than watch our team win. This constant whining, puffing out our chests and saying how great we are, and taking shots at the Riders is juvenile.
    5 points
  5. And then the toss is more important than anything else? No sudden death in the cfl is not the answer. The mini games are fine, but i would move the starting point back so a team actually has to make some plays to be in scoring range.
    4 points
  6. BomberBall

    Random Jets News

    It’s definitely the money. They don’t want empty arenas, so they’re postponing games in cities where restrictions don’t allow fans. Unfortunately, I’m not sure kicking the can down the road will make much difference… I don’t see this cloud suddenly lifting on Jan. 11th.
    4 points
  7. BIG TIME THROW.....definition......you start with heavy balls.....progress until you can actually throw by the goal posts.....then run to the sidelines with the ball and cover it with 'jeebus sprinkles'.........there you have it 'big time throw parameters'
    3 points
  8. The Lions could have saved themselves some money.
    3 points
  9. https://www.riderville.com/2021/12/28/riders-lock-nick-marshall-micah-teitz/ More stupid penalties and jackassary coming your way in 2022.
    3 points
  10. JCon

    US Politics

    They're not technically burning books but that's some really fascist stuff going on down south. What a horrid place. Too bad we have so many alt-right losers up here too.
    2 points
  11. There is absolutely nothing embarrassing about a Bomber fan taking shots at the Riders. Good gravy man...think before you type.
    2 points
  12. I think most reasonable people see it as back to back. BTW, I still can't believe I survived a year without CFL football.
    2 points
  13. I tweeted out to Ferguson to get him to explain the definition of the stat. No response so far. Best I can figure from the numbers he did put out and the QBs listed, based on the game stats, is that a “big time throw” was a pass completion of over 45 yards in the regular season, and a pass completion of over 35 yards in the playoffs. Not sure why he’d change the criteria for the playoffs other than to get Masoli added to the list (he had a 36 yard completion in the Grey Cup game, his longest of the post season - which was a swing pass that had 36 YAC yards and is much more a receiver play rather than a “big time pass”). By the way, Collaros was not considered “big time” since his longest completion was “only” 34 yards in the playoffs. So really still not much context to the stat. Doesn’t take into account the success rate of those long passes (Fajardo or Reilly who throw up the long 50/50 balls may have more overall completions but a lower completion rate than a Collaros who picks his spots). Collaros had only 4 completions of over 45 yards in the regular season, but on passes over 20 yards (according to the CFL record book, which used 20+ yards as it’s “big play” metric) he had the most completions, touchdowns, and highest efficiency rating (a ridiculous 152.8) in the entire league. So the cutoff point is totally subjective too. Of course, Ferguson could not even be bothered to explain any of this.
    2 points
  14. Agreed. Glad our team doesn't allow this stuff to get into their head like it does to some fans. Honestly IDGAF what journalists want to write. Some around here seem to think that we have all the best players and we make all the best plays and anything less is a slight to our team. After two Grey cups in a row let's not be that fan base. I know we're not there yet but it's best to check ourselves
    2 points
  15. I couldn’t care less. If anything gives us another chip on the shoulder next season. The league obviously wants to hype up interest with the other teams in the league so that it doesn’t look so lopsided I don’t blame the media and the CFL’s best interest in that regard better for us if anything. You don’t think all that talk about Hamilton having a super team in 2021 after we beat them in 2019 gave us that extra chip on the shoulder? We absolutely kicked them in week one. The worst thing a team can do is believe the hype.
    2 points
  16. Derek Taylor, when he posts its usually a legit stat that is explained. For example, he had a great breakdown of Cody Fajardo's success on various types of throws or when he posted that Winnipeg was the best at defending passes under 10 yards. Ferguson's work on the other hand has no explanation or context and comes across as made up junk. If he wants to become a stats guru he needs to show his work. Have to give him an F.
    2 points
  17. All I can think is its some garbage about throwing on the run and generating a long score. He probably counted that roll out throw throw to duke that was 95% duke running for the score after a 10 yard pass. Collaros threw the biggest td of the season, and in 18 games only came up short once. (going back to 19.) He's just trying too hard to pump the tires on fajardo and some tired old qbs. Any one who thinks that MBT had as many big throws as collaros in 2021 is out of their damned mind.
    2 points
  18. So done with wondering what this hack meant. Clearly, he has no metric to apply to this big time throw statement.
    2 points
  19. I ain't complaining. We lost the toss & the crowd cheered. We went out & scored. Then got the 2 point convert. The Ti Cats couldn't get it done in the clutch. Massoli made one of his Big Time throws... to us.
    2 points
  20. I don't care what anyone says,that 2 point convert is just as important as the TD throw as well. Once Bailey caught that catch I knew we had it
    2 points
  21. About pulled posts: sometimes I choose to exstiguish a fire before it starts. I do not pick on just one poster when I do this, and I don't always have the time or the energy to send a PM. Cheers.
    2 points
  22. Collaros' TD throw on 2nd and 10 in OT of the Grey Cup doesn't count. I mean, that's not a big time throw at all or anything
    2 points
  23. Honestly I would be curious what defines a big time throw in his mind... cause it certainly could be an interesting thing to look at. But I can tell you right now collaros made more than 4 big time throws on the season.
    2 points
  24. With zero quantification backing it up. 100 percent bs.
    2 points
  25. I would try to comment, but some of my posts have been pulled recently. Not sure why, I guess too contrarian or because of some perceived snark towards the poster (which fine if that violates the forum rules, but I hope it’s not a standard just applied to me and is also considered for those who take shots at my posts from time to time. I’m a big boy and don’t mind a little back and forth, but if I am going to be targeted, I will give it back, and hope if bans occur it is not just on me because i don’t post “Riders can suck a bag of dicks” enough and it upsets people). As for the INT, it was a great play, I don’t know if I would instantly crown it as the best play ever. That’s the ultimate bar to clear. I disagree that Nichols was part of the overall greatness with a deflection to Rose. He simply tried to pick it off and whiffed. Rose had the ball come to him off that miss, and couldn’t corral it, but had the wherewithal to bat it to Wilson on the second attempt. That is worthy of “all time great” discussion, no doubt. Wilson was tracking to the ball, as all players are taught to do. He had a pretty easy pick but give him credit for putting himself in that spot. Someone said it was better than Mike Gray’s pick in ‘88 because he was “right place right time”, I would classify Wilson as exactly the same. I give full credit to the team for making the play, and it probably is in my top 3 “all time great Bomber plays” right now because of the circumstance of it being overtime and game-clinching and the Rose scoop, and may move up to number one in years to come once it grows in importance with age. Just not yet. As for the whole Marshall Ferguson thing, I am with Nolby and say “who cares?” It doesn’t make it any sweeter for me, and I am not feeling slighted because the writers are not bending over backwards to lavish praise on the Bombers, The ring for the club and the Grey Cup Champion cap I get to wear everywhere is all the validation I need And I am not trying to pick a fight here. That’s why I let it go originally and did not comment. I just disagree with the characterization of “most athletic play ever seen by all players involved”. Nothing more. But since you seem (?) bothered by my emoji and want to drag me In to an explanation, there it is. Hopefully this post won’t get pulled as attacking you, or if I get called contrarian or insufferable or the worst or whatever else, I’ll be given fair chance to respond and not get it yanked again. Or that the posts going after me get the same editorial treatment (personally I hope not, would hate to see Riderfan censorship for opposing opinions become the norm, and I really respect the mods for the way they don’t overpolice things as it is now).
    2 points
  26. So Ferguson is inventing his own stats now? Bullshit tweet.
    2 points
  27. If we are going to foster a project kicker I would rather they draft a Canadian and let him learn on the field rather then having Moutarda.
    2 points
  28. 2 points
  29. 1 point
  30. Goalie


    Icu numbers tho holding steady. I mean If u can wait 8 hours in a car to be tested.. how sick are u. . The way I see it? If u can sit in a car for 6 to 8 hours u are ok. Go home. Stay home. If you can't then go get tested
    1 point
  31. See you'd get an A because you explain your work. Great post.
    1 point
  32. the watcher


    The way I read it ,it was in one 24 hr period.
    1 point
  33. JCon


    I can't believe they can process that many tests. Wow.
    1 point
  34. Absolutely this. Move them back to the 45 or 50 to be on the extreme edge of a makeable field goal if the team can’t move the ball, and any losses via a sack or other great defensive play are now magnified. And keep the two point requirement on the convert as well. But give each team one possession. The Falcons-Patriots OT in the Super Bowl where the Falcon offence never even got a sniff because they lost a coin toss was the worst possible way to end a game
    1 point
  35. TB4, I see your disagreement emoticon. Well, you don't have to agree with some of us that it was a great play, maybe the best of all time. But at least give the Bombers D credit for making it. Along with Simoni Lawrence belly aching on Twitter that he deserved the CFL DPOTY award over Adam Bighill. Then Marshall Ferguson's Big Time Throws Of The Year's with 25% of those plays going to Hamilton QBs. All the whining & crying by Hamilton does indeed make it sweeter. The Bombers are living rent free in all of Hamilton's heads right now from the players, coaches, management, ownership, media & fans. They are psyched right out. Yeah, considering he said mid season that his receivers can't make those contested catches.
    1 point
  36. We don't even know if all the big time throws were completions since Fajardo had 7 of them.
    1 point
  37. Unless O’Shea and Walters feel he has move to give, and have more insight than the fans do.
    1 point
  38. That's me in the back of that Uber. This is from the 2019 LDC.
    1 point
  39. "Big time throws" sounds way too subjective. Collaros lived off the "timely big time throw" but somehow Fajardo has twice as many? Oh, okay. Sure. disclaimer: I love Dunk and Ferguson too. They're the only CFL insiders who aren't hacks.
    1 point
  40. And I still wouldn't have been comfortable with him kicking in the Grey Cup.
    1 point
  41. rebusrankin


    Stefanson actually said she can't be everywhere and that she was spending time on year end interviews (its at about 46 minutes into the presser on the government site). What a useless individual. Why not drop retail capacity to 50%? Make it so you have to wear a mask at all times in gyms? Just off the top of my head.
    1 point
  42. bigg jay


    So Stefanson can say she was present and did something. That's the only reason for that nothingburger of a press conference.
    1 point
  43. Super Duper Negatron


    Given the testing backlog and the fact they said to just stay home if sick, the numbers are basically meaningless at this point.
    1 point
  44. wbbfan


    I cant wait for the day his time at TSN is over.
    1 point
  45. Mark H.


    ^^ And until that happens, I guess they'll keep dithering about group sizes.
    1 point
  46. the watcher


    122,000 positive tests in the UK yesterday 22,000 in Germany Pretending any country can isolate let alone a city is ridiculous. You can't keep all " travelers " out because those travelers among other things bring you food, clothing, medicine......all the essentials of life. One of the reasons this pandemic will be around for years is because we humans have made imaginary borders that the virus ignores. There are impoverished countries that have %5 vaccination rates. When Omicron is done with us there will be another variant coming along. There are things that would help. 1- countries need to send about to expire vaccines to countries in need. It's millions of doses being thrown out. 2- The patents need to be removed from Covid vaccines. 3- A war needs to be declared against Covid. Put the multi country joint effort into killing Covid that we put into killing people. Quit viewing this as Canada, USA, UK, or whatever country you live in fighting against Covid. I'm sure there are other efforts that would help but those 3 are my suggestion.
    1 point
  47. Former Winnipeg hockey coach found dead after being charged with sexual assault of players Players said coach gave them money, alcohol then sexually assaulted them at his home https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/winnipeg-hockey-coach-sexual-exploitation-dead-1.6211109
    1 point
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