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  1. Mark H.


    IMO, this is 100% being done to appease some of the stakeholders. I think the government would prefer to start on Jan. 10th, but they had give a little bit to the other parties Masks and testing kits could be distributed this week - they shouldn't need an extra week to do that
    5 points
  2. Winnipeg Minor hockey game start up again this week. Let the kids spread amongst themselves for two more weeks until school starts! None of this makes sense to me. At all.
    5 points
  3. SpeedFlex27

    Canadian Politics

    I don't want to quote the story about the death of the Thompson MLA last month as it has now been quoted a couple of times. I just want to say I'm sorry for Danielle Adams & her family. I lived in Thompson for two years from 1989 to 91. I was an Independent Adjuster which meant I was on the road travelling a lot to places like South Indian Lake, Cross Lake, Leaf Rapids & Lynn Lake. In the winter I'd use the winter roads to get to isolated communities I'd have to fly to in the summer. In January of 1990, there was a house fire in Lynn Lake. I had to get up there quickly & coundn't get a seat on the flight from Thompson to Lynne Lake so I decided to drive. Normally, it's a 6 hour drive but it had snowed the night before & the Hwy (391) wasn't plowed. No problem I thought. I had a brand new 4WD 1989 Ford Bronco II with new snow tires so I took off driving early, early the next morning. Got to Lynne Lake at about 1 PM with no issues. I adjusted the claim & left to go home about 5 pm in the dark. The Hwy was plowed by then but somewhere between Leaf Rapids & Thompson, I slid off the road on a curve on sheer ice & hit the ditch. There I was sitting in the ditch in the dark amid minus 35 temps wondering what to do? Trying not to panic, I thought through my options. Like, should I walk to what I thought was a nearby telephone tower to call for help but wisely decided to stay with my vehicle. I had burned my clutch out rocking my SUV back & forth trying to get unstuck. A pickup truck appeared in about the third hour. He stopped, came over when he saw my vehicle running with the lights on. The guy might have saved my life as I was nearly out of gas. We sat in his truck for a long while saying he won't leave me as it's too dangerous to be alone. A semi truck & trailer drove up to us & stopped. He had a chain & attached it to my SUV & pulled it out of the ditch & deep snow & went on his way. We then drove to that telephone tower (about 15 klms away) so glad I didn't try to walk in the brutal cold & dark as I may not have made it back to my Bronco. I was able to call my wife, tell her I was alright & not to worry. I then called a towing company in Thompson who arrived hours later. All the while the young guy never left my side with his warm truck. Tow truck finally arrived, picked up my SUV & towed my vehicle. I went with their driver back to Thompson. The pickup truck driver finally left & went on his way. He was a young First Nations guy who I'll never forget. That was quite the harrowing day. With the darkness & cold things could have turned out a lot differently. My decision to stay with my truck may have been the smartest choice I ever made. When you hear people say to never leave your vehicle & try to walk alone, they are telling the truth. Making the wrong decision will leave you dead in the bitter cold.
    5 points
  4. You slept with Chris Jones when he was coach of Saskatchewan.
    5 points
  5. Bigblue204


    Those are the only things they can do in 1 week. If it's to give kids a chance at getting another shot or the first, then it should be a 2 week window. We keep pushing the inevitable back and back like COVID is going to vanish. I'm so done with our "It'll be their problem soon" type of governing which makes passing the buck to the next generation to save some $ look like the best choice. SPEND SOME ******* MONEY AND IMPROVE SOME ****!!
    4 points
  6. I totally agree with that assessment. Some figure that in a league of nine teams, you can tear down and re-build more quickly, and will take that flash in the pan approach. But I am enjoying the sustained success of the Walters approach much more for sure (it helps to stomach that mindset when the long drought is over and we have more patience as fans).
    4 points
  7. Mark H.


    I am very sorry to hear that - there are many parents and kids in the same predicament Too many teachers are needing to take leaves, and there is not always someone available to fill in By filling in I mean more than being a body in the room
    4 points
  8. This conversation has embiggened me to learn more about this cromulent topic.
    4 points
  9. HardCoreBlue


    Hang in there. You and fam will get thru this.
    3 points
  10. rebusrankin


    Improved filtration for air flow in schools? No. N95 or KN95 masks made available? No. What exactly are educational staff going to plan for? How to magically space 20+ kids two meters in a space that can only do that for 15 students? Reduced in person learning but outside sports is still allowed?
    3 points
  11. Oh, I don't think anyone is arguing that Taman's approach couldn't produce a championship But, what it definitely doesn't produce, is long term success Yes, the 2007 team could have won a GC, but that team went into decline in 2008.
    3 points
  12. I need to try this stuff out.
    3 points
  13. Mark H.


    Many kids are already checked out - from the see - sawing, remote learning and lack of extra - curricular activities Now they'll be checked out until Spring Break - some until June 30
    3 points
  14. Also, let's shut down schools, but we will see the same kids at hockey 4 times this week. If the announcement comes with no other restrictions I will be dumbfounded. Sorry...extra sensitive this year. My youngest (grade 3) had his teacher leave after the first week of school for medical leave, had a substitute for a month after that, then split time between the vice principal and music teacher until Christmas, and his new permanent teacher is finally supposed to start when they go back. Imagine switching teachers for the third time, fully remote, half way through the year. He is suffering for it so far. I need this school year to be over.
    3 points
  15. Super Duper Negatron


    My vote is to delay return to school and just have the teachers send a package of optional work to tide us over. **** remote learning. **** SeeSaw. **** Teams.
    3 points
  16. FrostyWinnipeg


    Should have just shut this ship down after xmas for 2 weeks. It's -30 and people out of money anyway
    3 points
  17. It’s weird to think Taman is only 55 years old. He’s looked like he’s been in his fifties for twenty plus years.
    3 points
  18. iHeart


    Okay I have an update to share he's heading home via Stretcher service, he was supposed to stay another couple of days but a bed is needed but he's also well enough to return home anyway so thank god that's over for now
    2 points
  19. Jeffcoats window is done, Nichols probably too...as he will be 28 next yr and has been on active roster and had PR time...not sure what he has left if any Pretty sure Rose now is either a game roster guy or nothing, and being 28 now is most likely not worth the investment, and as good as our other D-line guys are, I not worried about them...only extended absence I worry about is Desjarlais...maybe Alford...small school..small size...odds are stacked..may be a Rose type absence
    2 points
  20. Wanna-B-Fanboy


    I am suggesting that we build and place 1 or 2 Corsi-Rosenthal Boxes in each class room. I don't know why every classroom doesn't have one or two.
    2 points
  21. Not a bad track record for a horrible GM though. As AGM and GM in Winnipeg got us to two Grey Cups in 2001 and 2007, arguably two we should have won (if “fumble machine” Roberts doesn’t drop the Kevin Glenn handoff), as GM in Sask 2 more Grey Cups and one win in 2010 and 2013. And although rare, one does not need to be a former player to be a success in management.
    2 points
  22. This discussion didn't want to die, so here is a thread just for it.
    2 points
  23. TrueBlue4ever


    Useless stat of the day: Bombers are in rare air with their current possession of the Grey Cup. Due to the pandemic and the repeat, they will be in possession of the Cup for 1093 consecutive days by the time the next Grey Cup is held in Sask. That ties them for the 5th longest streak in CFL history going back to 1909. Only 7 teams in total have ever held the Cup for more than 1,000 consecutive days. 1. Hamilton Tigers - 1842 days between 1915-20 (1 Cup, held possession through World War I and league dispute in 1919) 2. Edmonton Eskimos - 1827 days between 1978-83 (5 Cups) 3T. Queens University - 1100 days between 1922-25 (3 Cups) 3T. Edmonton Eskimos - 1100 days between 1954-57 (3 Cups) 5T. University of Toronto - 1093 days between 1909-12 (3 Cups) 5T. Winnipeg Blue Bombers - 1093 days days between 2019-22 (active streak, 2 Cups) 7. Toronto Argonauts - 1092 days between 1945-48 (3 Cups) FYI the Saskatchewan Roughriders have had the Cup in their possession for 1454 days total in their entire existence. They also have the longest gap in possessing the Cup at 20529 days between their inception in 1910 and their first Cup in 1966. The second longest drought was 11322 days for the Toronto Argonauts between 1952-83. The Bombers recent streak from 1990-2019 covered 10591 days.
    2 points
  24. Desjarlais was the one guy who I figured we had most risk to lose, at least until mid season....guess we will see
    2 points
  25. Yep it was a thing. A joke but still a thing. And I mean its still a joke. Every year the riders hide a 75 to 80 man squad between the ir and suspended list. While the argos beg for money to over pay all the linebackers and wrs.
    2 points
  26. There was a salary cap prior to the SMS. Whether teams respected it or not, and whether it was enforced is another story. But, it existed.
    2 points
  27. Taman brought in some serious talent to his name but I feel Walters laid a serious foundation that we haven't seen in quite some time.
    2 points
  28. Desjarlais has a workout for the pats according to sb nation
    2 points
  29. Like I said, I swear they changed it. Here is the pharmacyappointments.ca booking site: Pfizer Pediatric Second Dose: Children 5-11 years of age at the time of vaccination, who received a first dose optimally 8 weeks ago, but at minimum 28 days ago are eligible to receive Pfizer Pediatric second dose with valid health card"
    1 point
  30. Updated - December 10, 2021 A pediatric Pfizer vaccine has been approved for children aged five to 11. Manitoba has expanded vaccine eligibility to this age group. Parents and caregivers can make first and second dose appointments for eligible children online or by calling 1-844-626-8222. This vaccine is also available from medical clinics, pharmacies and other locations Children must be five years old at the time the appointment for the first dose is booked. The interval between first and second doses must be a minimum of eight weeks, or a minimum of 21 days for children living in First Nations communities.
    1 point
  31. Super Duper Negatron


    Pharmacies will let you book the second shot after 4 weeks. I swear the government website used to say 8 weeks recommended, 4 weeks minimum, but now it only lists the 4 week option for First Nations. Either way, I know plenty of kids that have already got their second, some after 4 weeks. The CDC guideline is 3 weeks, so Canada is being overly cautious...they say due to an abundance of caution but I suspect due to a lack of supply.
    1 point
  32. WildPath


    I have heard that some teachers have tried to bring their own air purifiers and such into their classroom and have been told they are not allowed to use them due to possible interference with the school's HVAC system and air currents. Unfortunately there is also likely to be pushback because we seem way behind the research on airborne spread by still emphasizing 6 feet distance as a safe zone for example. I have made something similar for personal use (with only the one filter) to try to protect my baby when we were getting loads of smoke from forest fires and adapted it for use for Covid filtering. Upgrading to the cube design seems like a pretty good idea as the initial upfront expense would pay back due to increased life expectancy of the filters.
    1 point
  33. rebusrankin


    Second shot? Its 8 weeks between shots. To have a second shot by the 17th, so let's say 16th, a child would have had to have had their first shot on Nov. 22. Not possible.
    1 point
  34. It's because these players are leaving mid-game and they're wearing the uniform of the team that's getting shellacked by Springfield... so they're getting on the Bombers bus to try their luck in the CFL... little do they know, these chumps wouldn't even be good enough for TCF on this squad! 😂
    1 point
  35. Yeah, don't begrudge him at all. If I was him, I'd do the same thing. He'd be a huge loss on our offensive line.
    1 point
  36. Tough to lose Canadian talent like him....BUT you can't blame him for looking after his future....The money game with us vs. nfl will always be a problem ....bastaches
    1 point
  37. Super Duper Negatron


    I would guess N95s for teachers and rapid test requirements for students is about the only thing they can do at this point. Plus the timing, in theory, allows more under 12s to get their second shot. All that said, they have no plan. We seem to elect and appoint the dumbest people to public office.
    1 point
  38. I don't mind losing our players to the NFL because the CFL can't compete money wise with the NFL.
    1 point
  39. WildPath


    I have been teaching remotely- Seesaw, Teams, etc since March of 2020. I would like to think my practice as a remote teacher as well as our whole remote learning program has made huge strides since then. I think a big reason remote learning often fails is because it is suddenly thrust upon teachers with little notice (like we might see today) and with little support. Our program has been developing steadily to the point that we have extra-curricular opportunities and students and families that really appreciate it. Its not the same as in-person learning and there are things that just can't be done the same. Unfortunately our hospitals are beyond capacity and healthcare workers are stressed beyond the limit for a few years running and we didn't make any plans ahead to flatten this "curve" to ease the burden on hospitals.
    1 point
  40. I actually vaguely recall a salary floor being enforced a bit. Maybe first year renegades and a couple times prior on cheaply run bad teams. Could be wrong but I think they signed some silly high contract us rookies to eat up room. Robert Gordon over geroy Simon. Got barely edged out on arland Bruce and a bunch of guys. Aside from his scouting napkins and crazy desperate trades he was the worst negotiator ever. Over pays to guys like Wayne McGaritty and soo many bad moves. 78 percent done deal to karikari he reported as done at first. Imagine if we had geroy Simon for his whole career. Or Simon Bruce and milt for a couple years. That offense would've been devastating if we had any one to throw the ball. Pat Barnes big contract too. Soo many bad qbs.
    1 point
  41. Great for Desjarlais, bad for us.
    1 point
  42. I've never seen anywhere that suggested that Taman had great connections, great ability to scout talent, ability to draft, ability to bring in new talent to replace expensive declining talent, absolutely nothing. I've only read and seen him make trades with known names and sign guys based on some players recommending friends. It's ok to admit we hired a mediocre/crap GM... it's not like we need to defend the choices of Reinbold/Kelly/Burke and even Mack to a certain extent. It happens but to be in loser denial is fooling no one. Taman was in way over his head as a GM and I'm sure whatever he is doing now is much more perfectly suited for his level of talent. This is not a knock on the guys personality or who he is as a person. In today's world the level of professionalism is ten fold more critical in the CFL and he simply wasn't on that level. Murphy was never a GM but he was scouted and "desired" because he did have a great ability to recruit and find talent. It's not something that a quick napkin or google search of cfl rosters can do. As a person he clearly is an a-hole and sometimes you can have all the talent in the world but if you have a crap personality (see A. Brown in the NFL) you simply won't find a long term home.
    1 point
  43. Sard


    Or today at 2pm. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/manitoba-covid19-return-to-school-update-1.6303606
    1 point
  44. Sard


    If that was the case, the Darwin awards wouldn't exist.
    1 point
  45. Can we move the weed talk to its own thread?
    1 point
  46. I read this in Dolly Parton's voice. Not sure why.
    1 point
  47. I don't have the year depth of some to go that far back but out of all the CFL interceptions I've ever seen,biases or not,this one was incredible and even more incredible that it ended the biggest game of the year.
    1 point
  48. 1 point
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