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  1. Fun note from Our Man Tait: Strange but true – and courtesy the CFL’s stats department – as it relates to Janarion Grant’s opening-kickoff return TD last week: there have been just 12 opening play TDs in the CFL, with Blue Bombers having scored half of them – Mack Herron in 1972, James Jefferson in 1988, Markus Howell in 2000, Ryan Lankford in 2017, Lucky Whitehead in 2019 and now Grant.
    14 points
  2. I want a repeat performance from last game. Firing on all cylinders. If we do that there's not a team in this league that can beat us.
    12 points
  3. Awful scene in Halifax last night. A bunch of Rider Players were drinking in a bar. A guy walks in and says, “all Rider players are ASSHOLES”. A short fat older guy in the bar yells, “I resent that remark.”. A guy, puzzled, asks, “are you a Rider player”? Short fat guy says, “no, I’m an AS***L*”.
    11 points
  4. You go other places to read about the Bombers?
    9 points
  5. Winnipeg has played Ottawa twice... ...exits quickly, get smacked by the door on the way out.
    9 points
  6. Who: Calgary Stampeders @ Back to Back Grey Cup Champion, Winnipeg Blue Bombers! What:: CFL Football!!! When: 7:30 Central Where: IG Field - Fort Hew! Why: FOOTBALL!!!
    8 points
  7. Hey! It's GAME DAY! It's true! Get HYPED!!! It's another BLUE BOMBER GAME DAY!!
    7 points
  8. **** shows up in my newsfeed as I'm scrolling.....and it pains me. My wife is part of various Bombers "fan" groups on FB and they're lunatics, the entire bunch of 'em. I'm not a part of that world. I don't even go to TEP anymore. It's this or nothing, because there's only about a half dozen people in the world (not in the Bombers org) that I actually care to listen to and they're all here....
    7 points
  9. Posting for the Booch reaction and the lulz ensuing.....
    7 points
  10. Noeller

    Elks @ MTL

    200+ yds in penalties after Macciocia fires KJ17 for discipline issues on the field. Go **** your hat, Machokea....
    7 points
  11. Plus the posters on here are all devilishly attractive and intelligent.
    6 points
  12. 6 points
  13. Nick Marshall is the best DB in the league the same way Garrett Marino is the nicest, most tolerant player. Buncha deluded assknobs in the rectangle province these days.
    5 points
  14. So today the total goes to 13 and we will have scored 7 of them?
    5 points
  15. two losers babbling in the media...the true good ones say nothing...Both are average to a bit better than in my opinion...and both are cancers...all I gotta say on that
    5 points
  16. Calgary has played Edmonton twice, Montreal, Hamilton. 🥱🥱🥱🥱
    5 points
  17. Geez, I’m not Superman.
    5 points
  18. That scramble happened right in front of me and when he let it go, I yelled out ‘noooooo!’….. Then quickly screamed, ‘Yeeeeeessssss!!!’ 😁
    5 points
  19. 5 points
  20. 5 points
  21. ...for some Friday Night Football at IGF!!!
    5 points
  22. WBBFanWest

    Elks @ MTL

    I found it interesting that Maciocia fired Jones right before they were to play Edmonton. I'm guessing that he did that because he wanted to take over as head coach and figured he'd immediately win. "Maciocia begins to right the ship" sort of thing. Too bad it backfired. I predict he's not going o be around long.
    5 points
  23. Wanna-B-Fanboy

    Elks @ MTL

    Didn't you hear? They had a short week, people are targeting Cofajs knee, the rest of the league hate them, they have injuries and wah wah wah. Making excuses when they should be making plays. God damn cry babies.
    5 points
  24. 5 points
  25. I think first play on offence...put him in motion running a wheel route deep down the rail ..get him in the CGy db's heads right outta the gate...that's how I would script that first play
    4 points
  26. Bless that kid..... what an absolutely MOS-style beauty of a dude.
    4 points
  27. Looks like an O'Shea kinda player!
    4 points
  28. Watched the clip....was surprised how quick the dude is.....
    4 points
  29. He's got a video on his youtube page of his XFL highlights where he blocks a couple punts.
    4 points
  30. I know that Bruce Arians liked him a lot when he was in Arizona...some times guys just need and dont get that true chance...if he has impressed enough to stick around with his work ethic and attitude here for 2 yrs now...obviously this staff too see's something in him....we shall see He also put up some top numbers at his pro day too...so he is athletic enough
    4 points
  31. I didn’t think it was possible, but in my opinion, Craig is now the lesser of two Dickies.
    4 points
  32. Seems to run in the family.
    4 points
  33. And also beat the piss out of “powerhouse” BC at home, second game of back to back road games, short week, flying across the country. Plus Ottawa just happens to have a HC that worked with and saw our team every day for years, added a ton of veteran players, and had months to prepare knowing exactly what we were going to run. By the second half of the second game Ottawa was never really in it. Just hanging around.
    4 points
  34. I'm watching this video and he's so tall, so don't even need the circle graphic to show you where to look. He just stands out that much.
    4 points
  35. It's a good week for QBs. No Lawrence cheap shots. No Marino cheap shots.
    4 points
  36. Yes, it's science. ----------------
    4 points
  37. We were on our feet, the ball went in the air, everyone went quiet, then BOOOOOOOOOM! Ecstasy!
    4 points
  38. 4 points
  39. rebusrankin

    Elks @ MTL

    Keep the faith that Toronto will beat those bozos.
    4 points
  40. Bomber_fanaddict

    Elks @ MTL

    And if Sask beats TO (they should) there will be three teams in the East with one win after week 6!
    4 points
  41. Eternal optimist

    Elks @ MTL

    I like how EDM saw how terrible Nelson was with us and was like "more of that please"
    4 points
  42. For Derek Denis’s sake I hope the Bombers don’t turn the fog machines before the game tomorrow.
    4 points
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