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  1. WOW!!! Sometimes a picture says more than a thousand words. ETHAN CAIRNS / WINNIPEG FREE PRESS Carlton Agudosi scores a touchdown for the Winnipeg Blue Bombers against the Calgary Stampeders at IG Field in Winnipeg, on Friday.
    9 points
  2. Apparently SK football has prepared a statement to be released Monday morning.
    8 points
  3. BBlink

    Week Six: Non Champ Games

    Cody Fajardo wasted no time making excuses this week lol. It brings me so much joy
    8 points
  4. Didn’t you see him knee the ball into the upright twice?
    7 points
  5. Fresh tweet. Masoli seems to be calling out SK for more B.S. in press release.
    6 points
  6. Start fining the head coaches and the organization for this pregame/halftime/during timeouts crap. When Williams spit Sask was setting up for a FG, there was an injury timeout and he wasn’t even in the play, he’s their 13th man on the field and he’s 20 yards past the LOS on the D side of the field. Force the coaches and organization to get some control over these situations. Seems to only be one team really having major problems with it.
    6 points
  7. Fajardo - "Everyone knows my knee is injured, but they keep trying to tackle me anyway. It isn't fair!"
    6 points
  8. BBlink

    Week Six: Non Champ Games

    He wouldn't do that
    6 points
  9. My guess, Farhado has female genitals.
    6 points
  10. The amount of "we don't know what happened before the helmet swing..." from Crider fans online is embarrassing. I had a woman block me cause I said regardless of why he swung it, he still swung it and that in its self is ridiculous....I mean....I may have said it a little more rude than that bit still lol.
    5 points
  11. I’m at a loss. Several rums are in order. Have a good evening gents.
    5 points
  12. “Shaq went to say something to him and he got spit in his face and then you see the helmet throw — throws a helmet, his own helmet, at his face. How’s that not the dirtiest play I’ve ever been around? I almost took it in the ear trying to break it up,” Dinwiddie said. How the **** is this not a bigger story? it is insane that he did this. Should be sitting a long time.
    5 points
  13. Booch

    Week Six: Non Champ Games

    https://3downnation.com/2022/07/16/riders-qb-cody-fajardo-suffers-major-setback-to-injured-left-knee-status-for-next-week-uncertain/ Man ...all I gotta say is shut the eff up...be a man...a leader ...and not a whiney lil princess who thinks he's entitled to more than others ..like good gawd what an embarrassment
    5 points
  14. BTW we represented MBB at the game. Not a tonne of Bomber fans but maybe 30. We had a blast.
    5 points
  15. Same group that defended Marino because Boyd did something bad first. Lots of Rider fans looking like complete dumbasses.
    4 points
  16. need to convene an independent panel of unbiased people, (from Saskatchewan only, except must include faj mother. Suitor will be chair. his play by play guy..... gets coffee) to look into this, and award the Grey Cup 2022 season, to the Riders. rest of games this season, will be played, as exhibition. except for any the riders win. which count. otherwise To THE TRACTORS ! PREPARE THE MANURE! JUSTICE FOR FAJ'S KNEE ! (and the brace)
    4 points
  17. The second thrower was on the grassy nole right? Where is the Touchdown Atlantic Zapruder film?
    4 points
  18. https://3downnation.com/2022/07/17/its-time-for-the-roughriders-to-protect-qb-cody-fajardo-by-sitting-him-and-letting-his-left-knee-heal/ From our boy, Brendan. 🤮 There was a second helmet thrower.
    4 points
  19. God watching the riders reminds me of how greatful I am for OSH and crew. I'll usually reserve judgement because only 10 years ago we were a pretty bad franchise but... Fajardo as the guy to lead your team? Dickenson as your coach.... cultural problem there. Faj is embarrassing man
    4 points
  20. And Dickie says “I don’t think he would do that” Okay Craig. You’re clearly afraid of your players.
    4 points
  21. “Everybody knows I’m not playing at 100 percent and they know which knee is the injured knee, so I’m just going to leave that up for everybody else to think about.” Because you literally won’t shut the **** up about it. Streveler’s leg was completely ****** in 2019 and he said zero about it. God, imagine some QB in the NFL saying this.
    4 points
  22. Nolby

    Week Six: Non Champ Games

    If Cody was a back up he'd complain the benches are too hard on his buttocks. ..he'd probably say buttocks too
    4 points
  23. Development. The word you are looking for is development. Guys aren't ready, spend some time on the PR (more ir issues for agudosi i think) and improve and when they get their chance they shine. It's what good teams do. You don't see bomber fans whining about injuries because we have the depth to replace guys. Rider fans though spend a huge amount of time whining about every missing player.
    4 points
  24. It's just a stat, with Andrew passing Milt for 4th in the all time yardage from scrimmage. But NO!!! Those statistics are more than that. To us it is a tribute, a celebration. The Bombers have had many, many heroes. And here are two more: not just for achievement and longevity. There is leadership, personality, and heart. As individuals, they are different, but as Bombers they stand tall amongst our best.
    3 points
  25. 3 points
  26. Even with good coverage, if you loop the pass up there......Agudosi can just go get it . Pretty sure Collaros has already figured this out. Expect to see more............
    3 points
  27. 17to85

    Harris Passes Stegall

    Not even close, he always looked great with the lions. Just wasn't featured like he was in the lapo offense.
    3 points
  28. Stands are packed, stands are hot.... Zac completes nice pass up the middle to Ellingson for 24 Leggs lines up for 49 yd try and just slips in in there..... Stamps punting.....Grant has the ball punched out.... .....Stamps recover deep in Blue territory... BLM has Begelton open in the middle of the field.... Bo has the time....and hits him for the quick 6. 7-3 Stamps.. Olivera stuffed on 2nd down run....no blocking interior OL... Stamps 2 and out.....punt is shanked + penalty... Zac is sacked on 2nd down...BLM takes the same from Thomas.... Grant bounces off of multiple Stamps on PR.....to Stamp 35.... Collaros finds Ellingson for a couple of first downs..... 2 incompletes leads to Leggs chip shot FG. 7-6 Calgary Bo has Henry wide open for big gain, deep into Blue end... 2nd down Jefferson flushes out Bo...Sayles with the sack.... Zac is pressured again...Neufeld having a rough go, so far.... Zac hit as he thows....Agudosi comes back for ball and 35 yd gain.... ....except it comes back on a iffy Stamps challenge. for the push off.. Henry with the 3rd drop from Stamps receivers so far.... Zac hits Agudosi up the middle for 21....and Ellingson for 15 Zac sidearms one to Agudosi for 9. Zac starting to look for him..... Collarlos hoists one up to the back of the end zone...... ...coverage is there, but Agudosi plays jump ball.... ...and comes down with it...TD! 13-10 Blue... BLM has 2 passes almost picked off.....feeling the heat a bit... With under 15 seconds in the half....Rush gets in on Leggs.... Who runs a bit and ruled down at Bomber 42. Turnover. Carey runs it for a FD with 1 second left....Paredes FG.... ...has this one 13-13 at the half. ST turnovers hurting us.. Bo loops one up long... to a wide open Begelton for big gain.... Carey rips through the line and runs it inside the 5.... ...down the field in 2 plays.. bit too much bending on D for my taste... Bo incomplete to Jordan, who should of caught it in the end zone.... 2nd down.....backup QB comes in to .....uh, throw a incomplete pass.... ....to cute by half....3rd down, Bo throws to 2 Stamp receivers.... ....who are almost standing together.....Taylor makes it a 3 car collision.. ....incomplete! Turnover! Grant takes reverse on KO for good gain.... Grant sweeps for FD Zac...tight window throw to Ellingson..... Collaros is pressured....Bombers with a holding call.... Leggo misses 36 yd FG....but Stamps call for tic-tac interference call Zac arcs one to Ellingson on side line for FD, down to Stamps 5.. Augustine runs it to the 1.....Brown sneaks in for the touchdown! Leggs x-point makes it 20-16 Bombers... Collaros finds Schoen for big first down and Ellingson yet again... Ellingson having a monster game.... Zac with some terrific passing on 2nd and longs..... Logan takes punt right up the middle....then down the sideline.... ....all the way for the score......but called back on holding! Carey runs to the corner and is slung out of bounds by Bighill.... Carey is unhappy with it...slings the ball at the sideline judge.. ....and takes idiotic penalty....Stamps having some penalty issues .... Houston breaks up 2nd down pass to Henry...... Paredes nails 48 yard FG to make it 20-19 Bombers Zac avoids pressure again...and finds Woltman for FD... Augustine up the gut for nada....Neufeld and Grey struggling.... Zac rolls away from pressure...to Olivera, breaks tackle for FD.... Collaros is really got it....on these long 2nd down plays, alright..... Yet another 2nd down....Zac throws a perfect fade in corner of endzone... ....to that guy Agudosi, who hauls it in for his 2nd TD!! Seems that Agudosi's days on the PR, now numbered down to 0 Nice big target who can catch the ball on the outside..... Leggs misses the extra point! To keep it at 26-19 Blue.... These missed converts are becoming tiresome......3:30 left.. Plenty of sweating in the stands in more ways than one..... Bombers almost pick off another...and get big 2 and out... Holding on the KR puts Bombers back on the 18, 2:25 left. Olivera 2nd down run short of the marker (again) Stamps offside... ZAC is sacked....draw play is stuffed. Some boos for the call.... ....or perhaps the run game in general.....Blue punt with1:31 left. Jefferson sacks Bo....3rd and 14....Carey takes short pass for 15.... ....with roughing the passer tacked on...ball on Bomber 29. 56 seconds left....Bo goes long into the end zone........ Jordan is behind Nichols and the ball is right in there..... ....for the Stamps TD....but Jordan has the ball bounce up... ..from his body.......a hustling Houston dives and picks it off!!!!!! Dreaded Command Center takes a look and the play stands!! INT. Turnover, Ballgame. Stadium explodes as Bombers run out the clock..... ...and stand at 6 and O. Zac with yet another win as our starter... Both teams had plenty of good plays...plenty of mistakes... Bombers tend to have the opponent make the last mistake I tend to have myself make the last gin....
    3 points
  29. Booch

    Week Six: Non Champ Games

    I sure Lemon didnt make it up either.. some thing maybe him lose his composure that game and take a penalty ..Duke is a walking piece of garbage ..and highly overated ....what did he do if any significance since what..2018 up here? That's a long time ago
    3 points
  30. Geebrr

    Week Six: Non Champ Games

    Dinwiddie isn’t making it up, Richardson isn’t making it up, Alexander isn’t making it up. Why would anyone believe it isn’t legit. Name some comparable instances lately involving other players that made it to the media. I can’t off the top of my head
    3 points
  31. 3 points
  32. Nonono....you don't understand. He DIDN'T do it. That video is part of the league wide conspiracy to make rider players look bad.
    3 points
  33. Robertson is a big DB and has been one of the better ones …absolutely defenceless against that. Also, shout out to the girl sitting in Row 2 Seat 8.
    3 points
  34. Looks like we got through the Calgary game without any serious nicks.
    3 points
  35. It didn’t happen, and if it did happen, it wasn’t so bad, and if it was, they deserved it.
    3 points
  36. “Condell is THE worst OC in the league! Nothing he calls makes sense and that offence just plays scared to lose!” Plap, “Hold my beer…”
    3 points
  37. Booch

    Week Six: Non Champ Games

    Speaking of which. Where's have Reynolds and O'Day been during all this? Not a peep...and sad when 2 weeks in a row players on your team are investigated for crap like this.
    3 points
  38. This is sickening Their media are such ball washers
    3 points
  39. Likely his taint...
    3 points
  40. Riders’ quarterback Cody Fajardo defended his best pass catcher for throwing the helmet and the alleged spitting incidents levelled by Dinwiddie. “I know Duke and he’s the leader on our team and to tell you if he’s gonna put himself in jeopardy to be ejected, that’s not him,” Fajardo said. “I don’t believe he did that, but that’s just my understanding of who Duke is and who he is on the team. He’s our best player right now offensively and a guy that our offence goes through, so I can’t see him jeopardizing getting ejected before the game, because that’d be a huge loss for us.” Oh, ok Cody. You know it is on camera right? You two brain cell having baby.
    3 points
  41. Everyone is getting Houston and Josh Miller mixed up from last year.
    3 points
  42. I'm fairly certain that Bryant, Yoshi and Neufeld are all playing with some degree of injury but you hear nada from them. They just do their jobs. Heck Rose was playing on a bad wheel for weeks one and two and never used it to excuse his play.
    3 points
  43. “This is the second time I’ve taken a hit to the leg and no call has been [given] or last time we got a call but there was no fine, no talk, no reprimand,” Fajardo stressed. “If you’re going to call it even, call it even.” My god…seriously, STFU. You are by far the whiniest guy in the league. Stop putting a mic in front of this one year wonder.
    3 points
  44. Then don’t play next week Cody. Stop being a liability if it’s so hard.
    3 points
  45. I say keep doing what you're doing Vajardo
    3 points
  46. At the end of the day as much as I love the Riders, I want to be proud cheering for them. Guys like Larry Dean, KSB, fun to cheer for. Duke, Na’Ty Rodgers… not so much. Tough to cheer for, selfish players. I’ve got a decent professional relationship with Adam Bighill (both work in banking, have talked shop) and imo there’s not a better leader or well spoken man in the CFL. The Riders simply don’t have that on their team. Play on the edge, and hit hard, but know where the line is. I’m placing the majority of the blame on Dickenson who has no control over his team.
    3 points
  47. I’m done with Duke Williams too. $275k to spit in faces and throw tantrums. Give me a break. Makes me not wanna watch anymore games.
    3 points
  48. I can’t wait to get the Riders so we can beat their ass up like we always do and punch them in the mouth
    2 points
  49. That was the goof who swore up and down that the 2021 Bombers were worried to face the Stamps in the West Final.
    2 points
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