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  1. Good for Khari - No way he was going to be out of the league for long. Everyone knows Montreal did him dirty firing him already this season.
    10 points
  2. Haven’t worried about Chris Jones since 2015
    8 points
  3. Chris Jones has not done anything for anyone to worry about in many years. My eyes can't roll back hard enough right now....
    7 points
  4. Well there's that bye before the western final...
    6 points
  5. 6 points
  6. 17to85

    TSN's Panel & Crew

    Dunnigan has issues where he has trouble getting the words out sometimes, probably related to his mushy head from all the concussions. But basically he is awesome simply because of the genuine enthusiasm he brings. Polished and professional? Not even close. Excited about the game? 100%.
    5 points
  7. Condell is my guess. Steinauer is also president of football ops so he's probably safe for the time being I would think.
    5 points
  8. I can get my girlfriend to teach you how to roll your eyes without even blinking
    5 points
  9. And now he continues to be undefeated in Grey Cup appearances, as a player, coordinator, and Head Coach.
    4 points
  10. Wideleft

    TSN's Panel & Crew

    You can't compare a play by play announcer (Black) with a colour commentator (Dunigan/Suitor). They have totally different roles and duties.
    4 points
  11. Pretty subjective I'd say. Nobody is gunning for 3rd though. 3rd is where I live. 😂
    4 points
  12. I would argue the first one is a little too late.... the team could really use a week off right about now... but yeah not having week 1 bye or the last week is definitely a plus
    4 points
  13. this is what's known as a perfect week Important question... who are the first and second best Tyler's??
    4 points
  14. it's BLM when he so chooses....
    4 points
  15. I was coaching HS football in Calgary. This would have been 2009. We had our season ending banquet & one of the coaches was able to get Chris Jones as a guest speaker. He sat beside me at the banquet & we had a chance to chat. Seemed like a nice guy. The HC told not to talk about the Stamps when he sat beside me by our Head Coach so I didn't. I thought this was a strange request but I didn't talk about the Stamps as asked. He told our HC he wasn't with the Stamps anymore & asked that it be kept quiet. Jones got up. Talked about playing for & later coaching his HS team. Then moving up thru the coaching ranks & into the CFL in 2002. Then he talked about how Hufnagel wanted him to be more active in recruiting & the CFL Draft as well as coordinating the Stamps free agent camps. This turned out to be a lie as he wasn't with the Stamps anymore. Earlier that day he accepted the position of DC with Scott Milanovich's Argos which caused a huge shouting match between Jones & Huff. They almost came to blows beyween the 2 men. Story goes that he contacted Milanovich as the two were friends. They had a phone conversation & Milanovich hired him on the spot over the phone. He then tendered his resignation which sideswiped Huff as Jones had committed to returning the next season hence the expanding job duties given. Huff was angry & he basically threw Jones out of the Stamps coaching office. That's why I or anyone else weren't allowed to talk with Jones about the Stamps as he wasn't employed by them anymore. Didn't know anything about it at the time but the news came out the next day.
    3 points
  16. "DB Duron Carter will play as well."
    3 points
  17. At the start of the year I had a hard time imagining a scenario where Orlando would be at risk - Being about 6 feet from starting 0-5 is pretty shocking. Still - bringing his team to the grey cup for two years straight and playing the 2021 WBB to the wire like they did should give him a LOT of rope. If I were a Ti-Cat fan I personally would be disappointed if he got fired after one bad year... even if it was a "worst in the league" year. Even with their terrible record to start the year - They've really only been terrible in the last quarter of their losses (notwithstanding against us where we were just consistently better) - Against CGY, EDM and SSK they were either significantly ahead, or less than a single TD behind at the start of the 4th.
    3 points
  18. They need to fine Craig Dickinson, Jeremy O'Day the GM & Rider President Craig Reynolds. If the Riders coaching staff can't control the players then maybe the organization can. Fining those 3 would send a message.
    3 points
  19. 3 points
  20. Apparently SK football has prepared a statement to be released Monday morning.
    3 points
  21. To the kids... CS: Hey, Addison, FIFO. A: What does that mean? CS: All you need to know is **** off. You're cut. A: It's a camp. How can I get cut?
    3 points
  22. I wanted to test the waters and see if anyone's interested in discussing interesting or creative play calls in football. Also a bit of theory crafting or hand wringing about how stuff would work in the CFL and why we don't see it. One of the big things I see in US football, that hasn't come up here despite massive potential is better-designed QB runs. Teams like the Ravens and Coastal Carolina do exciting stuff with QB runs. The ravens run some rpo, but fake the option a lot and use designed run calls out of the same package. Their O power and QB power are great examples. In a full option offense, this would be 1 place call. The QB would read a defender mostly the end and either keep it up behind the pulling guard or hand it off to the RB to run outside of the guards' block. The advantage they get from mixing in the separate calls is that they change the speed of the play drastically. The fake option can be run much faster and the defense can't re act to the fact the offense isn't reading a player. They have to try and cover all the option players gaps. Traditionally this type of play used to be run from a 2 back power set. But the ravens use it heavily out of 11 and 21 personnel in the shotgun. Alignment wise it's not that different from what we see up here every week with Woli/Demski/Bailey pinching on the end.
    2 points
  23. I met (sort of )Chris Jones in wpg, when the elks were in town to play.. before their grey cup win. I was playing restaurant background jazz guitar at a restaurant on Corydon . just myself, and my looper pedal, aka wallpaper music chris, and four or five other coaches came in and sat down right beside me. someone asked if I could play some blues, so I did,.... applause, then I played "dock of the bay" bunch of them belted it out, ( nobody else in there but me and them.). then more applause and a good tip when they left. seemed like nice , no b.s. guys. much nicer than typical patrons for treating the background music guy. jones himself was quiet. I was soon after replaced by a hot looking, young, piano playing babe. the game..... elks won.
    2 points
  24. Interesting that Cornelius was at Ok. State Univ. the same time as Dru Brown and beat him out for the starting job in 2018. Easy to see Cornelius has the better toolset, and better size. Brown has had to rely on his brain and game management skills to make it to the pro level.
    2 points
  25. 2 points
  26. Dane Evans looks like an emotional wreck, they need to find a 1B QB to help him carry the load, could be Schiltz given time and more reps.. Too bad Nichols couldn't rehabilitate his arm, the league can always use a couple more "Kevin Glenn types" to help out.
    2 points
  27. Yeah i think Cornelius will become a solid starting QB in our league. Has all the physical tools and can run for a big guy. Just needs more time.
    2 points
  28. bigg jay

    Random Jets News

    We don't know how long the talk has been going on behind the scenes. There was obviously discussions going on beforehand if PLD went to the draft, expecting a deal to be done. I agree bailing on two consecutive teams is not a good look on him though.
    2 points
  29. The writer is probably quite correct about Arbuckle being a good QB for Lapo. He always felt like a Lapo style QB - Dink and Dunk style offense. Doesn't feel like a "playground improv" style QB - Give him a real solid system to follow and he'll do alright. I actually think Cornelius has potential - He has a rocket for an arm - His lacklustre performance last year isn't something I'm terribly worried about... he was basically a complete rookie to professional football last year (5 games played in the XFL)
    2 points
  30. You don't think they talked to his dad, a coach with the Moose, prior to the trade? PLD talked to his dad a lot prior to coming here to find out about the city & organization and he was excited to come here. So if the city and organization aren't the problem, maybe the locker room is a bad as speculation would have it?
    2 points
  31. bb1

    Random Jets News

    What a shitshow this Dubois situation has become. Wants what he wants didn't Chevy vette this guy before trading for this weirdo? Guy sounds like a child who wants what he wants. I guess he is going to sit out on us or his beloved Habs will make an offer,my hope it is over 8 million and we get 2 no 1 for us. These selfish millionaires are gonna kill small market teams...
    2 points
  32. Hamilton did it with Shiltz handing off to Evans who then threw a pass on a rollout. But if you really think about it unless you have a QB who is like a running back you’re basically just taking another guy off the field that the defense has to worry about. There’s some novelty to it just to cause confusion but it’s not going to work more than a couple times. Dobson looks really heavy to me. And if you just watch him walk there’s something wrong there, like his legs aren’t equal length or something. He’s like fat Stevie Baggs. I know the talk is about how he can dunk at 360 pounds or whatever but imagine what he could do at 310-320.
    2 points
  33. Technically Edmonton has been using it having Kai Locksley play as a receiver on a lot of plays. Not sure that they've used it in a true sense of 2 QBs on the field though.
    2 points
  34. rebusrankin

    TSN's Panel & Crew

    I like Matt Dunigan doing colour. He's a character, enthusiastic and as others have said its a bit like watching the game with your uncle who has had a few beers. Much better than Suitor's Rider homerism, getting stuck on one or two points or repeating interpretations of rules that are untrue. I would love for TSN to find their version of Romo for the telecasts.
    2 points
  35. Cheeky but even as 2x defending champs with a 6-0 record im still gun shy about being cocky . Comes with the territory of being so disappointed for years and years But hey, when in rome
    2 points
  36. Correct and I gotta say- er seem to have EXCELLENT timed byes...
    2 points
  37. Another one in September then one in October second last week in season I believe
    2 points
  38. In the last number of games, this guy Houston seems to be around the ball, quite a bit..........
    2 points
  39. https://3downnation.com/2022/07/17/its-time-for-the-roughriders-to-protect-qb-cody-fajardo-by-sitting-him-and-letting-his-left-knee-heal/ From our boy, Brendan. 🤮 There was a second helmet thrower.
    2 points
  40. WOW!!! Sometimes a picture says more than a thousand words. ETHAN CAIRNS / WINNIPEG FREE PRESS Carlton Agudosi scores a touchdown for the Winnipeg Blue Bombers against the Calgary Stampeders at IG Field in Winnipeg, on Friday.
    2 points
  41. I'm being 100% honest. I didn't read the article and thought you were being facetious. I legit burst out laughing with my Mai thai in my hand in the hot tub. "Hehe silly rod black. Oh wait..."
    2 points
  42. CS: On your way out, tell the camp director he’s cut too. A: …
    2 points
  43. Bless that kid..... what an absolutely MOS-style beauty of a dude.
    2 points
  44. I guess he could but would have isolate.
    1 point
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