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  1. That was last week, Noels, and this is this week. Keep up.
    9 points
  2. I wonder who would do something like that... oh wait!
    7 points
  3. Said everyone when you first started posting! 😀
    6 points
  4. If JJ is in anyway limited they should bring Haba on. Just takes one play to lose him for the game and screw up the Dline rotation
    5 points
  5. NFL practice roster expansion has already drained talent, even more than the spring leagues.
    5 points
  6. Schoen easily for me. More versatile and arguably more dynamic. Lawler is a home run hitter for sure but Schoen is like the 7 catch 100 yards weekly type guy. And he was before we had Lawler too.
    5 points
  7. Well they've got me locked in for at least the next 20 years.
    4 points
  8. he's already sucker their will to take him on now...haha another point with BO...barring him getting hurt he likely gonna crush Harris's best rushing numbers in a season
    4 points
  9. coming from a former defensive player I agree...even in warm weather....The smaller scat backs and shifty guys are more preferred as more time than not they running away from you, and aren't taxing on you other than just maintaining your lanes and having good cardio.....The guys like BO look for you and punish you, and trust me...you feel those collisions alot during the game, and when you repeatedly are exposed to them, you subconsciously start to avoid some of the contact, even tho you may not intend to...just way it is, and you see it with BO that as games go on....he gets hit less, but is still running guys over, and looking for them....beats you up Come chilly ball, it compounds matters...another thing second level guys hate O-lineman following up plays and keeping the flow going, and Winnipeg does it to a man in spades....guys tend to try and just get out of way and aren't focused on the battering ram coming downhill at them Good example look at last game...how many times did you see Riders swarming around the ball carrier...kinda tiptoeing around him, but just waiting for the sacrificial lamb to stick his nose in there and initiate the gang tackle...a whole lot is what you will see....
    4 points
  10. We understand and accept the mission.
    4 points
  11. Rich


    Here is to hoping that the new variants follow the typical patterns of being less deadly / severe in symptomns.
    4 points
  12. And, we have to field an international, not just keep them on the PR.
    4 points
  13. Dude, lay off the glue...
    4 points
  14. As a devout, unenlightened follower of this team our offensive success seems like a no-brainer to me. We have the best running back, the best qb, elite receivers and a high quality short yardage qb Run for 4-5...throw for 4-5...sneak for 1...throw deep occasionally...repeat til the opponent is demoralized When we struggle I am completely flabbergasted.
    4 points
  15. I got spoiled by the Mike Kelly football show and so now it's extremely boring. When O'Shea starts offering to come over to peoples' places of work to help them salt the fries I'll start listening in again....
    4 points
  16. Take a look at you senior citizens, getting all worked up over the radio, hahaha!
    4 points
  17. The CFL doesn't officially share salaries. It is usually leaked. And I have the least amount of faith in the leaked CFL salaries compared to the other professional sports.
    3 points
  18. He's still making a lot for what's he's doing: 2) Andrew Harris, Toronto Argonauts (N) Hard money: $145,000 Maximum value: $160,000 The future Hall of Fame ball-carrier is expecting to take on a reduced role this season but remains one of the highest-paid players at his position league-wide. He got a $30,000 signing bonus to rejoin the Argos for one final CFL season and will make another $15,000 in non-football-related services to the club. https://3downnation.com/2023/04/18/the-cfls-15-highest-paid-running-back-and-fullbacks-for-the-2023-season/
    3 points
  19. Was there last year as well, Bombers didn't even show up. I'm avoiding the game this year, but will be there in Nov.
    3 points
  20. I’m sure they are meeting the market value from desjarlais deal. Boy we are gonna see a serious dip in global talent once that is in place.
    3 points
  21. So, you're not worried about the players or coaches, the ones that can actually affect a game, you're worried about the fans, who cannot? Compelling.
    3 points
  22. I still think getting a DE in the line up for Jackson would be very beneficial to the D... but after a 45 point blow out... chances are we'll see no changes
    3 points
  23. But I have it on good authority they have a championship defense
    3 points
  24. Reality: Bombers sign receiver to PR Media: Roooouuuuuuuuuuuurke!!!!!!!
    3 points
  25. only narrative that they were good came out of Sask.....wasn't based on reality in any way shape or form
    3 points
  26. So does Jeffcoat sit out and Habba comes in or does Jeffcoat make the roster but Habba comes in for The Seal? Only time will tell.
    2 points
  27. Wonder what Brady is going to cost them? He's now established himself as the best RB in the league although Harris was the highest paid at $165k last season but may have taken a discount to re-sign with the Argos this year as a backup. Butler signed with the Ti-Cats for around $125k, so Import RB's are still not being paid much, I think it will take somewhere around $140-$150k to re-sign Brady on a long-term deal.
    2 points
  28. For sure. Years ago in Junior ball i had to move up from DB to LBer on a cold November day, and ouch....it wasn't fun. You are tight from the cold and the hits are not easily absorbed.
    2 points
  29. The colder it gets the faster the D loses it's will to stop the run too. It just hurts more.
    2 points
  30. If you can't find quality import o-lineman your scouting staffs need to be revisited, and thats why quality O-lineman who are Nationals will cost a pretty penny, tho some teams have way over spent (BC..OTT...EDM) but sometimes you need to to get a guy in those early stages of a build. We had to with Bryant, and then some good drafting got us a pipeline of Centers to build out from....thats how you do it....That way you only really need to go out and find 1 interior guy to bring it together and save SMS as you build rest from the draft. Bryant then subsequent trade for Neufeld allowed us to do that, and have the staff to see talent in players others didnt (Hardrick at a lighter weight out at tackle)) and we had a progression from Goosen...Couture and now will be Eli, Chungh to Desjarlais...to Gray...Dobson....pretty hefty turn-over and no real steps back, if anything steps forward. you cant build an oline in FA without sacrificing everywhere else on the roster, and even then have nothing behind it, especially if you dont use forward thinking in your draft...Thats why Sask gonna struggle for yrs yet...Can't replace em all with big bucks....and guys they have tried to develop just aren't that good.
    2 points
  31. Dear Nic Demski, I'm going to select you again because I believe in you. Team wins are important, but so are individual wins. Please score a TD. Your fan, always, JCon.
    2 points
  32. Could be. But I'd be spending that on a solid OT
    2 points
  33. With respect to Tre Ford, no matter how good a receiver is (see EL as an example), being great receiver usually comes with having a great QB. Usually.
    2 points
  34. Also saw this tweet from the Jets, wow does Lowry look like a little kid in his early pictures
    2 points
  35. I honestly think Agudosi has played himself off the roster. They won't cut him mid season, but I don't expect him back next year unless something dramatic happens.
    2 points
  36. we struggle when we stray away from that
    2 points
  37. Not every game....some games we probably won't get more than 35 points. lol. Seriously tho, as the cold weather ramps up I really like our chances of dominating TOP.
    2 points
  38. MOBomberFan


    I will get the booster for sure. One bout with covid was enough for me to know I want to mitigate the impacts as much as possible. I love concerts and live events and plan to attend many this fall and winter. Unfortunately sounds like covid will also be in attendance
    2 points
  39. We were once mods on a CFL site nearly 20 years ago. I found him to be unstable. The guy is wacked. He wanted to fight me as well. He hated the fact I was a Bomber fan & I used to make fun of Regina (which to him, is Mevcca). And I constantly reminded him of it. He's always been a fool.
    2 points
  40. Whoa - huge overpay for an interior OL
    2 points
  41. I'd appreciate it if they focused more on discussing football strategies, as the current panel overly emphasizes personalities and superficial content instead of genuine sports analysis. It was surprising to watch NFL broadcasts this weekend with retired players offering valuable insights, and I particularly enjoy the Manning Cast.
    2 points
  42. whoever has the best command of the room, the respect of his teammates and coaches, and is best able to communicate with officials........that's your C.
    2 points
  43. Has anyone checked on Ballsy? Fairly sure he was planning the GC parade after labour day
    2 points
  44. He's going to write in Rourke.
    2 points
  45. If he only wears pants on occasion, you want to make sure you maintain CONSTANT eye contact.
    2 points
  46. We'd like to announce a change in our discussion guidelines that we believe will enhance the purpose and atmosphere of this board. We will no longer allow discussions on political or other controversial topics in this forum. Reasons for the Decision: Purpose and Vision: This message board was created with one goal in mind - to foster discussions around Blue Bomber football. We wish to keep the focus on that. Moderation Overload: Our moderator team, who generously donate their time, have found themselves spending an overwhelming amount of effort on moderating political and related discussions. Civilized Debate: As societal topics have become more polarized, it has been observed that discussions easily derail into emotional arguments. Keeping the forum conducive to healthy debate has been challenging. We encourage those interested in engaging in these debates to seek out specialized forums that cater to those topics. We understand that some of you might have strong feelings about this change. However, the decision is final. This announcement will be locked for further comments. If you have serious concerns, my PMs are open. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Let's keep our passion for Blue Bomber football alive and strong! The Moderator Team
    2 points
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