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  1. 10 points
  2. It’s when they block #50 on the other team
    7 points
  3. Well....might not be able to play x's and o's on paper.....but think I do know a bit about the birds and the bees aspects of things..... hence, plan to still post here...... In the meantime... some folks should just save it for the opposition.
    6 points
  4. Still don’t know what a 50block is.
    5 points
  5. Agreed.........Diverse opinions are always welcome but it stops when fellow fans walk away from constructive criticism and drift into disparaging remarks....I think we've all experienced that..... So onward and upward.... and hey, we're all on the same team
    5 points
  6. My son played qb for the College of the Siskiyous, a D1 Northern California JUCO school from 2010-12. They were undefeated in 2012 & won a State Championship. He got scouted by Texas Tech, Colorado School of Mines, University of Toledo as well as New Mexico State , California University of Pennsylvania & SFU. All the other schools backed out on National Signing Day except for SFU. He was also ready to go to Cal Penn as they offered him a football scholarship so all the tuition was free but the College president refused to waive the International fees as Tyler was from Calgary. My wife & I didn't have the $35,000 a year cost for fees so that fell through. Toledo pursued him the most. The coaches there said Tyler was their guy & he expected an offer from them. Then the entire coaching staff got fired a few days before & the scholarship offer was off the table. He had already said no to The Colorado School of Mines. The other schools went in other directions except for SFU. It's unbelievable how amazing opportunities one day can be ripped from your grasp in just a day. Tyler in a panic signed with SFU instead of talking to his Head Coach who had connections & may have been able to help him sign somewhere a few days or weeks later. Signing with SFU & not seeking advice from his JUCO Head Coach was a huge mistake. SFU had the worst D2 college program anywhere. No surprise football was shut down there. What a horrible experience. Three head Coaches in 3 years. Three OC's & three QB coaches. Guys transferring out every year. Live & Learn, I guess. If he had been scouted at JUCO, would Tyler have wanted to sign with a CFL team? I'm sure he would have.
    5 points
  7. I was at the game, in the stands behind the bench 10 rows up. I watched him closely. Schoen was definitely nursing a "lower body" ouch when he came out of the game. He was mobile and walking on the sidelines, trying to keep the weight off and testing things - walking & trotting a little. I won't say any more than that, other than to venture that he would not have been effective had he gone back onto the field of play. Hopefully everyone is all healed up after the bye-week. The atmosphere during the game was amazing, by the way. Boisterous supportive crowd of Big Blue fans behind the Bombers bench. All the Bomber players noticed and definitely appreciated that support from the fans. Post-game victory chants echoed through BC Place for a long time as Bomber fans (lots of them) celebrated that exciting and important win!
    5 points
  8. I don't know how anyone couldn't love Rasheed. He's got a leaders presence, durable and hell of a team player.
    4 points
  9. Here's the thing... Kolo is "fine"... just that some people believe for good reasons that we could do better than fine at the position.
    4 points
  10. Can't blame Yoshi for the sack where Zach spun back into Betts, he steered him 8 feet downfield of the target, at that point Zach is supposed to have evacuated the pocket or gotten rid of the ball. Yoshi did his job.
    3 points
  11. Collaros a victim of his own success played at such a high level the past two years that a slight drop in play as seen as a lot worse than it actually is.
    3 points
  12. The tackles are showing issues, however ol alignment (gap size) also changes with the interior ol ability to pass pro. Our interior has been the source of a lot of pass pro issues too. I was watching yoshi mostly as he was giving up the pressures. Here’s what I saw. Firstly, bc did a great job of lining up their ends. Both our tackles are tall and long, but bc has been very good in the first and most recent game of aligning and timing snaps so the ends get a good start with out getting a hand on them. They also do a great job in general of winning hand fights. It’s a critically under rated part of pass rushing and pass pro. So at the jump yoshi is in a tough spot needing to cover a lot of ground to stay in front of his man. This also leaves an interior lane open for a stunt twist or blitz if he kick slides aggressively. But, he seems to be struggling with that lateral movement. He’s barely able to cover ground or recover angle vs fast ends. This could be a lot of things, age, size, injury or a combination of that and more. Also, bc runs a heavy rotation of undersized athletic pass rushers that are hard to keep up with for any one. Once he’s engaged with speed by a de out of position he stays none committal to recovering. He does try to match hip angle or drive his man up field he instead ends up looping and following his man to the qb. Props to him for not taking bad penalties in those positions, though some times a holding call is better than a sack. Most guys in his position panic and mug by default and generate a ton of flags. In run pro he’s usually well down field even earlier this year he was flying into the flats and down field on the pin and pull screen at times. Vs bc he seemed to be a turret trying to pancake but not even trailing pile engaging position. This time of year our ol always seems to be playing banged up which is no surprise given their age. Hopefully we see the west wrapped up soon and Richmond getting a lot of play while yoshi especially but also Bryant rest. I don’t think size in an issue per se. It’s the combination of his being the size of young couture and having Matt Sheridan mobility. I think he’s valuable as a 6th ol. But our former star ol are no longer able to carry guys and need a guy or guys who can carry them a bit. If we had couture and desjarlais I think we’d a given up half as many sacks and won two more games with ease. pff has been really under whelming and lack lustre. It’s also easy to over grade a centre especially when teams aren’t playing nose. It’s also note worth imo that when our ol and team plays well he grades high as does the whole ol but he never puts up a good performance when the other ol don’t. Yeah eli is a beast in the run game. His under performance in pass pro at guard was a concern but pass pro at c is a lot different. I don’t think he’s played much guard. Some guys struggle randomly at guard.
    3 points
  13. In some ways I see this as a rallying point for playoffs. After this happened the Bombers all seemed to get an extra gear.
    3 points
  14. Re: Kolo. While not a huge fan, a huge part of his position is making calls. Since OL are never micd up, we don’t know how poorly (or well) Kolo is doing at that aspect of his game. One could speculate at a reach, that the sometimes erratic play of Collaros could correlate..
    3 points
  15. I agree with all of that. I find the tipping point is where the lack of changes will spell our doom and gloom for some, and how O’Shea must be an arrogant prick who has lucked his way to winning in spite of his obvious failings, that some are too blind to see. I don’t think we are close to that scenario of imminent failure, others do. OK, difference of opinion, but the insults, gaslighting of those who disagree, reminders that certain opinions seem to be the only ones that matter because they used to play the game, and turning a coach’s decision or player’s roster spot into a character assassination of that person is over the top. At least to me, just my personal opinion. And I can certainly respect a heightened knowledge of the game and will defer to that opinion at times, which is why I defer to O’Shea and the coaching staff’s approach for the most part. The results would say fairly compellingly that they are doing the right things. And yes, they can be fairly questioned for their moves, we are entitled, but then we are also entitled to question the others who criticize O’Shea and use their self-proclaimed expertise to justify their position as beyond dissent, without being labelled as blind or fanboys or too ignorant to see it. Hopefully we can ALL get past the mud-slinging and get back to a good healthy respectful debate. And enjoy a bye week after such a big win.
    3 points
  16. I see Booch as a very well informed football guy....I think everyone would agree AND the way I read him is, sure we are doing well this season, BUT like every team there's still room for improvement ...Staying status quo can lead to be a stagnant regression factor.....Nothing wrong with offering a different aspect to our roster ...Certainly we are in the top rung in the west now....we'd like to stay there and by offering up a few changes doesn't hurt...I know a lot would say do not mess with success, but I'm going to offer up a Doug Brown quote when he said 'if you're not changing in this league you're not moving forward'....Changes like Booch offers up make a lot of sense but we'll live with Osh's moves....after all he's the head coach
    3 points
  17. Some people have built the roster "issues" into a much bigger deal than it actually is. And also think that by not completely dismissing certain players they are actually fanbois of said players. It's bizarre to me how this has been built up into this weird huge thing...
    3 points
  18. Reads more to me like a guy truly hurt people would argue with him. Here's how I see it... booch is engaged in an argument that doesn't really exist and has taken it to a level where people are making fun of him now.
    3 points
  19. I know Rod Pederson. I used to feel the same way about him as y'all do but once I met him it's nothing but a radio act. He's actually a very good guy away from the mic. He pushes his podcast & has been dry now for a number of years. His drinking had caused him to be fired from his job as pbp for the Riders & Regina Pats. Life is good for the guy now & he's a lot happier. He's not as big a Rider fan as you think he is.
    3 points
  20. It's nice to have a guy like Oleary orange waiting to go in.
    3 points
  21. When you break down blocking schemes even zone they seem complex when you look at the whole line, but when you look at your specific assignment and rules it’s very simple and has to be so guys can quickly decide and act and make the same calls. Marty Costello has two ol coaching seminars on the bombers site where he goes into painstaking detail on our system, calls, assignments, what they look for and what it takes to succeed. Any one doubting Booch should watch the first 20 minutes of the first one. And no, before people say it, we aren’t decoying with those videos. Ols don’t get by on disguised reads and assignments. As long as you aren’t tipping pass or run pre snap that’s all you need. Every team knows our run plays blocking schemes and calls.
    2 points
  22. Nutshell...easy to decipher...quickly.engage half the inside guy and bump off to assist the guard..or tackle.depening who is responsible for it...in an easiest way to.expalin...if u wanna believe me that is...and easy to read who effed things up if u know what to look for
    2 points
  23. Definitely. I have to imagine reading a defense and calling the right protection is easy to test for and review in the film room, so the coaches (I hope) have an idea of what is happening on any given play. Admittedly I too speculate at a reach because I don't know either way, but maybe that has to do with what's keeping Eli as a backup and not a starter, obviously only the guys inside the locker room know for sure. If we do get our backups some reps down the stretch I really want Eli at C to be one of them. Hard to judge guys in only a handful of starts but if he can blow the roof off, or nevermind that, even just stabilize things, then he should win the spot and there's one storyline put to bed for good. The all around better player should play, of course, and he needs a chance to prove he is the better player.
    2 points
  24. Alotta Fajardo is terrible.
    2 points
  25. Cfl, small budgets, tons of places aren't being scouted.
    2 points
  26. People need something to ***** about after having a team with a gaudy record since Zach took over. Jeez I remember the days when we struggled to pass for 200 yards and would take multiple back breaking penalties killing any chances for a win.
    2 points
  27. That’s an interesting, astute analysis. I had read it much the same way, that’s why his last comment caught me off guard a bit. I have been more than a little shocked about the disgruntlement around a 12-4 first place team this year. People lamenting the inevitable downfall and regression that will see us one and done in the playoffs. Kind of figured that after the previous 30 years of true misery, this heater we are on would leave nothing but joy and satisfaction in its wake, because they don’t come around often. Can’t figure the mindset of why some want to be glass half full (or worse) when there are no strong signs of regression given our record and overall performance this season. Every year is a crapshoot, there is always a chance we will lose, be it a player crapping the bed, a coaching error, another team catching fire at just the right time and plain beating you on any given Sunday, or just dumb luck going against you at the wrong time. Best you can realistically hope for is that your team is built to contend and get you in position to win it all, and then the other stuff will take care of itself. This regime has given us that team built to contend for the last 7 years or so. Not inclined to diss them now since we are still in the thick of it.
    2 points
  28. No... don't want tiffs... koombaya, we're all Bomber fans here, even the chatbots (I kid, I kid) I'm sincerely trying to watch the OL closely, this is what I'm seeing. As a group they spring leaks, and it's coming from all across the line at times, even our star tackles more often than I'm used to. This season and especially the last couple games Collaros has also been holding the ball longer than maybe he should/needs to, and at times runs himself straight into the pressure, that isn't helping anyone look consistently great. Hardrick had it happen to him the other night, ran his man wide by a good 7 or 8 yards and Collaros spun straight into the defender, not even Hardricks fault (I don't think). Not sure how it could be Kolas though, or how a different C would have led to a different result, not to cherry pick... I'm sure you could show me examples where he is the culprit and honestly I'd love to see them (no expectations though, but I would watch) Yes, Kola is measurably undersized compared to other Cs, but that hasn't stopped Chris Walby from praising his play throughout the season. Is it just tire pumping or knowledgeable insight? Who am I to believe? I know I'm not supposed to trust Kola's high PFF score because PFF, I have it on good authority, is trash. What I do know is Brady is off to the races, and he doesn't do it by himself, and an OL wins and loses as a group or so the cliche goes. It hasn't looked pretty but relative to the rest of the league, our Oline has to be counted as one of the best if not the best units right now. Crazy though that there is potential to be even better than we are right now, relative to the rest of the league. I'm all for it. And that's totally fair and I'm all for improvement at every position. As it stands the transition is inevitable, 3 year contract and all. I know he was ranked quite high on the Rimington Trophy watch list and that's a big deal... of course they've been using PFF since 2014 so... that's a neat detail... no matter, Eli looks undeniably good mauling guys in the heavy packages, if that's any indication then the future C of our Oline is promising
    2 points
  29. Dickenson and O'Day deserve 5 year extensions. Kelly as oc too.
    2 points
  30. And as small as he was he was rarely injured. No one could ever get a clean lick on him due to his shiftiness and how elusive he was.
    2 points
  31. I appreciate your insights man but you just totally justified the above meme....
    2 points
  32. Honestly one of the funniest things that's ever been posted on MBB.
    2 points
  33. If holm takes the next step next year he is gonna be special. He makes boneheaded plays some times and just misses making a great play. But he’s got such a great instinct and reactive ability to make plays. It’s some thing you can’t teach. Combine that with elite athleticism and a clear love of playing and you have a great young dude. He isn’t Alford, but those are few and far between. Some guys gotta work more for it as a pro. I look forward to seeing what he does next year. One of the few guys playing for us who has his best football infront of him.
    2 points
  34. He’s the greatest natural football talent I’ve ever seen. 5’6 171 the dynamic change of direction speed was insane, the ability to instantly be at his top speed unreal, but the strength and toughness he possessed was truly freakish. Like grant now, he was just soo hard to take down once you did get a hand on him. He fumbled soo much the first two years just because he would fight to the death for a chance to get a few more inches. It was common place to see him bounce off and fight off tackles from macs and dl. It was also especially hilarious when mike sellers would use him like a battering ram in pass pro at times lol.
    2 points
  35. These are the Bombers totals that Brady is chasing: Most Rushing Yards – Season 1769 – Robert Mimbs – 1991 1733 – Willard Reaves – 1984 1624 – Charles Roberts – 2005 1609 – Charles Roberts – 2006 1554 – Charles Roberts – 2003 1527 – Mack Herron – 1972 1522 – Charles Roberts – 2004 1471 – Willard Reaves – 1987 Most Yards from Scrimmage, one season 2,207 - Robert Mimbs (1991, 1769 yards rushing, 438 yards receiving) 2,140 - Willard Reaves (1984, 1,733 yards rushing, 407 yards receiving) 2,102 - Charles Roberts (2003, 1,554 yards rushing, 548 yards receiving) 2,098 - Charles Roberts (2005, 1,624 yards rushing, 474 yards receiving) 2,020 - Charles Roberts (2006, 1,609 yards rushing, 411 yards receiving)
    2 points
  36. Anyone else exhale seeing Grant back again? His yardage after the kick was night and day to Parker/McCrae.
    2 points
  37. I didn't say that.... The bottle of rye on top of the bar, combined with several beers consumed earlier in the day, said that .... And I'm paying dearly for it all today ....
    2 points
  38. Gentleman: it's been a pleasure panicking with you this evening.
    2 points
  39. so much talent in JUCO...a lot of guys would be NCAA Div 1 stars if not for sad circumstances....pushed thru system...criminal issues from environment they came from, but good kids just screwed over Have worked with a ton, and got many of them work-outs with pro teams, and contacts to European teams, if Ambrosie wanted to start an initiative it would be to have a system in place to help some these guys and create a league developmental roster of players, in a hub city where they train, and play controlled games, it would blow your minds the talent that you would attract....guys who want the chance and deserve it, but have no avenue
    2 points
  40. That is what the Sask fans deserve.
    1 point
  41. What’s the kolo played fine based on? Is it just because the right side allowed soo much pressure in pass pro? Cus that’s pretty weak, especially to launch such a silly extended tiff with maybe the most knowledgable poster here. Lots of posts have been made going into depth about kolo and his failings. Can’t get to second level reliably in the run game, weak at handing guys off, blitz pick up and adjustments etc. And into the value brought by great centres being more than blocking a guy heads up. With out a doubt in general kolo is the weak spot in the ol. Far from the only one, but the biggest no doubt. And in general when you have a sub par centre and see all stars struggle beside them you can expect a dramatic improvement with the one position being upgraded.
    1 point
  42. I thought the leos were gifted their first td with that bullshit pi call on Kramdi...I've looked at a few times and I just cant see interference ...Also the deliberate hit on Grant out of bounds and not called was another pile of crap.....When you're playing in a tight meaningful game like that one was we need better reffing ......
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. Really struggling. Not really a legitimate MOP this year in my opinion. Not at all. Chad’s been consistently better.
    1 point
  45. Wilson … you had that. But it’s nice to see him reacting more instinctively .. the speed is coming back.
    1 point
  46. 1 point
  47. If you take a man's dignity away like that you should be able to taunt.
    1 point
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