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  1. During the shitty times these are the games you miss the most, still don’t and will never take these games for granted.
    14 points
  2. With the Bombers being 31-3 in their last 34 games at IG Field, O’Shea believes his players can use playing at home to their benefit throughout the game. “I think the fans will be a part of it,” O’Shea told BlueBombers.com. “You work this hard to get home field advantage to allow your fan base, especially our fan base, to be a part of this game. And they will be. It will be exciting, and the players will really appreciate it. It will be fun to watch.” If Winnipeg can pull out a win, they’ll head to their fourth straight Grey Cup, while it would be BC’s first berth since they defeated the Blue Bombers in 2011. L F G
    11 points
  3. Looks like Sheed is ready to go.
    9 points
  4. My keys to the game: 1. Offense: Establish Brady - early and often. If BC blitzes, make them pay. ZC: no picks today! 2. Defense: do not worry so much about pressure, just keep VAJ in the pocket. 3. Special Teams: Castillo cannot miss makeable kicks today, especially converts. Kick cover / returns: no big plays needed, just don't mess up. 3a. My biggest concern is not VAJ - it's the kick coverage we've seen most of the year
    8 points
  5. Today is pretty simple: * Physical line play and a run game that keeps us ahead of the sticks is going to be key - Free Brady. Stack up first downs and let the crowd roar. * Can’t allow VAJ to step up in the pocket and take advantage of a weak or undisciplined rush. His legs can extend drives and put pressure on our secondary. * Don’t give up the big play early. BC (much like TO) has thrived on explosion plays but we need to set the tone early - let them know they are going to have to earn every single yard the hard way. * Zach can’t have tunnel vision. He’s had games (going back to last year) where he forces things (unnecessary deep shots or to specific receivers) and this is often when things go sideways. Just a few thoughts running around my head. Let’s roll Bombers.
    8 points
  6. This phrasing is just asking for inappropriateness.
    8 points
  7. TSN pregame Beirness says on the bumper preview for West Final "All 3 meetings this season were lopsided" "Neither team in the matchup has won at home" Both ridiculously false. Bombers beat Lions in Winnipeg and the game in BC went to overtime.
    7 points
  8. The biggest thing is going to be turnovers. Not just INTs but that **** when the pocket collapses and Collaros is in deep **** and fumbles or whatever... We've seen it too often this year. If we win the turnover battle, we win this game. Period.
    7 points
  9. Couldn't sleep last night. Just win! Ticketmaster showing like 200 tickets left. Close enough.
    7 points
  10. For the W Beer only $1.50 more than a fountain drink? The dental association must be a sponsor today.
    7 points
  11. Not sure what’s funnier. TO losing or Sask shipping Faj and Maas to MTL and them ending up on the GC 🤣
    6 points
  12. If you're not nervous, you're not ready, fellas.... #FortHew #DefendTheFort #HewieTheMoose
    6 points
  13. Bo on the panel! He's a natural, hopefully TSN can keep him around when he isn't playing
    6 points
  14. I'd like to see another one of those games where the punt team doesn't see the field til the 4th quarter
    6 points
  15. Out for breakfast and Liam Dobson is in shorts and flip flops.... This weather ain't no thing.
    6 points
  16. It's also possible that Zach just decides to throw 5 first half TD passes and ends the game before anyone's first bathroom break.
    6 points
  17. Holy crap I can't believe I almost messed that up, were in the middle of renovations and living out of a suitcases in our in-laws house in Cape Breton and everything is just chaos
    6 points
  18. That was an O-line td drive with heavy assistance from BO.
    5 points
  19. First pressure and adversity....wilted...guess he shoulda faced some in Winnipeg instead of being coddled
    5 points
  20. Confirming what @Booch posted
    5 points
  21. bailey..demski...mcrae...all good to go
    5 points
  22. Bombers officially sold out with an hour+ til kickoff
    5 points
  23. Wish Dusty was calling this game because seriously what is happening??????
    5 points
  24. It's weird how I dislike BLM so much as a player, but really like him as an analyst.
    5 points
  25. I'm a bundle.of nerves. Can't wait for the game! I wanna see VAJ on his ass all game and I want that BC secondary torched by ZC precision strikes. Matthieu who? LFG!!!!
    5 points
  26. I'm worried I'll be like this all game
    5 points
  27. And be patient (that goes for fans too). 8 times this year Bombers were trailing, tied, or had at best a 3 point lead at the half, and went on to win the game by more than a TD. This is a defence that feels out it’s opponents on the first half and then locks down second half, and bully ball grinds out the 4th quarter with a lead. Not my favorite way to see a win, but a close game early does not necessarily spell trouble. Don’t abandon the run if behind in the first half.
    5 points
  28. Quick strike by the O. Then a pick 6 to give the Blue a nice 14 points before the game is 5 minutes old.
    5 points
  29. First drive,,,,we need to produce a grinding...l.o.s dominating scoring drive....suck their will to compete right out of em early....and game is ours
    5 points
  30. Get to VAj early. Make him feel pressure. Get Collaros going by finding Lawler or Demski deep on the first drive. Pound the ball. Pound their O.
    5 points
  31. First play, play action to Oliveira and go over the top ton Lawler for the touchdown. Easy peasey
    5 points
  32. If we don't, they could make trouble for us.
    5 points
  33. Score more points than they do and I feel really good about the chances of picking up the win.
    5 points
  34. Make fewer mistakes and we win. GO BLUE GO!!!
    5 points
  35. Well when 2 people love each other very much..
    4 points
  36. Said every lifelong Blue Bomber fan.
    4 points
  37. ...and 33000 rise out of their seats, screaming GO GO GO, as one.
    4 points
  38. Lots of other things needed but time for our DB's to clamp down. Agressive but smart to your assignments please.
    4 points
  39. About as nice a day a fan in the stands could ask for.
    4 points
  40. That’s one way to ensure the crowd is rowdy.
    4 points
  41. Looking forward to some Sheed blocks today - running attack will be the straw that stirs the drink
    4 points
  42. Pretty excited for the game today . The Bombers spent the entire 90s through the 2010s (mostly) shattering my soul, but they've certainly made the wait worth it. Hopefully the boys bring it home and it starts Sunday. I hope we play a clean game shove it down the Lions throats.
    4 points
  43. Everyone seems wowed by the passing yardage BC gets... well no ****, when you never run the ball you will get passing yards.
    4 points
  44. And that ladies and gentlemen is why he no longer includes a head shot in his applications
    4 points
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