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  1. Some interesting stuff here including that BC offered a 3 year deal starting at 250 and escalating, but at the last minute when it seemed like something couldn't get done, Wade stepped in and shut that **** down.... Kingpin strikes again....
    11 points
  2. John Hodge Says a guy leaves a hole but literally never played. I’m writing a blog post for 3DN: Noeller has retired from pro-football. Leaves a hole in the Kansas City lineup.
    10 points
  3. Oakman would be a nice stop gap...give us 2 freaks along the dline and I bet the culture and the room here would set him on the path to a big season...I'd be fine with that
    9 points
  4. Just double checked. He’s been working with non-profits to open up health clinics in Winnipeg. Don’t think the guy was trying to hold the club hostage, just sounds like he needed a certain dollar amount to continue on with football.
    9 points
  5. 7 points
  6. So you're saying he's not that bright.....
    7 points
  7. If there’s anything our scouting has been especially successful with, it’s been finding players to patch holes in our OL. Genuinely not worried at all about finding a tackle replacement.
    7 points
  8. I appreciate you folks keeping politics out of our football forum 😉
    6 points
  9. Listening to Paul Friesen ask questions is like pouring iodine on an open cut, on my private parts.....argh that clown is annoying.
    6 points
  10. Dude…did you read the tinted visor thing?
    5 points
  11. Knowing I'm far away from being a perfect poster and really trying not to be too much of a hypocrite here but by constantly and predictably coming in hot with questions/comments like this across many different discussions, what are you seeking to accomplish? Forget it, don't answer that, don't want to derail the fun we are having here. Maybe we can start a new thread on this instead so we can generate a more fulsome discussion to get at varying viewpoints on this. Or not. Go Bombers.
    5 points
  12. Davis II...Carney...Jeffcoat.....Kongbo....Oakman...Mike Moore...do we see one...or 2 of these guys in camp this spring?....And Walker talking to 2 other teams....do we want him back?....personally I'd want Fox over him as he is more active and powerful, can play cover teams...and is still on an entry...he's a break-out player waiting to happen. and the guy we bringing back from before who was in USFL...or whatever crap league it was...could be a load in the middle
    5 points
  13. Good on Wade. He likes wins and full stadiums and stepped up when needed. Also, 250K in Vancouver doesn't get you nearly as much as 230K in Winnipeg given the cost of living - and I'm sure Brady will have sponsorship opportunities in the city as well to bridge that gap a bit.
    5 points
  14. I just found I could make more money in radio and needed a higher dollar value to make it worthwhile.........
    5 points
  15. It is just classic Farhan that he rarely gets into contract specifics when it involves the Lions - yet always seems to know the contract for every other team’s signing.
    5 points
  16. There’s a guy on here who always sounds like he just got back from outer space.
    5 points
  17. All you tropical vacationers.... get a job ya lazy bums! Some of us are actually working providing something to society! Yeah I am bitterly jealous of all of you.
    5 points
  18. I think you are kind of misguided about Richmond. Pretty sure it was more of a “at this point in my life, I need this much or I can make more doing something else” more than a trying to hold the club hostage. Pretty sure he resides in Winnipeg and his other-than-football stuff is in the medical field.
    5 points
  19. Per 3Down Richmond told Bombers he wanted more money to come back, and they couldn’t agree on an amount, so he retired.
    5 points
  20. Come on man, you’re better than this. There’s no maybe, Hardrick isn’t getting 350k to play football this year. The bonus is never over the value of the contract, they’ve literally never reported it that way.
    5 points
  21. let’s go back to arguing about Jake Thomas now
    5 points
  22. Google confirms that they are siblings.
    4 points
  23. I'm as fine with that as with Houston moving on.... we can and will do better in those spots.
    4 points
  24. This preseason is dragging on entirely too long!
    4 points
  25. Indicates what a rudderless ship Hamilton actually is in terms of player personnel, they've been throwing money at their D-line every year since they first signed Ja'Gared Davis in 2019. Same thing over and over, they sign multiple FA stars from other teams searching for solutions, yet never get closer to establishing a top front 4. Maybe this year will be different now that Ed Hervey is in charge! 😄
    4 points
  26. I think a lot of criticism was that 'it looked like' because of a few tweets that Brady wanted to set a new benchmark for rb's in the league...That obviously wasn't what Brady O was all about or he would've moved on....The man has proved to me it's NOT all about the money and his love for the place he holds near and dear in his heart is Winnipeg and the Bombers...Couldn't ask for more from a talented local kid and glad to know he more than likely will finish his football career here....Good on you Brady
    4 points
  27. No way BLM is the starter come August. Does Powell sport any performance-enhancing accoutrements?
    4 points
  28. I don't care where it comes from (rookie or free agency), I just want to see one powerful boat anchor of a man lining up at defensive tackle this season.
    4 points
  29. Just give me one of Hendrix/Oakman/Christmas/Walker (preference in that order), Mason Bennett and Kobe Williams and I’d be thrilled with this off-season. And let’s not lose our entire kick cover team. Oh yeah gimme Davis2 also
    4 points
  30. ha! Figured with the Yoshi move, he had them over a barrell. He forgot that Walters long ***** everyone...... the balls to think you're going to extort him. GFY.
    4 points
  31. Wonder if we just weren't interested in Bennett, or his ask was outside what we willing to pay, or if we have designs on Kongbo back instead?.....I hope it's not a case that they think our current Bennett/schmeckle/Thomas Canadian talent is going to be the back-ups/depth guys, cause that would be the weakest group in the league bar none
    3 points
  32. Can't say I blame you. I guess it depends how one defines pretty strong interest, but I would think if Brady had a sniff of a chance of being more than TCF he would probably be in the NFL right now.
    3 points
  33. Let's just say if Richmond was such a hot heap of blocking power he wouldn't have been sitting here for 4 years waiting. Think of all the import tackles that have come and gone from the league. Teams using 3-4-5 guys in a season. And you just keep cycling through guys until you find the one.
    3 points
  34. Not that it matters but I was hoping strev would take #16. It’s just such a perfect QB number, I can’t explain why. Same reason fast RB’s should be #22 and power backs #32. It used to drive me nuts that Freddy Reid wore 32 lol
    3 points
  35. Yeah Bryant's less....Oulllette be more Also forgot Thurman's price tag The other thing....our guys all right in prime...or still top of the league in their position/careers....maybe one the Rider guys is...and what guy on their list would you swap with one on ours? Yup....none
    3 points
  36. I'm not too concerned about RT either to be honest
    3 points
  37. Trevor Harris-$500,300 Yoshi-$230,000 Lanier-$250,000 Bane-$175,000 Ouellette-Not reported so I'll go $170,000 for now That is a total of $1.33 million for five players Collaros-$600,000 Brady-$230,000 Dalton-$230,000 Kenny-$285,000 Bryant-$180.000 (might be less) That is a total of 1.5 million for 5 players Yeah, I get that its an extra $200,000 but all those Riders talking about how our cap space is gone and we're doomed, um not so much.
    3 points
  38. This might be the biggest overstatement in headline form of the year so far. Guy who never played and more likely than not couldn't play leaves a hole? He's no better than anyone they bring up from US for camp.
    3 points
  39. We have, on paper, by far the best offense in the league. Especially with Strev back
    3 points
  40. I’m trying to manifest Davis II onto our roster through positive thinking.
    3 points
  41. Trevon Tate is great but can’t see him being cost effective Check some of the other replies again lol
    3 points
  42. Lol it’s all good, I just find it irritating (not you) when the Bombers have built this culture around treating their players and staff with the utmost respect for them as humans with real life stuff and families and then all of our fans want to say weird stuff that goes entirely against that just because a player makes a decision that I’m guessing the club probably had a ton of respect for.
    3 points
  43. all my posts two weeks ago were from a poolside chair in Punta Cana.... ya gotta do what ya gotta do....
    3 points
  44. I agree too and as much as I’d love to see Bailey back, I also want to see him make his money and go somewhere he can be a second option. He’s capable enough to do it, I just don’t think we can give him what he deserves.
    3 points
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