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  1. Brady's not practicing, but he is doing some running. Kyrie Wilson isnt practicing. Schoen isnt practicing.
    7 points
  2. No I am expecting him to be part of the passing game when collaros is stinking up the joint. Last time he was here they used some packages where he got to run a real offense. Feels like he's just got the prukop package right now which is stupid. Streveler can play qb. He's shown that in the past. He is a weapon, use him rather than treating him like a running back.
    6 points
  3. Well Fayed on for Haba...Smith for Mitchell...no need to drop anyone else....Also Woods for FOX will be 1 for 1...why we dont have another end here....or even a muti technique interior guy is odd....but not surprising
    5 points
  4. and it's eating up big money SMS wiseright now as well....for zero production....
    5 points
  5. Way too much money for the running back position. Especially considering most teams are spending about a third of that for their starting runningback and back up.
    5 points
  6. The worst trend in sports merch is the move away from fitted hats to adjustable ones. Hate the adjustable ones.
    5 points
  7. Atomic

    SNF Riders @ T Cats GDT

    Bo Levi may have lost some zip on the ball but he hasn't played this well in 2 years or more
    5 points
  8. Starting Eli over Kola would be a good start
    4 points
  9. Or reliable plays to get 4-6 yards on first down. What works to get that changes based on personnel and strength of the group. Our OL isn't moving anyone in run blocking or holding a pocket for very long so that needs to change the approach until they are changed. Screens, quick stuff. If we're in 2nd and 8-15 the whole game we can't stay on the field or really challenge any defense.
    4 points
  10. Final drive: 1st and goal on the 7 with a chance to win. This is a classic Chris Streveler situation. Some misdirection and then you run run run. Why didn't they do that? Totally mystifying. I hope the media asks Buck/MOS about that this week. Can't let them get away with play-calling such a pansy-a** finish.
    4 points
  11. At least two games this week past have been competitive and worth watching. Am happy for that despite my disgust with The Big Blue.
    4 points
  12. Jake Thomas
    3 points
  13. At this point they need to establish a run game. Collaros ain't gonna pass his way out of trouble now. Need a run game to lean on for now.
    3 points
  14. 3 points
  15. Chris Smith be ready to play 80 snaps by Friday.
    3 points
  16. I like both of these developments
    3 points
  17. Augustine looks like he's a little banged up. Streveler is doing the holding for field goals so far today.
    3 points
  18. Opps yeah thats right. Even if we get 6 games of relief, it's too late for that money to make a real impact. But I think we will have few guys actually finish the 6 game stint. Our cap distribution is hamstrung by a bunch of old guys who can't produce or aren't used. We need to fix the roster management, but we also need to fix some cap issues. We are stuck between competing and getting younger only we aren't competing right now. And it's only going to get hotter in bomber town, if we don't hit a win streak right away it will be damn hard to be above .500 after the BJB.
    3 points
  19. I don't think you'd see BOLO or Bailey back because they were chasing expanded roles that they wouldn't get here. Bailey would at best be 3rd receiver here. BOLO is stuck behind Demski and Wolitarsky. You would have seen money shift to the D for sure. If anything I think they would have kept Hardrick.
    3 points
  20. Mike

    Next merch purchase

    I collect the New Era fitted hats and yeah if you just bend them, you’ll mess them up. I steam them and then curve them around a water bottle (I use a big Nalgene) and it works perfectly everytime … if you have a clothes steamer, that does it or myself I just boil a pot of water and put the brim over it for 30-45 seconds
    3 points
  21. Yeah, it Brady’s out more than a couple of weeks they need to get an American signed. There’s a hundred backs in the states that could come in and offer more in terms of running the ball.
    3 points
  22. Dlineman Owen Hubert has moved from the practice roster to the game roster. He's not to be confused with Owen Two. Max Charbonneau has been moved to the practice roster.
    2 points
  23. bigg jay

    Next merch purchase

    Hair loss has nothing to do with wearing a hat. I've worn a hat daily for about 35 years (minus the odd day or two) and still have a full head of hair, so does one of my close friends. Genetics is the biggest factor for hair loss. Also to echo earlier sentiments - snapbacks suck. Flexfit is where it's at, especially if you have really thick hair like I do. With Snapbacks I have to keep adjusting the size, depending on when I last got my hair cut. Fitted hats also get affected by hair length/thickness - either too loose, too tight or just right for a brief period of time. Flexfit is the perfect balance for me.
    2 points
  24. Kinda sounds like: WJ-Thomas-Woods-Adams with Schmek and Fayad backing up. And maybe Samson.
    2 points
  25. if Woods isnt...and we only have WJ and Adams ...OSh should be canned right after the game and I'm not even kidding
    2 points
  26. WJ is still impactful, when he has the proper supporting cast. But with his dependence on them and his tendency to get lost roving/playing for PKDs, I don't think he should be a top dollar guy. Also having his family here full time I don't think free agency would have the lure it once did for him, not to mention he isn't getting younger. I think the 285 for lawler that was re negotiated down from I think 315, is still too much. My biggest concern with him is staying on the field. He's a beast other wise, though the offence really seems to go from relying on him to forgetting about him. I don't think buck has done a good job of integrating schoen and lawler at the same time. He's certainly what we need more of, especially with how much football he should have left in him. Buck is still young for coaching life, being 42. This is his 4th year as an OC full time though, the inconsistency in things like running, schemes, adjustments, and route concepts worries me.
    2 points
  27. Augustine is taking most of the reps with MCI in the back up role. Johnny seems to be fine, he just looked to be working out the stiffness in a leg earlier. Smith was taking part in the individual drills but not the 12 on 12.
    2 points
  28. No changes to the oline. Murphy getting lots of reps with the starters in place of Schoen.
    2 points
  29. Mitchell and Chris Smith were both fielding field goals. I dont see MCI on the field - he's with the receivers today.
    2 points
  30. Long season, but it's even worse when you look at how that position has been utilized over 2 games.
    2 points
  31. Agree with all of that. Of those two, bolo is the one I wish we couldve kept. He's got the upside, demski is old and has had a lot of injury issues plus I don't see woli playing into old age or a wheel chair. I wonder if we still would've jumped into FA and brought in a big time player on D, I kind of doubt it. But that would've been the move imo. Idk, Yoshi is over the hill cant stay healthy and to pay him drastically more than big stan isn't in line with how we do things. Thats a good point. That was an ugly stretch of games too. At Zachs age though, I don't think changing will happen. If we moved on from Zach in the of season, we could've traded him for a significant value as well. I don't think 600k is crippling, I think what cripples us is how many fringe guys we pay premium money to. Like how much we spent between augustine and BO last year. Also, ach has taken a reduction in salary to the 600k. I'm guessing he is in the 550k range now at least, which is pretty standard. Right around 10% of the salary cap. Biggie is making 165, WJ 200k, lawson 140k, jake for sure north of 100k, kramdi making 140k, neuf north of 100k for sure, probably 240 between bo and augustine this year, 3 of the top 4 wrs combining for around 740k. We have a LOT of over paid guys, even sergios hard money is a good chunk more than any other K/P in the league coming close to 150k.
    2 points
  32. Found it at Hamilton Food Store in Westwood. They import a lot of stuff from the States. It wasn't cheap. I want to say $20+ for a 12 pack but my wife bought it for me for father's day so she was coy about the price.
    2 points
  33. For some reason Collaros last year in Hamilton popped into my head while driving. 0-8 until finally replaced. Kent Austin kind of similarly stubborn. June Jones switches up the offense to a Run and Shoot look around Masoli and they take off. You'd think at some point he'd realize that he has to be willing to adjust to what the needs of the offense are.
    2 points
  34. Paper bag
    2 points
  35. Man, BLM is kind of a jerk but I feel bad for him this game, some drops from his receivers and that last play hit White right in the hands
    2 points
  36. Games are won and lost in the trenches, it has been that way for a long time. Its a big reason why a few adds put Mtrl near the top last year, It was the reason we won our first couple Grey Cups and IMO the same reason we lost our last couple. We have had a very good O-line for many years and arguably one of the best D-lines, however for whatever reason we decided that our D-line especially could purely run off of next man up philosophy and got weaker, as it got weaker so did our dominance....coincidence??? Just look last week at the pressure and compete along the line on our defence until Habba and Fox went down. then Ott's offence changed....did they get better?? No we played with a way to thin d-line made up of rotation pieces and rookies. Some guys especially along the o-line we couldn't afford to keep and that is the nature of the beast, but what I don't like is the lack of d-lineman we roster, the illusion of an attitude that it's next man up regardless....look I don't like the guy, but if we brought in Lemon instead of Mtrl. I bet we are defending champs.. Yes we have detrimental injuries this year, but it's the lines where we are losing IMO....true Zach needs to play better, but without a run game this is Zach. Give him a solid run game and watch the o-line look better and he will also, I strongly believe that. Last week was too easy for the opposition, we had only 4 d-lineman that were outta position, tired and inexperienced...that bought Ott just that bit of an edge. Our offence had zero threat of a run game, again giving Ott defence that bit of an edge. Osh and team have taken us to four straight, so they have grace, but "next man up" is not do-able right now....we added a D-lineman, great start we should IMO keep adding. If Brady is out any longer we need to do something to address our lack of run game, JA is a great rotation piece, MCI is too raw. It's not fair to fully evaluate this o-line without establishing a run game and having a back that can block like AH did and Brady is developing into. Is all lost....no but we need players especially along the d-line, we need to roster enough to keep them fresh and we need to establish a run game.
    2 points
  37. They should at least use him and see... yet another ******* bonkers preseason idea. Give all the carries to Americans they were always going to cut... why notjgive augustine reps if is your guy when Brady is out?
    1 point
  38. Stevelation got a TD last week, you're good! Kadeem Carey
    1 point
  39. He has very little mobility currently it seems. Even less than last year. And I’ve noticed him staring guys down quite a bit already this season. All QBs do it, Brown did also a couple of times, Zach tho doing it more often than not. I don’t think you can say it’s rust anymore.
    1 point
  40. I was bored last night so I watched some 2019 playoff highlights. Interesting to see how collaros back then took a lot of heat in the pocket too, but he was able to avoid it and make a play. These days he never seems able to avoid it.
    1 point
  41. Jpan85

    Next merch purchase

    Got a bucket hat its great especially on really sunny days
    1 point
  42. Well collaros has sucked at the quick game forever so not hopeful if it's not a run game.
    1 point
  43. Jpan85

    Next merch purchase

    What ever hat Mike Miller was wearing Thursday night looked really sharp.
    1 point
  44. It does seem depressing with the state of our roster but I’m going to try and not read too much into it … day one of the practice week has always been a mess. Just seems like so much hesitation to make actual different making moves. For example, I appreciate that we brought back Smith now that he’s healthy but Mitchell should’ve been gone at the same time. I think Fayad will be good too but seems foolish to bring just him in.
    1 point
  45. These updates are getting me to think it’s going to be the status quo again this week. No urgency to change things and get better. The arrogance from the coaching staff..
    1 point
  46. we definately have larger money allocated in some bad spots...I'm fine with Stan's....as well as WJ's....But BO's...ZC's....Biggie's...BA's...whatever Kolo and Thomas make is a waste as neither has upside or future...Even Kramdi's money could been better served elsewhere and for what he gives could been an entry level deal. Lawler and Schoen....to me thats par for course for top 5 to 8 receievers in league, and those 2 really are top 3....Lawler just been unfortunate with last yr's lil hiccup and injury this yr, I don't fault him for going all out, and playing with emotion and heart....team needs an influx of that...and we lose a lot with him on shelf beyond his obvious talent
    1 point
  47. Never been a fan of having the punter hold. Let a QB do it and leave your self options. Watch if augustine can't go they will start MCI LOL. Who is taking the rb spot in practice?
    1 point
  48. The Wall of Honour signage on the East side has been removed.
    1 point
  49. I’m sure this is what you meant but it’s closer to 340k for Brady/Johnny
    1 point
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