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  1. This whole who's the bigger fan or judging people's level of fandom is BS. Looking forward to the practice reports later today.
    10 points
  2. The elephant in the room is doesn’t really matter if Jake Thomas is getting prime Doug Brown reps, I was actually watching him in particular on Saturday and it was pathetic. He was getting absolutely man handled. Makes the jobs of the three other guys beside him that much difficult when he can’t hold his own in there.
    8 points
  3. We owe Collaros 250k guaranteed next year, I can’t see us being in the market for a QB like Rourke with that bill hanging over our heads
    7 points
  4. I’m sure ZC is one of the guys Osh will play without practice Some positive news on the d line
    6 points
  5. What I haven't heard in a minute is the "Trying To Go 1-0 Each Week" thing. Obviously we're losing that battle pretty badly, but y'know... Baby steps. All last week I wasn't looking forward to the Calgary game one bit. For whatever reason I'm optimistic about Ottawa at Fort Hew.... I'm counting down to Friday.
    6 points
  6. Walters and MOS are both to blame. Oh and Wade a little because he stopped giving free hotdogs to Doug Brown and @DTonOB.
    5 points
  7. our backup would....hmmmmmm
    5 points
  8. Except...we have a QB who doesn't play that way.
    5 points
  9. Drinking at games was such a free for all back then..
    5 points
  10. Maybe she lurks on here and follows the team obsessively. Maybe she drives up for the Banjo bowl every year and watches every other game on TV. How would you know? I mean, first of all who cares? I’m just interested about your thought process there. That’s a lot of random assumption.
    5 points
  11. This a double headed monster. Both MOS & Walters can both take credit for the situation of the team & where it's sitting in the standings. The fans have supported the Bombers giving them nearly an $8 million surplus since 2021. The fans & city deserve better, I expected this team to step back a bit. Maybe finish second or third with a record of 9-9 or 10-8, then reload for the Grey Cup run in 2025. Instead they've fallen off a cliff. the way it's going 4-14 or 5-13 may be where we end up. Then any ideas of winning a Grey Cup at home next year will be dashed.
    4 points
  12. Would be a nice boost to the Dline rotation to have Garbutt back. WJ, Woods, Adams, Garbutt would make a big difference in our ability to pressure. Will they get the chance?
    4 points
  13. It should be WOFO - Win Or FO
    4 points
  14. Reinbold wasn’t happy on his exit iirc, and he’s coaching in Hawaii again. I don’t think he’d come back from that to coach under the same management that is now a bottom dwelling team. the fact our cover team was soo bad with him last year and is already soo much better says a lot.
    3 points
  15. Watching Bomber games has become a forenzic exercise these days. Crazy how the weakest parts of the lines and secondary are all our vets in the middle. Jake is in there nearly all game long, every game. Good thing Maier didn’t know what to do with all that time or it would have been a massacre last week. Biggie makes a few plays here and there but also gets washed out way too easily by o-linemen. BA is a disaster in the secondary… can’t keep up physically especially can’t help over the top. On the other side we watched Kola repeatedly killed game in and game out. Him vs. a 348lb dt in Coatney was almost comical if it wasn’t so embarrassing. Meanwhile Tui Eli is watching the carnage and asking himself why he signed for three years of this garbage. Now this week we’ll also get a dose of “Zach doesn’t need reps, he’s good to go”. No kidding why would he need reps with a bunch of new receivers he refuses to throw to anyway lol.
    3 points
  16. Mark H.

    Around The NHL 2023-24

    This is the part that does not compute for me. Yes, the Oilers were able to draft some super stars, but they still had to sign and retain them. They are also a small market and that's not much different from signing and retaining free agents
    3 points
  17. Is that a rhetorical question or a self fulfilling prophesy?
    3 points
  18. Walters should be impartial to player personalities, his job is to manage the player personnel within the given budget, when he re-signed Lawler to an excess contract for a receiver, he dropped the ball on fiscal management and it's been rolling down hill ever since. He made choices that sacrificed depth in key position playing for base rates to splash out on a couple pieces of bling and in doing so he upset the apple cart. He needs to rekindle his inner Wally Buono and accept that he is going to be feared by the players.
    3 points
  19. I mean he was a bomber first no?
    3 points
  20. I don’t think they have equal blame, but I think there’s something to this. I understand a GM shouldn’t meddle as a rule, but there were issues and trends seen by the yeomen on here that Walters, or any ops staff in the pros, should have been able to mitigate sooner. Letting all the top-end talent get into their mid-30s at the same time is a fail. If MOS doesn’t want to use more impactful players, why is the option still being given to him? Why were Kyrie Wilson, Jake Thomas, BA etc even offered spots to compete? That last grey cup game alone should have been the wake-up call to Walters. At a certain point, one guy is there to provide the best on-field talent possible, the other is there to use the talent provided to win football games. If the coaching staff is undermining that, the GM has to make the tougher calls. Imo, Walters isn’t completely blameless in that context.
    3 points
  21. They talk about it a lot, but it is impressive that the Ricky Ray pipeline in T.O. churned out Collaros, Harris, Fajardo & MBT. I like the looks of the 2 we have brought in behind The Chad too. Seems probable that Dukes has a future in our league, I wouldn't put it past Scott either. He looks to be a player.
    3 points
  22. Oddly, every loss is starting to numb my reaction them. As a fan who takes losses personally, I am finding I am starting to get over them a lot quicker each week. Which is healthier for me, I guess. Once I get to PVR and skip through territory, that is when the team should start to worry. Not there yet...
    3 points
  23. Rourke is a NY Giant. Unless he’s released he won’t becoming here. If he is released, he will continueto explore all NFL opportunities. Forget about Rourke.
    3 points
  24. Rourke is not coming back to the CFL until he has exhausted every single possibility of any sort of NFL shot. You don't refer to the cfl as an unexpected detour and then come back after just a couple years.
    3 points
  25. Yes and yes and yes.
    3 points
  26. I'm sure Walters and co. Sit around and wait to sign a player based on the general publics response to a leaked report....that definitely happens
    3 points
  27. I was doing the same. Their interior OL had his number all night. He got to plays after the fact, only because they had disengaged.
    2 points
  28. Some of the talk about Wade stepping in really highlights a worst case scenario. By and large the president leaves the GM and HC to do their thing. Meddling presidents and owners is generally bad practice… and I believe Wade usually tries to stick to this. That being said if/when Wade -does- step in, it’ll be because things are worse than we’ll ever hear about, and it could be him nuking the front office.
    2 points
  29. How can you run the ball when then offense can't stay on the field?
    2 points
  30. You don't want to take away bombs either, in fact that was a missing element from Saturday almost entirely. What you want is a nice balanced offense that forces a team to defend every part of the field. We used to have that, don't really anymore
    2 points
  31. Vs backing up a guy for a couple months? Trying to imply that ray developed qbs under him and that played with guys under him later is soo silly.
    2 points
  32. Very pleased with the Garbutt is practicing. Based on track record this organization will only very sparingly hold onto a non vet who gets injured in camp. I know very little about this guy but they must be pretty high on him.
    2 points
  33. "Run the play until they prove they can stop it...". That, to me, was one of the strangest seasons ever. A complete playoff miss would have been easier to stomach. I'll never forget Knuckles' doomsday tone, when he announced the Charles Roberts trade.
    2 points
  34. Walter's best draft of his tenure. Starting RG in Ottawa Rotational defensive end Starting half back A guy who should be Starting at centre Two depth defensive backs
    2 points
  35. Sorry I watched this and thought it was a joke 😉
    2 points
  36. I mentioned this a few weeks ago. That Montra was used a lot when osh was rebuilding a team I think he needs to go back to what he was then.
    2 points
  37. we needed these losses to be honest....and a couple more would't hurt either...as if we squeeked by with some wins....zero would have...or will be changed and we get to playoffs to only get smoked out...again...for all the same issues...and are just even further behind in making the transitions and hard decisions
    2 points
  38. Yeah. This is the crabbiest it’s been in a very long while. We need a win around here big time.
    2 points
  39. I for one, am not surprised that we're moving towards the "Who's a true fan?" conversation again. We didn't have it too often during the good years, so this is yet another signal about how far we've slid. Of course, being 0-4 should have been a good clue, but this simply confirms it.
    2 points
  40. Time to put up or shut up with the draft and development of this team. Start playing the young guys. If they don’t win a round or even make the playoffs for the next two seasons, the GM and scouting staff should be fired and replaced …
    2 points
  41. I think the TB understands. He's just being TB. I'm OK with that as he can be blunt but he's often on the mark. Look, this team isn't going to turn it around until they get their O-line figured out and that starts with getting a better centre. Based on what I've seen, Kolankowski doesn't have the size/strength and the mental acuity to handle the spot. Just my opinion.
    2 points
  42. Obviously that would be great but I don’t think Rourke’s coming back up here at all.
    2 points
  43. Thanks for the....context. Try being less judgemental.
    2 points
  44. We're only one solid second line center and right shot defence man from being a contender ...
    2 points
  45. To add to this...Lucky Whitehead is not a good receiver. He's a playmaker type guy. He's not going to stabilize our offense. We need a strong workhorse type of slotback, great technical receiver. Without that kind of guy there's no space for someone like Whitehead to do what he does well anyways.
    2 points
  46. Yeah Collaros mobility has declined significantly even since 2021. There's not much scrambling anymore. You need an all-time elite OL to keep him producing. And that's hard to do even if you spend money on OL. Like our OL peaked in 19-21 and has been declining since. I don't feel we'd be much better off if we paid Hardrick if at all. He was quite bad last season and isn't lighting it up in Sask.
    2 points
  47. Brown also lead the team down the field to set up the game winning FG. He's started what 6 games? MIddle of the pack right now but a starting QB with upside and potential. Much better than having say 38 year old Harris, 36 year old Collaros, 35 year old MBT.
    2 points
  48. Funny that hansen and mauruo are in the league still meanwhile our globo talent is the worst in the league.
    2 points
  49. 2 points
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