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  1. I did question why no kneel down, but I’m gonna be honest, if a Rider did that to Collaros, I’d call it the same way, I hate that bs. Very unfortunately reffed game, the CFL needs an overhaul. The PI on Ford was non existent, it’s unacceptable. And it’s every game.
    8 points
  2. Good thing we dressed Jones and didn't even use him on defence when we were whiffing all over...Why even dress him? Maybe should have dressed a vet reciever to help on offence
    7 points
  3. The defence held a team to 19 on the road....They were far from great, but holding a team to 19 SHOULD be enough to win.... The special teams gave up no huge returns, Castillo is playing fantastic and Case secured the ball and overall had really good averages...they didn't do anything to cause us to lose... The refs were bad...but bad both ways...we probably overall had worse calls, but they didn't cause us to lose.. The offence didn't score a TD, didn't even really threaten too....threw a terrible pick, and added a fumble....other than Brady no one seemed jacked up....100% this lose is on the offence.....
    6 points
  4. I think he knows quite a lot, I think his problem is 100% as simple as he won't make the tough roster calls and take his guys out for the good of the team. It's sad when it happens, but he settled into too much of a comfort zone with some players who obviously can not get the job done anymore.
    6 points
  5. Collaros started to slide last year a ton and Brown was better than he was. If not for Oliveira taking over late in the season people wouldn't be surprised by COllaros this year cause it started last year.
    6 points
  6. Streveler isn't the answer either. Trade for Tre.
    5 points
  7. White Out

    The Bighill thread

    You have a hard time convincing me that not benching him probably cost us a grey cup last year
    5 points
  8. Who cares what O'Shea says after games. Look at what he does! So far he has shown us he either has no clue or is too loyal or stubborn to do anything about it. His loyalty is killing this team. Winnipeg Blue Bidens
    5 points
  9. Yep and one of the things Wally Buono understood well. Plenty of times he sent a popular veteran packing because he didn't want to get stuck holding the bag with a declining player
    5 points
  10. Just watch - Patterson will be ordinary next week.
    5 points
  11. Really really stupid play call. on the bright side maybe biggie gets suspended and we have to start a real lber
    5 points
  12. That’s kinda what you get for not taking a knee
    5 points
  13. Good game by the Riders. They deserved that tonight.
    5 points
  14. 2 defensive holdings?? Like wtf And yeah pulling Smith for a guy who hadn't played since preseason...when all he did was get consistent yardage was super smart...smh
    5 points
  15. Ran right through the receiver and no PI? What the actual ****. Is it me or has the officiating taken a giant nose dive this season?
    5 points
  16. 5 points
  17. Suitor should not be allowed to call rider games
    5 points
  18. 1 zach just had 2 biggie/ba the can’t tackle gang 3 the dropsy boys in the wr core CH Demski fumble awe that’s dirty, biggie taking a cheap shot at the end of the game. dishonourable mentions, Thomas the season tank, koala aka huggy bear, holmly the cover buster, Mr im too smart to play to win mos.
    4 points
  19. He has done that every game this year. Throw it right to the opposition when we start moving the ball. Guy is just so done as a high level qb. Physically and mentally.
    4 points
  20. With even average QBing we win that game in a cakewalk.
    4 points
  21. Looks like we'll be groveling around the bottom the rest of the season....I agree with Booch....let's see what we truly have for 25' (Cup year here) and separate the wheat from the chaff now....I'd like to see every player get a fair shot and IF they can't meet expectations ...bye bye.....There's only a couple of hindrances to that and that would be the people doing the assessing of players better drop biases of tenure and actually look at the player for the talent he has and give them proper playing time to make that assessment......period
    4 points
  22. They need to make the hard look at who is not gonna be in the plans ...or shouldn't be in the plans for 2025 and onward now and start that purge...clinging onto some guys...or not even allowing any new guys any opportunity to just see any reps and if they may be part of the future...or not...is just pointless and bad managing. Time to look at age...and performance or lack there of on our roster now and make those prudent moves...that's why they getting paid the big bucks as well and much like ZC and some others here...if they not earning that money...get out the scissors and snip snip
    4 points
  23. As I said last November, the teams that have stayed contenders for more than a few years at a time make those decisions. They basically could have kept Brown and the entire offense intact. Or drop Hardrick and go after 1-2 guys in their prime on D in free agency
    4 points
  24. Also do you want someone who is an emotional idiot? Comes on and says "**** COLLAROS, can't stand this ****"...no coach is saying anything and none of them are saying anything critical or specific until they get to see film.
    4 points
  25. I seriously don't think osh knows how to coach..he did fine with top talent..in their prime who ran the room...it was wedged between his first 3...4 yrs and now...when he doesn't have that luxury...and other teams improved and added new talent...and the record reflects it. His interviews...he has no answers...he doesn't address anything..he has no real clue what to say...or how to critique it
    4 points
  26. Can’t argue with this. That INT was just a killer.
    4 points
  27. Yeah they Demski fumble and Collaros pick (throw to Demski too) both killed drives that were easily in score zone.
    4 points
  28. Riders kind of ****** around and found out there. Take knees.
    4 points
  29. I legitimately used Demski as an example of what not to do when running with a ball to the kids I coached earlier this week
    4 points
  30. Our D is basically incapable of making a play. Our entire identity from 2016 to now has been the D making huge plays with pass rush and turnovers.
    4 points
  31. Thomas biggie ba the trash bros kyrie doing his best to carry us
    4 points
  32. 4 points
  33. Sask blocker literally just pulls on a guy and rides him down...no flag for illegal block holy ****.
    4 points
  34. I’ll be the first to say that refs have a hard job but the CFL has a real problem on their hands. There are obvious calls that are not being made .. challenges being used when they shouldn’t have to be .. player safety being compromised because refs are too inconsistent / incompetent to call the game effectively.
    4 points
  35. That was pretty marginal on Garbutt but refs seem to want to be the story tonight.
    4 points
  36. Smith looked way more dangerous...Case runs soft
    4 points
  37. Was the reffing in the first quarter horrendous or just me?
    4 points
  38. Sailed that ball by a lot. Wide freaking open
    4 points
  39. Do not go away from the run. Buck can’t get impatient.
    4 points
  40. Knee was down before the 35 on that scramble..spot at 36??
    4 points
  41. These rider unis are hideous even by their standards
    4 points
  42. That's a fumble but don't see them overturning it
    4 points
  43. Looked like it was ripped out That’s a fumble
    4 points
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