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  1. My expectations are that our QB should outperform Shea Patterson.
    10 points
  2. Okay and what about the facts this year? His touch on his deep ball is gone. He has a 2-7 TD-INT ratio. He is hurting your team a lot more than he’s helping your team, the deep ball to Wilson that Milligan knocked away should’ve been a walk in touchdown, and maybe two years ago it would’ve been, but Zach has lost it. He looks a lot like the Zach that played for the Riders.
    9 points
  3. 2024 is extended training camp and preseason for 2025, the only difference is Bighill and Alexander are actually participating
    8 points
  4. Much respect for collaros being a huge part of the dominant stretch this team had and he's going down in the teams history books.... but he has been complete ass in back to back grey cups and has been on a steady downward trend 2 seasons now. Guy is finished, and at his age with as many city miles as there are on that body I don't expect him to get back to his former glory now matter what situation he's in. He has become too predictable. Too easy for defenses to play against.
    7 points
  5. I'd take him over ZC right now to be honest
    6 points
  6. The quality of guys that are "NFL cuts" available between now and the end of the CFL season isn't great. With the PR expansion down there no one that is anywhere near making a NFL team is running up here for $75,000 CAD pro rated. By the time NFL cuts happen there's like 6-7 game cheques left even if they went right onto the roster so like less than $30,000 CAD if they get on the roster. It's also not like Madden where you can add a guy who is a 78 receiver but doesn't know what the **** is going on and expect him to play like a 78 receiver. I mean even with guys who have obvious talent we're seeing that coming out of a full training camp. The "bring in NFL cuts" idea for immediate help doesn't really hold water.
    5 points
  7. The problem is here is the team never uses NFL cuts as a chance to upgrade their current roster. The cuts they bring in are getting looked at for the following year.
    5 points
  8. ask Osh...I sure we will get the same lame response...based on his denials....veiled excuses and his bias of certain players.....sadly this holds true in many positional spots as well....totaly giving us what we see We like who we have in the building...Thats why they are here...well....some in the building are way past their best before....and some are not worthy of the role they were given...I say given as opposed to earned, as thats what it has been, so right there thats a pretty good indicator that either a) our coach really lacks the ability to properly assess talent or b) he is really hindering this team with personal favorites , and I guess we can throw c) in here as well...thathe is just utterly clueless/oblivious And if we like all these guys so much...why doesn't another player get a chance to show they can do better??... As I see it, a change at MLB...Safety...SAM and going majority reps on Dline would totally revamp this defence Obtaining and using an actual legit punter, and either sticking with one legit returner (Smith...and let him grow into it)...or finding a legit one...be it proven Chandler Worthy...Trading for a guy like Leake....or scout one...as other teams seem to find them....and our ST's would be top notch, as our cover issues seem to be solved Start on offence with a change at center with already in the house ELI and go from there...I bet that alone would make a world of difference...and if it doesnt totally solidify it change the deck chairs at guard until it works Strev needs to get legit/serious reps as an actual full QB...especially in games where ZC looks like trash...which is often now....to see if he can be a legit number one and someone to build around...or if he needs to be the change of pace 1b and short yardage/special package guy...an ideal backup. Lawler when back should be in with Whitehead and allow us to let Wilson grow with less pressure on him to be "the guy"....let him grow and develop...People seem to think the Whitehead signing was all meh...and that he is lost it...but he adds a ton of value and versatility to what we could do...plus he is a nice option as a backup returner too....or used in tandem Theres some easy/simple tweaks we can do right now....on the fly that would turn thigs around significantly, and also allow us to bring in new blood and evaluate as we go...this yr...but when we have a stubborn ol smug HC who is basically doing the My way or the Hiway" approach...it seems like a tall order to get done without some upper management intervention 3 minor personell tweaks...and a change in how we roll out our dline philosophy would would have immense changes to how we look on defense....no question about that at all
    5 points
  9. No surprise, last season Zach lost to Crum, Powell, Dolegala and would have lost to Tre Ford if Brown hadn't intervened.
    5 points
  10. The problem is this is what the Mafia sees when they look at the team.
    4 points
  11. We have a no2 on our roster that would be better than MBT, Collaros and Ford.
    4 points
  12. 4 points
  13. Former player exonerates Adam Bighill.
    4 points
  14. Idk. I feel like this year is mos’ leash. If he doesn’t turn things around and continues to be an issue I think it becomes a noose. Allowing Walter’s to wrestle back primary control of the team.
    4 points
  15. Then why were so many of us pointing it out last season already? If you really get belligerent about this I will go dig up old threads to prove it...
    3 points
  16. People think streveler can't play qb and yet want tre Ford... it's wild...
    3 points
  17. Honestly the changes I want to see on D are ones that can likely take the D to pretty dominant heights. Points against are already quite good, fix the front 7 usage and you likely see them add in more big game breaking plays.
    3 points
  18. Patterson himself said there was nothing wrong with what Bighill did. He took responsibility for holding on to the ball too long.
    3 points
  19. Was it unnecessary? Sure. Did Mace put his QB in a position to take that unnecessary shot? He absolutely did. I don't fault Bighill for finishing the play .. I can fault him for the myriad number of other plays he's failed to make this year.
    3 points
  20. I can’t imagine Adams being in any kind of playing shape for November at the rate he’s taking shots. So far the only ongoing issue seems to be his ribs. That’s going to need rest soon and affect his ability to pass. But lots of danger taking 15-20+ hits a game of serious injury.
    3 points
  21. We can run all import dline for every snap if we choose...in varying combos....we dont need a Canadian Dline guy.....We need 1 canadian on defence...thats it....and if we actually used the Nationalized rule we would have even more flex Osh chooses to use sub par guys at DT....and at Times end with Hubert...no knock on him but he is far from ready to be a fulltime contributor...he also is of the belief that Krmdi is some all-star and needs to be on the field for all the reps when we can easily put a better...and cheaper optiuon there that is an Import....just poor poor use off assets and SMS money Thomas really has no business even being here other than on PR or 6 gamed in the scenario where we are absolutely gutted by injury...Biggie and BA too.....they are not the future, they definately should not be considered an optiojn in any role for 2025...and really they are hardly the now...we just stagnating any player development to succeed them, or allowing ourselves to evaluate guys on our PR this yr to see if they worth keeping and developing Good point in McGhee..They figured he was the dude this yr soley cause they held him all last yr...yet Bonds..Griffen..Bridges all surpassed him and made roster...we still have Parker who may factor in...yet we keep him on PR using up a spot...why not delete him and bring in a new guy to evaluate....That can be said of a lot of our PR guys the last few yrs...clung to guys for several yrs, when they could never make the roster, and then they just dumped to start the process over again....its pretty pathetic when u look at how we have managed things
    3 points
  22. For many of the potential player concerns, we don't even have to bench anyone to "try" things out. Jake...give him reps but not all of them, get Woods and Adams on at the same time the ratio allows it, see if it helps, rotate Jake more.... BA...Give him reps but let a Hallet take some reps see if one of them can improve, not a ratio concern....if they don't look any good give reps back to BA Biggie...ditto let the guy start and give him reps, but gives Jones some reps/rotations and see how he looks....again no ratio concerns Zach...let Strevelor take some plays....look Zach has looked terrible, maybe a few plays off here and there helps him...just when Strev. goes in do more than just run him, get some honest reps, maybe we can do a 1a/1b..it can't be worse.. While this one will require a minor roster move, get Lucky on the roster...give him some reps..at least he has been there done that, can back-up at returner....not a ratio concern...easy to get him on These are all easy roster things to try...look veteran leadership and chemistry is important or very much overlooked many times...but what we have now isn't working try a couple easy tweaks like listed above and review it on film.....maybe some of these work, maybe they don't but at least let's try something
    3 points
  23. Record aside, this was BLM's best start to a season going into this week.
    3 points
  24. Dickenson is such a miserable human.
    3 points
  25. No it wasn't suddenly, it started happening over the course of last year. Specifically after the game BC whooped his ass. Yes he had some big games after that but the problems started creeping in and have only continued. Yes he is not getting a lot of help from his receivers right now, but neither is he really helping himself either. Guy has lost "it", and when you are the highest paid player in the league you don't get to blame everyone else. You get paid like that you have to make chicken salad out of chicken **** sometimes.
    3 points
  26. Noeller

    Random Jets News

    3 points
  27. I can't imagine a situation like there where we wouldn't be taking knees. They got the ball with 53 seconds, no timeouts. The clock was running with 15 seconds on play clock when they snapped it with 5 seconds left. They were either incredibly stupid or being excessive on the last play of the game. There's no way they should have taken that last snap at more than 0:00.
    3 points
  28. 100% Colloros's decline was evident last year. We talked about it extensively. Many of us wanted the Bombers to keep Brown over Collaros. He couldn't throw on target - overthrows, lame duck underthrows, happy feet, panic under pressure - it was like he was slow to process or wasn't willing to take a hit. That was when he had decent pass pro. Dru Brown's throws by contrast were on target and had more zip. Now that some key receivers who bailed him out are injured Zach's deficits are even more on display for all to see. This year is shaping up to be 2017 again for Zach.
    2 points
  29. Yeah way more direct, get vertical and test the coverage, kind of Grant style. The couple where he tested the field he had already beat the first wave and then cut. I'd like to see him get more reps on returns and O. No reason they couldn't roster both him and Smith. Should be looking to build a running/screen game around all threats and I don't imagine Case is any worse at receiver than Wilson, Mitchell, Johnson....we've had at least two of those guys on the roster for every game. Sometimes with play design tighten up formations and having more guys in backfield actually creates more space across the field.
    2 points
  30. Jpan85

    Lock of the Week 8: 2024

    No we were done around this time last year
    2 points
  31. How do we know that this isn't the same thing that happens to Zach whenever he's on a bad team in the past? His current offensive line grades out to be the worst in the league in pass protection this season on top of whatever receiving core issues he's dealt with. Did Zach actually blame everyone else or did you attribute the comments of a fan supporting him to Zach himself? It seems as though you're talking more about Zach in terms of value for the dollar rather then looking at where he's at as a player right now. You have expectations for him that that are influenced by how much he's getting paid. Clearly we can't pay him like this next season. He'll have to take a pay cut. I'd look him strait in the eyes and say if you don't take a paycut we're sticking with Nuefeld and Kolo and see who blinks
    2 points
  32. The usual from that poster. Just ignore and move on. If it were the other way around, they would complain that the Bombers didn't run it down. It's predictable and sad.
    2 points
  33. I don't see anybody trading for Zach.
    2 points
  34. Why does it feel like O'Shea will make the tough decisions (i.e. benching the vets who are playing like crap) late in the season and once they actually insert new players who are hungry the team will regain a pulse and come alive and win several games late in the year when it is already too late? I feel like we've seen smaller versions of this story several years ago where it was glaringly obvious that a few positions needed a new face and when they finally make the change the team sees an instant improvement. Why not give Strev 3 - 5 games to see how he can progress and play? It's not like it could be much worse then Zach and his non existent TD's? Why not sit Bighill for at least 2 games and see if his replacement can make the tackles that he can no longer make? The team can no longer use the excuse of "extended pre season" or needing to shake the cob webs... what we see is what we are getting at this point so why wait until its late in the year to make a change?
    2 points
  35. If that bar were any lower....
    2 points
  36. If Fajardo is going to be out for 6ish I could see them biting. Especially if they have a bad deal for us to eat. Maybe ott though they shouldn’t. Edm, is a wild card. They could easily begin to play for assets rather than wins this year. But I’m sure they’d require a lot to eat that deal. We have to keep in mind that strevy signed a deal with significant play time incentives. If he hits those and we eat Zachs deal we could be in more cap trouble. It’s critical that we start making moves to save money and cut old dead weight before too long. We need those cap bucks pronto.
    2 points
  37. 17to85

    The Bighill thread

    The hit isn't really the problem, it's the landing, but **** Saskatchewan. I'm just made bighill can't do **** when it matters.
    2 points
  38. MOS is not going to change. I expect no major lineup changes. Thus I expect this season to continue to be frustrating.
    2 points
  39. Go BC, I guess since we seem to be destined to fight Calgary and Edmonton for third.
    1 point
  40. How about John? At least he could direct a winner.
    1 point
  41. bustamente

    Lions-Stamps GDT

    This weekends games have not been the most entertaining
    1 point
  42. coach17

    The Bighill thread

    I finally watched that last play of the game (Shut it off with about 10 minutes remaining because at that point I new it was just going to be torturing myself). Really don't see anything wrong or dirty with that last Bighill hit as Patterson was fully intending to make a football play right to the end and you always teach your players to play to the whistle , which is what Bighill was doing. The mistake was on Sasks part with a 10 point lead not to give up that play earlier. Should be no correlation at all with Marinos dirty late hits. The hit was well within the rules and tho Sask fans may be upset no fine should be levied.
    1 point
  43. Good time as any for Walters to flip Collaros back to Pinball in exchange for Arbuckle, freeing up plenty of capital to work with and convincing Pinball he's made a great trade which gives him the option to dump Kelly. Second part don't bother sending Arbuckle a plane ticket, when he inquires send the following response. FIOFO. Kyle
    1 point
  44. well if they focused on winning this yr...as well as next....playing a number of guys as legit front liners the way we are won't get it done...and just puts us further behind the curve for 2025
    1 point
  45. No i think they're focus is primarily still on winning. But when you combine some aging players we kept and a bunch that we didn't keep then all the injuries in my view/hope its turning out to be a rebuilding year while we still make the playoffs. My hope is that as we get more players back they start to actually look for replacements for some weaker starters. Would like to obviously see Wallace and Tui get more playing time at some point and taking a look at some more linebackers. Either guys we have here or signing NFL cuts who can make an impact next season.
    1 point
  46. Things are not so dismal for this team... they just need to actually be willing to be a meritocracy.
    1 point
  47. If the good players who are trying continue to see players who ought not to be on the field being trotted out game after game, frustration will rise leading to undisciplined play and subsequent penalties. I think the team is very close to that.
    1 point
  48. Walters & Osh are very slow to react which is concerning. If they think that somehow the team will fix itself in time to win a GC at home in 2025 then they're delusional.
    1 point
  49. Do you think that’s how it works? We lost the game because we are so untalented that those individual decisions now become game-changers. We used to be so talented and capable up and down the roster that those isolated moments become forgettable because we’re already up three scores in the same spot.
    1 point
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