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  1. Really easy to always say that there's some mystical coach out there that would be a better fit. We've been through generations as CFL fans watching teams including our own who keep believing that. Hufnagel, Grant, Mathews, Buono, O'Shea That's the order of CFL coaches by winning percentage. Let's pull our collective heads out of our asses.
    11 points
  2. You're talking about the HC who in 2023 played 4 players who physically couldn't play. Then last year put Zach back in the game with an injured & bloodied finger on his throwing hand. Blind leading the blind. Both Osh & Buck let everyone down.
    5 points
  3. We don't? What a waste of time this has been posting here for the last 12 years.
    4 points
  4. I'd like MOS to change some things (country club training camp, hanging onto aging vets) but wanting a coach to change some things isn't the same as wanting him fired. I don't want MOS fired. This has been Rebus's mini Ted Talk.
    3 points
  5. It would be equal to Calgary letting Buono walk... Completely ridiculous.
    3 points
  6. Yeah we’ve had 8 consecutive 10 win plus seasons, the only two teams with active streaks are Toronto with 3, and Montreal with 2. We’re by far the most successful team in the last decade.
    3 points
  7. he needs to be more intrusive and not worry about the "nice guy" mystique and take control at times...It's part of the job....Our unwillingness for anyone...be it HC ..GM or even prez step in and if anything just say "why" to some of our decisions has ultimately cost us 3 Cups...and before anyone says "yeah but injuries"...well dressing hurt guys...not pulling guys who got hurt and not replacing them in game....and unwillingness to adjut to the game flow...instead just keep hammering away with a flawed scheme and showing no faith in any back-ups to step in...and step up...killed us...and was a conscious decision by...at end of the day..the HC....It's okay to bench guys...replace hurt guys....tell a co-ord to get his **** together or he gonna take control..... or ...maybe the wise ones can look at it a different way eh?...Who the eff keeps a coach in place who has failed in 3 straight championships...for reasons that were common in all 3?...there is that angle as well when head is pulled out of sand and blue glass removed If we were to move on and replace our HC....And due diligence was used in picking one...who is not a moron....an assbag...or Chris Jones...we will be just fine...maybe better...we wouldnt fall off a cliff....
    3 points
  8. I'll be having a word or two...with my keyboard.
    3 points
  9. I know that there's context needed here, but go back to the coaches between Ritchie and Osh, and tell yourself circa....whatever year...... That in 2025, the Bombers had won the West 4 years running, regularly decimated the Riders, went to the GC 5 years in a row... Won 2 of those GCs....... ....and there's a call to fire the HC..... As JBR said, heads from asses, please...
    2 points
  10. Pretty good company considering the mess oshea walked into.
    2 points
  11. Honestly i think the gm has already started addressing things. Oshea still has plenty of rope.
    2 points
  12. The Bombers are currently the most successful franchise in the CFL, they sellout multiple games in a row, the stands are always full, people are having a fantastic time, food, beverage and merchandise sales are up and they've had a winning record finishing first in the West the last 4 seasons and going to the GC the last 5. I believe Wade Miller is happy with all the measurables. What are you hoping to accomplish by firing O'Shea, achieve one move victory per season? In what way is he damaging the brand or the franchise?
    2 points
  13. Right now, no one really has much of that. It comes down to how well they scout and recruit, which is a huge unknown on Feb. 28.
    2 points
  14. on one hand, you're not wrong, but on the other hand, I wouldn't use GDTs to win any arguments except arguments about the emotional stability of MBB posters.
    2 points
  15. Who the **** fires coaches when they been to 5 straight cups. Honestly. Some of your comments are just ridiculous. Some of you really believe you have some say huh. That’s wild.
    2 points
  16. and in related news Germans live in Germany....
    2 points
  17. Time: Saturday 1800, SNW Stats: 26-26-8 @ 42-15-3 Streaks: OT1 @ L1 Last Ten: 4-4-2 @ 9-1-0 Notable Notes: Morgan is back, Gus out FWIW After 60 Games: 2024/25 42-15-3 = 87pts 🥇 2023/24 39-16-5 = 83pts 2022/23 35-24-1 = 71pts 2021/22 27-33-10 = 64pts 2019/20 30-25-5 = 65pts 2018/19 36-20-4 = 76pts 2017/18 35-16-9 = 79pts
    1 point
  18. LOVE this title!! Kudos, sir. Since anthem singing has become political now, and the club shows no signs of not singing the US despite the boos, after today would really like to see the Hoosli Men’s Ukrainian Chorus sing the anthems tomorrow and include the Ukrainian anthem like they did once before. I would stand and cheer for that.
    1 point
  19. I’ve always admired the Steelers way of working with coaches and not canning guys. I think it is repeatable, if you have a growth mindset top to bottom. easy to do but hard to do well. Filling bottom end roster spots with above average starters at a contenders level is a strong option imo. Wr is pretty much as it always has been when we’ve needed talent. The upside is we have the tools to develop WRs quickly. Dobson is replaced either by ratio swap or Wallace. Either way I think we will be better and I like Dobson. dt I think comes down to our usage and health. Woods and Lawson is tremendous. We. Could use a sayles style 3t pressure guy who can play 30 edge maybe 40 edge too. Walters and co needs to step up here. the pressure is gonna be on Walters. He needs to have one of his best recruiting crops this year.
    1 point
  20. Coaches are hired to be fired, just the nature of the business....however now ain't the time to be talking about firing oshea. Nothing is so far gone it can't be corrected.
    1 point
  21. YOU wouldnt have to rebuild...if you had a solid roster....not much would be needed...and safe to say we do....its how you use said roster, and organizationally how we do business....wouldnt change...so yes we'd be just fine Mike Oshea....all th good and positive he brings...he isn't the BlueBombers and sucess dies without him...nope I played for nice guy coaches...who after 7..8 yrs and not evolving....started to slide...and then fade out with a firing...and life went on...teams had success...some even better success....not a shot at Oshea...just a fact of pro sports coaching....every damn one has a shelf life whether people wanna believe or not...and many have been let go to the shock and shagrin of fans...media....it happens...and it will here too...its not being a hater...just reality...and another flop this yr with same themes as last 3....its time nobody saying right now....but I wouldn't even consider an extension for him till after the season is over....and more of the same....why would we?...and maybe that unknown and possibility of a non rehire would be the elixir needed to have a bit of a shift on how he manages some things...and a bad attitude and less than optimal effort because he didnt get rewarded a new deal prior to current expiring is good reason to also walk away....like a player has to...earn your next payday...no player is gonna get premium pay based on 5 yrs ago work when he has shown decline in the last 2..3...same goes for a coach
    1 point
  22. Would be an absolute epic disaster to lose Osh right now.... But we'll see how this year goes.
    1 point
  23. He must 100% put the team's best interest before his agendas and ideals, but he won't unless he is forced to. In the past, nice guy "player" coaches had a shelf life. You'd see discipline and execution slip further and further until teams would move on, usually to a stricter guy. But in modern pro sports, that heavy-handed type of head coach just doesn't work anymore, so it doesn't exist. You have shades of nice/strict but nothing close to the guys 20-25 years ago. And coaches don't have the power to use practice to reel in such issues anymore. I think Mos position with this stuff is a crossroads that many coaches in pro sports are at. I don't think anyone knows what the next step is, but in the meantime, moving further into the stricter, higher accountability side would be a big improvement. For a rebuilding team, firing a coach is easy. Because the expectation resets. For a playoff/contender, it's a really hard situation. You need to know you have access to a guy who is turnkey at that level of winning. I don't think that is available today. And I am sure the team is not willing to risk a rebuild. The only ways out for Mos are for someone unexpected to become available and the change is made, most quits/leaves at the end of his deal, or the team collapses into a rebuild. I don't think any of those are likely. Though the most likely one is a collapse. We do not have the roster flexibility to absorb more than maybe 1 all-star caliber injury and still stay in the race.
    1 point
  24. Which is usually not the case when someone takes an HC job - usually there is rebuilding to be done That would be the difference - if O'Shea were let go
    1 point
  25. Tough turnaround I’m sure. Ottawa to Nashville with customs involved is wild scheduling and it’s showing. They look tired. Stanley still awful also. Just slow and dumb decisions.
    1 point
  26. Jets look tired. Especially sloppy in the D zone. That hit on Ehlers should’ve been another penalty. The fact that we just had a 5 on 3 advantage keeps the ref’s arms down…. Which is ridiculous.
    1 point
  27. Team looks disinterested. The shot total is also wrong for the Jets. I have no idea what classifies as a shot anymore.
    1 point
  28. If a head coach does not have the insight or will to correct a subordinate coach when said subordinate is screwing up obviously and costing the team the game and championship, then you have a BIG problem rectifiable only with road maps and apples for two to go.
    1 point
  29. I think Bud stole a line from W.C. Fields referring to Philadelphia...The difference is that Bud liked kids unlike Fields who said he couldn't stand either..lol....Best thing that ever happened to the Bombers is when Grant became head coach....Will OSH prove me wrong ?? Jury is out
    1 point
  30. Bigblue204

    Free Agency 2025

    The white ones are ok in that....But I prefer the Blue and gold pants.
    1 point
  31. Should you blame a cold virus for a runny nose? Yes. Throwing into double coverage is a symptom of a weak offensive scheme. Should the QB do it? No....obviously not, but he is paid to make plays and when he is throwing into double coverage one has to ask why the QB felt that was his best/only option. Also, he may have thrown into double coverage 3-4 times all season. Don't exaggerate to try and make your point, we've all watched the games and know this was not something that happened game in and game out. Did he throw into tight coverage often, yes, and that is the DB reading the route far easier than he should have been able to. That's on the OC mostly, and partly on the receiver not recognizing his route tree options based on the DB positioning.
    1 point
  32. We can definitely blame Buck for not giving Brady the ball more in the biggest game of the season.
    1 point
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