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  1. I understand not settling for 2nd place over and over. But regardless of that....this is the greatest era of Bomber football ever. No question. End of story. Period. MOS has a job until he doesn't want it imo. I'm fine riding with him till the wheels fall off. And they will....they do for everyone.
    5 points
  2. Really easy to always say that there's some mystical coach out there that would be a better fit. We've been through generations as CFL fans watching teams including our own who keep believing that. Hufnagel, Grant, Mathews, Buono, O'Shea That's the order of CFL coaches by winning percentage. Let's pull our collective heads out of our asses.
    3 points
  3. Not an apples to apples comparision...Stamps' facility & gameday experience sucks.
    2 points
  4. Ryan Dinwiddie is the best HC in the CFL & his tree has spawned one very successful rookie HC in Corey Mace who has changed the culture of the team under Dave Dickenson. Just based on whet they did in free agency, they are a better team than they were in 2024.
    2 points
  5. I think how we recruit free agents and at what positions vs how Hamilton does will give us a strong indication of how much was the guys under Walters and how much he had a strong hand in. It’s a big proof is in the pudding year for us.
    2 points
  6. Hey I don't think I'm a has been yet...
    2 points
  7. I started watching the bombers when Ritchie was coach. There's a long list of things I wanted to see but didn't A win in Regina in my 20s. It just didn't happen A grey cup. Got there after almost twenty years of watching. Online fans being happy with anything the team did. Winnipeg Heights, OB MBB, anywhere I've seen football talk it's as negative with 5:grey cup appearances in a row as when Mike Kelly or Jim Daley was coach. Online fans being happy with who is picked for coach and being right. Tim Burke says hi. The closest was being happy when we got O'Shea. Is he perfect, no. But the man changed the culture of a losing team not respected by the league. Then we started signing guys who said they came to Winnipeg because of O'Shea. The day will come when he's fired because that's just how it goes in sports, but even when that day comes show some damn appreciation for the turnaround of a team that was absolutely terrible top to bottom.b Swaggerville was fun. Roberts and sellers was fun. Khari to milt was great. But this right now is the only stretch in decades where the team is consistently in contention, when it's a surprise to lose rather than a surprise to win (unless you're booch, who is surprised 10-14 times per session). Guys like Danny Maccocia(sp?) and Chris Jones keep getting jobs. There's no excess of great coaches out there. I'd rather lose with O'Shea than win with a guy like Jones.
    2 points
  8. The Bombers are currently the most successful franchise in the CFL, they sellout multiple games in a row, the stands are always full, people are having a fantastic time, food, beverage and merchandise sales are up and they've had a winning record finishing first in the West the last 4 seasons and going to the GC the last 5. I believe Wade Miller is happy with all the measurables. What are you hoping to accomplish by firing O'Shea, achieve one move victory per season? In what way is he damaging the brand or the franchise?
    2 points
  9. Time: Saturday 1800, SNW Stats: 26-26-8 @ 42-15-3 Streaks: OT1 @ L1 Last Ten: 4-4-2 @ 9-1-0 Notable Notes: Morgan is back, Gus out FWIW After 60 Games: 2024/25 42-15-3 = 87pts 🥇 2023/24 39-16-5 = 83pts 2022/23 35-24-1 = 71pts 2021/22 27-33-10 = 64pts 2019/20 30-25-5 = 65pts 2018/19 36-20-4 = 76pts 2017/18 35-16-9 = 79pts
    1 point
  10. Winning championships is certainly the biggest success indicator and goal but far from the only one. I think a lot of people would say consistent winning is next. I think that’s in the next tier, but I’d put the ability to find ways to win when the underdog (like toronto) and limiting upset losses are the next biggest ones. With that, we are clearly one of the most successful teams in the league over the past decade. Currently, I think Toronto and Montreal handily out perform our coaching staff where and when it counts. But we 3 are the top tier for sure.
    1 point
  11. Yeah, this is my thinking right now. I may not be impressed with Osh's coaching right now but I don't believe he should be fired. Yet. However, I do believe the weak link in the organization may now be Walters. I maintain his best years were 2017-19 & 21. The past 4 years we've lost key players to other teams in free agency & never replaced them. Especially on the OL & DL. At least before, he'd go out & sign some A Lister free agents. Expected big things this off season as we are hosting the Grey Cup & poof!! nothing, really. Hard to believe that this is the same guy who signed Stanley Bryant & Adam Bighill.
    1 point
  12. How about the lower middle, middle, middle upper classes can’t afford it ‘excuse’?
    1 point
  13. Imagine thinking GC wins were the only metric for success, that would make Milt a flop of a nobody, and Khari only knew success with the Riders
    1 point
  14. That league is dead.... But no doubt some others will come along after the UFL folds thinking they have the magic financial formula to draw fnas to games & get incredible ratings. They won't of course.
    1 point
  15. Two attempted dekes with no success. Let’s change to shooting with our grade a chances.
    1 point
  16. Stanley is one of the worst d men in the league. Pionk is a pending UFA. Risto is an RHD. Has 2 years remaining. It makes sense.
    1 point
  17. Pretty good company considering the mess oshea walked into.
    1 point
  18. You're talking about the HC who in 2023 played 4 players who physically couldn't play. Then last year put Zach back in the game with an injured & bloodied finger on his throwing hand. Blind leading the blind. Both Osh & Buck let everyone down.
    1 point
  19. In one signing, Logan took out Augustine and Lucky.
    1 point
  20. Augustine was a ST dynamo but never gonna be a full time RB. This is not a huge loss.
    1 point
  21. They’ll have to use an NI backup elsewhere but Peyton Logan signing pretty much pushed Augustine off the roster on offence and MCI can take over as the ST/RB depth
    1 point
  22. Yep plus great athleticism, high 4.3 40 with tremendous acceleration. Great football iq, good reliable wrap and tackle guy with great ball skills. Great competitive dog mentality too. Projects as a defensive half, and could likely play any spot in the back end. Definitely a blue chip prospect.
    1 point
  23. Most interesting thing I found was that Strev had a broken rib in his first start that really limited what he could do after. It seemed apparent he was injured, now we know. Fully healthy, this guy can still truck.
    1 point
  24. good thing going into camp...we have 4 outta 5 QB's who have experience...and won games in the league....the 5th guy prob has the best potential and serious upside, and already shows the traits you want...so we dont have to rush abd ruin him, and maybe this time a guy we develop stays in the fold...I'm okay with our situ at the moment at QB....As long as we dont extend before camp...or during the season
    1 point
  25. 0 points
  26. I can see someone making it only one anthem and English only
    0 points
  27. FYI: literacy rates and sales of written materials (books, magazines and newspapers) have all gone down each year in the US for the past 6 years, paralleling the rise of intolerance and extremism.
    0 points
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