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Blue and Goldfish

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Everything posted by Blue and Goldfish

  1. If said rumor is true, that is between the people involved and is really no ones business but theirs. Does anyone truly expect that the Jets, Bombers or any reporter will come out with a statement saying that "x" player did "y". No, they will keep it in house. Because it is damaging to the reputation of the person and the organization. No reporter is going to say anything because (1) any health information is kept confidential, they can't just go to HSC and say hey can I look at this person's file and (2) if they did report it in any way, shape or form they would be sued and rightly so. You will never get a credible source for this info, unless you are told by people directly involved and even then no one will believe you. At the end of the day I don't give a **** what they do with their money and in their spare time.
  2. So you think the CBC should have outbid SportsNet for NHL broadcasting rights? SportsNet blew TSN out of the water with their bid. And I believe the CBC is mostly funded by taxpayer dollars. No. I believe they had an opportunity to hold onto the deal they had for Saturday games and a share of the playoffs with a reasonable offer. They took HNIC for granted and were stunned when the league balked at their offer excluding them. They were not a player for national rights. I haven't seen that reported anywhere, that CBC had an opportunity to keep HNIC rights. They did not. My friend is a mid-level management person at CBC and CBC was directed to drop NHL hockey as it conflicted with TSN and Rogers' interests. That's an interesting conspiracy theory, but is just that. At the end it came down to just Bell and Rogers because CBC made a low ball offer for the Saturday/playoff package. The bidding took place over the course of years. The NHL was very hesitant to exclude CBC due to how important the HNIC brand has been and were willing to work with them but were really left with little choice because of the terrible offer by comparison. It was a miscalculation by Lacroix and Orridge, the NHL called their bluff and sold that national package along with the rest of the national rights to Rogers. Widely reported in the national papers in the weeks following the announcement of the Rogers deal, especially the Globe and Mail and very similar to what happened with the CFL rights in 2007. source?
  3. Best of luck to the new commish, Here's hoping he can help improve the CFL's image and possibly get a 5th team out east (for scheduling reasons).
  4. I will say Rider fans win the award for wearing rider gear in the most inappropriate situations.
  5. John Madden at his best!
  6. I for one am excited, I like the idea of Luke showing up late. If they do it right. Talk about him during the start of the movie. Say what he is doing (off killing some Imps or some other badass thing) so when he does show up, the anticipation they built up would be awesome! One other thing is I hope they have one or two main villains and keep them for the entire trilogy. Have one of them kill Han or Leia in the first or second movie, so the tension for the next movie is built up and people can get a real sense of hatred toward the new Sith Lord.
  7. Well I for one hope for a high scoring close game. I will be interested in seeing how Hamilton will scheme for Cornish and I hope to Banks break a few again. But Calgary has a lot of other weapons as well. In the end I don't really care who wins this one, I am just hoping for a good game! Good luck Zontar, the only thing better then the feeling of your team being in the Grey Cup is actually winning it!
  8. I bought this guys jersey after this hit. Worth it! I lost it a few years back though I tried to make it so it would start at 1:50 but I couldn't make it work.
  9. Pretty much my thoughts as a Winnipeg sports fan.....
  10. Monty Python Kids in the Hall
  11. One of my favourites! He-man at his best Wish this show wasn't cancelled
  12. Meh start Willy both games unless injury or the score reflects a need for a change. I want to see how Willy leads this team these last two games, can he still get the boys fired up to play well. He needs these starts, he is still a young QB.
  13. Personally I would rather see 1 centre and a qb and then 10 receivers.
  14. Well there is this quote from Full Metal Jacket " Willy is so tough that he would eat the boogers from a dead man's nose and ask for seconds!"
  15. This thread has more drama than day time TV
  16. Bring back Crowley!!!!!
  17. Ah **** it, I say Ottawa
  18. I wouldn't say they "shut up" about it, just visit any local coffee shop in "insert town name here" Ahh how I miss the old boys complaining, wouldn't be home without it!
  19. Would you risk playing Willy against Hamilton if he is not 100%?
  20. Three teams don't make the playoffs but ya I assume we would pick third if we don't make it
  21. How long does Campbell stay with Burris before trying someone new? Will he start all 18 this year?
  22. I would love nothing more than to see an absolute beat down! Chances are slim that will happen but if we win by 30 plus points I would be sooooooo happy!
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