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  1. Don't mean to distract anyone from tonights game, or to be a downer, but I have to get this off my chest: this game was very, very emotional for me. My Mom was a big Blue Bomber fan. And back in November, 2019, we watched the Bombers win the Cup together. We cried and hugged each other with joy, as she waited so long to see the Blue win the Cup (as did we all). Last week our family lost our Mom, at age 96. She lived a long and good life and she truly had a heart of gold (I'd like to think "Blue And Gold!"😉) and was loved by all who knew her. And that Grey Cup game was the last Bomber game she would ever see. It breaks my heart that she couldn't watch the game tonight, but if she could have, she would have had a big smile on her face, to see the Bombers win, especially after this last year and a half or so of the world going crazy. So, with a mixture of happiness and sadness, I'm thinking of Mom tonight. #ForMyMom #ForThe W🥲💔🏈
  2. Wow, I went on too long there! Sorry!
  3. Don't post much here, but would like to share a few things about what tonight's Blue Bomber Grey Cup victory meant to me, if that's ok. Some info to put it into context... - had a car accident in January. No one was hurt, and 0% my fault, but my car was written off. Had to buy lower quality vehicle with the settlement. - spent nearly two weeks in the hospital with a nasty leg infection. - engine blew out on my above-mentioned new (used) car. Ended up S.O.L. on that one. - got another new car and got into another accident less than two months later. No one was hurt, but I will admit to being at fault for that one. Just a brain fart on my part. My bad. Had to buy another car. - my mom, who let me move in with her 16 years ago, when my divorce cleaned me out, is moving into a nursing home at the end of this month, i.e. the end of this week (cue jokes re: grown man living with his mom, not to worry, no offence will be taken). What with the packing, searching for a place to live, plus the arranging of two moves, plus searching for three new (used) cars in one year, a hospital stay, and this being the last Grey Cup we'll watch under this roof, and all that upheaval and stress of this whole ***ing year... well, my mom and I had a good cry (good tears!) and a good hug and we both let out a loud WHOOP! when Zach took that knee at the end of the 4th quarter! Anyways... Cheering for a sports team may seem meaningless in the grand scheme of things, but, at least for me and my mom and my brother and sister and their spouses (all of us life-long Blue Bomber fans), tonight, the Winnipeg Blue Bombers winning the 2019 Grey Cup means... well... everything. I love the Blue & Gold, win or lose, but needless to say, I❤my Winnipeg Blue Bombers now more than ever! Congratulations to the 2019 Grey Cup Champion Winnipeg Blue Bombers! What an amazing game! Congrats to Andrew Harris! And thank you!🏈🤗❤ Having said that, as Tyrone Jones, James "Wild Wild" West and the rest of the Blue Bombers once said back in the day... WHO GOT 'DA CUP? WE GOT 'DA CUP !!! Thanks for indulging my rant. Smiling now like I haven't in a long time! 😁👍🏈
  4. Be afraid. Be very afraid. https://www.chrisd.ca/2019/08/14/walby-burger-winnipeg-blue-bombers/ Can you say "exploding heart", anyone? 🍔💩🚽💔🚑🏥💀 I still want one. 😥
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