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  1. This. He seems like a decent guy who unfortunately still believes that the answer to traffic congestion is roads, roads, and more roads. I see him as the 'more of the same old mediocrity' candidate. Now that Loney seems to have enough momentum that I can switch my vote from Murray to him without much fear of Gillingham winning, that's what I'm going to do.
  2. If you want a progressive city that actually acts like a city should, vote Loney. If you want more of the same barely treading water, Gillingham.
  3. Maybe he'll stick around as the next Bisons HC. Dobie can't do it forever, can he?
  4. Now you have me wondering... If they are Manitobans, it's limited to a pretty small handful of people. 🤔
  5. "The Manitoba Liberals hope their candidate for Fort Whyte can intercept the seat recently vacated by former premier Brian Pallister." Intercept? He wasn't even a defensive player. Should've used some sort of running analogy.... Front-runner, run away with the seat, etc...
  6. Meanwhile, the North West Company is still going strong! https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/quote/NWC.TO?p=NWC.TO&.tsrc=fin-srch
  7. I saw some on Waverley a few weeks ago and figured it must have something to do with Pride Month...
  8. To be fair to the pandemic, hardly anyone ate at Konz pre-pandemic...
  9. North Norfolk has a lot of colonies, but it also has a very large Mennonite population. MacGregor and the surrounding villages have at least six Mennonite churches that I'm aware of, and a very conservative Christian school. I have family in the area, and there's a ton of anti-vax, anti-mask, "personal freedom"-type sentiment...
  10. Go check out his Instagram now! I'm not sure what the injury was in his third year that caused him to retire, but it didn't effect his strength. Dude is jacked and gearing up for a body building competition later this year!
  11. You can buy the biscuit mix in grocery stores, and they're really, really good at home too!
  12. I'd put decent money on Josh Guenter being one of them...
  13. Us Bears fans had high hopes for Meredith in 2017 after his break out 2016 season (as did many fantasy GMs who drafted before the third preseason game), and that knee injury was a huge bummer. Was super excited to see him sign here, and the living in Winnipeg part is a crazy twist to the story!
  14. My dad kicked the crap out of me at chess and ping pong for years and I kept coming back for more. Winning wasn't even a consideration at the start, just trying to get a good spike in once in a while or last more than ten moves. Always learning, always improving...
  15. Any incentives should be retroactive. Why should people be rewarded for holding out? I like the lottery some states are doing. Vaccinated? You are eligible to win a million bucks. Not that it would really help among those anti-gambling Mennonites...
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