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The Classic

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  1. Thanks. We know the pain you're feeling right now, but you're a classy guy with a classy coach, great team and a solid organization. Excellent fan base too. If it wasn't our time, we'd be pulling for your fellas against most others. Great season bud.
  2. Where we meeting? Stadium?
  3. I'm with the guy who feels like puking. Damn these nerves.
  4. Keith Urban strikes me as a guy who should be thrusting the air to a slow song in a sweaty, smoke filled bar in Transcona, to a room half filled with well beyond their prime groupies, but if we pull off this second half, I'm buying this fellas back catalogue and buying a koala.
  5. Hate to be negative, but shoulders never heal fully after a surgery. They patch your shoulder up so it doesn't affect your daily life, but throwing day in and day out through a full season isn't gonna happen. Range of motion shortens and chance of re-injury is significant. If this were Rookie of the Year, I'd say we sign Nichols and snap the tendons of the rest of our rostered QB's, but sadly, this injury is like me messing around with fireworks and messing up my best typing finger, my job is gonna suffer. ( I got pretty liberal with the analogy, but hey, internet stuff is fun)
  6. I made the mistake of taking a peek. Made me remember how much I hate those backwoods morons. Parsing through their atrocious attempts at English, I can confirm our team is a) roundly hated by them, b) the dirtiest team in the league, c) their province would be better walled off from the world and flooded with bleach (that might be a war crime... I dunno but, I just really don't like sk.)
  7. Yeah, what was the deal with that? It looked like the toilet bowl had a **** streak leftover.
  8. Haven't waded through the thread yet so forgive any rehashing pls. Wasn't a big fan of Collaros coming on board, but I must admit, he made plays Nichols just couldn't the last year and a bit. He hit receivers in the hands and they actually turned up field. He extended plays and looked for receivers. He didn't throw 80% of his passes to Harris. The guy had VERY limited time with our team, hasn't played football in over a year, and put up numbers as good as Nichols against arguably the team to beat in the CFL who needed that win. Hats off to Collaros. I didn't expect much, and I certainly didn't expect to win yesterday. Also, eff the Calgary for the over the top outright shows of disrespect. Need a special teamer to put Mitchell or Rogers in the gutter after that garbage.
  9. I believe hate is now pronounced blubber?
  10. Not to besmirch your points, but fact doesn't mean what you think it does... the word you're looking for is opinion, my friend.
  11. This guy, amiright? Bet he's the highlight at the Thanksgiving table, telling aunt/sister Becky how she put too much nutmeg in the yams, and there's too much salt in the gravy, but all he showed up with is a litre of Mountain Dew Code Red for himself so he can be constantly alert for Booch posts. Interrupts Uncle Grandpa talking about his time during the Gopher wars to yell at the 3-armed shuffling hairy thing he's been told to call Sister (soon to be wife) the correct pronunciation of acai and floutist just because it's sure to make him look smart. Imagine how sad this sock puppet of a human being must be to go to this trouble. Best advice, my sense little sasky moron, think about why you are who you are, then change literally every. single. painfully. stupid. thing.
  12. Thrashing around in the water while you're drowning is doing something. Buying gas station herbal rogaine while you look like Friar Tuck is doing something. Grinding around with severe whiskey **** is doing something. Having that diet coke is doing something... More often than not, doing something for the sake of doing something ends with wasted money, fleeting gratification, a steep drop into sadness, followed by cancer. I'm not saying a football team can collectively get cancer and heaven forbid, but this cup drought is metaphorical football cancer. I hate Saskatchewan.
  13. No better way to prove you're a massive unbearable loser who's a burden to your family, the people you think are your friends, community and world as a whole, than by going onto another team's fan forum in the late hours of a Saturday night, reading back at least two weeks to find a point you can mildly contend with, dusting off the Cheetos grit from your fat sausage-like fingers and pounding away on your filthy semen encrusted keyboard, hoping your autocorrect can somehow translate the mishmash of half-thoughts and basic low IQ into English coherent enough to make you relevant for a moment. You're relevant now, champ, for about as long as it takes to read this and laugh at you for thinking Hughes is worth half that contract.
  14. My level of respect for you has gone through the roof. I sold my soul for a couple bucks and a pension and they scoop it out with a real tiny sharp green spoon, but I'll always be blue and gold.
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