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Everything posted by FrostyWinnipeg

  1. The only player ED would want for Eberle is Bogo. Funny how everyone is focusing on Eberle. Come to think of it, i've wanted Eberle for years myself.
  2. Several good candidates this time around. No Ron Pollock! If you believe the last poll(which i found a lil strange) the undecided will decide this. I'll be working way out west side of the city this time. Should be a decent October day to get out n vote.
  3. Well considering that Ford is considered by most to be > then Grigsby folks would agree with you even if you are giving us the just kidding grin.
  4. C'mon guys, this is Winnipeg... I blame the media! I blame Ptolemy!
  5. Can we just call Damon Allen insanely average and leave it at that?
  6. Troy Westwood's shorts live to see another fart.
  7. Of course everyone is guessing how they might do but I don't think peeps are too far off on guesstimations on draft picks. Lemieux/Crosby were anointed the next ones and that was true. Last year was considered a very strong draft and this year a weak one. So far that's seems to be holding true for both. Their top 3 forwards are still worth a first round pick at least by me.
  8. It's just one game but Brohm seemed to throw better then Willy. On the other hand Marve throws harder then both. Too hard on one play. Need to see more. Troy Kopp got a win for us and Joe Elliott was POTW twice.
  9. Those aren't the SD channels for people who have the new cable box from Shaw. The new cable boxes automatically put the HD feed on the SD channel numbers. Another reason I prefer MTS cable - no crap about a free preview and TSN 1-5 are part of the basic service. That is correct. For the uninformed, new boxes like the DCX3200 make SD channels HD if the HD equivalent exists in the 200's. So channel 2 is CBC Wpg HD and nothing is on 209. One weird exception is PBS SD is Grand Forks and HD is Fargo. I wonder if some peeps are using older boxes which are slowly losing channels due to new compression.
  10. His twitter feed says otherwise. Reading between the lines on his tweets, pretty obvious he asked to be released because he was replaced by Cotton. Which made no sense. Grigsby =/> Cotton
  11. Agree with this but my one beef in all of this is that Grigsby backing up Cotton is like Willy backing up Marve. Do we put down 6-12 as the final season totals now?
  12. I do not think we are in any position to let O-Lineman go. As bad as some of them have been this year, if they are under contract bring em back next year and let the best man win. Would like a vet backup QB tho.
  13. MOS is safe then? Cause we seeing Burke thinking the last 2 games.
  14. https://twitter.com/GeorgeRichards/status/521809217657659393
  15. Last nights game was dejavu all over again. Not sure if Pav had a good game considering it was over by the time he came in. Only 3 games in and I see Thorburn > Peluso and Postma > Clitsome. Yeah I know its only 3 games in. Buff goes crazy in S.J. and Wheels in L.A. I guess they taking over the star in the penalty box role now that Kane is gone. Hutch's 3rd goal not good but i didnt think he was overly bad on the first 2. Already coming up on a must win home-opener and with a 4 day break how can they lose?
  16. Jets v1 vs Jets v2 Game starts at 9 with the ceremonies probably 915-920. See you in the chat, Go Jets Go
  17. Dross-over - that about covers it between BC and Winnipeg right now. Bruce Jenner-over
  18. Casey Printers should really answer his phone.
  19. Official roster https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BzX3KX0CMAErjUW.jpg:large
  20. That sequel to the Re-Animator that you always wanted.
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