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Everything posted by FrostyWinnipeg

  1. Anyone think that Trouba/Scheif might have sophomore slumps?
  2. 2 things of note here. Comrie < Helly? Bring on the debate. I kinda liked Lodge.
  3. Couple of us are in the chat room tonight bloggin during the game against Minn. Welcome all and we have Munchies!
  4. Ott ruined what could have been the greatest week off ever.
  5. Might as well have all 4 east teams win this week. #greatestoffweekever
  6. For me when Gretzky got traded I saw the end of Canadian dominance coming. From the moment the Rangers bought the cup I stopped caring. We became the hockey version of MLB for 10 years with money being the deciding factor most of the time. Now that they are back it's me and pops ranting and raving the way it should be. Sooner or later they will get older then LOOK OUT!
  7. You don't have TSN3? And which Bell? Satellite or Fibe? Perhaps Mark H. does not know that TSN Jets has been rolled into the new TSN3. So if you get TSN3 and you in Manitoba - you get the Jets games.
  8. My first remembrance of Bomber QB was Dieter and his 2 MVP's(against Warren Moon). But I voted for KP. As others have said you just can't overlook the GC wins and you just can not overlook Dieters method of leaving this city. That bridge still burns. All-time teams are generational but I think Ploen will take this. Same reason why Bradford will always be voted best QB in Pittsburgh.. Ooops mean Bradshaw. Thanks ISO_55
  9. Only one team can crossover. We need to be at best 4th place to get the crossover. 5th place can't also move to the east (hence the calls from many to switch to a no-division league -- best 6 teams make the playoffs). Yeah, that's what people are missing (and I'd been doing the same thing...) there's now 5 teams in the West, and only the 4th can cross over.... Yep, the 5th place team in the West will have more wins/points then the first place team in the East and will get FUDGED!
  10. Think most Sask fans follow Edmonton don't they?
  11. Need a Manitoban to send u a Shaw Direct/Bell Expressvu box. Thats the only way unless u want to hook up laptop to tv. Crying shame it is. Try and find Manitoba who wants FlamesTV and do a swap.
  12. I'd like to see Ehlers on the Jets now but thats desperate thinkin on my part. Morrisey/Petan I think are back to junior as they cant go to AHL right? BTW, any thoughts on Lodge?
  13. Have to beat OTT/HAM and B.C. Lose to OTT/HAM and it's over early.
  14. Burris's biggest problem this year is that he is on an expansion team. End of story.
  15. It's WPG vs B.C. for 4th. Such is life we finish 5th and out of the playoffs BUT we would be in 1st place in the East and THEN we'll see where those separate division lovers are.
  16. Ritchie was god to me so if he thinks thats what Ritchie would do we should do that. I'll go back farther then that. Dunigan goes down, Cal's son-in-law takes the ball in the GC and fumbles with no one around him.
  17. Well at least MOS liked it, was smiling the whole game it seemed.
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